Read an article lately about flea collars for your pets.
It seems that one of the ingredients [Permethrin] found in dog collars is not safe for cats! Over a period of time the ingredient will cause convulsions and in some cases even death!
Reading further about flea collars I found that most vet's recommend that you don't use these collars at all for either animal!
The use of these collars are only effective in the small area around the collar and seldom get to the back end. Over a long period of time the chemicals are absorbed into the skin and can cause other organs to fail. They recommend that you keep your animal clean with shampoos only recommended by your vet and none from over-the-counter stores!
And if that isn't enough reasons...the collars are not easily broken and can get caught...causing the animal to hang themselves!
I know every time I put these collars on the animals I would be the one getting sick! I found that I could never pet any of my animals when they wore these things so I eventually stopped using them and let nature take it's course.
I found washing my pets kept the bugs away and me healthier!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The people in charge of upgrading their main sites must have too-o-o-o-o much time on their hands!
The net browser that I was using decided to upgrade from 7.1 to a 9...this is not good news for those of us who are a bit challenged when it comes to messing with things that already work good enough for what we need!
You aren't even able to decide whether you what the upgrade or not because they make that decision for you! They just go ahead and change it! With all this messing around it made my business lose all it's stored email files and addresses! I tried getting my mail and I even needed to send out estimates but instead I had to wait for PoD to show up to get anywhere!
Thankfully PoD was able to find me a new way to do my emailing that's supposed to never get lost again...but I will believe that when I see it!!!
You can't teach this old cat to do new tricks!!! Why learn...when they're only going to change them!
My thoughts...."What's next"????
Monday, June 25, 2007

I leave my computer alone for the weekend and come back to find that my Internet server needs to re-registered? It seems that an "All-New Netscape Navigator 9.0" is now available and that might be what the problem is...will need PoD's expertise on that one [it's all Greek to me]! Hopefully I haven't lost all my emails as I need it for customers who place their orders on-line.
Right now I am using PoD's computer that just happens to be sitting right next to it! She brought it here because she very rarely uses it at home and I need it so I can blog[blog errors on mine]....which happens to be very important to me!
Hopefully she can fix it and it's not more trouble to add to the long line of problems that have been testing my will power lately!!!!
Thursday, June 21, 2007

Jill Tip - The Mover
My wonderful "moving tool" invention is the best helper in the world!
It's called "The Skateboard"!Being of limited strength, I found it very difficult to move any heavy objects around the shop [I redecorate fairly often] and asking someone [or waiting for] to help me, grates on my "Jill" abilities!
I solved my dilemma by using BillyRoo's abandoned skateboard.
All I had to do was lift up one end of the heavy object and push the skateboard under the center of it, then keep it balanced while I moved said object to where I wanted it. This works really well on all surfaces except for very heavy plush carpeting and loose dirt. If the object is small enough and the curved ends protrude you can pivot the item just like a skateboarder would pivot themselves. As for how much weight it can hold...just imagine a kid/adult leaping off of ramps onto the board and the amount of weight this item takes when they do that.
I have moved 4' x 8' sheets of aluminum & wood to areas where I need them, just by balancing the sheet and using my foot to pivot it. The only strength needed was lifting one end.
It also was a great help in moving my boxes while I was moving out and into my new place. We also used the board in conjunction with the moving dolly when we moved the fridge. We could go forward with the dolly and sideways with the skateboard, it worked great in tight hallways/doorways and we never had to removed the dolly to replace it.
Being a Halloween nut I have also used the skateboard for moving creatures for scare tactics. My big white spider was a hit in my last Haunted Courthouse adventure. I had painted my skateboard all black so it couldn't be seen.
I now have two skateboards! I picked up my other one at a garage sale. You have to keep in mind what kind of system it has for the wheels. My second one has wheels that enables the skater to lean sideways because of the joining of the wheels to the base. My preference is wheels that are hold the item better without the side wobble. I still use the other when the object it wide and using two helps to balance it better.
So now you have many uses for that object when you confiscate it from your offending children!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

