Monday, February 12, 2007

Cats & Boxes

When your last child graduates and moves out of the house [does partially count?] you’d think there would be peace and quiet…nope!

I have two cats!

Suki & Thumber:

Both are as different as night and day!

Suki is a “nosy” Siamese…or should I say “noisy”! Who’s favorite saying should be [using a whiny voice] “what yah doing…can I see…what yah doing?” repeat that a lot!

Suki is also the ruling monarch of the house…this includes ruling me!

Thumber is a “Scaredy Cat”…she hides from everyone except for me and my son.

She will occasionally stand up to Suki but not very often.

Thumber might be big in size but Suki is bigger in attitude!

Both cats are banned from the shop during business hours and sometimes you can hear “Thunder” running around upstairs. It’s like there are kids up there wrecking the place!

But they are also wonderful entertainment and I would rather watch them chasing each other than watch TV!

They are just like kids…they ignore the expensive toys and fight over a cheap cardboard grocery box!

My cats love empty boxes…especially Suki.

All boxes are hers!

The size doesn’t matter…she will try to squish herself into a too small box.

Thumber tries to play in them when Suki is not around with no success as she can’t play quietly!

Suki has fantastic hearing and always comes to kick Thumber out!

One evening Thumber was busy play in “the box” and didn’t see Suki sneak up on her. Suki sat next to the box and didn’t move a muscle…just stared at it!

Thumber had been rolling around on the bottom and missed seeing Suki’s arrival. As she played she would occasionally poke her head out and check for Suki.

Thumbers eye sight isn’t too keen and never once did she see Suki glaring at her!

Then she did!

I never saw a cat jump so high from fright!

Ears pasted down on her head, tail fully fluffed, she leapt out of the box…this reaction startled Suki who fluffed up and ran the other way.

They both scared each other!

I pissed both cats off by laughing at them…I couldn’t help it…it was so funny!

Where’s the camera when you need it?

These guys keep me well entertained!

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