Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I keep all of my lids for my containers in a drawer.
It's just for them and lids are not put anywhere else!
The drawer is so full it's like they are multiplying in there!
Yet, I barely have any containers?
The containers that I do have...I can't find any lids that fit?
It's like the "Sock-in-the-Dryer" Syndrome!
Thankfully yesterday is finally over!
We spent the whole day expecting to hear bad news!
It was at lunch time that the phone call came about the accident and it was a working day.
I guess with being distracted so much we made at lot of mistakes!
It was kind of a "one step forward...three back" type of day!
PoD figured that we shouldn't even be working with all of the errors that were we have decided to make Feb. 27 our "Button's Day" and not do any kind of work because that was the day that hers stopped!
The one thing I have to thank Wilma for was introducing me to blogging!
I find writing to be very therapeutic!
Once it is written it's gone!
I love the freedom of speech!
"Bones" -QoH
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
The card gave me quite a shock and my heart felt like it fell to the floor when I opened it!
The front was all black and said “My Deepest Condolences”!
Inside was written “On the passing of your youth” Happy Birthday Anyway…Love your younger sister.
Her gift to me was a little fairy [angel?] sitting on a basket of strawberries?
I am happy for that!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Played some games and then went to the bloggy spot to do todays update.
The evil fairy was messing around with my computer again and I couldn't even get anything out of the internet.
Kept losing the info!
Damn I hate depending on computers!
Me and them DONT GET ALONG!
I hate being computer illiterate...that knowledge refuses stick and makes absolutely NO SENSE to me!
This will be the fourth time trying to blog today...keeping this short!
Will be back soon as this site will let me or I get some rest and stop jinxing it!
Definitely staying away from my cutter!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
My son is home this weekend so my kids and I motored to the town south of us for some retail therapy. One is never "THAT SICK" that one can't go shopping!
The road was icky half of the way [snow covered] and then became wet and steamy...kind of weird!
My shopping list consisted mostly of things needed for my cats!
I was out of litter, food and treats. They are addicted to "cat treats" and can be VERY DEMANDING when one is out of them!
Especially Thumber!
This is the one thing that this cat is really demanding about...her "treats"! She even knows that word! One never utters the statement "who wants a treat" unless they are ready to give one to her! Suki likes them also but isn't as demanding to have one.
I pour these "treats" into a small individual pile for each of them. Thumber will quickly eat hers until they are all gone then sit in front of Suki waiting to see if she finishes hers or not. You can almost hear her thoughts "don't eat all of them!...are you done yet?" while Suki will slowly eat them, pausing a lot, its like she is teasing Thumber! Sometimes she just doesn't want her treat and Thumber will go over to Suki's them first...then go back to her own pile and eat them. I have learned to make sure Suki wants hers first before I make her pile...piggy Thumber doesn't need THAT MANY treats.
When my son is home Thumber works her wiles on him and doesn't relent until she gets HER treat. Her best trick is walking along the couch while one is napping and sweeps your face with her long fluffy tail. This can get very annoying!
Shopping with my son is usually a speed event! His favorite words are..."are you done yet?" Both PoD and I really hadn't much to shop for [mostly needed to get out of the house for awhile] and spent most of our time looking for him for a change. He liked the idea that we had to look for him for a change!
All in all it was a great day to enjoy my kids...lots of laughs!
Friday, February 23, 2007
I am definitely not a Jill of that trade!
Although I did learn how to change the furnace was it wonder I have sinus problems! I have 2 furnaces so changing the other filter will have to wait until another day when I am feeling better.
It is snowing right now and I've had to go out in it for stuff to repair the now I feel like crap. PoD's tired from lack of sleep...her power was off all last we both need rest today. I need to gain more energy so seeing as I am the boss we are closing for the rest of the day. Anything that needs to be done can be done tomorrow...hopefully the fog has lifted from the old brain by then?
It was another early morning because I couldn't sleep...nose plugged worse and my chest hurt like hell. Definitely time to visit the doc again!
Glad I did because I am back to having Bronchitis AGAIN! I'm just happy its not pneumonia!
On top of this problem I have developed a bad rash-looking patch on one side of my throat and itching in my eye brows...Doc figures that it's probably "Shingles". Seems if you have had "Chicken Pox" early in your life chances are that you will get "Shingles"!
