Friday, August 31, 2007


Last night was our meeting to prepare for our entry in to the "One Act Festival" being held in Kamsack [?] this year! Usually if I am there, I volunteer to be Stage Manager and/or build the set [if needed].

This time I let myself be talked into an acting part...that includes lines!

Two years ago I agreed to take a part that had no lines [was stage manager also] and had major heart problems! Granted I was having heart problems at that time anyways!

Those who know me, know this is something I absolutely hate doing and have heard me say many times that I would never do it! Yet my mouth moved and uttered those hated words..."okay I'll give it a try"!

If the stress of me getting up in front of that many people, don't pop the stents in my heart, nothing will!

From an early age I used to stutter and still have a tendency for it happen. Especially if I'm stressed! Even amongst friends in large crowds I hesitate to speak because of this fear! I force myself to participate in order to stop this affliction!

My stuttering stems from my mind being over active, being unable to express my thoughts coherently and getting them out fast enough! It didn't help coming from a huge family and being on the younger end where siblings made a person believe that what you had to say was not important enough to be heard! I always hated the expression "children should be seen and not heard"!

This play was written by Wilma and J-Rod again and as usual, is very funny!

The part that they figured would be "perfect" for me is the "overbearing mom" part!

Should I take that as a hint or not...hmmm?

After I read it I have to admit that it is something I could easily pull off...which is a sad thought!

So my mind has been busy today wonder how this "overbearing mom" will look?

I believe in the costume has to speak volumes for the part...if I crap out on the lines then hopefully my costume will get a laugh or two instead!

Character description:
Her son in the play, had been married before, is in the middle of being divorced and was caught cheating on his wife with the town tramp! My role is about his mother who thinks her son can do no wrong and her daughter-in-law has always been the bad influence?

So how do you think I should look as a mother who has a son that obviously hasn't been taught any morals?

1. Do I go as a worn out busy-body, crabby lady with bland baggy clothing...curlers, etc?

2. Maybe as a wacko mom that over dresses in gaudy clothes...hippie type?

3. Or maybe an older woman who dresses too young for her age in search for a younger man?
4. Or go as my self?
Still tossing around the idea of backing out...

Thursday, August 30, 2007


The other annoying neighbors, that know...the "party kids"!

Last night my TV night was interrupted by the sound of slamming doors and loud talking kids! Looking out the window [snoopy neighbor again] I saw what looked like kids moving out of the party house next door!

This made me SO HAPPY!
Maybe, finally, some peace and quiet?

That house had been on market to be sold and maybe they had to vacate it in order to sell know "bad rep as party house" and who knows what condition it is in right now? was sure nice to see trucks pulling away with furniture and stuff in them!

Too bad it wasn't the neighbors on the other side of me! I still haven't seen any activity of moving yet??? With one day to go before the end of the month and with the school already back in's not looking too good!?

Sad Note:
This morning as I walked by the party house, I noted that there were two cars parked outside and coverings on the windows...hopefully it wasn't just a case of downsizing or an exchange of tenants?

I can only hope that there is still more moving to be done?

Still keeping all fingers and toes crossed for some good news!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Thankfully I'm my own boss...because I'd fire my a-- for wasting time!

Just took a few...well 4 to be exact...of those "You Are ?" tests....ones that interested me that is!

I've added them to my side bar...for your enjoyment?

A side note on the costume...."how did they know what I looked like?" All I'd need to complete the costume is the shawl and fan!

All the others suit me to a "T"!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


This is the song being sung by all the parents in the Prairieland today!


Even my grand kids are happy...can you imagine...they really missed school?

Well maybe not school...but the change-up of the summer's long boring routine. Although, this summer my grand kids got to go away on a holiday for a few days, 2 sessions of swimming lessons [which they passed] and they also attended the Reading sessions held weekly in the town library.
But they were still bored!

There should be a big smile on PoD's face this morning!

Monday, August 27, 2007


Happy to say I've got none today!

It's pouring outside and the "Dodge Indoor Falls" have gone dry!!!


I'm busy dancing my "Victory Jig"... :).... :)..... :) right now!!!

