Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Happy Halloween! Counting today there is exactly 3 days left to finish the haunt!!! I'm not even thinking of Halloween!
You know...I whine about not getting help and when I finally do...I forget to tell you who they are and even to thank them.
Saturday PoD and I had help from; Wilma [a regular...although a little quiet?], Conman & Funny Lady, Walking-Trail Boss & Tallman. A quiet Wilma was the smart one and opened as many windows as possible [will be doing that for the haunt if they don't shut the HEAT OFF!!] and that made it a LITTLE better.
You know...many hands make work go faster and you get a lot done!
Although, we did have a slow beginning when I wondered if we would ever get past "Arch Building 101"[needed for the "Time Warp Tunnel"]! I have to admit, these flimsy arches are challenging at the best of times, they warp and twist as your building them and you have to get the ends right. They do provide a picture on how they are built...but who looks at directions? Had a few good laughs at the groups abilities! The group finally completed the arch building and we set them up for the tunnel layout.
We managed to set-up the haunt layout, add the forest, cob webbbed the trees and bushes.
Sounds easy but it all takes time and involved a lot of running up and down stairs.
Yesterday PoD and I worked on the courtroom and hallway entrance [where PoD & Hairgirl are working the haunt] decor. This is a visual area and the other years never decorated very much. PoD did a smashing GOOD JOB! LOOKS GOOD!
It is REALLY HOT in the hallway...there is no window to open and the heat register on the stair is working overtime!!! It was NEVER this HOT! It only takes 1 minute in that heat and all you want to do is leave and go home and fall asleep! That's how exhausting it's been! We haven't been drinking enough water and have been using coffee to keep us going and it's working it's vicious circle. We've finally smartened up and added cold water!
Doing as much as we could...both feeling ill...went home. I had a refreshing nap!
Got up, ate supper and decided that the tree and stump were ready to be painted black [first coat] and got into it. Phone rang [which always happens when your messy with paint]...forgot about play practice! Called PoD...told her and decided to stay home and finish my paint job on the tree and stump that are supposed to be ready for the play. By the time I was done [10:30 pm] the paint fumes were making me sick so I went off to bed with a sick headache.
So I am up this morning at 4:16 am and touched up the tree and stump with paint. Did some designing on outstanding sign work and did up some more estimates for other work.
No rest for the wicked....would like to remember what it is like to be wicked....LOL!
We will be working on the courthouse AGAIN today [nights are busy] and MAYBE be finished the haunt. Creatures can be added continually!
Orbing out...QoH

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