Monday, February 19, 2007

My Definition of ORBS

WARNING! Remember this is MY definition and I do not spout it as gospel…you believe in what you want!

I first discovered ORBS on warm autumn evening in Sept, 2001.

I was taking pictures, with my digital camera, of the outside of Dodge’s Courthouse, for a haunted house being held at Halloween time. It was a beautiful evening and for once no wind to blow up any dust…a really great time for photos! I shot quite a few of the front and back of the building and not once did I notice any thing wrong with the pics until I down loaded them to my computer.

There were these spots all over them?

I first thought they were from a dirty lens [which sometimes happens…a lot] until I compared them to other ones and saw that the dots were in different places! They were all different sizes and they looked different from each other. On closer inspection some even looked like they were behind the window frames…you know inside looking out at me?

There was nothing in this window when I took the first pic…doesn’t it look like a ghostly face and this is behind the frame!

All who know me know I have a fantastic imagination but also know me as being very analytical…I sometimes analyze things to death!

What I don’t know about…I look it up on the computer [other opinions]!

I didn’t have a clue in what to look for as I didn’t even know what they were called…white dots on pictures?

Until I entered the word…Orbs!

I got some great explanations and some real crazy ones!

Ranging from smart ideas that I can agree with to some that are really nutty…from dust motes to alien beings [who are watching us] I’ve read them all!

My explanation is…

My gut instinct tells me that maybe they might be our souls?

I like to think that when we die our life force leaves us and forms into balls of energy!

You know…Orbs-R-Us?

I am not a religious person and I do not believe in heaven or hell [bible stuff]!

If there is a heaven or hell…I believe it is here on earth!

It’s what you make of it!

My view point is…

I believe in our own spirit [soul or life energy] and the spirits of nature!

Must be my native heritage talking?

I like to think that all living things create energy and in that energy…is life!

When we die we form into balls of energy [orbs] and move around until we are ready to begin again [re-incarnation]. Our orbs start out small [hardly visible] and as we gain strength [believe in ourselves] they get larger and brighter [more defined] until we are ready to start again!

I have also take photos of wispy [ectoplasm] looking areas and like to jokingly think that they haven’t got their s—t together yet. The other shapes, devil heads, are pure evil [the shape taken that we are used to relating to]! Bad energy!

On one paranormal TV show, I saw “Orbs” going into a man’s [this man is from the paranormal group that filmed here awhile back] head and legs and hearing him complain of a headache and sore legs as it was happening. Seeing it and knowing him made me believe in these balls as something that might be more tangible than we realize!

Since this has happened to me I have looked back on other photos [not digital] and have discovered the signs of other spots so I feel that it is not just a digital problem! As for the dust motes…why do they show up in one shot and the next shot seconds later they’re gone. I say if the flash is picking up the reflection of the motes then they should pick it up all of the time! I have photos that show these “motes” moving across then down…how did they do that?

I do have lots more photos but can't seem to figure how to do multiple pics
Stay tuned for more....

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