I actually stood out on my deck, in the rain, watching the rain run off my roof and into the eaves it's supposed to!

YIPEE....I'm so happy that I could hug a dog right now!

Sadly, that's a title I have to give to myself!

Although I must defend myself by saying...."what else does one have to do in a small town"?


Last night was a reconfirmation of the badness next know...the ones that are supposed to be moving out?

BillyRoo came down from his room with the news that the were cops parked across the street right in front of the "hated" neighbor's place! He figured that the cops might be staked out, watching for stunters racing up and down my street. He also said that he was drawn to the window by the sound of loud the explosions of firecrackers and that he thought they were coming from the bad neighbors side! He looked out because he is now forever wary of the harm that could come to his car.

Of course, I just had to see for myself and sure enough...the cops were still there. Only the cops weren't in their patrol car, as they soon appeared, emerging from the neighbor's place. Two cops and the youngest boy of the family! There are 3 kids in that family...this boy I would estimate to be around the age of 12 or 13?

One cop opens the back door of the patrol car for the kid, who got in and then waited outside the vehicle while the other cop got in? No parents to be seen anywhere! The outside cop walked away a distance and then stood facing the house where they had come from! It must have been at least 10 minutes [I know because my feet were hurting as I snooped at the front door just out of sight] before the "Dad" came out!

Mean while, many a car came by and it was funny to watch the brakes come on as they caught sight of the cop and his car!

The "Mom" finally made her appearance about 5 minutes after the "Dad"!

I found it strange that they would let their underage kid be alone with a cop and not be there to chaperon...unless...that the kid was pulled aside for his version of a story?

How can you tell that I watch too many cop shows?

Finally after 20 minutes the kid emerges from the car and goes into the house. The parents follow a few minutes later and the cops drive away.

Hmmm....I wonder what that was all about???

The older kid had appeared in court just a few days ago...the neighbors went away this weekend and now the cops show up to talk to the other kid???
I had heard that only 3 of the boys had been arrested for the "break-in" that happened on the past long weekend and the cops where still looking for the fourth?

What about that loud noise.......
They say the "curiosity killed the cat".........?

Sunday, August 26, 2007



Yesterday PoD, Trebor, BillyRoo managed to get my roof leaks fixed...I hope! It's going to take some rain to see if it really worked or not.

PoD, Trebor and BillyRoo were the ones that did all of the work...I was the "gofor person" and "chief babysitter"!

We were promised that the roofing material would arrive early...but it ended up not getting here until noon time! When it did finally arrive the kids got to find out how heavy the rolls were!

The forecast was for rain later in the day so the kids had to work fast in order to get it done in time. No one in our group had ever "roofed" before so it was a learning experience for all.

Being of limited financial resources, I went the cheapest way possible and we used "Rolled Roofing" with LOTS of tar. Rolled roofing is an experience in it's self! It is pretty windy in our part of the world and rolling out 35" x 33' x 1/4" thick material [to lay it down straight] turns it into "sails in the wind"! The kids learned quickly to roll it out, tar it then nail it down as they went. On a bumpy surface the strips had a tendency to go askew! I didn't care how it looked in the end because it was up too high for anyone to see what it looked like and my main focus was on stopping the leaks...not cosmetic values! They were able to get it completely re-roofed and partly flashed [metal strips that helps the keep the edges from lifting] before it got dark out [8:30 pm]!

Today they have to finish off the flashing, trim the excess roofing material away and cover the other roof addition that attaches to my other building. The other building won't get done until later down the's not in as bad a shape as the main building.

The rain that was fore casted never came! Until it does rain I won't know if our "cure" worked or not! With the amount of tar that they used I really can't see it leaking...but not to be too negative...with the way my luck has been going will probably leak!

As it is all of my kids, including Trebor, can add a new shingle to their list of job abilities..."Roofing Experts"! These guys/girl worked real hard and suffered greatly from aching backs, sore arms and "roof rash" knees by the time they were done!


