The main big house was called "Rowan House" after the commander that ran the fort. This house was built just for him, his family and servents. He did use some of it for office space and held meetings in the big room but other than that I thought it was over much for one family to live in when there could have been room for other officers. While the others had to live in small shacks!
Most of the "Married Men's Quarters" buildings had sod roofs and we thought it was funny to see trees growing out of them.
In front of "Rowan House" there was a sun dial that they used to tell the time and the year. There also was a quote carved into the sides that said..."Tak tent o' time ere time tak tent o' thee". As to the meaning...?

JD saw that their blankets lay on a pile of pine boughs and made a comment about how sad that they had to lay on prickily branches and how uncomfortable it must have been. PoD had to tell him that they where there to keep them off the ground and it was actually soft to sleep on.
As mentioned in previous blog the round barn really impressed me and that it was in really good condition and the old style house was one of the houses that I had remembered from my childhood. Another one was a house that PoD had read about in one of her "Haunted House" books of Alberta that reported that this house had ghosts in it and they were reported to have been seen upstairs. I asked a house attendant and she told me that none of the buildings were haunted! Of course I didn't believe her! This place was another place that felt familiar to me!
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