Part Two: The Lost Coal Mine
The “Victims” were met by another security guard who directed them into “Mineshaft #1 [old Dentist’s office].This one was infested with spiders and LOTS of webbing!
They would enter the mine shaft area and the door would close behind them with a bang! Blue light lit the first area and you have to walk bent to avoid the icky webs. Turning right you came to an open area where the BIG WHITE SPIDER lived and it would rush forward looking like it was going to attack your legs!
This caused a
After “dancing” some, you made a left through another doorway into the next room and another right down a short cob webbed shaft, then left and left again into another partition where you saw “Spiderman” stuck on a big cobweb. This was a dead end here and you have to backup and go right down another webbed shaft. At the end of this shaft hung a life size cocoon which semi-blocked the pathway. It was very hard for some people to go forward and go around this object but all did not want to go back the way they came.
The night that my brother worked the haunt he said that he had to finally reach out, exposing his just his arm, to move it aside so that they would continue. This made them scream even louder. He also said that by the end of the evening he was getting deafer and deafer from all of the screaming!
This part ended that section and the “Victims” next part was the long hallway leading to the Custodial Quarters [“Mine Shaft #3]. This hallway I called “Mine Shaft #2”.
PoD and I divided the hallway into 2 sections. The left side was wider and was littered with black mounds that were supposed to represent big rocks. Victims wound their way down the dark hallway with only a faint red glow, at the far end, to barely show the way. They had to go around these “rocks” and a sometimes there would be a surprise waiting for them! At the end of this hallway we made it look like it dead ended and they became confused and figured that they had to go back. That’s when the security guard to “Mineshaft #3” would throw open the plastic wall, scarring them, and bid them to enter!
That’s when I found out that some people are afraid of Midgets! [?]
We had 4 kids working the haunt. My grandchildren, great niece and nephew! All are “Haunters-in-Training”! In my family, my brother and I are the only Halloween nuts and go all out in décor and doing yard haunts. So our children have to live through this and in the end become “Haunter’s” themselves [hopefully]…thus “Haunters-in-Training”.
These kids did great! I sure wished I’d had their energy!
I showed the kids what to do and told them to do whatever they could to get a scare without touching anyone and to watch out for the “hit” area. This is the area that scared people strike out automatically! They flail their arms and even kick out…it can be very challenging to avoid them when they do. I was hit 6 times during the haunt ]never very good at dodging]! Neither of the kids got hit at all! Their speed and agility was definitely better than mine. Both kids, the nights that they “haunted”, were well looked after by “Funny Lady”, who wore cool make-up and costume, and she made sure no one got hurt….thanks “Funny Lady”! Her partner “Conman” kept telling everyone to watch out for the “Evil Midgets” in the Mine Shaft. Great Job “Conman”…got everyone worried about midgets…LOL!
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