Tuesday, October 04, 2011



[it hurts to pluck the eyebrow area...forget adding makeup]

Has been pretty rough lately...the excess skin [better known as wrinkles] around my eyes has formed itchy, oozing, swollen, crusty sores that I thought might be cold sores [herpes] but turned out not to be....:) for the herpes part...not for the sores part

It had gotten so bad that the left eye hardly opens enough to see out of! It makes me look like I've had a stroke!

Doc diagnosed as a bad case of eczema and is supposed to be able to be cleared up with a cortisone cream which ended up burning my eyes when it got into them. The label did say to not get it too close to the eye?

So why did the doctor prescribe this, seeing as it is around my eyes?

My Pharmacist prescribed something better that doesn't hurt when it does
and it seems to be working....

Somewhat better?

Only now I have noticed that the cataract in my left eye has gotten worse than the right eye and seeing through the two together makes for some very nauseating moments not to mention weird viewing!

Designing anything right now is a nightmare! There was a logo competition that I had to miss because of the pain of my eyes. I have a customer that needs his design plans finished for his invention....etc

So is writing and or reading of blogs!

I miss reading all the blogs that interest me and when I do manage, I can't leave comments on those who have word verification...:(

As I sit here typing, my eyes about 6 inches from the key board... the monitor is about a foot from my face and the light is killing my eyes...

I can hardly wait for the 27th! That's the left eye turn to be fixed...oh how I dread and long for it a the same time...

Still need to up date a lot and I have 2 haunted court house investigation to report on too...

So bear with me and all my crappy problems...

One happy note...

I got my Halloween decorations up outside AND inside!

Both before Oct. 1 !

I decorate in the dark...so that fun part hasn't been taken away...


Monday, September 05, 2011


Let me take you into what my blog is really about...hence it's title!

I for one believe that the loved ones who are deceased are not really gone from our lives and I like to think that they join us whenever they are needed and I have a nice story to tell you if you are willing to believe that it could be true....

Sat. Sept. 3 was the wedding day of a guy who spent many hours growing up with my kids. My son and him were in the same grade and were best buds for awhile.

It was great news hearing that he was tying the knot and that we were invited as he and my son had drifted apart...but then this is a small town so people really don't drift that far...

Anyways we had all decided to attend the wedding which meant dragging my son [all of us] to the church part! My kids were not brought up with a religion and have thanked me many times for that fact of not having to face the Sunday torture of having be preached over. But I do believe that if someone needs to get married in a church then THAT'S their prerogative but we should honor it and so we did...

With a lot of squirming and fidgeting and we all must of suffer from A.D.D but that wasn't our fault either...have you ever sat through a wedding that held a service too and that was officiated by someone who had a hard time with the English language?

All I kept hearing was him call the bride Allicia when her name was Alyssa and go on and on about someone named Sarah? Those whom I talked to afterwards said that they were used to his lack of English skills and normally he speaks through a mike...but that wouldn't have mattered anyways when one couldn't understand him period!

We did sit at the back of the church so we weren't bothering anyone with our in attentiveness.

I was also sitting on the aisle seat so I could take pictures of the bride/groom as they came in and this kept me busy for awhile until sermon time. I don't quite know how to explain this next part because I know the majority of those reading this will shake their heads and say that my mind is slipping again...but then why should I care what they think!

This is what happened...

A very loud thought came into my head and said "look up and take a picture"...so I did

Right above me in the 16th shot of the day was this large Orb! It was very bright on my camera and shocked me and something told me to look back and take another one...

I took lots more of the ceiling and everywhere in the church after those two but captured nothing...not even dust motes!

I also got the feeling of who it was too...

The grooms dad, Gord!

The feeling that this was him increased as the evening went on...the next questionable shot is #37 when they were cutting the cake.

We were only invited to the dance, so I wasn't able to take shots of the supper festivities but through these next shots it may show you some questionable spots that I like to call Orbs. The below photo shows them very faint although the one above the bride has a brighter edging to it.

The shot right after the above one came out all blurry EXCEPT for the Orb, which seems to be fairly clear looking. It also has a strong aura ringing it too! This took lots of power to show it this clearly and the fact that the camera focus on IT!

If any of you have been following my Orb quest most will know that this is a rare one with lots of definition to it! You will also see that this same Orbs shows up lots more in my photos.

The shot below which was #39... shows the size as smaller and what might be matrixed as a smiley face? I think there is someone there from her side as well, just not as strong as Gord's Orb. I think he really wanted to be seen as most of my shots after the cake cutting was from inner urgings that cannot be explained.

The next shot [#44] below is what I would call dust mote orbs and moisture orbs from the fog machine but who knows what Orb might be hiding amongst them dancing the night away....;}

As most know at weddings there is a lot of pranking stuff going on like; all the women have to dance with the groom and the guys for the bride. A normally shy guy did very well on the dance floor and seem to be having a great time and

Was also being watched...

This is another strong Orb behind the groom and has that same strong aura as the large one...was his dad on the dance floor too?

Keeping a close eye on him?

The bride had some of her followers too...

Although it did look like the large orb hung around too...

My last shot of the evening captured these three Orbs trying to get in on the photo action too?

The final largest Orb seem to match the one in the 4th photo from above and both of them has a bright aura around it that is quite thick.

As far as I am concerned the groom's dad suffered much in life with MS and lost his life because of it. It's fitting as far as I am concerned that he got to float around his family, to be there in spirit and hopefully they felt him there like I did!

And thank you Gord for the privileged of showing me what I have suspected all along!


Must add that my family and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening! I got to dance with my daughter and grand children and watch BillyRoo [son] hide whenever we got the urge to jump around.

This wedding also confirmed to him that he'd elope to Vegas before going through what he just watched his friend go through..."a walking nightmare" in his eyes!

Little does he know...that when the "love of his life" wants what she wants and it's a big wedding....I foresee trouble in their future...;}

But not to worry there doesn't seem to be any "love" interests hanging around...
him or me....:)

Friday, September 02, 2011


My grand daughter, AJ, started back to school this year with an apprehensive feeling, dreading another dismal year of loneliness at school...;(

But also along with this apprehension was the strength to face those mean spirited peers with a strong will to win out in the end!

This is what I LOVE about my grand daughter the most! Her STRENGTH and WILL to forge ahead no matter what others think of her....:)

Do they judge her by her looks...?

She is tall, over-weight and extremely shy.....with a hidden disability...dyslexia.

Why the kids at her school have shunned her...I DON'T KNOW?

Her being dyslexic meant that she had to be in a "special education" class for some subjects [not any more though she's near being a honor student now].

But was this the problem for getting to know her?

If so, that's their LOSS!

But, like I said...

There is a shinning light to this post!

