Anything can happen
Bend, don't break
Challenge your potential
Destiny is a choice
Effort creates opportunities
Follow your intuition
Get back up and try again
Hold on to your vision
Impress yourself
Just dig a little deeper
Keep knocking on doors
Learn from mistakes
Motivate with compassion
Nothing worthwhile comes easy
Own a positive attitude
Problems hold messages
Question what's not working
Regroup when you need to
Stand up for your principles
Think outside the box
Unite perseverance with resolve
Value knowing when to walk away
Work smarter, not just harder
Xhaust all possibilities
You can, if you think you can
Zzzzz's, take naps as needed
by Meiji Stewart
What more can one say........
Have a Happy T.G.I.F. day
That took some thinking out...all very true!
Hope your Friday/ weekend went well!
oh, ps
I'm going tobe adog owner in a few weeks! the battle commences.. well not really!
Hi Blue: I used to have a springer spaniel that I loved very much...we called him "Freckles". When we went for walks he liked to roam so much that it was hard to get him to come back. Hope you have better luck with "Thistle" he looks cute! Be Happy!
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