Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Blogger "Likes" & "Dislikes"Changes...

Once again I have had to edit these areas...Dislike "all bugs" to "most bugs" and Likes to add "Dragonflies" and "Ladybugs"!

I've always known that "Ladybugs" are the good guys because they eat other bugs...especially aphids. If you garden or have indoor plants that are infested with aphids you really need ladybugs to help eliminate them! As a kid, I was always told that the spots represented how old the bugs was and upon further reading about these wonderful bugs...the spots represents the type of Ladybug not age.
Who cares...just as long as they eat bugs!


I used to be afraid of Dragonflies [males]/Damselflies [females] because they looked so scary and having them fly into my personal space and even land on me...creeped me right out! It's only recently that I have learned that these guys are my friends...they eat bugs that like to nibble on me! These flying bugs eat small gnats, mosquitoes, black flies, horseflies and deerflies! I now call them my angels! This years has been exceptionally bad for the annoying biting insects and if you plan on doing anything outdoors you have to protect yourselves by using bug spray...which I am very allergic to.

Last week we had to go out to clean up [weed] the walking trail [that we are in the process of building] and remove weeds from the parking lot that adjoins this trail. Knowing that the bug infestation was bad I had to protect myself from the enemy with spray...later fining out that I didn't need to. There must have been a million dragonflies out there with us and they kept us safe by eating the enemy! They were kind of annoying by darting around us and flying right up to our faces but I didn't care as they kept us free of bugs especially the mosquitoes and horseflies!

At work here there are lots of them flying around the shady area of my deck and sitting out having coffee with PoD has been more enjoyable with no voracious bugs trying to feed on us! So the flying angel is now my best friend...it still looks creepy but you can't judge something by the way it looks! With the vast amount of them it is definitely the year of the Dragonfly!

Finally freedom from bug spray!

Sunday, July 29, 2007


My wonderful [?] neighbors have put their house up for sale!

If I was rich I would buy if from them [anonymously] and help them move!

After our last episode [beer bottle incident] the cops did drop by to check out their side of the story [which was denied...no surprise] and issued a warning about leaving me and whom ever was visiting me...alone! I was also told not to talk to them [like I would] and all has been quiet! Although, I still haven't let my guard down concerning him and still find myself jumping at the slightest noise!

I have found out more through the town grapevine about this scary person and the dog noise incident.

Seems as he went around to all of the neighbors to find out who ratted him out about the dog noise and uttered threats to them that "if he found out that they did it, they would live to regret it"! One of the neighbors was waiting for him to come to his place [as they had heard about the threat issue] and he was going to have "words" with him but he never showed up! Seems he picked only the ones that he could intimidate.

He also found out that I wasn't one of the timid ones!

So I am now keeping my fingers crossed in hopes that someone buys his house soon! It won't be soon enough for me as I was dreading the fall, when all of the leaves would die and we would be able to see each other through the bushes!
200th Post...

Hard to believe that this is my 200th post...never thought I'd write so much. This is a great moment for me as I am REALLY not one to share my thoughts!

BUT this is the NEW ME!

Blogging has been my way of doing therapy! I am a true Aquarius with all of the Aquarian quirks and being a loner is one of them!
I'd like to thank the "Orbs" [dots] for letting me know that there are people out there who do check in to read my [sometimes] daily babble and this lets me know that "I'm not just talking to myself"...not that this is a bother for me! I check my blog fairly often so I'm probably most of the dot people being counted! I'm my worst critic!
I do have some faithfuls that comment back and I would like to thank them the most...I appreciate all comments good or bad! Aside from an occasional comment from PoD, I hear nothing from my family...we're too dysfunctional to care about what the other is doing and I'm just as bad! Although if any of them had a blog I would read it and comment on it! I've learned to live with it...at least they get to know how I am doing!
Don't know if you've noticed but I try to have a cat picture or some other type of photo to express what my mood is at that moment when I blog [this for those who don't get the pic] just in case I don't make my mood clear enough. It's part of my "dry" sense of humor.
Reading back on some of my posts I find that it sounds like I am quite a negative person...I'm not really...I just happen to have a lot of negative crap going on in my life right now and any good things that do happen have been very few. Believe me I would let you know when there is a good one!
So for all of you, my faithful fans [or bored readers]...keep dropping by, I'm bound to have something good to say ....one day!

Saturday, July 28, 2007


One of the blogs that I thoroughly enjoyed was "The Adventures of Oscar the Airedale" a 13 month old puppy from England. I found his blog through Blue's blog and loved reading about his antics and the style in which he was portrayed in...through his master's voice!

All know that I am not a fan of dogs but this guy was in obedience training and his parents wanted him to be a "well mannered dog" which I admire greatly! He also liked cats as he had a sister called "Flakes" who he referred to as a "Big Fat Cat".

Sadly he died today!
Apparently of complications with either his pancreas or some kind of blockage! My heart goes out to his parents and family for their loss! They must be totally devastated from the loss...as I would be if either of my cats died!

Thankfully both of my children are doing well...the food change was the answer to the vomiting!
I'd only wished that Oscars chances had been better!

Like their parting remarks...."Oscar run free and be happy little guy"!
To Katy, Martin and Flakes...."hopefully one day you can smile and be happy again"!
My thoughts are with you!

Thursday, July 26, 2007


I may have found the solution to Suki's throwing-up?

When I got home from work yesterday, I noticed that there wasn't as many puke spots as before...granted it was also a cooler day.