My dyslexic grand daughter just pulled off something that even I have never accomplished in life!



I whine about having poor eyesight when this girl looks through mixed up signals daily in her brain all the time and comes up with an accomplishment like that!

AMAZING as far as I am concerned!

For this girl...writing poetry/stories and drawing is all that she has to express herself with and I am SOOOOOO happy that she has been given this talent to help off set some of the hurts that has to live with.

Only some may not like what they see and read of her work as it is very dark right now but I KNOW that this too will change as her life lightens. Right now the stuff she does has a shock factor to it and I like the challenge she puts out to others because of it. If you knew her life you'd know why too!

I have to acknowledge the helping hand that this girl found at her school. Her shining light...their Librarian...Bobbi Hebron!

AJ spent most of her spare time helping and hanging out there due to the personal exile at school and this woman took her under her wing. Through her encouragement she gave AJ the courage to submit something for publishing and take the chance to be rejected. [This is something I have a fear of and loath competitions because of it]. She has done sooooo much for this girl that words can never be found to express how thankful I am that this kind of person does exist!

She also helped put the museum back together and has gotten us our Paranormal Room

Sadly, she will be moving away and this town is going to be short one great person!


AJ submitted one poem and one short story. The story didn't make it but the poem did! It was a contest open to anyone 14 and older. She received her letter, of acceptance the other day, of making the publishing level and now goes on to the prizes level. As far as I am concerned she already got the prize and the other would just be the icing on the cake!

Soon as Bobbi found out the good news she let everybody know and AJ's life at school changed that day!

She received LOTS of congratulations from many who never have given her the time of day and I hope things have started to change for her. She's in Grade 9 this year and hopefully a start of a new era for her but one has to wait and see...

I hate having to add a negative to such a happy tale but I have found that fame fades quickly and some people never grow up!

Only I KNOW that my wonderful grand daughter will always have the courage deep inside of her to persevere through whatever is thrown at her!

Maybe I should be thanking those mean kids for forcing her towards learning rather than having a good time!


I'd rather see a happy child ALL of the time!






Sunday, August 28, 2011

Where Have I Been?

This should be the new name for my blog!

I do have excuses....

As you all have read over and over again about my cataract problems and it's woes...

Add a CRASH OF MY COMPUTER!!!!! June 14th to my already mountain of woes!

My Hard Drive CRASHED!!!!!!

UNRECOVERABLE are words you never want to have to hear...

ESPECIALLY if your livelihood DEPENDS on it!

ESPECIALLY if you haven't backed-up your work since Feb.23!

Happily my Ex and I still talk to each other cause he came to my rescue and got me back up running again the very next day.

Only he couldn't restore ALL OF THAT LOST WORK!

Because this IDIOT kept putting off doing the back-up needed to ensure not losing it!

Remember me telling you all of the tire-kicking estimating that I had been doing and wasn't getting paid for it cause it was JUST estimates....

Well the majority of the "Just estimates" were lost, they were NEEDED not long after the crash...

Go Figure!

Which meant they all had to be redrawn all over again!

Not great news for someone with failing eyesight!

All of that wouldn't have been too bad if it wasn't for them all having a time limit!

Most was for the town's 100th birthday July 23. The town's Rec Director had made a push for getting advertising for the arena which would hold the ceremonies. Perfect for advertising which I was getting in on too.

Let me tell you....all of the signs did get done in time! Thanks to a hard working PoD and LONG hours!

Only they NEVER did get put up in time for the big event!

The lazy Rec Director never got around to it and from what reports I have heard he had PLENTY of time to do it?

Thankfully that wasn't my fault but my customer's are slow in paying for those signs BECAUSE of that fact of NOT getting their advertising that was promised! Guess it's Always MY fault!

During my work frenzy I missed updating my blog with useless info that's only important to me but have come to learn that it's an important memory tool for me too!

A lot of the lost info and important dates were recoverable because of my trivia drivel on my blog. I have used past stories to revive the info not filled in scrapbooks that haven't been updated either!

I'm very anal about recording stuff!

Only have to learn to get anal about UPDATING IT!

My Blog is kind of like a diary for me and really isn't meant to be there to entertain others in the world, which I really don't have to worry about seeing as only a few ever comment...;{

Things I did miss while the work frenzy was going on was attending Wilma's 40th birthday bash held in a hall not far from my house. It happened soon after my crash and I wasn't in any party mood...nor was PoD.

Happy Birthday Wilma....better late than never, I say!

Did have a gift for her that ended up in the dump! It has a weird story...

Seems I always find time for Garage Sales!

During the town-wide one I came across this gorgeous oldish looking mirror with neat ornate edgings...kind of gave me an idea about a mirror for her bar in their basement. The mirror was in excellent shape and even the backing looked kind of new like? The owner even said that she never hung it cause it never fit anywhere. My intent was to embellish it with a funny quote in vinyl somewhere on the surface area.
When I got the mirror home I stood it up facing my cutting machine and computer. It stood there for two days before a work day.
Right from the start we had problems with the machines. The computer didn't want to start? The cutter moved when it wasn't even turned on and both PoD and I witnessed it! From the moment I had brought the mirror into my place I had a dislike for it? It felt strange? Jokingly I said to PoD that it must be the mirror spooking the machinery and felt the urge to remove it from the place. So I put it outside in my storage vehicle with my Halloween decorations and forgot about it.
When I came back in, PoD said all was back to normal with the machines after I had left with the mirror...? Coincidence?
A few days later I went to retrieve the mirror to put the wording I had prepared for it, on it, when I found that the frame had broken away on the bottom. The frame was still stapled to the cardboard backing and that was still attached to the rest of it? The mirror had not been broken...just the frame and there was no way to pull it apart the way that it was without breaking the mirror. It had been a bit warm outside and was possible that the mirror could have expanded enough to force the frame to split...but why only one end?
I got a cold chill up my spine when I saw that and thought it through enough to cause me to question whether I wanted to give something with an odd aura about it to a friend not to mention ever wanting to have it around...so to the dump it went with a cleansing performed over it to make sure that the weirdness didn't hang around after it left!

The decal is still here for her if she wants it...:)


Other important info needed to be recorded was the fact that I have lived in this place now for 4 years...my the time has flown!

The grand kids left for their 3 week visit with their Alberta relatives on June 28 and that left exactly 3 days to work on getting Grad together. This meant rounding up lights and wrapping poles. I had shown in an earlier post the diamond theme this year and had big plans on making lots of cardboard ones....that never happened due to our rush.

The end result was because of a dream of someone else who had the courage to go it alone on the planning of majority of the decorating...

The entrance way table was her idea but the archway was mine. This was the last area to be decorated and was hastily put together. By the time we got to this spot all were tired [except for me] of decorating and it showed. But by then all didn't care either...except for me

The theme did not match the decoration theme? But how would one do that by that dumb saying anyways? I'm glad this was off to the side and not too noticeable.

