That's the song I've got stuck in my head right now!
The next person who tells me how much they love this weather...I'm gonna punch their lights out!
Not really...but I sure feel like it!
It really feels like global warming is winning out!
Air conditioners make me quite ill...coughing, phlegm by the buckets, sore throat, achy ears and a headache from listening to it constantly running! I have always come down with a cold from the artificial air! So I don't own an air conditioner! Our little vacation didn't help as we had the car's air conditioner going fairly often...we had to because Edmonchuk was also in this heat wave!
In order for me to keep cool, I have fans going all of the time, to help cool the buckets of sweat running off of me! This still causes coughing, phlegm, sore throat, ear aches, a headache and it cools me off but I don't get the cold symptom! I also re-hydrate my body with tons of ice water and I eat tons ice [I'm actually addicted to it] to keep my insides cold! The ice is now taking it's toll on my bronchial tubes and the horrible coughing has come back!
Even my cats hate this weather! Can you imagine wearing a fur coat right now? I feel so sorry for them! Blue [another blogger] had left a comment about a cat orientated blog spot that I should visit and visit it I did. It was quiet good...thanks Blue! On this site they were also having problems with the heat and they put wet towel on their cats to help keep them cool. My cats hated that idea so I am still trying to find a way to cool them off!
I'm going to use my native ancestry and start doing a rain dance and the way that I dance it will probably cause thunder storms! I DON'T CARE!!! WE NEED RELIEF FROM THIS HEAT!
All of you people out there who loves this sort of thing can move to a hot place and as for me moving up north is starting to look real good!
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