I had changed her food to one that supposed to have a better PH value than the one that both my cats preferred. That was one of the main reason that I had kept them on the other brand...was that it was one that they would eat! Not a good idea! Vets say that indoor cats need a change-up of their food...especially as they get older. Outdoor cats develop a different type stomach as they supplement their diet with live food and cure their stomach ailments by eating grass.

Since I moved to my new place I stopped giving them grass [didn't want puke spots on the rug]and that maybe one of the problems also! I'll just learn to live with the grass-puke spots...if that's what it takes to keep them healthy!

I have been keeping an eye on Suki's fur...it's still looking good so she is not in total distress...yet!

She still runs around and acts like a kitten...if it wasn't for the puking I would say she's just fine.

I have also decided that she will be going to see a vet if things go on too long....after all what's one more debt when it concerns one of my children! Without them things would be pretty lonely at home without them!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Humidex...a calculation combining air temperatures and relative humidity, given in degrees Celsius. It represents the heating effect felt due to a lack of body moisture evaporation, and gives the average person a "feeling" for how hot and stuffy the air is.

Use the following formula to calculate Humidex:

Humidex = T + 5/9 x [e - 10]

e = vapour pressure [6.112 x 10[7.5 x T/[237.7 + T] x H/100]
T = air temperature [degrees Celsius]
H = humidity [%]

If we are going to judge our weather properly: winter forecasts include a wind factor which makes temperatures "feel" even colder!

So its only fair to edit Wilma's weather statistics to include the "Humidex" factor which shows how hot it really has been...especially for those of us without air conditioners!

Yesterday at noon the temp was 31 degrees celsius but felt like 39, at 4:00 it was 35 degrees celsius but felt like 40 and at 7:00 it was 32 degrees celsius but felt like 42!

Today at noon it is 23 degrees celsius but feels like 30 because it is a little overcast with spits of rain...so who knows how long it will last!

I too, remember my childhood way back when and the heat never bothered me either, but having the weathered bandied about by adults is a different story...the older you get the more you feel the heat...so nevermind, we're NOT fine...

I told you I get cranky when it's hot!

Cat Facts...

"It's hot in here and I want to take off all my clothes"...

I can sing that song but my poor kitties can't!

Not being able to have an air conditioner [bad for my health and my cat's] my house has become a sweat box! The fans are going continuously trying to keep some form of coolness for them but I am afraid that it isn't helping any of us! I'm able to remove all my clothing and fans help to cool me down but my poor cats are stuck with their fur coats!

"Cats with heavy dense coats such as Persians and Persian-type cats suffer the most. Obese cats will also be more prone to heat stroke because the layer of body fat tends to soak up the heat. Young kittens and senior cats likewise have a reduced ability to process the heat load and may cause vomiting. Indoor cats suffer the most if there is inadequate ventilation. Outdoor cats fair better as long as there is shade and a breeze to cool them off"

Suki has been vomiting a lot lately and this has become very worrisome for me! I have been trying to find ways that I can help heal her without the expensive cost of a vet!

I may own my own business and that might sound like I have lots of money but I don't...I am still trying to recover from a business that was poorly managed and money that somehow disappeared...not to mention my own medical woes! So seeing a vet has to be a last resort for us!

Don't get me wrong...I LOVE MY CATS...and I would like to be able to say that I would do anything for them but lines have to be drawn...like it or not! I know there are others out there in the same boat as me...we have no alternative but to help ourselves!

Thankfully I have the Internet and advice has been available on her various symptoms.

Hairball problem?

Both cats got a good brushing [hair brushed forwards and backwards] to help remove most of their excess fur and then I wrapped them in wet towels...giving them a good rub down so the water would reach their skin. Using this method keeps them from getting overly wet [like a bath would] and they don't have to lick themselves as much [causing hairball problems] to dry off. I was smarter this time and did Thumber first as she has always learned from what happen to Suki, would happen to her! She didn't care much for the wet towel but seeing her later she looked cooler. Suki is a better minded cat and took it better...and she also looked cooler!

Dietary change?

As for her continuing to vomit [not a lot, but too much for my liking] the on-line vet suggests that I change her diet [she is 10 and that's considered old] to one that has a better balance of protein and carbohydrates suited for an older cat. Maybe a change from dry to wet food might help? Suki is not over weight so that's not the problem!

Hopefully these changes work!!

Will keep you posted on the outcome....

Monday, July 23, 2007


I don't remember when it's been so bloody HOT!

I think I'm living with a constant headache from having fans going all of the time!

My cats aren't doing so well either and I am quite worried about Suki as she is throwing up quite often right now. I've been rubbing her down with a soaked towel [I don't want to wet her too much] and it has eased her over-heating quite a bit, because she runs around like a spunky kitten after I do this. Thumber runs every time she sees me doing this to Suki...she somehow knows that she's next!

We had a bit of break from the heat, on Saturday, as we got lightning/thunder and a bit of rain in the early [2:15] morning hours . I was awaken by the flashing of the lightning and then had to jump out of bed, to quickly rush over to my shop to move the "Water Fall's Basin's" back into place! We haven't moved the washer & dryer to my new place yet [too hot to move them] and I have been doing my wash there and it was difficult with the basins in place so I had moved them aside.

It was lucky that I did because the floor was quite wet by the time I got there!

I was quite scared about walking in the rain as it was lightning out...I kept far away from trees as possible!

It was a wasted trip as it stopped raining shortly after I got back!

Getting back to sleep was hard!