This what the stage looked like. The bags on the floor in front of the head table all had the kids name on them and wasn't my idea either...:) This to hold all of their goodies?

The big diamond that sits in the center is a posing stool and is for their photo op after the ceremonies. The kids came out from the curtained area to the right and paraded around the stage then down the steps to their seat. The little shoes that you see in the foreground were done by me

The above photos shows the hall layout and their table centerpieces. The most awesome thing to me were the blue origami folded napkins that each held a peppermint patty in the center. This woman made over 200 of them...happily with no help from me!

Surprise of all surprises I have NO Orbs to point out to you all lurking on here...

This all my eyes can stand for now...I still have July to catch up on and that will include photos of the town's 100th, our HUGE parade, our float and even a Paranormal Investigation on the 29-30...this kills my eyes and gives me a headache so it may be slow

And maybe an update on the Darkside Zodiac for Cancer then one for Leo...

So stay tuned...:)

Thursday, June 09, 2011


Things haven't been going so good with me lately...

I been having issues with my eyes!

For some time now I have been unable to distinguish the difference between dark colors...like wearing one navy sock and one black one...not fun for someone who makes her living by using colors!

For the longest time I have had issues with age changing my eyes and looking through bi focal lenses became quite a challenge with perception in my drawings.

Then I noticed that my vision perception had changed in how I looked at things. I could see the object, knew what the object was but it began to have no details to it. Hard to understand unless you have gone through it.

Of course being diabetic I wondered if it was just a case of the sugars being too high...in which some cases it was, but not all of the time!

The biggest difference was in my left eye and any time on the computer [which is A LOT] gave me massive headaches! Typing any stories or pamphlet designing with lots of wording had become near impossible, so I've had to rely on PoD [daughter] to do all of these chores. Of course I couldn't ask her to do my blog so that's why there has been no activity here.

All of this has been very scary for me!

My livelihood depends on my eyesight!

Like the fool that I am sometimes I chose the business over my eye sight and put off having my eyes checked out [my last eye exam was in 04] and denial of what was happening to them didn't help either! Also the though of having to fork out more money that was slated for getting me out of debt didn't help either!

I don't have any extra health plan that covers eyes or dental problems so of course they would have to go on the back burners, so to speak!

Stupid thoughts for a 60 year old who's body is slowly beginning to breakdown!

Denial is a pretty big word!


Fortunately I have wonderful kids that look after me when I do these stupid things! My daughter came to my rescue and forced me to see an eye doctor on Monday!

The news wasn't good and he felt that I needed to see an eye physician immediately!

Talk about scary!

I'll take on all the scary ghosts in the courthouse any day compared to having that news given to me!

So that meant going home and wait for the appointment to happen...which had a possibility of a week to two week wait!

Didn't help either having a family history of a brother with a macular degenerative disease that has made him go blind and that its hereditary!

Thankfully yesterday morning I got a call that there was an opening and could I be there at 3:00!

Again poor PoD had to rescue me and drive me there, as even driving has been near impossible for me...;(

I also have to mention that my ex has come to the rescue many times with the use of his vehicle, as PoD's car is out of town right now with her husband.

Stress has been a BIG word lately and those who have IBS like I do means that the old bowels have been working overtime too!

I also have to mention that none of these eye doctors live in our small town! The first one was a hour away and the other a hour & half so we have gotten to see a lot of highway with boring scenery. Granted, it was scenery that I might never get to see again loomed heavily on my mind as we drove there!

Waiting at doctors offices has never been a pleasant thing for anyone and I'm no exception with it! It did have a TV that was stuck on the "Game Shows" to entertain those who were interested or maybe it was to take your mind off of what might be your future?

It was having magazines to read about what one might have that was the scariest for me! Especially the one on Macular Degenerative Disease!

I had all of the symptoms!

Visiting an eye doctor means lots of stuff is put in your eyes and lots of pictures been taken leaving one nearly blind by all of the searching being done which leads to headaches...

But in the end there was an answer...

I have cataracts in both eyes! The left one being the worst!

The thing is...you can't see them because they aren't on the surface! I remember my dad's and his made his eyes look milky looking...I don't have that! Mind are deeper?

Anyways...they are correctable!


This will mean two different surgeries that's needed to correct them, but will leave me with not having to wear glasses except for up close work!

Gotta love that one!

The other fact...its covered by my general health care and won't cost me anything!

The glasses that I will need are those generic ones bought in drug stores and they are cheap!


The moral of this story for me is...


My health is more important than my financial problems... without it I wouldn't be able to do anything about it anyways...duh!

First it was my heart and now my eyes...

They say that age is supposed to make you smarter?

I wonder how old I have to be before that happens?


Now time to go worry about the surgeries in which I will be awake for...

I can see that needle coming for my eye right now to freeze it...

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I have nothing but respect for those who teach teenagers or should I say young adults who are going to be let loose on this world in June...


I am referring to our "Friday the 13th Ghost Tour" in our haunted court house.

I had figured on there being around 20 kids or so...well the or so turned up to be 29 total! Add some chaperons and we ended up having 38 in all!

Wanna see what I saw...

PoD is holding the door open while I am in my favorite spot...taking pictures. There were a few others [chaperons] not in the shot...[if you were counting those in the picture that is]...;}

Forget any other pictures after this...not possible, as it was absolute chaos after that shot!

Okay...now take all those kids and squeeze them into this building and expect to scare them. Wasn't possible, except for one poor girl that was too terrified at the end of the tour to retrieve an object she had left in the safe room by herself. PoD had to go with her so I guess we managed to scare one for sure.

But it really wasn't about scaring that we had intend to do when we gave this tour. Our intention was to open up some eyes of the really skeptical ones and judging by the question period at the end, we had some people going away with thoughts of maybe there is something to what we are finding about the paranormal in there.

As for the tour itself...never that many together all at once! At least for this age group! I would ask for the interested ones be in one group and the bored ones to be in another group. Although I do have to add that these kids were pretty wound up from their trip and that didn't help with some of their short attention spans!

One girl from Toronto kept us on our toes with questions against what we were doing and that was fine...she had some very intelligent questions that happily we were able to raise some doubt in her skepticism.

PoD did most of the talking, which was okay with me, as I found that this age group had a tendency to annoy me with their antics! I found that I had to do more watching for them handling the artifacts, which they were told not to touch or pick up! The rooms were too crowded for any control even with the presence of their chaperons.

To tell you the truth...if I had been one of the ghosts, I would have stayed out of sight with all those hormones in one tiny room...I tell you! There were times that I wanted disappear!