My first night in my new place was Saturday night. I was looking forward to cleaner air, no emptying of buckets and generally peace & quiet.
Well.....I got the clean air!
The rain showed me that my new place had two leaks! One in the kitchen and just off the kitchen, the doorway to my bedroom...more buckets to empty! The leaks weren't too bad so Trebor was able to fix them...while the rain was pouring down on him!
As for the peace and quiet...the neighbors [young adults...although I use that term loosely] decided that it was party night!
Probably to see how far they could push the "old lady' next door?
Well push they did!
They had "drum solos" outside...yeah...a friggin' band outdoors!!!! They even sang...again I use that term loosely! All in all...they sucked! And the rain didn't deter them in the least!!!
All during the night more and more kids showed up...they were inside the house, some sat up on the porch roof, others outside filling the yard and more crammed into the garage! They had a bonfire going that could probably be seen for miles!
My heart stopped a couple of times when I thought I heard sounds like gun shots...turned out to be fireworks!
Rain stopped nothing!
Where were the cops you ask?
What cops?
Kids in this town know that there is NO PATROL on the weekends!
Trying to be not so negative and figuring that I would give them that night I phoned in NO complaint!
The next morning, as the darlings slept, results of the party could be seen everywhere! Their yard was completely covered in glass liquor bottles [some broken], broken beer bottles, beer cans, furniture [from inside of the house], garbage bags broken open...strewn everywhere and there was no spot that wasn't covered in filth! All of this crap spilled into the streets. One of the party goer's vehicle was covered in grass cuttings from bags that were slated for the dump!
All over the street and into the empty lot next door were empty beer cases...broken glass littered the street and sidewalk.
Oh....and yes my place got hit also!
The chair that we used to prop the front door open was sitting on the roof, the side next to their place was littered with broken glass and beer cans!
That blew my lid!
These guys rent their I notified their landlord of possibility of house/yard damage and my displeasure at the garbage on my side!
It didn't take too long before the glass was removed from my place and the debris from their yard!
I know kids will be kids but some also have to know when things go too far!
And as for the NO PATROL on weekends maybe there should be a letter of complaint to the town!!!!
REMEMBER....don't piss-off the old lady next door!!!
Monday, June 18, 2007

Friday After work -
I have been slowly packing stuff to move out of this place.
PoD and I had finalized what we wanted to paint/clean and all was ready for the big move!
I still had stuff left to pack and figured that I was ready enough to get going.
Finished up at 12:30 that night....still have more to do in the morning....

Saturday Morning/Afternoon - MOVING DAY
Finally its time to move!
I was up early [4:30am] had my coffee and started moving stuff downstairs [16 steps] that wasn't too heavy. I had managed 15 bags before Pod and the kids arrived at 8:30.
We used my son's van for the first few loads before HairGirl showed up to help.
I'm sure glad I downsize what I had before but it still seemed endless...which by the way isn't fully completed.
We rushed to get as much done as possible because surprise, surprise...fore cast was for rain!
We decided we were done for the day after "JD's Incident"
Later that night when Trebor got home he decided that we had to move the stuff that couldn't get damaged by the rain and we continued to bring in more!
We finished that night with both PoD and My muscles sreaming in agony!!!!
I don't know how I am going to managed to do more on Sunday????

Saturday Evening - The Cat's New Home
It was now time to move the cats!
Suki was okay and were were able to transport her to the house without any trouble. She was a little curious about what was going on but handled it quite well and the kids were able to be in the vehicle. The problem one was going to be Thumber!
Thumber has always been afraid of the kids and Pod...nothing that they have done to her. She's just a nervous cat and doesn't like people.
In order to get her there, PoD was going to have to drive and not say a word, while I was going to have to contend with a cat that might freak out!
There was no way I was going to be able to hold on to her if she decided she wanted not to be there...she's big and strong...and has too many claws! My solution was to get a cat harness on her so I would have something to hold on to if she decided to bolt! That meant tricking her with "treats" to get her to stay still long enough to accomplish this.
It worked but she wasn't to happy and you could feel her tensing up as I got closer to the door to outside. I was able to get her out and into the car but the further we drove the worse she was getting. Thankfully she doesn't bite [me] and I managed to get her in the new place and the harness off before total panic set in!
She was gone in a flash!
I wasn't even sure where she went in the house! It took her a long time to reappear!
HairGirl had taken the kids while we were messing with the cats. She had come in with AJ [8yrs old]to see how we did and find out how Thumber took it. She left JD in her boyfriends truck and had left it running with explicit warnings on NOT TOUCHING ANYTHING while she was gone.
All of a sudden she could no longer hear his noisy truck anymore and wondered why? At that moment in comes JD with this scared look on his white face!
All hell breaks loose!
We all go running out with HairGirl in the see the boyfriend's truck down the street sitting perpendicular to the curb!
It seems JD figured he could fool around in the truck...seeing as no one was there to see him doing it!
His messing around with the stick shift caused him to go out of "park" and he rolled backwards down the hill. He must have cranked the wheels because the trucks path served into an empty lot...hitting nothing...and came to rest when the front tires hit the curb. Figuring he could drive it back he got it into drive and onto the road, into the traffic area, before it stalled!
Thankfully he didn't try to jump out while it was moving!
Lessons learned were:
Hopefully JD has learned something from this?