Of course I was wide awake by the time I got back and PoD was picking me up early so we could go to Wal-Mart in the nearest town to pick up the new "Harry Potter" book!

She is quite a "Harry" fan and I'm surprised that she didn't want to camp outside their doors to make sure she got that book! As it was, the place looked quite empty when we got there and there was hardly any books gone from the huge pile that was there! I guess we don't have as many crazy fans that the big cities have! It was kind of neat to shop with hardly anyone else in the store!

I had made lots of plans to get my house out of the "we're still moving look" when I got back from shopping but the heat in there changed my mind! I spent Sunday doing the same thing as Saturday....vegetating in the heat! Thankfully Pod and her family picked me up to go swimming Sunday evening...which any respite from this damn heat is good!

And guess what?....she's already finished the book!

So here I sit...it's hotter than hell in here already and I must plan on what we have to do for today...

We have another huge sign order that has to be completed quickly...so HI HO, HI HO it's off to work I go...

Friday, July 20, 2007

When life leaves you hanging.....


Anything can happen

Bend, don't break

Challenge your potential

Destiny is a choice

Effort creates opportunities

Follow your intuition

Get back up and try again

Hold on to your vision

Impress yourself

Just dig a little deeper

Keep knocking on doors

Learn from mistakes

Motivate with compassion

Nothing worthwhile comes easy

Own a positive attitude

Problems hold messages

Question what's not working

Regroup when you need to

Stand up for your principles

Think outside the box

Unite perseverance with resolve

Value knowing when to walk away

Work smarter, not just harder

Xhaust all possibilities

You can, if you think you can

Zzzzz's, take naps as needed

by Meiji Stewart
What more can one say........
Have a Happy T.G.I.F. day

Thursday, July 19, 2007


I have revised my "Dislikes" area of "Dogs with bad manners" to the "People who have dogs with bad manners" and also adding "Parents who have bad mannered kids"!

I have revised this area because I have come to realize that bad mannered kids and animals can be the results of their up bringing! The young are not born with this instinctive manner to be good...it has to be taught!

I also know that there is an exception to this rule!

Some are born feral!

But hopefully the feral could be helped if they could have loving parents who would make that commitment of seeing that their young become acceptable to others!

It is easier to give in and come off as their buddy but in the long run it would be better if they would learn the meaning of the word "NO"!

I have heard many use this word and then not follow through with it! The young then figures that this word means... "MAYBE"!

This goes for all animals!

But some times bad genes win!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Unwanted Babies...

You see it happen more often than not....babies looking cute and cuddly, making all want to say awwwwe...until they get a little older and the cuteness is gone!

Some find it too easy to shove them outdoors and figure that they can fend for themselves or until some poor other sucker picks it up and decides to look after it! The ones kept are the lucky ones! Others have no choice but to suffer what fate offers them!

PoD and I have rescued many a kitten/s left to this fate...puppies seem to do better [at least around here]!

As a matter of fact PoD just rescued a kitty that was WAYYYYY to young to fend for it's self and rehabilitation has been hard...but the kitty has finally figured it now has a safe home! Although he still shies away from men?

Kittens and puppies are one thing...seeing a child going through that is another!!!

PoD has this on-going problem with a neighbor's child for years! As she gets older it gets worse...this poor kid will be starting school in the fall!

Her parents think nothing of running errands around town while their child is playing at a neighbor's house and not a close neighbor either! You don't know that you are babysitting this child until you try to find the parents when this kid gets hurt!

During the town-wide garage sale this child was babysat by the whole neighborhood! The parents had supposedly left their older daughter to look after the kid, but she spend most of her time driving around town with her boyfriend and that wasn't the first time she had done that while supposedly babysitting her sister! The parents knew that!

Many a time she has asked the kids for food and PoD has had to tell her kids that they aren't feeding the neighborhood...only to find out later that this kids isn't even been fed! She maybe gets breakfast and after that who knows? When asked why she doesn't go home and get something she always replies that "She's not supposed to wake up mommy and daddy because they will get mad at her"!
PoD did end up feeding her and was amazed at how she "wolfed down" her food...she definitely acted like a starved animal!

To top it all off, these parents are known drug addicts and some now suspect them of dealing! PoD herself has witnessed, known users stopping briefly at their place, go in and come back out and never long enough to be called visiting!

Can't say anything because we have no proof!

The saddest part, PoD feels, is having her kids come to her and ask her "if there was any way that this little girl could get a new mommy and daddy who could look after her properly"! These kids have learned in school and at home about child abuse and they know themselves that this is...abuse!

This guy is a known fighter in his younger years and has a bad temper...so approaching him is out of the question...but WE WILL BE DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THIS SITUATION!!!

Too bad you can't take them in just like you would do for an abandoned animal!

BUT....THERE ARE LEGAL CHANNELS THAT ONE MUST FOLLOW...try explaining that to children after you have told them that all they have to do is tell someone and that person will get help....
Their eyes asks you.......WHEN?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007



That's the song I've got stuck in my head right now!

The next person who tells me how much they love this weather...I'm gonna punch their lights out!

Not really...but I sure feel like it!

It really feels like global warming is winning out!

Air conditioners make me quite ill...coughing, phlegm by the buckets, sore throat, achy ears and a headache from listening to it constantly running! I have always come down with a cold from the artificial air! So I don't own an air conditioner! Our little vacation didn't help as we had the car's air conditioner going fairly often...we had to because Edmonchuk was also in this heat wave!

