Sunday, February 25, 2007

It's been a couple of early mornings "itis" problems kicking the hell out of me and the napping in between has thrown my scheduled life wonky.

My son is home this weekend so my kids and I motored to the town south of us for some retail therapy. One is never "THAT SICK" that one can't go shopping!

The road was icky half of the way [snow covered] and then became wet and steamy...kind of weird!

My shopping list consisted mostly of things needed for my cats!
I was out of litter, food and treats. They are addicted to "cat treats" and can be VERY DEMANDING when one is out of them!

Especially Thumber!
This is the one thing that this cat is really demanding about...her "treats"! She even knows that word! One never utters the statement "who wants a treat" unless they are ready to give one to her! Suki likes them also but isn't as demanding to have one.

I pour these "treats" into a small individual pile for each of them. Thumber will quickly eat hers until they are all gone then sit in front of Suki waiting to see if she finishes hers or not. You can almost hear her thoughts "don't eat all of them!...are you done yet?" while Suki will slowly eat them, pausing a lot, its like she is teasing Thumber! Sometimes she just doesn't want her treat and Thumber will go over to Suki's them first...then go back to her own pile and eat them. I have learned to make sure Suki wants hers first before I make her pile...piggy Thumber doesn't need THAT MANY treats.

When my son is home Thumber works her wiles on him and doesn't relent until she gets HER treat. Her best trick is walking along the couch while one is napping and sweeps your face with her long fluffy tail. This can get very annoying!

Shopping with my son is usually a speed event! His favorite words are..."are you done yet?" Both PoD and I really hadn't much to shop for [mostly needed to get out of the house for awhile] and spent most of our time looking for him for a change. He liked the idea that we had to look for him for a change!

All in all it was a great day to enjoy my kids...lots of laughs!

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