Yesterday PoD, Trebor, BillyRoo managed to get my roof leaks fixed...I hope! It's going to take some rain to see if it really worked or not.
PoD, Trebor and BillyRoo were the ones that did all of the work...I was the "gofor person" and "chief babysitter"!
We were promised that the roofing material would arrive early...but it ended up not getting here until noon time! When it did finally arrive the kids got to find out how heavy the rolls were! 

The forecast was for rain later in the day so the kids had to work fast in order to get it done in time. No one in our group had ever "roofed" before so it was a learning experience for all.

Being of limited financial resources, I went the cheapest way possible and we used "Rolled
Roofing" with LOTS of tar. Rolled roofing is an experience in it's self! It is pretty windy in our part of the world and rolling out 35" x 33' x 1/4" thick material [to lay it down straight] turns it into "sails in the wind"! The kids learned quickly to roll it out, tar it then nail it down as they went. On a bumpy surface the strips had a tendency to go askew! I didn't care how it looked in the end because it was up too high for anyone to see what it looked like and my main focus was on stopping the leaks...not cosmetic values! They were able to get it completely re-roofed and partly flashed [metal strips that helps the keep the edges from lifting] before it got dark out [8:30 pm]!
Today they have to finish off the flashing, trim the excess roofing material away and cover the other roof addition that attaches to my other building. The other building won't get done until later down the road...it's not in as bad a shape as the main building.
The rain that was fore casted never came! Until it does rain I won't know if our "cure" worked or not! With the amount of tar that they used I really can't see it leaking...but not to be too negative...with the way my luck has been going lately...it will probably leak!
As it is all of my kids, including Trebor, can add a new shingle to their list of job abilities..."Roofing Experts"! These guys/girl worked real hard and suffered greatly from aching backs, sore arms and "roof rash" knees by the time they were done!
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