Happy Halloween! 3 days left til Halloween! Day 2 of the Haunt!
My vision came true...the haunt was a HIT!!
Was it all worth it? Yes and No. More Yes than No.
The expected crowd [by me only] never happened. Thank You to the hockey game that just had to happen that night! This town is a real hockey town! Oh, by the way...it's hockey draft night tonight...being held by a local club as a fund raiser! Oh well...
Hopefully there will be a better haunt attendance tonight!
But the approx 185 people that did go through last night...
none were disappointed!
I made sure to periodically ask the ones stand outside, talking about what just happened to them, whether they enjoyed it or not and what was their favorite moments. The usual reaction was everyone talking at once and hard to understand with all their excitement! Very gratify for my ego!
All loved it! Everywhere!
The day started out pretty hectic. I managed to get 5 creatures made before PoD arrived and the busy moving started. We managed to get everything together and make my 11:00 appointment.
The final step to making my hair WHITE!
Yup...that was my stupid moment! Most people don't take the words "lighten up" literally! So why did I?
I felt it was time to do something drastic and maybe fun! Well I did the drastic...and we'll see about the fun!
Sure got a lot of good stares! I bet they thought it was a wig...sure feels like one. I have to get used to the stiff feeling dying your hair makes it feel like. You know...one step down from straw!
What's done is done!
Getting back to the haunt:
Our group Pod, the minions and me, finally got our act together [dressed] and got to the haunt to set-up the lights and sound. Wilma was busy moving in the water, coolers and food [yummy stuff that she prepared...especially the cookies] and looking as frazzled as we felt.
A BIG THANK YOU TO WILMA for all the work that she did on making this haunt run. Without her there would have been NO WORKERS! No workers mean No Scares! A DULL HAUNT! So... THANK YOU...WILMA! YOUR THE GREATEST!
FINALLY STARTING TIME! We started at 7:04 and the final group that went through was at 10:00.
Not bad...3 hours!
Not bad...if it hadn't of been so HOT in there! Opening windows helped some and they did shut off the heat. But when you get that many bodies together it gets hotter and hotter! Need more fans!
It didn't help that I was doing a lot of running around during that time...getting my scares in where I could. My job was to trouble shoot areas that needed extra scares and make sure things stayed together. Only one wall fell exposing an unimportant area so it didn't need repairing. Did a lot of stair climbing and my heart felt great!
PoD manned [womanned] the start of the haunt, which also controls the speed and timing. She did a great job! I spelled her off for a bit and I found it very hard to do! She's got to communicate to the other levels on what's going on...did I mention that I hate headphones! With so many excited people, waiting to go through, makes hearing on phones near impossible! Good job PoD!
The minions stayed with PoD until I found a place where they could be safe in the haunt and that's where they learned how to scare...properly!
They had a blast!
They were in an area where Conman and Funny Lady [who came in costume/make-up...which looked great!] could see to their safety. Conman actual started calling them the "Evil Midgets"!
One lady was so upset by the fact that we might have midgets in there? She wanted him to confirm that they were just children? Can we say what...!
One of the "Evil Midgets...JD, has a gas problem and we always have tell him to not let-go in enclosed areas [public]...just because he's so deadly!
I was able to enjoy a comment made by a "Victim" and had a hard time to keep from laughing out loud! What happened was...
A young group had just passed JD and he stayed very still. So they thought he was just another "dummy"! They had to stop and wait for another group, that were emerging from where they had to go to next, when one of them pointed to JD and said "there's a rotten smell coming from that "dummy" over there! Ewwww....!
I had to leave! Way to go JD!!
AJ had fun screaming along with the "Victims"!
I taught them to scream just like they have just been scared themselves and that it would make others scream with them and it worked. Both kids found their own places and made up their own scares...moving around lots! I only wished I'd put them in sooner! I asked both of them later in the car ride home if they had fun or not. Both had a blast and both were very ready for bed! AJ did say that her throat was a little sore from screaming but didn't mind. Way to GO KIDS...LOVE YA!!
I don't think we have to worry about counseling...they're TRUE HAUNTERS! Good genes!
Thank You Conman and Funny Lady for watching out for our "Evil Midgets"! Adult sometimes strike out when their scared and they hit hard! Accidents happen so...thank you for watching over them! "Evil Midgets" can get pretty excited!
Every area that I visited was well manned and screams were heard all over the building...even outside [windows open]!
One of my brothers [Tank] is attending to night and will be helping to man the haunt! Him, his wife "SewLady" and some of grandkids are coming with him and they are driving all the way from Devon [AB] to do this!
He's being trying to get to come and see this crazy thing that I do but halloween always fell on a week day.
I've asked Mother Nature to help out and make their journey safe! So far so good!
They will be arriving around noon sometime and will take in the haunt in the daylight and do yard decor touring [little that they are] while here. Him and his family always put on a fantastic yard display [we're the only halloween weirdos in the family] and are the hit of Devon. This year he said will be they're last and they plan on moving their haunt stuff to the museum and run it there...great idea!
So today will be mainly checking haunt, replacing batteries and making repairs....so see you at the haunt!
Orbing out...QoH