Thursday, February 08, 2007


Yesterday I had a school kid enter my store, toss a letter onto my front counter and then leave!

Opening it I found that it was ANOTHER request for donations!

It doesn’t matter what for…just that it’s another donation request!

It’s the same wording…”just a small one”…like that matters!

Ever since I’ve opened shop here in town I have been bombarded with requests of donations!

It seems that if you own a business you must be rolling in dough!

They make you feel like it is something that you should do seeing as “it’s a write-off” and you have to in order to keep customers.

What customers?

What write off?

I have yet to be able to use any of these as a write-off as they do not issue a tax number!

These organizations don’t even deal with me…let alone come in the shop to help me out!

Every time they hold a function they need donations for door prizes…etc!

In order for me to stay in business in this town I have to pay higher taxes because I own a store!

Last year the town implemented a “Business Tax” of $125.00 yearly which I have to pay to stay in business!

So I feel that I am already paying to have a shop here!

As for owing the towns people for their continued support…all I can say is “WHAT SUPPORT”!!

If it wasn’t for the major oil companies…there would be NO BUSINESS!

I don’t mind helping out but it is now helping me to go OUT OF BUSINESS!!

I get to look like a GRINCH if I don’t continue to “HELP OUT”!!

Hit the bigger companies…who are able to use this “write-off” and leave the small business alone!

We are struggling to stay alive!

Their other comment is that it would be great advertising…this town is too small to get lost and it’s not like I sell everyday commodities! It’s written on my windows what I do and sell!

I’ve even donated and not been on the list of donations for the “Thank You To” advertising in the papers! Like anyone else even reads the list!


Everyone is looking for a cheaper price and we cannot give what large companies can so the majority in small towns shop elsewhere…so can you blame us for not giving!

So if you are planning a function or running an organization please keep me in mind!


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