Thursday, February 15, 2007

Finally the "waiting to see" if you receive a Valentine card/gift or not, is over for this year!

Read quite a few that had high expectations and some of their disappointments!
How sad for's like this build up to see if someone likes you? And the BIG blow if they don't!
IF men were smart they would use this time for accumulating "Brownie Points"...but I did say IF!
I received the best ones for from my sister, kids & grand kids...guess I taught my kids right after all!

Today I will spend time in the shop removing all signs of Valentines and will be replacing them with St. Patrick's Day stuff. I was getting pretty tired of all that red...some of it was a carry-over from Xmas and now I get to make it all green in here. The color green makes me feel like spring is just around the corner! I don't do Easter until St. Patrick's Day is over!

The religious aspect of these events are lost on me...I just love to decorate!

Furniture and decor never stays in the same area in my place and I get bored with them quiet easily. Must mean I have too much time on my hands...don't know why my hands are idle cause I always seem to be filling my face?

PoD made a comment yesterday about the "Stupid Groundhog Prediction" of a short winter, as we were rushing through the bitter cold [-35]! It made me think of how we all depend on the statement...did he see his shadow or not?

What kind of psychic forecasting is that?
Never did care for that he lives where I do?

I watch for the spring birds and the changing of color of fur on the "Town Rabbit"?

I don't know if there is more than one rabbit in town because I have seen him/her at my shop and at the hospital [during my winter stay]...if there is only one...he/she sure gets around! It is a really big rabbit and he/she just loves the weeds [I leave them just for him/her] that haven't been cut down. He/she is pure white with black tips on the ears. When he/she starts to turn brown...that's when I'll know spring is just around the corner...the groundhog can sleep in for all I care.

I just love spring and fall! NO bugs...too cold! I can walk outside with just a light coat on and not have to worry about bug sprays [allergic to it] or sun screen [my medication is sun-sensitive]. So I can hardly wait! This winter it has been pretty dangerous for walking! Hardly anyone shovels their sidewalk in the residental areas so walkers have to walk on the icy streets. I walk only around downtown as we "have to" shove our walks in front of our shops!

So off to work I go...wasted enough time to go make it green..."tis the luck of the Irish"

Color my!

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