Working downtown you get to hear some weird nosies and PoD & I play this game of "what can it be?"
One particular noise has been this spine chilling sound that can only be described as "someone beating the hell out of their dog or even worse...puppies"! This noise comes and goes all day long! It even sounds like what you hear on TV when a woman is being killed...it's that gruesome! PoD and I could never figure where it was coming from because it would come and go so quickly that you couldn't follow the noise.
Then PoD got back together with Trebor and staying over at his place she found out what it was!
His neighbor owned 3 purebred huskies [for breeding purposes] and the horrible noise was coming from them! It seems that huskies do not bark like usual dogs! They utter noises like they are trying to talk and when excited it can sound like someone screaming in agony! Now imagine 3 of them doing that!
These dogs are cooped up in a 6' x 6' enclosure all day long and seldom [if ever] get to run about...so the owner claims! Although it turns out he was the one who phoned the newspaper to complain about our towns "rat" problem and the fact that his dogs were bring back dead rats and playing with them. Yup...these are the same dogs that he says never run about?
PoD had a horrible time trying to put up with the noise during the times that she stayed there with Trebor and warned me about it when I moved in! I figured that I could stand anything until I heard these dogs at all hours screaming like they were being killed! I felt sorry for the dogs and their plight with being caged like they were.
I also got to hear how nice the guy was who owned them! The way he screamed at his wife and kids at the slightest thing that they did made me wonder if it was only the dogs that screamed that way! There is no way you can see their yard from my side [thankfully] because of the trees that block any viewing of what's going on.
I put up with the party on one side of me without calling the cops but hearing what was going on on the other side made me realize that something had to be done. With that guys attitude towards his wife and family there was no way I was going to face him personally so I figured I would talk to the town about what could be done and keep it anonymously!
What a mistake that was!
It seems everyone around him has kept quiet and I happened to be the only one who complained because I got to meet him personally, at my door, Friday night!
I can only describe this person as psycho...everything about this guy screams "crazy"! His moods went from nice to angry the whole time during our 10 minute conversation!
It seems the town was just waiting for an excuse to fine him [thanks to the newspaper report of "rats"] and sent him a 100.00 fine for having unregistered dogs! All I wanted was for them to warn him about the excessive dogs noises an to try to keep them quiet as much as possible...instead they made things worse by fining him!
In the newspaper article it stated that he was in dire straights and his wife and him couldn't find any jobs around here. Which is a lie because his wife was given a chance at the mart in town and was fired from it for being drunk on the job [her boss told us that he thought she was a "beaten" wife and he felt sorry for her and gave her a job until he found out that she appeared at work drunk]!
Anyways...he starts telling me that he just got laid off and this fine pushes things over the edge [his words not mine] with him and this town! I reminded him that maybe it was his attitude that kept him from keeping a job...but that only enraged him even more! So he tells me in his parting remarks that "seeing as he OWNS his house he plans on leaving town and will be renting his place out to his "biker" friends and plans on telling them to BURN ME OUT"!
Do I take this threat seriously or not?
Thankfully my son was there at the time and witnessed every word uttered...but it still scared me a lot! What do I do when he's not home?
I had no alternative but call the cops...which happened to be a useless venture...no one answered and I got to leave a recording! I will be contacting them today and making a report just in case this guy does go nutso!
Meanwhile the whole weekend was spent jumping at every little noise and the occasional firecracker going off made us think we were being shot at!
I traded a chance for fresh air for this???!!!!
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