Humidex...a calculation combining air temperatures and relative humidity, given in degrees Celsius. It represents the heating effect felt due to a lack of body moisture evaporation, and gives the average person a "feeling" for how hot and stuffy the air is.
Use the following formula to calculate Humidex:
Humidex = T + 5/9 x [e - 10]
e = vapour pressure [6.112 x 10[7.5 x T/[237.7 + T] x H/100]
T = air temperature [degrees Celsius]
H = humidity [%]
If we are going to judge our weather properly: winter forecasts include a wind factor which makes temperatures "feel" even colder!
So its only fair to edit Wilma's weather statistics to include the "Humidex" factor which shows how hot it really has been...especially for those of us without air conditioners!
Yesterday at noon the temp was 31 degrees celsius but felt like 39, at 4:00 it was 35 degrees celsius but felt like 40 and at 7:00 it was 32 degrees celsius but felt like 42!
Today at noon it is 23 degrees celsius but feels like 30 because it is a little overcast with spits of rain...so who knows how long it will last!
I too, remember my childhood way back when and the heat never bothered me either, but having the weathered bandied about by adults is a different story...the older you get the more you feel the heat...so nevermind, we're NOT fine...
I told you I get cranky when it's hot!
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