We started are tour by showing them the safe room or the "Control Center" where the research teams set up their equipment. Then up the main foyer stairs to the law offices and court room where we give another long story on what happened in those rooms. That ends with the tour through the Judges Chambers and down the back stairs to the basement.

By the time we have toured half of the basement, my throat hurts so much from trying to make myself heard over the over active kids! I was so thankful for remembering to bring my water bottle with me. But that didn't help completely with the hurt on my vocal cords. I wasn't doing as much talking as PoD but her voice sounded better than mine did. But then, she still has kids at home that makes her vocal chords in much better shape than mine...;}

It doesn't get dark here until 9:30 or so, so we weren't able to show them just how dark it is while we do our investigations. This might have added more chaos tho, as there were some boys that were trying to scare others and that can get out of control quickly in the dark! So I'm glad that it wasn't dark too?

One neat part is that PoD got to show her half-sister and half niece what it is that she does in her spare time. You see, PoD's half sister didn't want anything to do with her biological father's family as she felt that he abandoned and her kids, for his new family? It's a very messy story that hurts all and hopefully one day maturity might happen and things will be better. It's none of my kids or my fault as we have tried to mend fences without any results. My grand daughter is in the same class as her son and she didn't want her son acknowledging having a half-cousin...etc. So they haven't conversed.

Until now...

She asked PoD a few questions...

I know that sounds small but it's a step forward...

So in all, I say Friday the 13th tour offered up something different for us...or not, we'll see?


The tour only took an hour...felt like 3!

We were told that all had enjoyed it and they thanked us...

So hopefully it was true and we haven't hit their record books as being crazy?

One question that stuck out mostly in my mind was...

"If this place is so haunted why isn't it famous or on TV?"

Our response was...

"We're working on it"!

Other than that, the day was uneventful and things weren't unlucky in my mind...

Except for the next morning at 4:00 am when I was awaken by loud people noises and got to watch the drunk antics on the porch roof next door at the party house! There is no balcony or porch...this is the ROOF of their porch. There were 3 of them [2guys/1girl] sitting all wrapped up in blankets [it was pretty cold out] drinking and passing a joint, being really loud, while watching the sunrise! I stayed up to watch them...to see whether any of the idiots would fall off but I was disappointed. Although, it would have been pretty gruesome if they had fallen on my side, as there's a pointy fence and sidewalk within their fall zone that might have caused some pretty serious damage if they had!

The other eventful thing was three garage sales in which I got PoD to attend with me [I'm too crazy a driver for her] and she picked up an elliptical trainer really cheap...she was looking for a treadmill so she was happy. I came away with some crafty stuff and office files for pennies!

Did I ever tell you that I LOVE garage sales!


Then later that day my nap was interrupted by my son-in-law-landlord and my grand children ripping the back deck off the house!

This has been in the works for awhile as it was badly in need of replacement!

My job is to draw up building deck plans that will pass inspection...

This will be my second experience in deck building. The other one was in Kelowna 1980! That one was much larger so this one shouldn't be too hard...

We'll see...

It's been many a moon...

Photos to come...

Friday, May 13, 2011



Does that sound ominous or what?

Tonight [7:00] PoD and I are off to try to scare some grade 12 students and maybe some adults...

A hard task!

Teenagers can be very skeptical at that age about a lot of things...sometimes just to be contrary or to be more macho in front of their peers...?

Our grade 12 students have an exchange program with the students from Toronto [Ont] and the students will arrive in town later this afternoon. We've been asked by the hosting parents to give a spooky guided tour through our town's wonderfully haunted court house and to scare the crap out of them...their words not mine!

Of course, we accepted!

Although, it was a toss up between a paranormal investigation being done in Regina [that we were kindly invited to attend] this weekend with the group [Sask Paranormal Shadow Hunters] that we had hosted here in Feb. There was a few places they were investigating that sounded interesting but seeing as we had already promised this weekend to the students, we had to decline. But very thankful that they had considered us enough to offer us an invite. Hopefully in the near future we can attend another one?

Anyways... tonight will be a challenge?

Hopefully there will be some maturity involved with this age...but past experiences with the Halloween tours, leaves me apprehensive about so many [approx 20] all at once, in a group.

The Toronto students arrive in town sometime this evening straight off the plane in Saskabush, a rough 2 hr drive on scary highways to here, then board wagons to tour the town and cemetery [you know us country hicks...;}] ending up with a barbecue on the court house grounds.

The spooky tour in the court house is planned for 8:00.

I can see them either all totally hyped up with all that has happened with them so far or hopefully so tired from the flight/drive/wagons/food that they let themselves get scared...;)

And maybe we will get lucky and they will all be believers and come away with a great experience of the paranormal....

One can wish?

Will take lots of photos but promise no shots of faces if possible. Will try to get a group photo and will post with permission of course.

Stay tuned for the results.

I just hope that Friday the 13th doesn't get us....


Sunday, May 08, 2011


The happiest part of this day is the fact that I gave life to 2 amazing human beings who mean more than life its self to me!!! Having grandchildren has only added to it!

Get between me and my kids/grand kids and you will see one very mad mother bear!

If anything, I would say that I raised my kids as both a mother and a father!

And YES....I will pat myself on the back for all of their GOOD traits and let you know that the BAD ones are HIS!


Sadly, I cannot say Happy Mother's Day to my biological mother in person because she passed away when I was 10...;(

To say that I remember much about her...I don't! I do remember some things but not much...parents aren't that important to kids at that age, so they think.

Her passing was also a very tragic time for me, as I experienced her death through a dream and later experienced seeing her ghost through out our house. Having the dream and later seeing mom's ghost caused problems with me and my sister "Buttons"...she believed me and thought she saw her once too!

When the step mother appeared on the scene, she couldn't take my/our spooky tales and felt that I had convinced my sister that she was crazy too? Her solution was to send us both to see a psychiatrist! It took me two sessions to decide that that I hated him and wasn't going back! What I did learn from his sessions was to never tell anyone ever again about odd things that happened to me after my mom's death...buried it deep is what I did do!

The thoughts that I do remember about my mom are happily only good ones...:)

Sadly I don't feel much of a connection with her?

Our time together was a short 10 years and much of those years had to be shared with 5 other siblings! My baby years were interrupted with the arrival of my younger sister [18 mons between us], so my babyhood was even shorter.

This was also a woman who slaved for her household. I don't recall any of us ever doing house work! She even made her own soap because she had to, not because it was a hobby! We were also very poor, so she made a lot of our clothing! She had no time for kids. One statement I do remember was when I thought I was adopted [I thought I didn't look like anyone in the family...they all had brown eyes and I was the only one to have blue, etc.] was "with all you kids, do you think I want to adopt one"?