Where the hell is that book that lets you know about "what you might get later"! Just wonderful!
But the hell hasn't ended on that note!
Our wonderful weather decided it was time to play games with us!
The power started going off and on all day and into the night!
This meant that I had no computer and also no phone! Seems I need to have a "land line" because the "hand held" types need power...duh to me!
As the day turned into night it became colder...our storm finally hit which made everything worse!
With the power going off and on somehow screwed up my "home" furnace. Loud noises and it running all night has driven me crazy...I know short when I got down to work I shut it off! So now I have to get someone to look at it today...more expenses!
What does one do when you have sporadic power?
Watch the idiots that just have to come out to see if everyone else has no power. The convenience store across from me had a wonderful time with people needing something. Can you imagine the shoplifting! They finally got smart and closed shop! Never once did I see the cops out and about!
Being bored with nothing to do I went to bed about 9:30 just to be awaken by a very worried PoD around 10:00. Don't really blame her she had 2 kids to worry about and was afraid they might freeze. So I reminded her about her dad living across the street who has a wood burning stove and she could go there if things got worse...that made her feel a little better. I told her she could burn his furniture if they ran out of wood...he he he!
So here's hoping today goes a lot better!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Somehow the power went off during the night and now I am behind in everything I do before PoD arrives for work.
Man...I hate starting this way!
I had designing work to complete before she arrives...I haven't had my coffee yet cause I can still hear it perking...
So why am I wasting time on here...
I know!
I can disapoint my orbs!
Will blog later today....
Gotta get something done before she gets are you?
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
This for all of you out there who are having foot problems.
You know the icky toe nails [nail fungus] and smelly feet! I am talking about the nails that become deformed and start to curl under forcing them to become ingrown. The nails are so thick and hard that you can't even scrape the crap out from under them! Not to mention the pain from this ailment...I was in terrible agony!
I have a tried and true pill free hint for you!
During my many stays in the hospital I was bombarded by all of the knowledge that I was absorbing about the many health tips in their magazine library.
One was about the care of your feet without the benefit of prescription medicine. I have read and heard from other sources [who also have this problem] that the pills that are for this ailment can make you feel sick. Like I want more pills or ones that can make you I figured what the heck and decided to try this hint out.
Vick's Vapor Rub! Yup...a cold remedy for the feet!
All you have to do is rub this stuff all over your feet and toe nails! I made sure that I got lots under the nails which is pretty hard to do because of the crap under them and especially the sides where they were becoming ingrown. Then I would put my socks back on to keep the gunk from getting on anything else. By bed time the stuff would be absorbed enough to be able to take my socks off to go to sleep. In the morning I would repeat the process before putting on clean socks. I kept this method up for two weeks before seeing the results...the odor is gone and the nails have become soft enough to clean out the gunk not to mention relief from the pain! It has even stopped the nails from becoming even more ingrown!
It truly works!
The smell of the Vic's wasn't strong enough to even be noticeable! The best is the fact that they NO LONGER HURT or SMELL!
I do not do it every day now and only use it when I feel like they start to hurt again. The smell has NEVER come back!
This tip really works...want to smell my feet?
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Last night it was foggy [outside] and this morning it seems to be frosty & foggy! The visabilty was so bad last night that normal people should have stayed inside and off the roads but the die-hard hockey fans were out in full force. I haven't a clue who was playing but that doesn't seem to matter to these people...the game must go on! Guess you gotta admire their dedication to that sport...I have yet to see one game this year! Although I do like the rink burgers and have occasionally picked up one to go! I know they aren't on my diet...too much fat...but ya got to support their effort...right?
So what does one do at this early hour?
The "slow time" has hit the shop and so I don't have any work to do on the computer. I could try to figure out how to post all of my photos that I want to put on my blogs but am afraid to "screw-up" anything that is running okay now! I have lots to babble about but most need photos to explain what I am babbling about!
Yesterday I finally picked up the paint brush and started painting rocks again...or should I say "a" rock. Of course it had to be a new rock and not one of the ones that I am trying to finish. I must have at least six half completed! This is one of my bad habits...I start a project and if I put it down it doesn't get picked up again for quite a long time! I did finish this one and put another coat of sealant on this morning before I got on the computer.
