Unwanted Babies...
You see it happen more often than not....babies looking cute and cuddly, making all want to say awwwwe...until they get a little older and the cuteness is gone!
Some find it too easy to shove them outdoors and figure that they can fend for themselves or until some poor other sucker picks it up and decides to look after it! The ones kept are the lucky ones! Others have no choice but to suffer what fate offers them!
PoD and I have rescued many a kitten/s left to this fate...puppies seem to do better [at least around here]!
As a matter of fact PoD just rescued a kitty that was WAYYYYY to young to fend for it's self and rehabilitation has been hard...but the kitty has finally figured it now has a safe home! Although he still shies away from men?
Kittens and puppies are one thing...seeing a child going through that is another!!!
PoD has this on-going problem with a neighbor's child for years! As she gets older it gets worse...this poor kid will be starting school in the fall!
Her parents think nothing of running errands around town while their child is playing at a neighbor's house and not a close neighbor either! You don't know that you are babysitting this child until you try to find the parents when this kid gets hurt!
During the town-wide garage sale this child was babysat by the whole neighborhood! The parents had supposedly left their older daughter to look after the kid, but she spend most of her time driving around town with her boyfriend and that wasn't the first time she had done that while supposedly babysitting her sister! The parents knew that!
Many a time she has asked the kids for food and PoD has had to tell her kids that they aren't feeding the neighborhood...only to find out later that this kids isn't even been fed! She maybe gets breakfast and after that who knows? When asked why she doesn't go home and get something she always replies that "She's not supposed to wake up mommy and daddy because they will get mad at her"!
PoD did end up feeding her and was amazed at how she "wolfed down" her food...she definitely acted like a starved animal!
To top it all off, these parents are known drug addicts and some now suspect them of dealing! PoD herself has witnessed, known users stopping briefly at their place, go in and come back out and never long enough to be called visiting!
Can't say anything because we have no proof!
The saddest part, PoD feels, is having her kids come to her and ask her "if there was any way that this little girl could get a new mommy and daddy who could look after her properly"! These kids have learned in school and at home about child abuse and they know themselves that this is...abuse!
This guy is a known fighter in his younger years and has a bad temper...so approaching him is out of the question...but WE WILL BE DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THIS SITUATION!!!
Too bad you can't take them in just like you would do for an abandoned animal!
BUT....THERE ARE LEGAL CHANNELS THAT ONE MUST FOLLOW...try explaining that to children after you have told them that all they have to do is tell someone and that person will get help....
Their eyes asks you.......WHEN?
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