This poor guy was a slave for me!
I thank him with all my heart for the bigness of his heart!
This guy goes out of his way to help anyone who asks and refuses to think badly of others...we should all be like him! I only wish that others would treat him better...because he deserves it!
Have a Happy Father's Day Trebor and thank you for being my grand kids Daddy!

Sunday Evening at "Dodge Falls"
As usual when it rains I have to dump pails...something I shouldn't be doing...but how can I not!
It was bad enough that Trebor, Pod and the kids had to spend their day with their dad/husband with me and had to help me move. Not much of a fun time for them! So I wasn't about to call them back to help dump the "Falls"...even though Trebor wasn't happy that I didn't.
I was sure glad I got there when I did because all pails and such were full to overflowing!
Dumping them took me 1 hour! In the photos the orange ring is a kiddy's to help catch all of the drips! The big pails are in the area that leaks the most so they can hold more without overflowing too bad...they have to be scooped out with an ice cream pail into manageable pails for emptying. This is in the doorway of my old bedroom and blocks the hallway to the bathroom!
Nice huh!
I'm only glad that nothing dripped down stairs! Thankfully PoD and I had covered the computers with plastic sheeting before leaving earlier that day!
The walk over to my work place was done in the torrential rain and I was glad to get back to a dry place as Trebor had come and fixed the 2 holes in the roof.

It was the end of the weekend and of course was raining AGAIN!
PoD called me on her cell phone and informed me that BillyRoo [my son/her brother] called her and told her that he was watching the weather channel and our area was reporting that there was a warning out for tornadoes!
Wouldn't you know in my new place and already there was a threat that I might not be staying long if it hits me! I'm pretty sure there is a factor out there that's wondering how far it can push me?
Anyways Trebor decided not to drive back to where he works that night and chance going through a hail storm again. He and BillyRoo got surprised by one a couple of years ago and their vehicles had quite a bit of damage caused by baseball size hail.
PoD has a fear of tornadoes so she kept the kids downstairs with them during the night to sleep. As Pod & Trebor were listening for the storm and trying to sleep they were startled by a crashing sound near the house. They looked but couldn't see anything...but the next morning they found that the wild wind had broken a large branch off one of their trees and it just missed hitting the shed next to the house. It was so big that it will have to be cut up to be removed!
At my place things were also very exciting as I kept going from window to window to try and see if I could see anything, but the rain made visibility very poor! Inside you could hear the rain hitting the windows really hard and louder sounds that were small branches hitting them...luckily none broke!
Thumber finally made her appearance from under the couch and headed straight for the litter box...I guess she couldn't hold it any longer! Right after the bathroom break she immediately hairball...just bile! Poor kitty...her nerves were really shot from the move and noises, probably made her stomach churn! So was still a little scared and ran around all spooked like! Finally she settled down and came to me for some reassurance. The only problem Suki has had is her annoyance at not being able to look outside. My other place had a lot of windows. I like to call their window watching a form of their TV!
Monday morning found us all well and no tornado hit the town. The terrific wind did it's damage on the trees and flowers. Branches, big and small, were everywhere! The abandoned hotel by my place had some of it's metal flashing partially rip from it's building and was bang in the cold breeze. You could see signs of rushing water places with the sand and silt piled in spots. The flowers that the "Communities in Bloom" had put in their planter looked like someone had taken a weed whacker to them...and the had been so pretty earlier!
Surprisingly the water level in my work place wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...I had figured they to be overflowing from all of the rain that had come down!
So I should get to work now that I have given you my weekend saga....
Friday, June 15, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