While the coffee is brewing I like to surf the net for the news and check the weather for the day first and finish up with some blog reading...mostly the ones that I know. Once that is done I do my brain warm-ups...these are the only games that I play: Spider Solitaire, Super Text Twist, Jewel Quest and then I get bored.
This only takes about an hour and then what? Hopefully it will be something boring enough to make me tired enough to go back to sleep...if only for a couple more hours!
Monday, February 19, 2007
My Definition of ORBS
WARNING! Remember this is MY definition and I do not spout it as gospel…you believe in what you want!
I first discovered ORBS on warm autumn evening in Sept, 2001.
I was taking pictures, with my digital camera, of the outside of Dodge’s Courthouse, for a haunted house being held at Halloween time. It was a beautiful evening and for once no wind to blow up any dust…a really great time for photos! I shot quite a few of the front and back of the building and not once did I notice any thing wrong with the pics until I down loaded them to my computer.
There were these spots all over them?
I first thought they were from a dirty lens [which sometimes happens…a lot] until I compared them to other ones and saw that the dots were in different places! They were all different sizes and they looked different from each other. On closer inspection some even looked like they were behind the window frames…you know inside looking out at me?
There was nothing in this window when I took the first pic…doesn’t it look like a ghostly face and this is behind the frame!
All who know me know I have a fantastic imagination but also know me as being very analytical…I sometimes analyze things to death!
What I don’t know about…I look it up on the computer [other opinions]!
I didn’t have a clue in what to look for as I didn’t even know what they were called…white dots on pictures?
Until I entered the word…Orbs!
I got some great explanations and some real crazy ones!
Ranging from smart ideas that I can agree with to some that are really nutty…from dust motes to alien beings [who are watching us] I’ve read them all!
My explanation is…
My gut instinct tells me that maybe they might be our souls?
I like to think that when we die our life force leaves us and forms into balls of energy!
You know…Orbs-R-Us?
I am not a religious person and I do not believe in heaven or hell [bible stuff]!
If there is a heaven or hell…I believe it is here on earth!
It’s what you make of it!
My view point is…
I believe in our own spirit [soul or life energy] and the spirits of nature!
Must be my native heritage talking?
I like to think that all living things create energy and in that energy…is life!
When we die we form into balls of energy [orbs] and move around until we are ready to begin again [re-incarnation]. Our orbs start out small [hardly visible] and as we gain strength [believe in ourselves] they get larger and brighter [more defined] until we are ready to start again!
I have also take photos of wispy [ectoplasm] looking areas and like to jokingly think that they haven’t got their s—t together yet. The other shapes, devil heads, are pure evil [the shape taken that we are used to relating to]! Bad energy!
On one paranormal TV show, I saw “Orbs” going into a man’s [this man is from the paranormal group that filmed here awhile back] head and legs and hearing him complain of a headache and sore legs as it was happening. Seeing it and knowing him made me believe in these balls as something that might be more tangible than we realize!
Since this has happened to me I have looked back on other photos [not digital] and have discovered the signs of other spots so I feel that it is not just a digital problem! As for the dust motes…why do they show up in one shot and the next shot seconds later they’re gone. I say if the flash is picking up the reflection of the motes then they should pick it up all of the time! I have photos that show these “motes” moving across then down…how did they do that?
I do have lots more photos but can't seem to figure how to do multiple pics
Stay tuned for more....
Sunday, February 18, 2007
I personally love this day because it means I made it through another year!
Ever since my younger sister died I have learned to count every day as a plus...I am still alive!
56 and still kicking! I am not one of those people who need to keep my age a secret.
8 years ago, today, I received one of life's best birthday present grandson was born!
He still thinks its cool to share the same day with his gramma.
We also share this day with my exes brother who lives in Edmonchuk. I have a hard time beating him to the phone call to wish each other well...maybe this year?
I have a sign on the wall at work that I still read everyday...not sure who wrote but I like it's meaning:
Things To Be Thankful For:
The mess to clean up after a party.
It means you've been surrounded by friends.
The taxes you pay.
They mean you're employed.
The clothes that don't quite fit.
It means you have enough to eat.