I guess birth control was expensive back then? Kind of glad about that, if you get what I mean...;)

The woman that did spend a lot of time in my life [52] and made some major changes, was my Dad's fourth wife. This made her my step mother!

The EVIL step-mother!

There were times that I compared my life with the tale of Cinderella!

The step mother also had a daughter whom my Dad later adopted after their marriage. Our earlier years together as sisters was fairly rocky in the beginning but later has improved with maturity.

The step mother was an experience that will never go away and did make me part of the hard worker that I am today!

This was also a hard woman that had to live a hard life herself and knew no better way to teach her life's lessons. She grew up with a father that molested her, a mother that didn't care, a lover that abandoned her with their unborn baby and between all of them they created a very hard person!

Looking back now, those were my growing up years and were very important that a strong hand be used. Sadly, the compassion that had been lacking in her up bring showed towards us kids!

Her daughter was a different story! She ended up the spoiled one! Something she wishes had been different if she had only been shown the same up bringing! Her life was the bad side as a teenager and lots of mistakes were made.

The time that I did enjoy with my step mother was during my 20's while I lived in Edmonchuk. We did some crazy things together and had some great laughs so it wasn't all bad. Those were the years that I was proud to call her mom!

I moved out of the province after my first child and haven't been back to the old home front since. Not because of her, mind you. That was my ex's doing.

The step mom and I remained reasonably close throughout her remaining years. Buttons [who also moved far away] and I always made a point to visit whenever we were able to, more so as her health faded. Many a time we would rush to her bedside with the urgings of our sister [her daughter] with the dire warnings of impending death, only to have her rally to health.

She passed a year & 2 months before Buttons did!

Our step mother's will devastated both her and I. Not that we were expecting anything [she had left us something before she died] but thought to be remembered by last words of love!

We weren't!

I have never seen the will as all was left to HER daughter! Including her last thoughts!

But we figured if there were words on it for us, she would have let us see the will. She didn't! I won't ask, as I feel there is something on it that none of us should see? She says that step mother wasn't in her "sane-of-mind" but then that would make the will null & void?

For that... I cannot, in my mind, give out the days wishes for her easily!

She got her wishes when she was a good step mother and she should be happy for that and sad that she ended her well wishes to us in the will...as it made both of us feel unloved! It devastated Buttons more than me!

Petty as that may sound... I feel mother's day wishing is an EARNED honor!

As for my biological mother...it was her duty to stay healthy and not leave her family to the hands of others! Something I am trying to do for MY kids!

BillyRoo has already called me [6:30am] and wished me a Happy Mother's Day on his way out the door to work. He never forgets and makes sure to at least call...that's my gift! His gift to me is to stay safe and healthy!

PoD's gift is given to me almost daily by all the things she has to do for me...is MUCHLY appreciated!


As for the man that was the father of my children...he didn't believe in thanking me for being the mother of his children.

I had to be content with "your not my mother so why do you expect a gift or wishes"?

Anyways....on with life

Yesterday was my first town-wide garage sale and was able to pick up a Mother's Day present for my daughter [for giving me grand kids...;)]...a ceramic 18" high Buddha to go with the pagoda that I bought [birthday last year] for her flower bed. I also gave her hanging pots for some vine types. Didn't find much for myself [tight budget] and was mostly a kids/baby-stuff sales. Did manage to get the son-in-law something for his collections that he will get on his birthday and something little for the grand kids.

Did get to enjoy it with an old friend that "Sales" with me yearly to that place...we continue our conversations like we had just left off from the last sales. It's so wonderful to have a friend that doesn't cling to me nor me to her...:)!

Am suffering a bit today from all the getting in/out of a truck and walking...the calf muscles are moooing from their lack of exercise. Seems all the walking helped only a LITTLE bit...;(

Must get in better shape!

The weather did not co-operate and it was a chilly 3 hrs but fun never-the-less!

Today seems to be continuing as the clouds this morning look like they are going to hang around.

Might snuggle under the covers and watch some movies...doing nothing sounds great.

ALL YOU MOTHERS out there...that deserve it


AND that does include BOTH my moms cause they did do the best of their abilities no matter how much I wished it to have been better...cause I know there are many many worse ones that I could have been stuck with instead!

Friday, May 06, 2011

Another Darkside Zodiac...Taurus [Apr 21 -May 21]

Again, these are permitted excerpts from Stella Hyde's book, Darkside Zodiac. Which means, these aren't my words and no blame can be laid at my feet...

Taurus is a feminine sign, fixed Earth sign ruled by Venus. It is the second sign on the zodiac wheel, directly opposite Scorpio, and is named for the consyellation Taurus [the bull], which plods and bellows behind the Sun at this time of year.

On the Darkside, this makes you a stubborn, sybaritic, rut-bound bully, fueled by dull resentment and an insatiable love of money.

Annoying Habits:

Punctuality...You are never late; you have never been late; you will never be late. People in Switzerland can set their clocks by you, train companies call you for advice. Strangely, everyone else is always late meeting with you.

Toothpaste...The Taurus toothpaste tube always lives in a toothpaste tube cozy on the third shelf down and is always rolled up from the bottom. If anyone moves it-let alone squeezes it in the middle-you kill them.

Temper Gauge...0 to boiling in about six months, but on a regular five-year cycle. Much earth-shaking; small buildings fall down; you gore everyone within reach. Ten days later people armed with chocolate can approach you.

Personality...Obdurate, opinionated, overpowering

Bitch Rating...C+. Others think this is because you are naturally kind and charitable, but they are wrong; it's not that you don't want to bitch, you're just too slow-witted to really make an impact. When you do try, you make dull, painful remarks about other people's lack of fashion sense or money.

Fave Deadly Sin..."I'll have all them, now" is naturally your first thought, since the desire for some new stuff fogs your brain. When you finally understand you've got to choose, you go away to ruminate, and come back some days later with the obvious answer: Greed, with a substantial side dish of Gluttony [maybe served in a just of Lust]. You think having and holding until death do you part is sensible behavior, and nothing is ever going to change your mind. As for Gluttony, what's wrong with liking your fodder, especially if it comes at a prix fixe?

Blame your planet Venus, mighty Aphrodite!

Again...a lot of her predictions have to be calculated with the time of day one was born...etc.

Buy the book...you will be amazed on how well these little tidbits let's one know who they might be dealing with?

I, for one, have to agree with what I have read about the Taurus traits in this book. I have MANY that are close to me and must admit they have left BIG hoof prints on my life! The males especially!

I put off writing about his zodiac until now cause it played a big part in my life...making me a part of what I am today...

They say that marriage changes you...

I say it's your partner's traits that steers you that way...

It ticks off me to hear/read jokes about how women change after they get that ring on their finger...

My first marriage was to a Taurus...who ran herd boss over my life for 5 years...it felt like the ring was in my nose!