CAT FACTS:....FUR FACTS [facts taken from various vet sites]
- Cats with white fur and skin on their ears are very prone to sunburn. Frequent sunburns can lead to skin cancer. Many white cats need surgery to remove all or part of a cancerous ear. Preventive measures include sunscreen, or better, keeping the cat indoors on sunny days.
- A large majority of white cats with blue eyes are deaf. White cats with only one blue eye are deaf only in the ear closest to the blue eye. White cats with orange eyes do not have this disability.
- Cats have true fur, in that they both have an undercoat and an outer coat. They feel the heat more than a dog would.
- The gene in cats causes the orange coat color is sexed linked, and is on the X sex chromosome. This gene may display orange or black. Thus, as female cat with two X chromosome may have orange and black colors in its coat. A male, with only one X chromosome, can have only orange or black, not both.
- If a male cat is both orange and black it is [besides being extremely rare] sterile. To have both the orange and the black coat colors, the male cat must have all or part of both female X chromosomes. Thus this unusual sex chromosome combination will render the male sterile. So for every 3,000 tortoiseshell or calico cats born, only one will be male.
- Siamese coat color and crossed eyes may be caused by the same gene.
- The color points in Siamese cats is heat related. Cool areas are darker.
- A cat's whiskers are actually sensory organs that provide feedback on how near objects are.
- Most cats have no eyelashes.
- Brushing your cat daily will cut down on hairballs. A little vegetable oil daily will help to prevent fur-balls and bring a shine to your cat's coat.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Sorry about the delay in blogging things have been pretty busy around here.
This weekend was supposed to have been a fun time for us in Edmonchuck with family...instead PoD and her family had to move her husband's/kids stuff out of his house so I could have a roof over my head that didn't leak!
Due to the nature of my emergency to having to move out, I decided to close the shop on Friday to get a jump on the weekend...most leave early for the weekend so it's usual slow on that day. PoD's husband [Trebor] also had taken the day off to be with his family and instead had to help me move instead of having fun on the originally planned weekend! My son couldn't make it because his work booked him for 3 weeks at a new site in Alta.
While Trebor moved his/kids stuff PoD and I spent time washing walls in preparation for painting. We used the new "Swiffer" method of cleaning and I ended up with sinus problems from it and all of the dust.
Damn allergies!!! They get worse ever day!
I was supposed to have helped PoD to steam clean the rugs on Saturday but ended up being ill instead [how convenient on my part]! I have got to admit she did extremely well without me but ended up wearing herself out so Sunday ended up being a day of rest.
Also Saturday is one of the two days that the dump is open so what ever had to go had to be done then. My ex needed the trailer for his garbage so he lent Trebor a hand in unloading the "Garage Sale" unwantables.
After the town-wide garage sale we had loaded up the trailer and left it out front of PoD's place. It was full to overflowing but by the time we needed to unload it the pile had dwindled considerably. What was there was FREE to anyone who wanted or needed it. Kids and adults had a ball picking through the stuff! Even my Ex! What a better way than having to fill the dump with usable stuff or trying to get it to a place that would take it! The New & Used place in our town didn't want what was left. Also the Sally Ann in the town near us was too full and didn't want it either so our solution was happily received.
Meanwhile, I had recovered enough on Sunday to continue to pack up my stuff so we would have everything ready for the big move.
On Monday we woke up to RAIN!!! As usual another torrential down pour which meant emptying buckets AGAIN!!
This also meant us walking to my new place in the rain [white elephant jeep] is still not working so we had to use my new grocery cart [thank you to garage sale] to carry the heavy stuff. We were soaked by the time we got there!
I have ever mentioned that I hate painting walls....I get more on me than what's was put on the wall! I REALLY throw myself into my work!
After a couple of hours we took a break and had our coffee outside in the SUNSHINE! stopped raining after we got there! I guess Mother Nature had decided to test our resolve in whether we would go or not?
Thankfully I didn't have to rush back to my place to empty pails!
We finally finished in time for PoD to go and pick up the kids from school...I must say the new coat of paint raised my spirits quite a bit!
Last night I went back on my own and washed the walls and ceiling in the dining room so that we could paint them after work today. I can hardly wait to see the new color on those walls!
Well that's all for's time to get back to work before PoD gets here.....
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Seems the inner waterfall has eroded my ceiling because as I was working yesterday, crashing noises came from upstairs...scaring the hell out of me!
I ran up [as fast as these old tired legs will take me] the stairs to the sight of part of my hallway ceiling laying on the floor and checking further part the ceiling in the dinning room had decided to join it!
Can we say...condemn the building!
My kids had checked out the roof before the rain and found it to be spongy around the chimney so who knows how long it's going to last?
So now all I can do is sell the business but they have to move it somewhere else as I don't think this building is salvageable!
TIME FOR ME TO MOVE OUT before the whole thing falls down around my ears!
Today the sun is shining...for how long...who knows!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Up again at another early hour [3:20am] with breathing problems and the sound of my waterfall [leaking roof saga] working overtime! The weather was doing it's thing again...raining! Time once again to empty the buckets!
My breathing problems lately is from the moldy roof/walls caused by the roof leaks. The roof has been leaking for so long that the water coming from it runs clean...this is an old building so it should be running dirty...but not anymore! Time to cut my losses on this place before I get much worse and hopefully haven't already created too much to Bronchial damage!
I am even tired with my business and need to break from it!
Anyone out there that wants to buy a sign business?
We had planned to spend my gran daughter's 10th birthday in Edmonchuk this weekend [with family] but due to PoD's vehicle ["white elephant" jeep] not working [starter problems] and the weather being fore casted as cruddy all weekend put and end to that! What a disappointment to her and to us as we were all looking forward to going there! We will be scheduling a later date and hopefully families can still get together as we rarely ever see each other!
Oh well...sorry for bending your ear but that's what I use my blog for...better out than in!
Will wish you all to have a nice day as I am going to!
The farmers can keep their DAMN rain...CAUSE I'M SICK OF IT!
It's that time again and I better go and empty buckets....
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

