Happy Halloween! 10 days left! 6 til haunt!
What a nice surprise I had when I blogged on this morning [4:12 am] and found that my blog yesterday DID go through! When I posted it, it took a l-o-n-g time and ended up telling me that there were no files! So I spent all day yesterday cursing the hours that I lost when I could have been working....or doing something else! Oh well!
Yesterday was moving day for Creepy Hollow & Creepy Stump and they arrived safely! It had started to snow lightly and we had to get them inside before they got too wet [they haven't got their protective coating on yet]. Thankfully the courthouse and my building have double doors and the stairs to the upper floor where the courtroom is, was wide! PoD and I had help from my son and ex-son-in-law loading these monsters. They're heavy and awkward but they managed to get them upstairs without any disasters!
Wilma also showed up and we used her's and PoD's vehicles to move some more of my stuff to the haunt.
It was a real nice workout in the HEAT! It's hard climbing stairs with junk in your hands but doing it in the HEAT was unbearable!
Anyways...that job was done! Thanks guys and Wilma for all your help!!
My son was going into the city...both PoD and I needing a break, plus I need to get work supplies and the shop is waiting for other supplies to continue [which are all back ordered], so we decided to make it a family/work outing. Minions were being looked after by their father, so off we went. We knew that we had to be back for play practice and figured that it would be no problem.
Did I tell you that I hate the City!! What a RAT RACE! The stores were packed like it was xmas time! Lots of RUDE PEOPLE!!
I managed to get all that I needed [and some that I didn't] and we found that line-ups at check outs long and tedious! Plus 3 people who shop separately tend to lose each other a lot! So long check out lines, lost shoppers and horrible traffic made us late getting out of the city and we still hadn't eaten! We did stop for food! So we were unable to make play practice!
The break was good for both of us! It's been hard burning the candle from both ends! So we got some much needed rest and got in some retail therapy!
So today is the big push day...hopefully with some much needed help we can get the majority of it done! 9:30 am is starting time! If you plan on helping out dress lightly....ie: tank top/shorts! Remember it's murderously hot in there. Hopefully we can turn off some of the downstairs radiators [temporarily] for the haunt or the crowd will be crabby during haunt time!
So times awasting got to get some work done....see some of you at the haunt [HOPEFULLY].
Orbing out...QoH
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