Reading about those traits brought back TONS of BAD MEMORIES! That thankfully ONLY lasted 5 years! But man, those 5 years were LONG!!! ;(

He took a somewhat shy, semi-naive girl and bullied her into something that was changing into the strong person that my [Aquarian] second husband help finish off!

I am resentfully for the lessons that it took to mold me the way that I am today but also grateful for them too! ?

My 2nd ex also has them drawn to him, thus I had them as close friends which later finding out that they were HIS friends and NOT mine! :)

Even lately the "love sites" send the Taurus men my way when I state not to...it must be the challenge that I emit to them?

Women are no problem, as friends, as they aren't interested in me that way...:) They actually make great friends!

Of my two exes, the Taurus one was the absolute worst! I still have residual nightmares with the things that he imposed on my life!

He was a scary stalker type and thankfully his feminine side came to my rescue when his darkside emerged. He did not know that a lot of his problem stemmed from the fact that he was gay and fought it! Thinking back on those times and adding up all the odd facts that occurred during it, made me come to the conclusion why he eventually ended up dead at the age of 30 or so. I never found out why or how he died, as I had severed all contact with him and his family after our divorce. I just know that he died! It was my step mother who informed me of his obit in the Edmonchuk newspaper, which never mentioned how he died? I often think his gayness was part of the reason why his dad committed suicide and left the odd note about it for him to find?

Summing up this guy would mean doubling those traits in strength and purpose! I disappeared [literally] from his life as my daughter happened during our divorce proceedings [those of you adding things up...no he is NOT her father as were separated for 2 yrs]and I didn't want him to know about her! Scary was too nice of a word for him!

He did provide me with a strong enough will to have a child on my own! Sadly, I let the next dangerous zodiac in my life...

It's bad enough having your own nasty traits but having a person just like you can be just as scary...but oddly nicely predictable?


As for my what's up with me...

As of yesterday, computer living was making my life hell! Damn thing was working in slow motion...like some people I know...

THANKFULLY I have computer-literate children that save my butt, time and time again!

This time it was PoD to the rescue!

BillyRoo [son] gives me crap when I don't do the updates when I'm supposed to and when I do, do them, I screw it up! ? ;(

PoD waved her magic wand, said a few choice [?]words and left me with it running in fix-it-mode...

I got the axe out and laid it on the key board with a few words of my own [really] and left it alone...to ponder it's fate

Spent the rest of the day clean house as I didn't have anything ready to put together sign wise.

Did fill the time with grad diamonds that didn't want to go together....left them in a pile!

Did have a painting committee job to do after work which meant someone was supposed to pick me up and didn't...wasted 2 hrs waiting? Was later called and apologized to, but was happy not having to do the painting work after all. Will be doing the second coat if she remembers today to pick me up...;)

So my Thursday turned out to be an annoying day which happily ended with the computer finally working properly!

Thank YOU PoD!!!

Woke this morning to fog at 4:30 am, right now [8:30] the sun is peeking out from the clouds...it's supposed to be sunny with intermittent rain?

Time to start the day...

Have a Happy day all you Taurus people....;)

Next zodiac will be Cancer [June 22 - July 22] my stepmother's sign as I already did Gemini's.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Was PoD's [daughter] venture into community theater's 22nd. stage production this year...all alone as Stage Manager/Set Designer/Set Decor/Hall Decor...etc!

She did a FANTASTIC job as far as I am concerned, granted I might be a bit biased...;)

I, from first hand experience, know how hard Stage Managing is!
More apt title would be "Cat Herder"...if there is such a word!

The addition of other jobs just makes it even harder! Like me, she has to add extra work for added challenge by designing the set, plus help put it up and then decorate it...all according to someone Else's thoughts [author and the director]. This is not easy!

I had decided [along with her urging...;)]to continue to stay out of these productions as the burnt-out feeling that I had about participating in it, still lingers!

But... I am still available to them for any help that might be needed.

In the beginning, PoD started out with great strength and enthusiasm but by curtain time, she was feeling like I usually did...which sadly I was sort of happy about, as she was making me feel like I was a whiner with all of her energy and such.

Most will find that the task is harder than you think, as she did and had to swallow her pride by asking for some help with the set decor...

What was needed was to be more messy and she has a hard time with that as it really isn't in her nature. My advice to her was to have her think of her brother's room or maybe her kid's...

Sorry BillyRoo, AJ & JD...but it's true...;{

No problem after that!

Do you know it's been MANY moons since I have made paper airplanes!

Was fun but mine didn't fly very well!

This was just a tiny bit of help on my part!

Talking about decorating...

I wonder if we had some company watching us that day...

This is a shot that I took for PoD's scrapbook and of all of the photos that I took that day, this is the only oddity that showed up?

I know most of you out there reading this have just rolled your eyes like an annoying teenager! Like what happened to me [during the night that I attended] when I mentioned it to someone. His first comment was the usual one that I get..."QoH, there aren't ghost everywhere that you go!"

How can anyone state that?

My usual response is..."How do YOU know that for SURE?"

I can at least provide proof or at least raise some doubt on the subject, with the photos/voice recorders and videos that we have gotten with our paranormal researches!

My time in this hall, all alone some nights, as I did my sets, made me feel other wise! I have also gotten some odd stuff in the shots that are just too hard to explain away! Plus we have gossip about a lady been seen entering the stage when there was supposedly no one else in the hall? When checking there was no lady! The report was not MY sighting!

I have an odd photo of what some might call the "Orange Angel" in front of a shop on main street even! So I think I can safely say that I can create some doubt in many skeptics on the paranormal being almost everywhere. Most think that it has to be the building that's haunted but they can be wrong...it might just be the LAND that it sits on that's haunted! There are different types of hauntings and most who will visit the courthouse after PoD and I add the paranormal info to the museum, will have to admit to some truth of this matter!

That said...here's more

Poor PoD was totally exhausted and could hardly keep her eyes open in this shot. She had volunteered to put hall decorating back into the production again with decor from previous events [made by me, except for the beach people...Ducky is mine] and I was there to assist in the put up and repair. The Hollywood sign is her master piece! It's very difficult to make HUGE letters and even harder when they are made out of table paper. They have no body and had to be taped to the rails...took some time and lots of bending. One thing about theater time is the great physical work out one gets by climbing the stairs numerous times to get stuff from the groups storage room [next to the H in the photo

The photo board was done by Wilma who did a great job in directing the cats that PoD had to herd...;)

Well done Director Wilma!

As mentioned, I attended Saturday`s performance and had a great meal with the company of some equally great people. Thanks PoD!

I sat next to one of the most wonderful ladies I have ever met and we had a great time catching up on past stories of previous productions. Her and her husband have never missed a single one!