In order for me to keep cool, I have fans going all of the time, to help cool the buckets of sweat running off of me! This still causes coughing, phlegm, sore throat, ear aches, a headache and it cools me off but I don't get the cold symptom! I also re-hydrate my body with tons of ice water and I eat tons ice [I'm actually addicted to it] to keep my insides cold! The ice is now taking it's toll on my bronchial tubes and the horrible coughing has come back!

Even my cats hate this weather! Can you imagine wearing a fur coat right now? I feel so sorry for them! Blue [another blogger] had left a comment about a cat orientated blog spot that I should visit and visit it I did. It was quiet good...thanks Blue! On this site they were also having problems with the heat and they put wet towel on their cats to help keep them cool. My cats hated that idea so I am still trying to find a way to cool them off!

I'm going to use my native ancestry and start doing a rain dance and the way that I dance it will probably cause thunder storms! I DON'T CARE!!! WE NEED RELIEF FROM THIS HEAT!

All of you people out there who loves this sort of thing can move to a hot place and as for me moving up north is starting to look real good!

Monday, July 16, 2007


I spent this past week in total bliss...NO screaming dogs or having a lunatic neighbor to listen to!

It was wonderful!
As with everything good, the bad always seems to sneak in...because they came back last night!

It seems the the dog population has been cut back from 3 to 1 and the one they kept is reasonably quiet.

That was the good news!

The bad news came from my son this morning when he came over to cut down the weeds around my shop. Seems early this morning around 3:00 am he was awaken by the sound of breaking glass outside his bedroom window. Getting up and looking out he was just in time to see a beer bottle come flying from the neighbors high bushes and bounce off of his brand new car roof, smashing in front of his car!

That made my son [BillyRoo] furious...so he decided to stay up and catch the idiots in the act and take photos! They must have heard him out and about because they never did reappear! Daylight came and BillyRoo was able to see the damage in the light...the roof was dented! That made him mad enough to confront the culprits at their place...and of course they denied it!
In the morning I had noticed all of the broken bottles in front of my place and in front of the kid's house next door and had assumed that I had missed another one of their parties. I was wrong...there was no party last night! Seems the glass was from the thrown beer bottles!

I decided to phone the town office and find out exactly what was written in my neighbor's warning!

There was NO FINE!

It was a plain warning letting him know of the noise by-law and possible actions if warning was not adhered to! The supposedly 100.00 fine was him blowing things out of portions! Granted it did make things quieter next door and that was all I was looking for!!!

The town administrator had already received a complaint [someone else, not me or BillyRoo] about all of the broken glass on the street in front of my place and that she had dispatched the street cleaner to clean it up! I wouldn't have put it passed the neighbor trying to get rid of the evidence [I watch too much CSI] just in case we did call the cops!

Having no choice we had to file another report with the cops and this time they are going to confront him about any other pending problems that might arise and the consequences if they do!

So all in all....does taking a letter of warning merit such violent actions?

It all sounds pretty crazy to me....and better still....why is it happening to me?

All I wanted was fresh air!


I read a recent report on the web about "Mounting and Humping Behavior in Dogs" [11/07/2007] by Pets.ca. Here are some excerpts from that report...

Today, our world is quickly changing into one which views domestic animals as individual members or our human family. It is no wonder that we often relate to our domestic animals in human psychology or behavioral terms. Yet, can we really draw parallels between their behavior and ours?

In nature when different species cohabite together, each animal species continues to retain their instinctive and species-specific behavior. Our domestic animals are clever enough to learn communicating with them [sit, stay, come, hand signals, etc] yet they will continue to retain their canine or feline behavior.

In some wolf packs, the only members of the pack that are allowed to mate are the alpha female and alpha male and mating between subordinates is discouraged. The goal is to have enough resources and care for the pups and ultimately, the entire pack. "Humping behavior in dogs serves two purposes. The first is the obvious need to reproduce. The second purpose behind such behaviour is to exert dominance over another dog. A dog will only tolerate this mounting behavior is he/she views that the dog doing the mounting is above him/her in rank. This subordinate dog can be of either sex, which it is why it is not uncommon to see a male dog humping another male dog.

Like us, domestic dogs relate to us members of their family. In other words, they think of us as members of their dog pack. If and when a dog humps you or another human being, they are essentially communicating the fact that they think the are dominant to you. In the event that you allow such humping behavior. you are agreeing that you are subordinate. Therefore, humping is most definitely not a behaviour that you should encourage your dogs to do to humans. You as a human should have a higher rank than your dog and because of that, you are also in the position to discourage and prevent him from humping other dogs and humans. By doing so, as his leader, are not allowing him to be dominate over them. When you practice leadership with your dog, it definitely makes for a better time if your friends come over to your house to visit.

All I can say about this is....have you seen cats displaying this trait?

When cats jump up on you all they want is to be accepted by you and give FREELY to having you rub YOUR smell all over them...that's them accepting your dominance over them!

This report is in reply to Blue's blog about "Cats are smarter than Dogs" and Jeff Valdez's comment on the quote...

"I beg to differ re-intelligence.
Dogs just want to please humans.
Cats just want to please them-selves!

My answer...
"Some dogs are just trying to fool humans and establishing their dominance over them, whereas cats let humans know just where you stand in their relationship to them!"

Sunday, July 15, 2007


The second day of our adventure started off on a bad note with me.

Seeing as I was "old", I was given special treatment at Chelly & Chane's house, and was given the spareroom which had a double size air mattress that sat on this expandable frame...you know one of those "bring your own bed" sort of things! Once I closed the door all was quiet and I couldn't hear a thing! I sleep on an air mattress at home, so this "wonderful bed" was heaven for me as regular mattresses just kill my back! Being super exhausted from the day's event I had no problem falling asleep!