The lawn that needs mowing, the gutters that need fixing and the windows that need cleaning.
They mean you have a home.
All the complaining we hear about the government.
It means we have freedom of speech.
The spot that you find at the end of the parking lot.
It means you are still capable of walking.
The person behind you that sings off key.
It means you can still hear.
The piles of laundry and ironing.
They mean you have clothes to wear.
The weariness and aching muscles you feel at the end of the day.
They mean that you have been productive.
A person may whine or complain but underneath it all there is always something to be thankful for...and believe me...I am!
Hopefully with being another year older...I am also wiser!
Like the song "The Age Of Aquarius" says...."Let the sun shine...let the sun shine...the sun...shine in"
Saturday, February 17, 2007
This is my comment to Wilma about one of her goals in life:
Please don't strive to win the "Ham Award"!
You are too good of an actress to "over emote" which is what the award was intended to mean. I don't know when it became a "good thing" but it was never intended to be!
We should change the award to say what everyone WANTS it to mean...the "Player's Oscar" then you would have a chance. Or maybe have two awards?
I don't mean to down play the others who have won the "Ham Award" because they won it for being "Hammy" and those plays needed that. And it's not that you couldn't be funny because you can just don't "over act"!
I have been with you from the begining and you have come a long way have always strived to do your best!
Your last 3 act play was the BEST performance ever..."Player's Oscar" to you!
Keep up the GOOD work!
I would like to see you doing a solo in a "One Act Festival" [if your stress levels would let you] then your light will shine brite!
So as far as I am have achieved that goal already and can cross that off your list!
Friday, February 16, 2007
The Weird Ones!
That’s what PoD and I have been called!
The Dodge Court House is being filmed sometime soon [not sure when] about it’s historical value. We have been asked by the Economical Development Officer whether we would like to be featured as the “spooky part” of the tour.
Of course I said yes…although I don’t like being in there much as we find it to be real creepy. This filming will be done in the daylight hours so it shouldn’t be too bad.
I am not too crazy about being on film as I’m sure we will come across as nuts. It is one thing to be classified by your friends as “nuts” [they’re allowed] but it’s another thing to be televised as one.
It is tiring having to defend what one has seen and felt in this place!
I always have to back-up my statements with the stories of the Mayor’s and a Judge’s experiences for them to attempt to even begin to believe us.
A reputable Circuit Judge had found himself locked in the Judge’s Chambers overnight and his experiences that night made him write a story [under a pen name] about what went on and how much it scared him. The character in the story is fictional and the town stated is different but it is still his experience!
As for the Mayor’s [he wasn’t the mayor at that time] experience he was part of a bet that involved someone staying in the courthouse overnight for money. It was something he said that he would never do again for any kind of money. This man still gets laughed at when he relates his story but doesn’t care…he KNOWS what he saw and is firm about it!
The Paranormal Group that stayed here twice got some really good footage and are working with the TV show called “Beyond” about featuring this court house in one of their documentaries. I’ll let you know more about that when it happens.
The creepiness of this place goes back way further than our participation…as the gossip has always been there about this place.
Some of the cleaning crews have heard singing and footsteps when no one else was in the building. Residents who live around the place have told about lights going off and on during early morning hours. So as for us being NUTS…I guess our town is full of them!
Will relate back to my fans on how it turns out…stay tuned
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Read quite a few that had high expectations and some of their disappointments!
How sad for's like this build up to see if someone likes you? And the BIG blow if they don't!
IF men were smart they would use this time for accumulating "Brownie Points"...but I did say IF!
I received the best ones for from my sister, kids & grand kids...guess I taught my kids right after all!
Today I will spend time in the shop removing all signs of Valentines and will be replacing them with St. Patrick's Day stuff. I was getting pretty tired of all that red...some of it was a carry-over from Xmas and now I get to make it all green in here. The color green makes me feel like spring is just around the corner! I don't do Easter until St. Patrick's Day is over!
The religious aspect of these events are lost on me...I just love to decorate!
Furniture and decor never stays in the same area in my place and I get bored with them quiet easily. Must mean I have too much time on my hands...don't know why my hands are idle cause I always seem to be filling my face?
