Cat Facts...
"It's hot in here and I want to take off all my clothes"...
I can sing that song but my poor kitties can't!
Not being able to have an air conditioner [bad for my health and my cat's] my house has become a sweat box! The fans are going continuously trying to keep some form of coolness for them but I am afraid that it isn't helping any of us! I'm able to remove all my clothing and fans help to cool me down but my poor cats are stuck with their fur coats!
"Cats with heavy dense coats such as Persians and Persian-type cats suffer the most. Obese cats will also be more prone to heat stroke because the layer of body fat tends to soak up the heat. Young kittens and senior cats likewise have a reduced ability to process the heat load and may cause vomiting. Indoor cats suffer the most if there is inadequate ventilation. Outdoor cats fair better as long as there is shade and a breeze to cool them off"
Suki has been vomiting a lot lately and this has become very worrisome for me! I have been trying to find ways that I can help heal her without the expensive cost of a vet!
I may own my own business and that might sound like I have lots of money but I don't...I am still trying to recover from a business that was poorly managed and money that somehow disappeared...not to mention my own medical woes! So seeing a vet has to be a last resort for us!
Don't get me wrong...I LOVE MY CATS...and I would like to be able to say that I would do anything for them but lines have to be drawn...like it or not! I know there are others out there in the same boat as me...we have no alternative but to help ourselves!
Thankfully I have the Internet and advice has been available on her various symptoms.
Hairball problem?
Both cats got a good brushing [hair brushed forwards and backwards] to help remove most of their excess fur and then I wrapped them in wet towels...giving them a good rub down so the water would reach their skin. Using this method keeps them from getting overly wet [like a bath would] and they don't have to lick themselves as much [causing hairball problems] to dry off. I was smarter this time and did Thumber first as she has always learned from what happen to Suki, would happen to her! She didn't care much for the wet towel but seeing her later she looked cooler. Suki is a better minded cat and took it better...and she also looked cooler!
Dietary change?
As for her continuing to vomit [not a lot, but too much for my liking] the on-line vet suggests that I change her diet [she is 10 and that's considered old] to one that has a better balance of protein and carbohydrates suited for an older cat. Maybe a change from dry to wet food might help? Suki is not over weight so that's not the problem!
Hopefully these changes work!!
Will keep you posted on the outcome....
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