Monday, November 13, 2006

Part Seven:

We were able to finish up early and we had to remove the stuff that was exposed to the public so that the town could open for business the next morning.

While we were doing this Wilma presented Pod and me with a present from the workers for all the hard work that we had done…orange ”Crying Towels”!

I had mentioned earlier, in a blog, that I needed a “Crying Towel” for all the whining that I was doing. Mine was embroidered with the words “Queen of Halloween” on it and PoD’s was “Princess of Darkness”.

Thanks Guys!! These towels are HUGE!! I can do lots of crying! I LOVE IT!!

The part PoD and I like the best is…”Take Down”!

“Take Down” means…all can go into boxes and not to worry about putting it away [at home] until later!

The shop is closed to the public on Mondays but we still work that day. I can’t relax until things are done and that part completed…so we spent 3 hrs taking down all that was in “Mine Shaft #1 & #2 and moved what was staying into the “Custodial Quarters”. We left the walls up in this area for whatever the future brings and packed the “Mine Shaft Beams”, wood, tarps and the potted bushes along the walkways inside, leaving room for the town workers to access the electrical panel.

We had to move the “Thin Tree”, stump, fire ring and fake fire to the town’s community hall for the “One-Act Play” that they were starring in. The “Thin Tree” still had to have its branches/leaves attached to their main branches. This involves vines wrapped around coat hanger wire that were embedded into the main branch. Lots off hot glue to hold them there [burnt fingers] and paint to hide the glue. Ta…da….instant tree! Add a couple of altered xmas trees and ta…da…Saskatchewan prairie forest! The play is about camping.

If I haven’t mentioned it before…I am the Set Designer/Builder and Stage Manager [been pretty absent lately and it really should be “Clark’s” second title and me as assistant] for our entry in the One Act Festival being held in Slow Currant this weekend. I am really looking forward to that time [after our part is done that is] and it will be my only holiday for the year.

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