PoD made a comment yesterday about the "Stupid Groundhog Prediction" of a short winter, as we were rushing through the bitter cold [-35]! It made me think of how we all depend on the statement...did he see his shadow or not?
What kind of psychic forecasting is that?
Never did care for that he lives where I do?
I watch for the spring birds and the changing of color of fur on the "Town Rabbit"?
I don't know if there is more than one rabbit in town because I have seen him/her at my shop and at the hospital [during my winter stay]...if there is only one...he/she sure gets around! It is a really big rabbit and he/she just loves the weeds [I leave them just for him/her] that haven't been cut down. He/she is pure white with black tips on the ears. When he/she starts to turn brown...that's when I'll know spring is just around the corner...the groundhog can sleep in for all I care.
I just love spring and fall! NO bugs...too cold! I can walk outside with just a light coat on and not have to worry about bug sprays [allergic to it] or sun screen [my medication is sun-sensitive]. So I can hardly wait! This winter it has been pretty dangerous for walking! Hardly anyone shovels their sidewalk in the residental areas so walkers have to walk on the icy streets. I walk only around downtown as we "have to" shove our walks in front of our shops!
So off to work I go...wasted enough time to go make it green..."tis the luck of the Irish"
Color my!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Time to get on my Soap Box!
I do occasionally read the news [Sympatico msn] and today I read some disturbing facts!
The topic was “
What I want to know is why we don’t rate 1st?
This was a report put out by UNICEF and they say that they looked at 40 indicators that measure the quality of life for children. See the full story on msn!
We ranked 12th…far behind the frontrunners;
In the material well-being we ranked higher on the list [6th] this category factors in the percentage of children living in poverty and experiencing educational deprivation. In the terms of educational well-being we place 2nd…I don’t know why it seems they are never at school long enough to learn anything. Our poorest ranking is in the family and peer relationships category at 18th place!
That says a lot for the Canadian family life!
It also states that our poverty rate hasn’t budged for many years! We are considered to be a wealthy country…so what’s the problem?
I say it’s time to give back to our own kids and stop the influx of money/aid to other countries and get our children’s health, welfare and self esteem back on track!
PoD and I have to take the mean stares when we refuse the “Good Will Boxes” sent out at Xmas time. We would put one together if they went only to Canadian families! AJ’s teacher even cancelled their gift giving so other kids in FOREIGN countries could benefit from their generosity. We are not even sure that those items get to them!
Don’t get me wrong…I am all for kids learning about giving to others but can’t those lessons go to seeing to the needy in our own country first! If there is excess to give then give it after we see to ours!
I don’t understand how you can teach giving if we ignore the others starving across the street…what kind of message is that?
These kids are our future and if we don’t set them up right now…when will they learn? We are only breeding more troubles!
More Gripes:
We go out of the country to adopt children…what’s wrong with ours! There are many kids in the Canadian orphanages that would love to have a mom and dad…trouble is most want babies who are trouble free! How can you ignore a child of an older age a right to family life…or would we rather LOOK like we are good Samaritans!
“Charity” should start at home!
We are supposed to be "Proud to be Canadians"... and I guess the young don't matter!
To all of my family!
And to all who read my posts!
My grandkids having been spending time here at the shop and will be until the 19th as school is taking its winter break! It's amazing how many breaks they get...I don't remember that many when I went to school. Like my grand kids say..."that was the olden days!" They make it sound like I came here in a covered wagon!
Feb is a busy month for us for celebrations...but not as bad as it used to be.
My exes parents celebrated their wedding anniversary on the 15th. My mom-in-law's birthday was on the 16th. My exes birthday is on the 11th. My bro-in-law's birthday is on the 18th which happens to be my grandson's and my birthday also! So Valentines Day sometimes gets was never treated as a special day by my ex so I won't have any problems by not getting anything from a son has already called me and wished me a good day so I am smiling already!
I know my grand kids will remember as they were busy yesterday making cards!
So today I will make myself happy and send a big Happy Valentines Day to myself!
So to all of you have a Great Valentines Day!
I love all my dots!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Cats & Boxes
When your last child graduates and moves out of the house [does partially count?] you’d think there would be peace and quiet…nope!
I have two cats!
Suki & Thumber:
Both are as different as night and day!