2 hours later I awoke to agony!

Seems my "wonderful" bed had a slow leak and I found myself laying on the expandable bed frame...with one of it's metal posts digging into my back! Being stiff and sore from the "unused to" physical activities of the previous day, I had an extreme hard time getting out of that "torcher type" frame! Thankfully my air pump was close at hand and I was able to inflate the mattress quickly and was able to get back to sleep!

2 hours later I awoke again to more agony!

This happened like clock work...finally at 5:00 am I couldn't take it anymore and got up!

What does one do when in someone else's home with no access to their computer? Thankfully Chelly likes to read and I found a story I could get into!

PoD got up "finally" at 8:00 and we decided to get an early jump start on the day! Chelly and Chane had been up late with Jaydabug so we kept it quiet and left them sleeping.

After a quick breakfast at the "Golden Arches" we headed out for "Storyland Valley Zoo"...which by the way, hadn't moved either, since the last time I visited it with my sister in 2003! Although upon arriving there I noticed that all looked different from the last visit! Seems the Zoo had dropped it's "Storyland" theme and is now just called "The Valley Zoo"! They have kept some of it's original theme but it lacked it's old fun type... child-like atmosphere! This was not an improvement in my mind!

It was fun for me to be able to relate to my grandchildren what this zoo meant to me when I was a child. I think I wrote about it in one of my earlier posts [I will relate it again for my new fans who might of miss it] that this zoo was relocated to this site from where I used to live!

As a child I had figured that everyone had a zoo in their park that was close to their home! So my sister and I had classified it as "our" zoo!

They move the park in 1958 and it opened it's doors to the public July 1, 1959. The Edmonchuk's Visitor Guide Book from that year explained it's theme as a "Story-Book Zoo, with small animals and fowl, which may be safely approached by small children, living in whimsically designed houses straight from a child's fairy tale book. Designed to appeal to children, this little land of fantasy is meant to provide a happy atmosphere in which small children and small animals may get acquainted and feel at home with one another"!
Why they strayed from this "original" idea is a puzzlement to me?
It has now become just like any other zoo that you would find anywhere else in the world!

The fantasy is gone!

It started out covering 5 acres and now it's spread to over 70 acres and the only interaction with kids is is the TINY petting zoo!

I must admit it is still a beautiful place and you can see a bigger variety of animals but they are very had to see as the cages are overgrown with weed-like vegetation...they expanded but cannot take care of what they have now! We took a few pictures but not very many as you cannot see the animals because this wild vegetation!

We also didn't stay there very long! We had gotten there early enough to enjoy a mild amount of people but after a couple of hours the place became over crowded! It still collected the tourists but in my mind...the children lost out!

Keeping history in mind we decided to visit the Alberta Museum next.

They hadn't moved that area either and I was able to find it quite quickly as it is pretty close to the Zoo.

The museum was more for PoD and me. The kids have seen many a museum through the school trips so it held very little interest to them...the only part they liked seeing was the dinosaurs and the creepy bugs!

This a very beautiful building and it looks like it has lots of money for it's upkeep. The displays are very well done and some are even interactive with the public.

The only photos we took in there were very beautiful colored butterflies and some colorful moths! It's had to believe that there are bugs out there in these colors. Finishing up our "History Tour" we decided to do some shopping before heading out to my younger sister's place in "Dear Horn" Lake.

PoD wanted to get some "Solar" powered lights for her back yard in Dodge and I wanted to get a new air mattress for home and be able to use it a Chelly's place that night...no more sleeping [what sleep?] on their bed for me! Backaches had made me cranky all day!

More construction and changes in scenery made it hard to find anything and we wasted a lot of time "back-tracking"! Which made me even more cranky!

Finally we found my sister's [Eener] place and had a nice visit with her and her roommate...Bor! They fed us a wonderful supper and then we had to leave...before the sun set! Construction makes it impossible for the visitor to traverse in the dark!

Making it safely back to Chelly's place we were able to spend some visiting time with our hosts before heading off to bed. Chane show us his idea of "fantasyland" that he set up in their back yard for his daughter Jaydabug! That's where PoD got some good ideas for solar powered lights. Their yard is magical looking when the sun goes down...it's all sparkly with solar dragonflies and fairies sitting on solar lit stumps! Very impressive and pretty!

We had decided that we should go back early and get a jump start on the work back home that was waiting for us! All of the walking and the intense heat had also did a number on us! So we opted for an early start on Sunday, before the heat of the day got too bad. It had been so oppressively HOT in the city and with all of it's construction problems made us not want to stay any longer or visit anyone else!
I was also starting to feel not so well!

We had a wonderful send-off the next morning as we said our goodbyes and thanked our hosts for their patience in putting up with us!

I drove PoD's car for the last time as we rushed to get out of the city...once far enough away from the construction and madness, PoD reclaimed her right as driver! Which was OK with me...I had enough of driving and feeling sicker by the time!

On the way home we stopped to take our photos of some of the fore-mentioned odd sights....

