I've been reading a lot of blogs lately and enjoyed the ones that are animals with blogs. This is where the story is being told through the eyes of their pets. Dogs are DWB and cats CWB. I found it particularly strange to read at first and thought that they had lost their marbles until I realized that it's just another style of writing...kind of like narrating in the first, second or third person but instead being another creature. It's kind of weird looking at your life through the eyes of someone/thing else?
So I decided to give it a try!
I have given speech to one of my cats... who if could really talk, this might be what she would say. Anyone who has met her has found her to be very vocal and can be quite annoying when she wants to be noticed! I've always remarked that Suki always wants to put in her 2 cents worth and will keep bugging until she does! This is a trait of Siamese cats and they have many sounds for all situations. The reason I haven't done one with Thumber is that she is not a vocal cat unless it involves her "treats" or if the littler box needs changing. She has different vocalization for these things, other than that she is quiet! But I'm pretty sure if she wanted to say anything it would be how crabby her great, great grandmother is towards her!
So I have given Suki her own blog and it is called "Baby Doodie" which is a pet name I call her
when she is being cuddly. Of course I didn't set it up...PoD did! We all know how inept I am at that sort of thing. She did have her own problems in some parts as we weren't able to give Suki her own profile because it kept changing mine...we have obviously done something wrong in the set up? You can access it through my "Links" section. Also "Blue has given Suki a nice send off also and a DWB -Jackson from Jasckson's World has already contacted her on her site! That's better than I've been able to accomplish!
So hopefully I can keep up both?
How can you tell I don't have a life?
What can I say but great shot, but don't be too hard on Jeannie, this high tech stuff is awful mind boggling. I can't even spell it!
pats to you
OHH, not sure what happened there... Sorry! My server often refuses to take comments, so I copy them before attemting to post...this was last comment to Marvin dog blog..
What I thought I said was...
Don't be so hard on yourself!
Look @ me! Sir says I'm the only person he knows who seems to be trying to make a career out of blogging I post so much & so often...
Best wishes
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