I can`t say much for the horrible idiot sitting right behind me during the play, except that `your a _hole! His name is Annoying Person...see photo below. He kept making loud comments to the characters and thought he was offering up support as an audience member, when all it did was throw them off! I hate those ones and that fact that he was drunk and or stoned didn`t help!

Our seats were closer than I`d liked but as one gets older it might be just something I have to get used to...;(

The odd outlining around the stage masks are reflective and not something paranormal...;)

The one thing I did like about these productions was the food table for the cast and crew! There was never any time to eat the meal provided or even the urge to eat a big meal while nerves ate at you so we would bring something for the snack table.

In the pic below it looks like there was an extra guest...

I hate to think there was dust around the food...;(

As for the Orb...it probably could have used the food for energy....I little ghost humor...

And for actor`s humor... there is the awarding of the `Ham Award` which amazingly PoD did! That was one thing I didn`t do! I assisted in a few on stage but never announced...not my thing! The actor that I voted for didn`t win...;(

But I must admit my second choice did!

Again there was an added watcher...

As for being a dust mote...not bad for a hall being full of people with LOTS of movement...

It should have been snowing dust motes in the picture!

In all of my shots these are the only oddities that are unexplainable to me.

As for the single orb in most of the shots looks like the one that I get in a lot of my shots. There is one paranormal guy out there that feels that these ones have a tendency to follow a person...

Is this one mine or Pod`s....

As for comments on the production...it was very funny and well done by all!

.....fellow thespians and crew!

And all you ghosts...;)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


OR some kind of crap like that...

7 years ago I got rid of a very BIG pain in my life...the Ex [not completely cause of the kids] and thought my life was finished with the agony of all involved with love!


You know those dating sites that lonely people join to find their "one true love"? I joined quite a few after my release to freedom and then later dropped all of them, due to poor selections and the fact that I'm JUST NOT LOOKING!

Seems cancellation of one site never happened because I have been receiving many hits on that canceled site of late?

Here's my latest wannabe friend...

61 yr old/Married/Straight/Available

86% my match/70% my friend/35% my enemy

Montana, USA

My self summary...

I'm an older, wiser (well, I'm told I am anyway), educated, and open-minded guy. Dominant in my chosen lifestyle and prefer it that way. Enjoy meeting people online or in real-time, getting to know them, chatting, and seeing where it all goes. Not a prude and sexually adventurous, accepting, and sometimes demanding. I'm secure in who I am and welcome all genders, sexual preferences, etc...as long as you're able to be open, honest, and truthful. I adhere to non-traditional relationships; i.e. Polyamory, non-monogamy, open-relationships, bdsm, and swinging lifestyles. I'm NOT your run-of-the-mill guy. While I may seem simple on the surface, I tend to be VERY complex. I can be demanding and easy-going at the same time...and NO that is NOT a conflict of interests. I uphold very specific values and expect the same of my partner(s) or friends. The best way to know me is to take the chance and give in to your curiosity by contacting me and asking questions. I guarantee you will get a honest and direct answer...no matter the nature of the question.

I am Cerebral, Abnormal, and Wicked

What I am doing with my life...

I'm working towards retirement (aren't we all?) and enjoying my friends in the BDSM lifestyle. I enjoy sexual sharing and openness when things "click" between myself and others, which isn't that often. I'm very happily married to my slave, slut, wife and soul-mate. I stay busy at my job as a Computer Support Technician. I also run my own computer upgrade/repair business on the side. Busy? Oh yeah!!! However, I make time for my friends, lovers, and getting to know people. When I find the time, which is rare, I like to spend it making friends online from around the world by using various video chat programs. I also like to write when I find the inspiration and time. In fact, if I keep adding to this profile, I'll wind up writing an auto-biography...and wouldn't THAT be boring?

I am really good at...

I should most likely have someone ELSE write this part, but I'll just mention some of what others have told me. English, computer hardware upgrades, reading, flogging, pressure points, writing, and other little things that escape my memory just now. Now to expand on each of these points. ENGLISH: I enjoy writing. I'm also VERY critical whenever I read something written by others...no matter that person's status as layman or professional. (I tend to edit books that I read and glaring errors stand out and bug the begeejus outta me.) COMPUTER HARDWARE: That pretty well says it all. I can be a VERY logical person, but I DO NOT enjoy writing software or dealing with it. I concentrate on the hardware aspects, drivers, operating systems, internet security, and networking computer systems. READING: I'm an avid reader...mostly of fiction but also of self-help and technical journals. You'll often find me reading a book to pass what few minutes I have free, just to relax. BDSM: Well, the flogging part is easy. I also tend to use paddles and other various instruments of "ass" destruction on CONSENSUAL adults. The mind is a wonderful playground and I seem to have ability to focus on some people, see inside them, and by implementing various methods, many of them seem to wander into a wonderful place of nirvana. Pressures points can be used for pain OR pleasure, and I've learned a trick or two in using them. They are especially effective during a mind-fuck or certain other bdsm scenes. WRITING: My missives tend NOT to be short and I constantly have to remind myself to shorten them. (Just look at this profile...lol.) I'm seldom totally satisfied with my work and can always think of better ways to say things or things I SHOULD have said. I tend to write in an educated (read academic or stuffy) manner for the most part, but CAN be humorous, lighthearted, and kinky at times. You never know what will drip from the tip of my pen.

First things that people notice about you...

My openness, friendliness,the duality of my personality/nature, and intensity. I suppose I should add to this part. The OKcupid and Briggs/Meyers tests list me as a bit of an INFP , but I can also be very out-going and gregarious. I have a quick wit and tend to use humor to defuse tense situations. There are also times where I may be quiet and introspective. People feel that I'm trusting in that I give everyone the initial respect and acceptance of who they SAY they are because that's how I prefer to be excepted. I'm also non-prejudiced and lack tolerance for those who are. People notice my preference to practice the "golden rule" of treating them as I would like to be treated.

Favorite books, movies, shows, music and food ...

Anything Star Trek (SciFI), James Patterson (most mysteries), John Norman, James Herbert, The Marketplace Series, CCR, Tom Petty, Older Rock n Roll, classical, instrumental, some of most genres of music, and books. Mexican, meat n potatoes, American cuisine. One thing that's my favorite American (southern) dish is good, ole navy beans and ham or pinto beans with bacon. Mix either of those with a side of GOOD cornbread and some fried taters and I'm in heaven. (Not great for the cholesterol, but sure tastes good.) I originate from the West Coast but my parents were from the South, so those foods are the ones I prefer most. Foodwise, I tolerate eating things that swim or fly, but you won't see me eating any fish or fowl that often. Music is wonderful and I almost always have some going in the background. I'm not much for the lyrics (but SOME do catch my attention) and mainly listen to the rhythm and beat...no matter the genre (and yeah that includes SOME rap.) Two songs that come to mind that kinda epitomizes me are Charlie Pride's old chestnut, "I'm Just Me", and Uncle Kraker's "Follow Me."