Saturday, August 25, 2007


I have been tagged by "Blue" to play this game and I have been in a quandary every since. I am a very private person and I just hate giving out any info that could lead the blogging world [crazies] to me in knowing where I am or what my real name is. I don't believe in showing a picture of myself or of my family...especially my grand kids. I guess that makes me to be a bit paranoid! I like the part of being a being anonymous!

But, I still want to play the game with a few changes of my own!

I am known to my friends by my middle name and it is part of my business name. I really detest my first name so I don't want to use it, so I have decided to use my nickname that my sister gave me..."Bones"!

The other change that I have to make is not tagging anyone else...mainly because I have no one to tag! I know very few bloggers and aside from Wilma and Blue leaving comments I know no one else who blogs that I could ask! Being a loner is part of my Aquarian trait and I am sort of okay with it...but I am trying to change that part of me...hence the blog and my wanting to be a part of that world!

The rules of the 'Middle Name Game' are:

1. Post the rules before you give the facts.

2. List one fact that is somehow relevant to you and your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.

3. When you are tagged you need to write your post using your middle name and facts about it.

4. At the end of your post choose one dog/person to tag for each letter of your middle name.Be sure to let each one know she/he has been tagged. (It's OK if you don't do this, just tag who you want to tag!)

Here's my attempt:

B - My nickname "Bones", stems from my fascination with Halloween [at a young age] and skeletons [bones] are a part of that world. One of my favorite type of shows are anything CSI [Crime Scene Investigators] especially the show called "Bones". Sadly I could never be a real life investigator as real "dead" bodies totally give me the creeps...I was forced [when I was 10] to kiss my mother's lifeless body goodbye and the feel of her "deadness" is etched into my thoughts forever which is one reason I refuse to view the deceased...ever!

O - Is for "Orbs" in which I am completely fascinated with! One of my favorite past times is going through and recording a haunted place to see if it has Orbs! PoD and I have always wanted to go through the cemetery here in Dodge at night to take photos of the graves and hopefully record some photo activity. We were also a part of a Paranormal group that recorded the Dodge Courthouse and got to see lots of Orbs on the camera as it recorded which also made me a believer!

N - Is for nature. I try as much as possible to do my part in keeping nature free from pollutants by recycling as much as I can. "Mother Nature" is what I believe in and hope that it will still be around for the future generations to enjoy!

E - Energy...something that I wished that I still had! Too bad as a person gets older their bodies start to let them down and yet the brain is still under the impression that you can still do what you want? As for conserving our energy resources I do my share in turning out the lights...the darkness doesn't scare me!

S - Is for my belief in the "Supernatural". I strongly believe that we are constantly surrounded by ghosts...good and bad. I am one of those people who have to know what goes "Bump" in the night. There are quite a few "Ghost Hunting" shows on TV right now and I try to watch all of them...the newest one being "Celebrity Ghost Hunters", which makes celebrity non-believers into believers [minus the over-actors]! I like the "shivers" that these shows send down my arms and body.

So now everyone knows a little bit more about how weird I really am!

So...if I was to tag anyone, it would be an open tag and this is the way that I would do it:

B - Believers in the unknown

O - Orb watchers

N - Non-believers

E - Everyone who would like to try this game out

S - Sceptical people

Thank You Blue....for including me your pal's games!

Friday, August 24, 2007


I've been reading a lot of blogs lately and enjoyed the ones that are animals with blogs. This is where the story is being told through the eyes of their pets. Dogs are DWB and cats CWB. I found it particularly strange to read at first and thought that they had lost their marbles until I realized that it's just another style of writing...kind of like narrating in the first, second or third person but instead being another creature. It's kind of weird looking at your life through the eyes of someone/thing else?

So I decided to give it a try!

I have given speech to one of my cats... who if could really talk, this might be what she would say. Anyone who has met her has found her to be very vocal and can be quite annoying when she wants to be noticed! I've always remarked that Suki always wants to put in her 2 cents worth and will keep bugging until she does! This is a trait of Siamese cats and they have many sounds for all situations. The reason I haven't done one with Thumber is that she is not a vocal cat unless it involves her "treats" or if the littler box needs changing. She has different vocalization for these things, other than that she is quiet! But I'm pretty sure if she wanted to say anything it would be how crabby her great, great grandmother is towards her!

