Saturday, February 17, 2007

For some reason I have screwed up my blogger account [no surprize to me] and I cannot post any comments on anyones blog!
This is my comment to Wilma about one of her goals in life:
Please don't strive to win the "Ham Award"!
You are too good of an actress to "over emote" which is what the award was intended to mean. I don't know when it became a "good thing" but it was never intended to be!
We should change the award to say what everyone WANTS it to mean...the "Player's Oscar" then you would have a chance. Or maybe have two awards?
I don't mean to down play the others who have won the "Ham Award" because they won it for being "Hammy" and those plays needed that. And it's not that you couldn't be funny because you can just don't "over act"!
I have been with you from the begining and you have come a long way have always strived to do your best!
Your last 3 act play was the BEST performance ever..."Player's Oscar" to you!
Keep up the GOOD work!
I would like to see you doing a solo in a "One Act Festival" [if your stress levels would let you] then your light will shine brite!
So as far as I am have achieved that goal already and can cross that off your list!

1 comment:

Wilma said...

oh quit it! you're making me blush. I guess I should modify that goal to read that I really want to play a farcy, over-the-top, crazy character.

I've never had that (having always played the straight man or the ingenue) & would love the chance to show off my crazy side ON stage for a change.