Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Birthday to us...happy birthday to us!

I personally love this day because it means I made it through another year!

Ever since my younger sister died I have learned to count every day as a plus...I am still alive!
56 and still kicking! I am not one of those people who need to keep my age a secret.

8 years ago, today, I received one of life's best birthday present grandson was born!
He still thinks its cool to share the same day with his gramma.

We also share this day with my exes brother who lives in Edmonchuk. I have a hard time beating him to the phone call to wish each other well...maybe this year?

I have a sign on the wall at work that I still read everyday...not sure who wrote but I like it's meaning:

Things To Be Thankful For:
The mess to clean up after a party.
It means you've been surrounded by friends.
The taxes you pay.
They mean you're employed.
The clothes that don't quite fit.
It means you have enough to eat.
The lawn that needs mowing, the gutters that need fixing and the windows that need cleaning.
They mean you have a home.
All the complaining we hear about the government.
It means we have freedom of speech.
The spot that you find at the end of the parking lot.
It means you are still capable of walking.
The person behind you that sings off key.
It means you can still hear.
The piles of laundry and ironing.
They mean you have clothes to wear.
The weariness and aching muscles you feel at the end of the day.
They mean that you have been productive.

A person may whine or complain but underneath it all there is always something to be thankful for...and believe me...I am!
Hopefully with being another year older...I am also wiser!

Like the song "The Age Of Aquarius" says...."Let the sun shine...let the sun shine...the sun...shine in"

1 comment:

Headgirl said...

Just posted 'Happy Birthday' greetings to you on Wilma's Blog, then realised that was crazy!
So, as, youre on time Hallowen 'greeter' from beyond the pond,...
Happy Birthday to you!