So I have given Suki her own blog and it is called "Baby Doodie" which is a pet name I call her when she is being cuddly. Of course I didn't set it up...PoD did! We all know how inept I am at that sort of thing. She did have her own problems in some parts as we weren't able to give Suki her own profile because it kept changing mine...we have obviously done something wrong in the set up? You can access it through my "Links" section. Also "Blue has given Suki a nice send off also and a DWB -Jackson from Jasckson's World has already contacted her on her site! That's better than I've been able to accomplish!

So hopefully I can keep up both?

How can you tell I don't have a life?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007



Still looking good after all those years!


"The couple that plays together...stays together"

May you have many more years to play!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I happen to be smiling right now as the weather is the way I like it! It's been cool enough to do work around the house and I actually got some more boxes unpacked! There is even room to walk around in the garage!

Seems that August has again proven to go the way that it always goes. The rule of thumb is: "If the farmers around here start to take their crops off the fields then it's surely time to start raining" and I was right! It's also cool enough to wear a sweater for the walk to work in the mornings....I just love it! Not to mention the fact that I am now sleeping better because of the coolness! Even my cats are happy and running around like they are kittens again...also no more puking! I've even started walking in the evenings again and there has been no bugs out bugging me!

Do I feel sorry for the ones that love the heat....nah!

I figured I'd pay tribute to my past loves and how they affected my life. These are of the animals who gave me their love unconditionally! My dad always liked big dogs and they always had to be tied up...I always felt sorry for them. When my stepmom came into the picture she got rid of the big dogs and we got our first cat and small dog. These were supposed to be her animals but they loved my sister "Buttons" and me better...we always played and took care of them.

Simco [the cat] and Lucky [the dog]: Simco and Lucky loved sleeping with me the best and these two animals were inseparable. Both were females so when one had a litter the other would help look after the young ones so it was a usual sight to see the both of them together. Sadly Simco was too curious and ran out of her nine lives and poor Lucky lost hers to her inability to control her bladder and this angered my father so he had her put down.

Ben [the hamster]: After I left home the next animal in my life was Ben. This little guy was so cute and he just loved being around me. Apartment living was my life at that time and pets weren't allowed. Apartment managers never knew about Ben. Ben was given to me by my first husband and he moved with us to Chase BC in 1970. These are some cute pics of Ben. Sadly hamsters have a short life span and I had only a short year with him. I was heart broken when he died and vowed I'd never have another hamster after him and I never have!

Whiskey [the dog]: While we lived in Chase my husband brought home a cute little dog that had been abandoned by some indians on the reservation close to our town. I named him whiskey because of his tail which would "whisk" every thing off of the coffee table. He was with us from our move from Chase to Kamloops and then back to Edmonchuk. Sadly my husband and I divorced shortly after our move back and I had to live in an apartment again and dogs were not allowed. Luckily the people who moved into our house wanted to keep Whiskey so had new owners to love him. Sadly he only lived 5 months after we left...his new owners let him run free and he got hit by a car.

Spooky [the cat]: Came into my life Dec 25, 1978 when she was 10 weeks old. We were living in Kelowna BC at that time. My kids father had found her through an ad in the paper. She was living in a house that had a dog who used to help raise her along with her mother...just like Simco and Lucky did. My [now] ex wanted to call her N____r and that wasn't going to happen so I made him compromise and we named her Spooky instead. As she grew older she began to remind me of my first cat Simco. She had so many of her traits not to mention looking like her! One her most favorite time was Xmas and she loved playing in the wrapping paper and boxes. She moved with us from Kelowna to Sask and all of the moves from house to house while we lived here. She was an indoor and outdoor cat and loved mousing! She brought me lots of presents! She was also a guard cat for the kids while out on the farm. One day she drove away a huge german sheppard that was trying to come into our yard. I was sure funny to see a cat chase a dog that size away! Spooky only had 1 batch of kittens before we got her fixed. Spooky grew up with both of my kids and lived to a ripe age of 18 before she died of a natural death. Life is pretty cruel to animals that die naturally they literally waste away! I will never watch an animal die that way is better that they go our way! We all missed her very much when she died.