1. If I like's mine!
2. If I saw it's mine!
3. If it's in my's mine!
4. If I had it a little while's mine!
5. If it looks like's mine!
6. If I can take it away from's mine!
7. If there's more than one...ALL of them are mine!
8. If you have something and you put it automatically becomes mine!
9. If it's must NEVER appear to be yours in any way!
10. If it's boring or doesn't taste good...IT'S YOURS!
Monday, June 04, 2007
Sunday, June 03, 2007
The morning started at 4:20 am for me and at 5:45 am I started up the hill to PoD's place for her "first ever" garge sale. The morning was already warm and the air was full of the scent of lilacs..which was very nice. But half way up the hill my allergies kicked in making breathing very hard...with my nice sweet diabetic breath the mosquitos came out in droves to feast on my sugary blood! Gasping for breath and itching from bites I dragged myself to PoD's place! Thankfully she had two types of inhalers and the weaker of the two helped to open the airways! Coffee was already brewing so it helped also! Going through this makes me very weak and stress works on the sugar levels which in turn helps to make me very crabby!
PoD was also not in a very good mood either as she had only gotten 2 hours of sleep so our day started out on a poor note!
Hairgirl and I had added our stuff also so her sale became a "3 family" sale. With all of the stuff we had...ours was the biggest [everyone else's comment]! We had hairdressing stuff, furniture, collectibles, toys, costumes and even the kitchen sink [actually 2 bathroom sinks].
But first the stuff had to be displayed and priced for the sale! Thankfully most of the stuff left over from my first sale was already priced but the other stuff that I had added [yup...I had more stuff] wasn't! Hairgirl had priced most of hers but needed to do more. So we all spent the next couple of hours rushing to get this ready for the 9:00 am start. We also had help from Hairgirl's mom!
Tables had to be found to display all of our stuff. The night before PoD and Hairgirl had placed out all of their tables and we were still PoD's husband [who by way are back together again for a trial period] got to search for some from his place and mine.
Have I ever mentioned before how rushing makes me stressed out and ups the sugar levels which by the way sky rocketed to 24.4...which is not good! High sugar makes me even more crabby! So poor PoD had to keep an eye out for her mom and contend with her own problems. Thankfully her daughter, AJ, is a wonderful helper and is used to our crabbiness...gotta love that girl...she's the greatest!
I have also learned why people who have garage sales are annoyed at the early birds who just have to be the first to shop...this is REALLY ANNOYING WHEN YOUR TRYING TO GET IT ALL DONE BEFORE THE ACTUAL START TIME! This was a very good lesson for me! I happen to be one of those people! But never again!!!!
If you ever want to test your patience in life...have a GARAGE SALE!
Finally we were as ready as we would ever be and the sale started...early-birds and all!
Sales were not too bad and the people coming and going were pretty steady for the first 4 hours and then it started to drag!
No I wasn't able to resist the garage sale urge, so the son-in-law, grand kids and I stole away to do some "Garage Sailing" of our own!
I did pretty good...I purchased a high-back wicker chair that matches my other high-back wicker chair [for my patio ...when I have one], rolling table [for my rock painting], a fancy ceramic canister set [my old ones were always plastic], and a small casserole dish [for the single person eating] from Hairgirl before the sale even started.
In our "Sailing" I got "son-in-law" a "never used" Chicken Rotisserie for his birthday present [which was on May 29] to use while he's away working...see nothing frivolous there.
The only frivolous thing bought was another cute 'cat" teapot for my tea pot collection which was 5.00.