Six things I could never do without...

Books, movies, music, computers, my slave, friends, and a roof over my head. Of course I need the other necessities of life like air, water, food, and shelter. I also need solitude now and then, and open, honest, close friends. I need the sexual stimulation and closeness of good friends, lovers, and companions. While raised in the Christian sense, I need my sense of spirituality which encompasses many other religions, including pagan. I NEED honesty, integrity, and respect...both given and received. If you can't provide these things, then it's doubtful that we would be a good match.

I spend a lot of time thinking about...

BDSM, polyamory, sex, computer hardware, movies, multiple-partners, traveling, and various other places my mind wanders. As I've mentioned previously; I can be a VERY complex person most of the time. My interests are often eclectic and varied. My mind will stick on one thing for a while, almost to the exclusion of everything else. I enjoy good, honest, intellectual conversations about almost ANY topic. You'll find that nothing is off-limits for discussion in my book. With the exception of Lust, you will also find that I DETEST any display of most of the other negative emotions that Pandora released from her box. I can be playful and creative (and my thoughts will often wander in that direction) but I am also VERY forthright, verbose, and open-minded although I DO have my own, definite opinions. I AM a thinker...sometimes to the exclusion of DOING. Is that a fault...well, maybe, at times.

On a most typical Friday night I am...

Home with my girl and sometimes entertaining friends. I don't really go by the standard workweek except that's how my job dictates my free time. I tend to stay busy all the time but I'm NOT a workaholic. I enjoy watching a good movie or television show or spending time talking about our lives and where they might go in the future. I'm impulsive at times and like to enjoy whatever my particular mood or inclination takes me...whether it's listening to music, spending time online, talking, or having great sex. It's all good and we need all those things. It's just best when it's spent with like-minded friends and those closest to you. My friends tend to be part of my extended family, some with whom I share extra benefits. It's not always what you do for fun and relaxation as much as who your share it with.

Most Private thing I am willing to admit...

Can't think of much to put in here. I'm pretty open and honest about myself. Want to know something? Just ask!!! I'm often a private person in some aspects, but that's not something I think about. If something is private it's only because not everyone would understand or accept those things. I'm not hiding a thing, however. I will gladly tell you about any private situation or moment in my life. I've had a long, full, and exciting life and have so many special moments that I don't honestly know what ONE thing I'd put here. Hence, my suggestion to contact me and ask.

In regard to my interests in polyamory, I will openly admit to certain things. I am married to a wonderful woman who is the light of my life to whom I'm intensely dedicated, as she is with me. I am not ashamed of my views even though others may reject our standards or not agree with them.

You should message me with...

You can deal with (notice that I DIDN'T say AGREE with?) most, if not all of my, points of view. You MUST be open, honest, and sincere. No fakes, phonies, or wannabes...just real people. You need to want to be a friend and see how we would connect in that aspect. One thing I DEMAND and EXPECT is mutual respect with no prejudice. I guarantee that you will receive in return whatever you send to me. I answer all my messages and mail, even if it takes me a while to do it. Just like you, I have my own ideals and opinions...I respect you for yours and ask that you respect me for mine. If you want to expand your horizons in some areas: contact me. If you want to share similar interests and thoughts: contact me. If you can't be open and honest about your feelings, interests, desires, or just want to disagree with mine...then by all means move on. I'm not the person for you.

**UPDATE: It seems a TON of people look at my profile but nobody writes, comments, or otherwise interacts with me once they peek. Guess I don't have the right equipment to be that much of interest or I'm just plain scary and too old eh? Oh well, being a voyeur can be fun at times too...weg.

I do remember filling out a profile and I know for a fact what I like and I am pretty sure everything that he has listed IS NOT compatible to me...86% my match, 70% my friend...with ONLY 33% my enemy...?

More like flip those stats with 86% being TOO low of a number on the enemy scale I say! I'd rip that guy a new "____"....if was up to me

But each to their own they say...

The only thing that guy has got going for himself is that he is positive of what he does want and doesn't hide it and the fact that he's willing to add that there is a possibility that he MIGHT be a little on the scary side....

I'll PASS this one....

Anybody else interested...his age choice is 27-70....;{?

Just hope your ass is up to it....;{

My first thought was to report him to the cops in his area and ask whether he might fit one of their scary suspects...?

As for the rest of my interesting life...

Sinus are acting normal for this time of the year...gotta love the itchy eyes and how they love to run with the dust and crap, kind of keeps up with the nose...big sigh

Our snow is almost gone and I saw my first robin on Sunday...there's even been some new little birdies that I must try to photo and see if anyone knows what they are? Sadly never have the camera handy when I do see one...hope they stick around for me to snap it. Our area is a main fly zone for a lot of different species of birds, so one wonders if some get lost...;}?

My slow time never hit...designing like crazy but money never appeared? I HATE TIRE KICKERS!

Been busy giving out FREE advice on grad decor ideas and the parade float signage is starting...but these are just proposals. My main customer's, the oilfield, is on hold right now due to it being too wet to go into the fields!

You should try budgeting for 4 months without any serious income and see how you live...teachers have to do it for only 2! One does keep wondering how I exist? I do have a guardian soul that helps me when I do get too desperate and a large order has landed but that payment will take another month to get here...big sigh

I HATE being a owner of a business sometimes...we don't get unemployment benefits!


Been trying to walk twice a day, as this is the bug-free time and am so enjoying it! Aside form the once-in-a while cold wind nipping at the face...it's been refreshing having the cobwebs blown from the brain...

Another project that has been occupying my brain cells is our final acceptance of the paranormal into our town's museum!

PoD and I, along with the financial support of my business, are putting the Shadow People shapes and Orbs where they have been seen and documented. We've also been given space to hang photos and paranormal info. Our deadline for completion is the centennial celebration in July! PoD is almost at the end of her commitment with dinner theater [I stayed out of it] and we plan to get at it going soon after....I have to give her a break first she says...

Been also waiting to hear back from the town council whether I can keep reporting about the courthouse hauntings...seems I need their permission on some things for a new blog I'm planning on just it.

As for decorating theme wise...the Easter bunny has found his way here already! I only wish he would stop dropping off those marshmallow bunnies that I love soooooo much...kind of defeats the walking purpose...

Or maybe I should walk further so I can have more bunnies...

Did I ever tell you I HATE BEING DIABETIC...

Stay tuned for the Darkside Zodiac, as my most annoying sign that seems to be attracted to me most, is next...TAURUS [Apr 21-May 21]