Rascal [the dog]: Rascal came to us while we lived in Dodge for the first time and while we had Spooky. Both got along okay but Spooky was never very happy with the dog. He was a really big dog and very gentle with the kids. He watched over them and took their dressing him up with kindness. Sadly when we were living out on the family farm he disappeared one summer when we left him alone to go on holiday. A neighbor was supposed to be looking after him and supposedly he ran away. This same neighbor liked shooting animals that he said were bothering his cows? That was one mystery that never got figured out!
Sadly these animals are all missed...the last animals that I will own are Suki & Thumber!

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Home safe and sound from my trip to Coronation. All went was long...did get to see some road changes on the sask side that involved removal of curves to intersection. Other than that, it wasn't too eventful. Ran into some areas that had rain but otherwise all was sunny enough for farmers to gather their crops.

Got to the cemetery and spent 1 hour trying to find my sister's grave. I had only see it once before and obviously I wasn't paying attention to where it was and what it looked like. I was getting to the point of going into town, to find out just where it was, when I finally found it. I was shocked to see how badly I had not remembered! Then the shock set in on how badly the shape it was in! It looked like no one was taking care of it and the only sign of affection was our rocks and her daughter's garden stone. No flowers, or signs of old flowers...nothing! It looked obvious that there was no "eternal care" being paid or if there was no one was checking to see that it was being done. The grave had sunk down at least 3-4 inches and was over grown with crab grass. The reason I couldn't find it earlier, was that it was hidden by long grass and couldn't be seen easily. Our stones had sunken with the grave and were over grown with grass...I was so disappointed. So I went into town, bought some grass clippers and a wind chime to brighten up her grave.

The stones needed touching up but weren't as bad as I figured they would be. By the time I had finished all of these things the clouds had started to roll in and the wind got worse. I packed up my stuff and bid her a fond goodbye...making a promise to visit more often.

Also made a note to myself to be cremated when I die and have my ashes spread over a place that I that my grave wouldn't go unkempt...I'm not say that my kids would, just that why force someone to visit a place that's hard to visit! I would rather that they keep their memories of me in their hearts instead of a piece of ground!

On a lighter note:

The town of Coronation is quite pretty and they have quite a bit of art work shown around town. Their town sign is quite impressive by it's size and how well it is kept up and it's caboose...This town also has some fantastic artwork and I just loved it's mural on the side of their recreational center. I'm sure if it was done by a local artist or not but it sure showed the town's history. There was another mural done on the town's theater wall that showed the coronation of the town's namesake. I wished I had gotten a photo of it as it was quite good but it had a big truck blocking most of the mural. I wished Dodge would do something like this also.
I was able to take another photo of the side of a department store and some other unusual artwork on their fire hydrants. They have done all of their hydrants like this....

I wish our town would do something like this to brighten it up and showcase some of our talented people. Our hydrants are a boring yellow...I would vote for them all to be painted like little firemen...I would even help!
As I drove out of this colorful town the weather started to turn bad and all of the way home I kept in front of the storm that was heading to Saskatchewan! It was really weird to see lightning in clear blue sky!
About 2 hours after I got home the storm hit us real bad and we had power outages that kept one from watching TV. As it was the storm made the teenagers go crazy and I had to contend with a party next door but this also kept me entertained as I got to watch just how crazy kids can get when you mix alcohol with wind/lightning and driving rain! All of them just had to be outside standing in it...they were drenched but didn't care.
It rained so hard that water was coming in from everywhere in my kitchen and I could hear hail hitting the vent pipes! Outside, out front, the water was cascading down the street and trees were bent over from the driving wind...scary part was that it was coming from the direction that they said tornadoes come from!
Eventually even they bored me and I went to bed only to be awaken around 3:00 am by some girl yelling over the wind into her cell phone...right outside my bedroom my yard! I scared the hell out of her when I yelled at her to get out of my yard and that I was trying to sleep...she moved quite fast after that. Listening again the the continuing storm I fell asleep.
This morning I awoke to tree branches all over the place and as I walked to my shop [to check the water levels inside] notice the usual broken beer bottles and garbage from the party laying all over the street. I hope the town makes them clean up the mess...far as I'm concerned the ones hosting the party should be responsible for the mess and maybe they would get the offenders over to help out! Can't see that happening!
Believe it or not the water levels in my indoor water fall weren't as bad as I expected them to be and I only had to empty a few that overflowed. I guess the rain came down to hard and fast to have time to get in the cracks.
We time to get back home and repair the damage done there....