Suki is a “nosy” Siamese…or should I say “noisy”! Who’s favorite saying should be [using a whiny voice] “what yah doing…can I see…what yah doing?” repeat that a lot!
Suki is also the ruling monarch of the house…this includes ruling me!
Thumber is a “Scaredy Cat”…she hides from everyone except for me and my son.
She will occasionally stand up to Suki but not very often.
Thumber might be big in size but Suki is bigger in attitude!
Both cats are banned from the shop during business hours and sometimes you can hear “Thunder” running around upstairs. It’s like there are kids up there wrecking the place!
But they are also wonderful entertainment and I would rather watch them chasing each other than watch TV!
They are just like kids…they ignore the expensive toys and fight over a cheap cardboard grocery box!
My cats love empty boxes…especially Suki.
All boxes are hers!
The size doesn’t matter…she will try to squish herself into a too small box.
Thumber tries to play in them when Suki is not around with no success as she can’t play quietly!
Suki has fantastic hearing and always comes to kick Thumber out!
One evening Thumber was busy play in “the box” and didn’t see Suki sneak up on her. Suki sat next to the box and didn’t move a muscle…just stared at it!
Thumber had been rolling around on the bottom and missed seeing Suki’s arrival. As she played she would occasionally poke her head out and check for Suki.
Thumbers eye sight isn’t too keen and never once did she see Suki glaring at her!
Then she did!
I never saw a cat jump so high from fright!
Ears pasted down on her head, tail fully fluffed, she leapt out of the box…this reaction startled Suki who fluffed up and ran the other way.
They both scared each other!
I pissed both cats off by laughing at them…I couldn’t help it…it was so funny!
Where’s the camera when you need it?
These guys keep me well entertained!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Remember the waving arm flesh I was telling you about [Xmas hospital trip] you know…the 13 pounds I lost!
Well I found it and some of the others and I am putting them back wear they don’t belong!
Seems like someone forgot to mention the INSANE craving for food that you can get when you switch to insulin!
Yup…insulin starts the utilizing of your sugars and you crave more sugar and more sugar! This doesn’t mean chocolate or candies…this means “solid” food! Gut filling stuff!
With this “more sugar” comes “more insulin”…its f__king ridiculous!
I can’t seem to control myself because I am trying to stop it!
I have been stuffing myself until I feel like exploding and then sit there and wonder what more can I eat!
Saw the dietitian Tuesday and she confirmed my fears!
Too bad they can’t use it on some people who could afford to fatten up…cause I sure don’t need help in that department!
"Exercise" she said "try walking" we brought the treadmill out of cold storage and now I have NO excuse why I can’t go for a walk...its been to brrrr outside otherwise!
As for the eating?
The doctor just upped the dosage 2 more units!
A while back [Xmas time] during a stay in our town hospital, I had this weird dream/premonition. The nurses had to do a night blood sugar at midnight and I must have kept that in my mind.
Because the dream was of a shopping trip that PoD and I had taken to the city and we got home late. In the dream the phone rang...I answered and it was a neighbor calling to see if I could pick her up and take her into town...I answered no, that I couldn't because a nurse was coming in to see me to prick my finger for a blood test!?
I sat upright at that moment and the nurse open the door and walked into the room...she was coming in to do the blood test!
No, I didn't hear her coming down the hall as the door was shut and I couldn't of heard her [I checked it out later]! I had been asleep for at least 3 hours!
I blurted it out to the nurse what I had just dreamt about and she had that look on her face that told me that she thought I was nuts!
Crazy huh?
Friday, February 09, 2007
There is even one far away....guess I better liven up my blogging!
Who thought someone could get so excited from Dots!
I know they probably were just browsing but who cares!
I am working on one about Orbs but its taking more time to put together than I'd imagined...I don't want to come off as TOO crazy!
But everyone who sees my blog probably thinks that I say who cares!
See me wonderful dots.
I now know I am not just talking to myself...seeing as hardly anyone ever post comments!
Color me ecstatic!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Yesterday I had a school kid enter my store, toss a letter onto my front counter and then leave!
Opening it I found that it was ANOTHER request for donations!
It doesn’t matter what for…just that it’s another donation request!
It’s the same wording…”just a small one”…like that matters!