"Boot/Shoe Fence"....which stretches 2 miles! It seems some farmer got tired of finding old boots/shoes in the ditches where he was trying to cut down the grasses for cattle feed/bedding. He nailed them on the fence posts that run parallel to the highway. Story has it that he then used his family's old one and had some donated by others...thus the oddity of the "Boot Fence"!
Seeing as we lived in "oil country" the site of an old wooden pump jack also caught our interest and I just had to get a picture of it. It can be seen as you enter "Wainwright" from the west end of the highway...they are doing "fund raising" to help restored the ancient structure!
My last photo taken of our "Historical" trip was of PoD and the kids sitting in "Ruby Flash".
AJ wanted to call her "Ruby Red" and JD wanted to call it "Red Flash"! PoD combined the two names and that's how the 2004 Seabring got her name!
We finally reached home around 5:00 pm [we shopped in a few places on the way back] and I was happy once again to see my cats and put up my poor aching feet!
My only regret is that this wasn't the family-get-together that we had originally planned in June. I would have like to see my brothers and their kids but our time factor made it too hard for us to keep. The rest of the summer is booked solid for the kids as they are taking swim lessons right up until school starts.
Maybe we can squeeze another visit back there in the fall?

Friday, July 13, 2007


It makes it even worse that it's a Friday...the 13th!

Normally I don't believe in this day being unlucky for me but today also happens to be 46 years since my mother died!

The saddest thing about it is, that I was too young to even know much about her!

Being 10 at the time didn't give us enough time to even get to know each other and it left me with too many unanswered questions about those early years! My dad lasted longer than she did but he is also now gone...and he couldn't answer those questions either because we were never that close!

The one lesson it did teach me is, that life can be too short and that you should make the most of it while you can!

For those of you who still have parents...make every moment count!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


We finally finished up Ft Edmonchuk and found we still had daylight left so we figured to squeeze in West Edtn Mall...like walking 158 acres wasn't enough!

Again lots of construction made driving thru traffic hell but we managed to find the place we were looking for...I guess it was too big to move also!

Entering this large mall was exciting for the kids as the first thing that met our eyes was the pirate ship that sits in the water world area. Both kids love pirate shows! It's too bad they don't let anyone on the ship as it would have been a neat thing for all of us to experience!

The next thing we saw was the mass of people in the mall...more than any I have ever seen on previous trips! Right away PoD's and my paranoia set it and demanded that both kids hold our hands and never stray away! This didn't go over too well as both kids are getting too old for that but hang on we did! I was sure glad we did because maneuvering through that mall was near to impossible!

I wanted the kids to go on the rides that they have there and figured I would be able to find it right off...wrong! We had to back track A LOT in order to find what we wanted and managing that with all those people made tempers pretty short!

In our wanderings we came across one of their live displays...Flamingos. Both PoD and I have never seen this bird up close and were amazed that the birds weren't more bothered by the vast amount of people looking at them. PoD managed to get a few good photos of them because they were behind glass and figured the flash would make it impossible.

We finally found the ride area and spent 28.00 for 20 tickets. I figured that would be lots until you saw that each ride per person ranged from 3 to 6 tickets each...what a rip off! There was also a height restriction to some of the rides so the kids were limited that way also! They were still able to ride a few and had the most fun on the kid's rollercoaster.

Both PoD and I figured we'd be able to sit and watch while they had fun [resting our poor tired feet] but found that we couldn't just sit and watch as photos had to be taken! Neither PoD nor I like rides anymore so the kids got all of that fun!

One of the things that we did do together was go through the "Haunted Castle"! I had gone through this attraction in 2003 with my sister and found that it was okay for the kids to experience as it was really tame for me...actually kind of boring! I could do a better job than they did!

For the 4 of us it cost 28.00! But it was well worth it!
I went in the lead and got to watch how scared the kids were...it was lame for me but not the kids! Both wrapped themselves around their Mom and made it difficult for her to move! At one point JD couldn't get past the "Wolfman"...PoD said she could feel him wiggling around and going agh, agh, agh alot! Laughter made it harder for her to move! Half way through the haunt is an exit point and you could leave if you wanted to, which AJ wanted to do, but like sick parents we are, made them continue. The final scare was the huge spiders in the end and that made all of them move faster as we finally exited through a revolving barrel that had strobe lights. That part bothered my senses...so I just closed my eyes and walked through it.
On the outside the kids said that they enjoyed it but didn't want to do it again. The attraction also has a photo-op area where you can take pictures of just your head. I don't normally show my families faces but there is a large "Orb" in one of shots of AJ as a vampire...near the right arm area.
We were done after that and decided to go eat before getting back to Chelly's.
All of us had sore feet and tired legs so after visiting a bit with Chelly and Chane we went to bed!
Stayed tuned for our next adventures...in day 2 of our vacation!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


The main big house was called "Rowan House" after the commander that ran the fort. This house was built just for him, his family and servents. He did use some of it for office space and held meetings in the big room but other than that I thought it was over much for one family to live in when there could have been room for other officers. While the others had to live in small shacks!

Most of the "Married Men's Quarters" buildings had sod roofs and we thought it was funny to see trees growing out of them.

In front of "Rowan House" there was a sun dial that they used to tell the time and the year. There also was a quote carved into the sides that said..."Tak tent o' time ere time tak tent o' thee". As to the meaning...?

The Indian site had two women there to relate how the indians lived way back when and what it looked like inside a Teepee with the fire and beds.

JD saw that their blankets lay on a pile of pine boughs and made a comment about how sad that they had to lay on prickily branches and how uncomfortable it must have been. PoD had to tell him that they where there to keep them off the ground and it was actually soft to sleep on.

