Friday, February 23, 2007

A BIG THANK YOU TO MY EX....he spent 2 hrs on the furnace and finally it's fixed. Seems all the off & on of the furnace knocked the fan out of wack making it go all screwy.

I am definitely not a Jill of that trade!

Although I did learn how to change the furnace was it wonder I have sinus problems! I have 2 furnaces so changing the other filter will have to wait until another day when I am feeling better.

It is snowing right now and I've had to go out in it for stuff to repair the now I feel like crap. PoD's tired from lack of sleep...her power was off all last we both need rest today. I need to gain more energy so seeing as I am the boss we are closing for the rest of the day. Anything that needs to be done can be done tomorrow...hopefully the fog has lifted from the old brain by then?


Headgirl said...

Yep, no pictures...
I'm no expert but always willing to help afer 22 march..
Keep warm.....

Anonymous said...

Thanks...I'll take any help I can get! You keep warm also. Will be nice seeing you again.