I figured I'd pay tribute to my past loves and how they affected my life. These are of the animals who gave me their love unconditionally! My dad always liked big dogs and they always had to be tied up...I always felt sorry for them. When my stepmom came into the picture she got rid of the big dogs and we got our first cat and small dog. These were supposed to be her animals but they loved my sister "Buttons" and me better...we always played and took care of them.
Simco [the cat] and Lucky [the dog]: Simco and Lucky loved sleeping with me the best and these two animals were inseparable. Both were females so when one had a litter the other would help look after the young ones so it was a usual sight to see the both of them together. Sadly Simco was too curious and ran out of her nine lives and poor Lucky lost hers to her inability to control her bladder and this angered my father so he had her put down.

Ben [the hamster]: After I left home the next animal in my life was Ben. This little guy was so cute and he just loved being around me. Apartment living was my life at that time and pets weren't allowed. Apartment managers never knew about Ben. Ben was given to me by my first husband and he moved with us to Chase BC in 1970. These are some cute pics of Ben. Sadly hamsters have a short life span and I had only a short year with him. I was heart broken when he died and vowed I'd never have another hamster after him and I never have!

Whiskey [the dog]: While we lived in Chase my husband brought home a cute little dog
that had been abandoned by some indians on the reservation close to our town. I named him whiskey because of his tail which would "whisk" every thing off of the coffee table. He was with us from our move from Chase to Kamloops and then back to Edmonchuk. Sadly my husband and I divorced shortly after our move back and I had to live in an apartment again and dogs were not allowed. Luckily the people who moved into our house wanted to keep Whiskey so had new owners to love him. Sadly he only lived 5 months after we left...his new owners let him run free and he got hit by a car.

Spooky [the cat]: Came into my life Dec 25, 1978 when she was 10 weeks old.
We were living in Kelowna BC at that time. My kids father had found her through an ad in the paper. She was living in a house that had a dog who used to help raise her along with her mother...just like Simco and Lucky did. My [now] ex wanted to call her N____r and that wasn't going to happen so I made him compromise and we named her Spooky instead. As she grew older she began to remind me of my first cat Simco. She had so many of her traits not to mention looking like her! One her most favorite time was Xmas and she loved playing in the wrapping paper and boxes. She moved with us from Kelowna to Sask and all of the moves from house to house while we lived here. She was an indoor and outdoor cat and loved mousing! She brought me lots of presents! She was also a guard cat for the kids while out on the farm. One day she drove away a huge german sheppard that was trying to come into our yard. I was sure funny to see a cat chase a dog that size away! Spooky only had 1 batch of kittens before we got her fixed. Spooky grew up with both of my kids and lived to a ripe age of 18 before she died of a natural death. Life is pretty cruel to animals that die naturally they literally waste away! I will never watch an animal die that way is better that they go our way! We all missed her very much when she died.

Rascal [the dog]: Rascal came to us while we lived in Dodge for the first time and while we had Spooky. Both got along okay but Spooky was never very happy with the dog. He was a really big dog and very gentle with the kids. He watched over them and took their dressing him up with kindness. Sadly when we were living out on the family farm he disappeared one summer when we left him alone to go on holiday. A neighbor was supposed to be looking after him and supposedly he ran away. This same neighbor liked shooting animals that he said were bothering his cows? That was one mystery that never got figured out!

Sadly these animals are all missed...the last animals that I will own are Suki & Thumber!

1 comment:
Oh dear! You've had me in tears again...
I've got a vitual pet now - how sad is that?
Take care
Meant to comment re your sister & say I understand your loss...
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