As mentioned in previous blog the round barn really impressed me and that it was in really good condition and the old style house was one of the houses that I had remembered from my childhood. Another one was a house that PoD had read about in one of her "Haunted House" books of Alberta that reported that this house had ghosts in it and they were reported to have been seen upstairs. I asked a house attendant and she told me that none of the buildings were haunted! Of course I didn't believe her! This place was another place that felt familiar to me!


Well...we got to Edmonchuk around 4:00 pm and ran into our first excitement!

We had planned on turning at the first set of lights on the highway to get to my niece's [Chelly]place and found that new construction made that impossible! Seems the 3 years that we have been away, Edmonchuk decided to change it's look! Roads that we once used are now being developed into overpasses and made into new Freeways!

PoD had been driving [her new car and I wasn't allowed to drive it...yet] and had wanted to get used to BIG CITY DRIVING but coming into that "Construction Hell" made her change her mind quick! There was nowhere for her to turn off and let me drive so she had to contend with all of the excitement of the "Fast Paced" city! Needless to say by the time we found Chelly's place she was DONE!

We stayed and chatted with Chelly for a bit and got to meet Jaydabug. Chelly had company at the time so we decided to go and visit FortEdmonchuk but we had to hurry as it closed at 6:00 pm. With her new experience of the city still strong in her mind...PoD handed me her car keys!

Thankfully Fort Edmonchuk was still in the same place where I had seen it last and finding it was quiet easy, although we still had massive construction to contend with!

The beginning starts with a train ride to the fort. The first train ride for the kids!

Fort Edmonchuk has some history with our family. My great, great, great, great grand father helped build the fort!

We are not sure what part of it but we do know that he did some of the construction. I guess that's where I get some of my "Jill" abilities from. In the pamphlet, that they give you for the tour, it stated that the Fort's construction design originated from Middlesex, England and that's where my ancestor came from!

I have toured through this place before and always feel a kinship for the place...kind of like I belonged there? This time was no different!

Fort Edmonchuk is a living history site that covers 158 acres and displays over 75 original and reconstructed historical buildings. The site traces the development of Edmonchuk from the early 1840's to the 1920's highlighting 4 historical periods. The fort that is recreated now represents the one in 1846 as it's been moved 4 times with different changes. The fort shows a "Trading Store", the "Married Men's Quarters", "Rowand House", "Blacksmith Shop" and a "Boat Builder's Shop".

I did manage to take some photos of the places and found that the kitchen in "Rowan House" [commander's residence] had some "Orbs" in it! Other than that it felt pretty empty of ghostly spirits.

Leaving the Fort you came upon the "Native Camp" which showed the long association between the "Cree" [also part of my heritage] and the "Hudson Bay Company Traders". The traders depended on the natives for food and the natives depended on the traders for manufactured goods.

Beside the "Native Camp" was their garden and it showed how the natives planted and shored up their plants. I had a "deja vu"moment when I saw this method and flashed back to a site in our garden when I was a young child. The shoring-up of their plants reminded me of how my parents did their garden and I have never seen anyone else use this method. It gave me kind of warm feeling!

The rest of the Fort acres were covered by a "1885 Street" which showed how the settlement began and the "Hudson Bay Company" selling it's land to the Canadian Government in 1870. The next area was called "1905 Street" which depicted "A City Is Born"...between 1900 & 1914 it became the capital city of Alberta and then "1920's Street" where the city entered into the roaring 20's.

Some of the interesting sites were the houses that moved on site instead of being demolished...one in particular looked familiar to me and PoD though she remembered reading somewhere about being haunted! I asked one of the staff in this house and she said that none of the buildings where haunted! I didn't believe her for a moment! They were probably told to say that!

One of the houses had a barn that I found to be quite unique in that it was "round". It was reported to be one of the strongest designed barns.

We had to hurry through most of the sites as it was getting ready to close for the night. Another note made was to make time next time to leave more time to see it all and get to see some of the displays as they went on...we got to miss that part!

This is a great place to go and see if you are into history! The kids weren't too interested as they couldn't relate to history....yet!

The other thing is to carry lots of cold water for hot days and go when it's not too hot/sunny out...and be prepared to walk A LONG WAY!!!

Gluttons for punishment we decided to hit another well known site for Edmonchuk..."West Edmonchuk Mall"...another story to be told!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Holiday was fantastic and spending it with my daughter and grand kids made it priceless!

The weather was great...a little too hot and sunny for me...and we got to see the new addition to our family...Jaydabug [my niece's daughter]. My grand kids just loved her and I found out that they would made great babysitters when they get older!

We left Friday morning around 9:00am...but before PoD arrived, my cats and I had a visit from a cute little bunny with huge ears. He came pretty close to the house and Thumber got pretty excited...I'm sure she would have chased it if I had let her out...Suki was interested but not that excited! The bunny stuck around for a few minutes before deciding to cross the road and nearly got hit by a car! The bunny really ran [hopped] after that! Thankfully I didn't have to see that happening before leaving...it would have been a poor start to the weekend! A few minutes later PoD and the kids got there.

I have a tendency to over pack! With all of the trips/vacations I have been on I pack for anything that might arise! So loading my excess into the car filled up any space left for any shopping items! I got razzed by PoD for that...seeing as hers and the kids bags were quite thin! Although my excess was due to tent, air mattress, bedding and swim towels...see...all explainable! But I do have to admit that I went overboard on the clothing!

I digress....