Friday, August 17, 2007


Sadly she's not with us any more to say it to her. She would have been 55.

Today I plan on visiting her grave, in Cornation, Alta, to spend some time with her once again.

For many years [since 1997] we have always planned a get away from our respective families around or on her birthday by going camping. This was a fun time for us and it helped us become closer to each other. Although one year I was ticked off because her friends from Cornation decided to join us and that ruined our special time together...or so I thought. Looking back now I appreciate that time better because it showed me her part of her life that I didn't know and who her friends were. At her funereal I was able to revisit with these people and got to learn even more about her life away from us.

It's been 3 yrs since her death...I still miss her and I believe I always will...time has never healed my pain!

PoD and I painted memorial stones to lay at her grave and I will be checking them out to see how they fared out in the weather. If they are in not too bad of shape I will touch them up and cover with a coat or two of varnish. If they are too bad I will bring them home to be repainted. Hopefully they will be alright as I do not wish to make a return trip...this one is going to be hard enough! The rock that I painted was of an old barn [she farmed] with one white horse in it. This was to represent the horse she always wanted but never got.
Pod's rock was dedicated to her love of her Aunty. PoD and BillyRoo spent many hours at her place getting to know her and their cousins....I know PoD feels her loss as badly as I do.
It's going to be a long 2 hrs getting there but I know I will spend that time thinking of all of the great times that did have together and how happy that we took the time to have these memories.
Happy Birthday Buttons...wish you were here!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


30 years ago today, Elvis Presley passed away. I still remember what I was doing on that fateful day and how it affected me!

It's silly to let something like that bother a person... but it did! I didn't idolize stars like most teenagers do today but I did love to hear that guy sing! They definitely don't have anyone like him today and all 0f his impersonators just want to cash in on his fame. He was also someone who had a long road of trouble caused by stardom! I wonder...was it worth it?
In Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee the have declared Aug. 11 to the 17....Elvis week. Graceland has been one of the places I have always wanted to see....maybe one day!

I still listen to his music and always will!

Long live the King! R.I.P.!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Lost two efforts at posting today...will try later...sorry!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


This is an update of the "Good or Bad News" [Aug. 5] story.

Remember the 4 teenagers I saw walking away from my home, heading downtown and my fear that they might break into my shop ?
Seems my premonition was right about the "breaking in" only it wasn't my shop that got broken was another place further up the street!
Seems they were hell bent on causing trouble that night and I guess I could count myself lucky that "carroting and banging on my door" was all that they did to me! I haven't heard the nitty-gritty details just yet of what they did when they broke in, but I do know that they all have court dates! One of the kids was semi-related to the owners of this store, so who knows what they did to piss him off and make him want to retaliate? My neighbor's kid was one of the four!
Why do some kids have to be so angry! Makes a person kind of wonder what values these kids were taught...if any!
The sad thing is that the law will probably only give them a slap on the wrist seeing as 3 of them are minors! Goes to show you how much faith I have in the justice system and for what might happen to them at home....10 to 1....nothing! One of the underage kids has been in lots of trouble before and "Mommy Dearest" has always covered for we know what will happen with him!
My judgment would be: restitution to shop owners and make them work with the "Communities in Bloom" organization to help clean up the town. Maybe if they had to put in the long hours that we do to make our living, plus make this town beautiful, they might think twice about their actions!
Sadly I think it's too late for most of them...the dye has already set!
I still have no news whether the neighbors are moving or not....

