Saturday, August 25, 2007


I have been tagged by "Blue" to play this game and I have been in a quandary every since. I am a very private person and I just hate giving out any info that could lead the blogging world [crazies] to me in knowing where I am or what my real name is. I don't believe in showing a picture of myself or of my family...especially my grand kids. I guess that makes me to be a bit paranoid! I like the part of being a being anonymous!

But, I still want to play the game with a few changes of my own!

I am known to my friends by my middle name and it is part of my business name. I really detest my first name so I don't want to use it, so I have decided to use my nickname that my sister gave me..."Bones"!

The other change that I have to make is not tagging anyone else...mainly because I have no one to tag! I know very few bloggers and aside from Wilma and Blue leaving comments I know no one else who blogs that I could ask! Being a loner is part of my Aquarian trait and I am sort of okay with it...but I am trying to change that part of me...hence the blog and my wanting to be a part of that world!

The rules of the 'Middle Name Game' are:

1. Post the rules before you give the facts.

2. List one fact that is somehow relevant to you and your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.

3. When you are tagged you need to write your post using your middle name and facts about it.

4. At the end of your post choose one dog/person to tag for each letter of your middle name.Be sure to let each one know she/he has been tagged. (It's OK if you don't do this, just tag who you want to tag!)

Here's my attempt:

B - My nickname "Bones", stems from my fascination with Halloween [at a young age] and skeletons [bones] are a part of that world. One of my favorite type of shows are anything CSI [Crime Scene Investigators] especially the show called "Bones". Sadly I could never be a real life investigator as real "dead" bodies totally give me the creeps...I was forced [when I was 10] to kiss my mother's lifeless body goodbye and the feel of her "deadness" is etched into my thoughts forever which is one reason I refuse to view the deceased...ever!

O - Is for "Orbs" in which I am completely fascinated with! One of my favorite past times is going through and recording a haunted place to see if it has Orbs! PoD and I have always wanted to go through the cemetery here in Dodge at night to take photos of the graves and hopefully record some photo activity. We were also a part of a Paranormal group that recorded the Dodge Courthouse and got to see lots of Orbs on the camera as it recorded which also made me a believer!

N - Is for nature. I try as much as possible to do my part in keeping nature free from pollutants by recycling as much as I can. "Mother Nature" is what I believe in and hope that it will still be around for the future generations to enjoy!

E - Energy...something that I wished that I still had! Too bad as a person gets older their bodies start to let them down and yet the brain is still under the impression that you can still do what you want? As for conserving our energy resources I do my share in turning out the lights...the darkness doesn't scare me!

S - Is for my belief in the "Supernatural". I strongly believe that we are constantly surrounded by ghosts...good and bad. I am one of those people who have to know what goes "Bump" in the night. There are quite a few "Ghost Hunting" shows on TV right now and I try to watch all of them...the newest one being "Celebrity Ghost Hunters", which makes celebrity non-believers into believers [minus the over-actors]! I like the "shivers" that these shows send down my arms and body.

So now everyone knows a little bit more about how weird I really am!

So...if I was to tag anyone, it would be an open tag and this is the way that I would do it:

B - Believers in the unknown

O - Orb watchers

N - Non-believers

E - Everyone who would like to try this game out

S - Sceptical people

Thank You Blue....for including me your pal's games!


Headgirl said...


I think you did VERY well!
I certainly enjoyed the post.
It is only to be meant to be a bit of fun...which is why I maybe over stepped the mark & tagged you as I do accept/understand you're wish for anonimity - can't even spell it, but you know what I mean..

Your friend

Anonymous said...

Hey Blue...please over step the mark anytime you want! If I don't like something I will always find a way around it. Thanks again for including me!Tag me again on anything!!
Your Friend