Home safe and sound from my trip to Coronation. All went well...drive was long...did get to see some road changes on the sask side that involved removal of curves to intersection. Other than that, it wasn't too eventful. Ran into some areas that had rain but otherwise all was sunny enough for farmers to gather their crops.
Got to the cemetery and spent 1 hour trying to find my sister's grave. I had only see it once before and obviously I wasn't paying attention to where it was and what it looked like. I was getting to the point of going into town, to find out just where it was, when I finally found it. I was shocked to see how badly I had not remembered! Then the shock set in on how badly the shape it was in! It looked like no one was taking care of it and the only sign of affection was our rocks and her daughter's garden stone. No flowers, or signs of old flowers...nothing! It looked obvious that there was no "eternal care" being paid or if there was no one was checking to see that it was being done. The grave had sunk down at least 3-4 inches and was over grown with crab grass. The reason I couldn't find it earlier, was that it was hidden by long grass and couldn't be seen easily. Our stones had sunken with the grave and were over grown with grass...I was so disappointed. So I went into town, bought some grass clippers and a wind chime to brighten up her grave.
The stones needed touching up but weren't as bad as I figured they would be. By the time I had finished all of these things the clouds had started to roll in and the wind got worse. I packed up my stuff and bid her a fond goodbye...making a promise to visit more often.
Also made a note to myself to be cremated when I die and have my ashes spread over a place that I loved...so that my grave wouldn't go unkempt...I'm not say that my kids would, just that why force someone to visit a place that's hard to visit! I would rather that they keep their memories of me in their hearts instead of a piece of ground!
On a lighter note:
The town of Coronation is quite pretty and they have quite a bit of art work shown around town. Their town sign is quite impressive by it's size and how well it is kept up and it's caboose...
This town also has some fantastic artwork and I just loved it's mural on the side of their recreational center. I'm sure if it was done by a local artist or not but it sure showed the town's history. There was another mural done on the town's theater wall that showed the coronation of the town's namesake. I wished I had gotten a photo of it as it was quite good but it had a big truck blocking most of the mural. I wished Dodge would do something like this also.

I was able to take another photo of the side of a department store and some other unusual artwork on their fire hydrants. They have done all of their hydrants like this....
I wish our town would do something like this to brighten it up and showcase some of our talented people. Our hydrants are a boring yellow...I would vote for them all to be painted like little firemen...I would even help!
As I drove out of this colorful town the weather started to turn bad and all of the way home I kept in front of the storm that was heading to Saskatchewan! It was really weird to see lightning in clear blue sky!
About 2 hours after I got home the storm hit us real bad and we had power outages that kept one from watching TV. As it was the storm made the teenagers go crazy and I had to contend with a party next door but this also kept me entertained as I got to watch just how crazy kids can get when you mix alcohol with wind/lightning and driving rain! All of them just had to be outside standing in it...they were drenched but didn't care.
It rained so hard that water was coming in from everywhere in my kitchen and I could hear hail hitting the vent pipes! Outside, out front, the water was cascading down the street and trees were bent over from the driving wind...scary part was that it was coming from the direction that they said tornadoes come from!
Eventually even they bored me and I went to bed only to be awaken around 3:00 am by some girl yelling over the wind into her cell phone...right outside my bedroom window...in my yard! I scared the hell out of her when I yelled at her to get out of my yard and that I was trying to sleep...she moved quite fast after that. Listening again the the continuing storm I fell asleep.
This morning I awoke to tree branches all over the place and as I walked to my shop [to check the water levels inside] notice the usual broken beer bottles and garbage from the party laying all over the street. I hope the town makes them clean up the mess...far as I'm concerned the ones hosting the party should be responsible for the mess and maybe they would get the offenders over to help out! Can't see that happening!
Believe it or not the water levels in my indoor water fall weren't as bad as I expected them to be and I only had to empty a few that overflowed. I guess the rain came down to hard and fast to have time to get in the cracks.
We time to get back home and repair the damage done there....
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