Monday, August 13, 2007


Here are some extra photos of the Courthouse before we started setting up for the haunt...
The first photo is of the basement hallway...the second shot is of the Custodial Quarter's Living room. The bottom ones are of the kitchen area and if you read the write-up in Nov., we tell of the sound of something rustling in the tarps and where I thought I saw a ghostly cat!
Creepy huh...and NO they aren't dust motes as we hadn't even walked into those areas to stir up the dust!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


For the second time this month I have had dreams about decorating for Halloween!

I must have forgotten to...or don't remember how to...turn off that time clock in my head!
Ever since I have decorated my house or Courthouse for Halloween, this would be the time I would start my planning for the haunt! The dreams would start first and the building process would start shortly after my plans were made.

I have no plans what so ever about haunting the Courthouse...last year was the final year for me and PoD! After my first dream, I kind of scared PoD, as she figured I might be starting again with the Courthouse...contrary to my final words! I had to reassure her that, NO I wasn't thinking of the Courthouse and that the dream involved the new place where I am living right now.

Yesterday was cool enough for me to be able to tidy up the garage and rearrange the stuff stored in it. I did have a few thoughts at that time about the possibility of having a tiny walk-through for Halloween this year but decided I still wasn't ready to do that again.

I guess my mind had other ideas...hence the dream last night! I do plan on decorating the outside of the house and the thoughts involve how I am going to do that so the vandals in town won't have a hay-day with them. This will be a challenge I'm looking forward to doing!


I figure I should finally post the pics from last years haunt before I start another! My inability to post these pics last year as I was narrating the haunt...was because of all of the blogger problems on photo posting. If you go back to my older posts the story starts then...Friday Nov. 27, 2006. Don't forget to watch for the "Orbs" that appear is some of the shots...

This is the entrance area and was "WoManed by Wilma and Helper" the shots are a little fuzzy as I had to lighten them to be able to see something...
Next is the entrance to the haunt which started at the court room entrance. This area was decorated by PoD and she controlled the pace of the haunt.
This area of the haunt was called the "Time Warp Tunnel" which was a creepy 15' tunnel that led into the main area. I had problems with my camera in that area so there isn't as many shots showing the layout and some of the creatures that inhabited it. Here are the few I got...
Right after that last shot things started to go weird with the camera and after these next 2 photos it quit wouldn't let me take any more photos of the courtroom action. The 2 shots that happened next show a weird orange light pattern. There was nothing in this area for the orange to reflect or emanate from and it sure wasn't there for the naked eye to see...
We had "Stairwell Guards" that kept the movement going from one floor to the other. These photos were taken on different nights and the guards where changed. The night that my family came the "Upper Floor Guard" post was womaned by my sister-in-law who also ran the worker's snack & refreshment area. I wasn't able to get a shot of her but this shows the outfit that she wore. The "Main Floor Guard" shown here is her grand daughter and we called her the "Bad Fairy" I heard later, after is was over, that she scared a lot of people and most found it difficult to get by her...they didn't know if she was a real person or a dummy as she was so tiny.
The basement was called "The Lost Mine" and the controlling guards were "Conman and Funny Lady". They kept control of the "Evil Midgets" [my grand kids]. I didn't get a shot of "Conman" but was able to get one of "Funny Lady" & the "Evil Midgets".
Saturday night my brother "Tank" ran the "1st Mine Shaft" and controlled the "White Spider" that lived in there. He was assisted by his grandson "Evil Boy"....

Here some shots of the 1st mine shaft...The "White Spider's Lair"
The last photo above is the exit to the spider lair and "Tank" said he had a hard time getting people to go through here and some had to be helped. After this area came the mine shaft #2 which was a long walk way filled with scares...manned mostly by the "Evil Midgets".
The final part of the haunt was "Mine Shaft #3"...this place housed the prison cell, prison cell, electric chair and "Mad Creatures"....

This a cute shot of "J-Rod" as our "Mad Creature

I wasn't able to take pics of the other areas after that as my camera died again. This is the ending shot of the exit of the mine shafts...
See why I don't want to do this again and these are only a few that I can show without exposing my helpers and I'm pushing my luck on the blogging space.
The one shot I do regret not getting was of my scary hair!