Ever since I’ve opened shop here in town I have been bombarded with requests of donations!
It seems that if you own a business you must be rolling in dough!
They make you feel like it is something that you should do seeing as “it’s a write-off” and you have to in order to keep customers.
What customers?
What write off?
I have yet to be able to use any of these as a write-off as they do not issue a tax number!
These organizations don’t even deal with me…let alone come in the shop to help me out!
Every time they hold a function they need donations for door prizes…etc!
In order for me to stay in business in this town I have to pay higher taxes because I own a store!
Last year the town implemented a “Business Tax” of $125.00 yearly which I have to pay to stay in business!
So I feel that I am already paying to have a shop here!
As for owing the towns people for their continued support…all I can say is “WHAT SUPPORT”!!
If it wasn’t for the major oil companies…there would be NO BUSINESS!
I don’t mind helping out but it is now helping me to go OUT OF BUSINESS!!
I get to look like a GRINCH if I don’t continue to “HELP OUT”!!
Hit the bigger companies…who are able to use this “write-off” and leave the small business alone!
We are struggling to stay alive!
Their other comment is that it would be great advertising…this town is too small to get lost and it’s not like I sell everyday commodities! It’s written on my windows what I do and sell!
I’ve even donated and not been on the list of donations for the “Thank You To” advertising in the papers! Like anyone else even reads the list!
Everyone is looking for a cheaper price and we cannot give what large companies can so the majority in small towns shop elsewhere…so can you blame us for not giving!
So if you are planning a function or running an organization please keep me in mind!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I finally decided to find my work bench just in case I might need it.
I am such a pack rat that I had buried it under tons of crap...some usable and some not.
So like a busy bee I cleaned it all up and organized everything so I now know where everything is when I finally get around to building something.
The worst mess was all of the nails and screws! So I put a put a handy dandy container together and Jill of all trades can now be organized better!
Jill Tip:
I keep all of my laundry soap measuring cups and use them to house the wayward nails/screws and excess stuff like hooks & eyes, nuts & bolts, etc. They fit nicely together on a shelf when not in use and also fit in my carry-all. The carry-all holds hammer, drill, tape measure, pliers, drill bits and these nifty containers of screws/nails. I hate poking my fingers with the sharp ends of the nails/screws so I fill them with the sharp ends pointing downward. My hands are fairly small so large round/square containers are hard for me to get a grip...that's where the handy little handles come into use! When these cups break I just throw it away and use a new expense.
Seeing as I am not do theatre this year maybe I can get busy and fix my living quarters now that I have no excuse that I can't find my tools!
Stay tuned for more Jill Tips!
Friday, February 02, 2007
If it can be screwed up you can guarantee that I will do it...I am computer illiterate!
I needed PoD's help to figure out what I did wrong! Still having some problems!
No fancy titles...or any other doodad's!
I'm lucky enough to manage a photo once in awhile!
One of these days it will finally kick in...I hope?
It's been a pretty hectic month...really busy!
We are finally finished with our big order and will be chugging away at what is left. Hopefully more comes I can catch-up on bill paying. I HATE customers that don't pay on time because it makes me late in paying my own bills...its kind of a vicious circle!
Health: [this is mainly for my family]
Just finished a bout of the stomach flu and I should post a sign on the door like they have in the hospital..."If you've been ill in the last 24 hours please don't visit". Seems my immunities are down and if your sick...ten to one I will catch it!
I would like one free month without some kind of ailment as I am sure you are tired of reading about them. Even I'm beginning to think I am a hypochondriac!
Inspirational Message:
How many of us take time for granted…me included!
This message was sent by a friend to PoD
To realize
The value of a sister
Ask someone
Who doesn't have one.
To realize
The value of ten years:
Ask a newly
Divorced couple.
To realize
The value of four years:
Ask a graduate.
To realize
The value of one year:
Ask a student who
Has failed a final exam.
To realize
The value of nine months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.
To realize
The value of one month:
Ask a mother
who has given birth to
A premature baby.
To realize
The value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize
The value of one minute:
Ask a person
Who has missed the train, bus or plane.
To realize
The value of one-second:
Ask a person
Who has survived an accident.
Time waits for no one.
Treasure every moment you have.