The trip was pretty boring for the kids [4 hr drive] and there was lots of "are we there yet" but for PoD and I, the scenery and talking made it shorter for us. As we travelled we passed a few odd sights and I made note of us stopping to get photos on the way back...which we did. One I was able to get on the way there was a shot of an old elevator at an abandoned old town. I don't know if it was an original town or not of if someone had a sense of humour but it was called "Dirty Shorts"....the name is kind of faded in the shot but it is still recognizable.

Still...it was sites like this that made the time go faster!

I have to get to work now....but stay tuned for further exciting [?] stories...

Thursday, July 05, 2007


PoD, AJ, JD and I are going to Edmonchuk this weekend for a short holiday. We are leaving friday morning and coming back on monday.

This is all the time we can afford to be off from work and the grand kids are signed up for swimming lesson from July 16th til the start of school.

We also just received a large order for sign so we will be busy, busy, busy!

Will try to remember to take photos. PoD and I do want to do some cemetary visiting at night time especially around my families graves...so hopefully some orbs will visit us...?

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


From your Canadian Neighbor

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Working downtown you get to hear some weird nosies and PoD & I play this game of "what can it be?"

One particular noise has been this spine chilling sound that can only be described as "someone beating the hell out of their dog or even worse...puppies"! This noise comes and goes all day long! It even sounds like what you hear on TV when a woman is being killed...it's that gruesome! PoD and I could never figure where it was coming from because it would come and go so quickly that you couldn't follow the noise.

Then PoD got back together with Trebor and staying over at his place she found out what it was!

His neighbor owned 3 purebred huskies [for breeding purposes] and the horrible noise was coming from them! It seems that huskies do not bark like usual dogs! They utter noises like they are trying to talk and when excited it can sound like someone screaming in agony! Now imagine 3 of them doing that!

These dogs are cooped up in a 6' x 6' enclosure all day long and seldom [if ever] get to run about...so the owner claims! Although it turns out he was the one who phoned the newspaper to complain about our towns "rat" problem and the fact that his dogs were bring back dead rats and playing with them. Yup...these are the same dogs that he says never run about?

PoD had a horrible time trying to put up with the noise during the times that she stayed there with Trebor and warned me about it when I moved in! I figured that I could stand anything until I heard these dogs at all hours screaming like they were being killed! I felt sorry for the dogs and their plight with being caged like they were.

I also got to hear how nice the guy was who owned them! The way he screamed at his wife and kids at the slightest thing that they did made me wonder if it was only the dogs that screamed that way! There is no way you can see their yard from my side [thankfully] because of the trees that block any viewing of what's going on.

I put up with the party on one side of me without calling the cops but hearing what was going on on the other side made me realize that something had to be done. With that guys attitude towards his wife and family there was no way I was going to face him personally so I figured I would talk to the town about what could be done and keep it anonymously!

What a mistake that was!

It seems everyone around him has kept quiet and I happened to be the only one who complained because I got to meet him personally, at my door, Friday night!

I can only describe this person as psycho...everything about this guy screams "crazy"! His moods went from nice to angry the whole time during our 10 minute conversation!

It seems the town was just waiting for an excuse to fine him [thanks to the newspaper report of "rats"] and sent him a 100.00 fine for having unregistered dogs! All I wanted was for them to warn him about the excessive dogs noises an to try to keep them quiet as much as possible...instead they made things worse by fining him!

In the newspaper article it stated that he was in dire straights and his wife and him couldn't find any jobs around here. Which is a lie because his wife was given a chance at the mart in town and was fired from it for being drunk on the job [her boss told us that he thought she was a "beaten" wife and he felt sorry for her and gave her a job until he found out that she appeared at work drunk]!

Anyways...he starts telling me that he just got laid off and this fine pushes things over the edge [his words not mine] with him and this town! I reminded him that maybe it was his attitude that kept him from keeping a job...but that only enraged him even more! So he tells me in his parting remarks that "seeing as he OWNS his house he plans on leaving town and will be renting his place out to his "biker" friends and plans on telling them to BURN ME OUT"!


Do I take this threat seriously or not?

Thankfully my son was there at the time and witnessed every word uttered...but it still scared me a lot! What do I do when he's not home?

I had no alternative but call the cops...which happened to be a useless venture...no one answered and I got to leave a recording! I will be contacting them today and making a report just in case this guy does go nutso!

Meanwhile the whole weekend was spent jumping at every little noise and the occasional firecracker going off made us think we were being shot at!

I traded a chance for fresh air for this???!!!!

Sunday, July 01, 2007


I am so proud to be Canadian!

I don't always agree with my country's leadership and crab about it like everyone else but I do love the land that I stand on!

I have traveled from one ocean to the other across Canada and loved every beautiful sight of it!

The only place I haven't visited is up north where part of my heritage comes from. My great, great, great, great grandfather came from Laleham, Middlesex, England and arrived on Canadian shores in the early 1800's and settled with an Inuit woman. My relatives are of English/Inuit/Cree origin so I classify myself more Canadian than those of mostly imported genetics. I am very proud of my native blood line!

In the past years we generally celebrated Canada Day on my step-mother's birthday [June 30] and had some family gatherings at that same time. Since her passing in 2003 family get together only happen when someone dies!

We had hoped to get together on my grand daughter's 10th birthday but daily events here changed that. Here's hoping that we can revive the gathering later this month or in August?

Yesterday my niece and her husband came to visit with PoD and her family. They dropped by last night to see my new place. It was great to see them!

Don't know if we will be having any Canada Day celebrations but who knows?

Hopefully someone in town will have fireworks and we will get to see them!


Meanwhile....back at my place I have this to contend with.......

A crazy neighbor and his dogs........story coming soon!