Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!
To all of my family!
And to all who read my posts!
My grandkids having been spending time here at the shop and will be until the 19th as school is taking its winter break! It's amazing how many breaks they get...I don't remember that many when I went to school. Like my grand kids say..."that was the olden days!" They make it sound like I came here in a covered wagon!
Feb is a busy month for us for celebrations...but not as bad as it used to be.
My exes parents celebrated their wedding anniversary on the 15th. My mom-in-law's birthday was on the 16th. My exes birthday is on the 11th. My bro-in-law's birthday is on the 18th which happens to be my grandson's and my birthday also! So Valentines Day sometimes gets was never treated as a special day by my ex so I won't have any problems by not getting anything from a son has already called me and wished me a good day so I am smiling already!
I know my grand kids will remember as they were busy yesterday making cards!
So today I will make myself happy and send a big Happy Valentines Day to myself!
So to all of you have a Great Valentines Day!
I love all my dots!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of school breaks - I heard or read (can't remember) a few days ago that there are only 197 school days a year.