I totally ignored that "demon on my shoulder" who was screaming loudly "you DEFINITELY MIGHT NEED THAT!!!!
I also ran into Wilma's/J-Rods/Tam & Fritz's sale and managed to avoid her "purse fetish" sale...sorry to say that I couldn't justify buying anything there!
Out of 26 sale places I only managed to see about half of them before the heat/too much sunlight/hunger got the best of me and I parted ways from the others and went back to ours!
I also have to mention that this was the worst managed town-wide sale ever! It was like a "last minute" effort! I had volunteered for last year's event and we ran it smoothly so I feel I have the right to complain about this one!
They always have a Bar-B-Q so there is food/drink for the "Sailers"...this was the "suckiest" part of the event! I don't mind paying a high price [4.00] for a hamburger if a person gets a great hamburger with all the trimmings! Lets say tiny pattie [over cooked/under cooked] slice of cheese [same price without cheese], tiny bun [I guess for tiny pattie], catsup & mustard and not to mention a tiny juice box [1.00] onions [raw or cooked] or relish.
All of this was managed by 2 people....cashier had a small table which had on it: cash box, napkins, cheese slices, buns, catsup & mustard. The other person was the cook who handed out the over cooked/burnt/under cooked hamburgers and hotdogs...which was okay if you only had 1 to manage...more meant you had to manage a balancing act! Luckily son-in-law and I managed!
The town rec director managed this event so the town got all of the profits from where were the other town members that should have been helping these two people...maybe they came later and I am griping for nothing?
Finally 4:00 pm came and we could pack up and go home!
What didn't sell was going to the more Garage Sales for us! Nothing was coming back to my place....I am now happy for my "Clean Sweep"....
My collectibles were cut down to Owls and Fancy Teapots.....and even those are going to be very selective!!!
I did make a little money [nowhere near to what I spent originally] and got a sunburn to boot!!!!
The morning started at 4:20 am for me and at 5:45 am I started up the hill to PoD's place for her "first ever" garge sale. The morning was already warm and the air was full of the scent of lilacs..which was very nice. But half way up the hill my allergies kicked in making breathing very hard...with my nice sweet diabetic breath the mosquitos came out in droves to feast on my sugary blood! Gasping for breath and itching from bites I dragged myself to PoD's place! Thankfully she had two types of inhalers and the weaker of the two helped to open the airways! Coffee was already brewing so it helped also! Going through this makes me very weak and stress works on the sugar levels which in turn helps to make me very crabby!
PoD was also not in a very good mood either as she had only gotten 2 hours of sleep so our day started out on a poor note!
Hairgirl and I had added our stuff also so her sale became a "3 family" sale. With all of the stuff we had...ours was the biggest [everyone else's comment]! We had hairdressing stuff, furniture, collectibles, toys, costumes and even the kitchen sink [actually 2 bathroom sinks].
But first the stuff had to be displayed and priced for the sale! Thankfully most of the stuff left over from my first sale was already priced but the other stuff that I had added [yup...I had more stuff] wasn't! Hairgirl had priced most of hers but needed to do more. So we all spent the next couple of hours rushing to get this ready for the 9:00 am start. We also had help from Hairgirl's mom!
Tables had to be found to display all of our stuff. The night before PoD and Hairgirl had placed out all of their tables and we were still PoD's husband [who by way are back together again for a trial period] got to search for some from his place and mine.
Have I ever mentioned before how rushing makes me stressed out and ups the sugar levels which by the way sky rocketed to 24.4...which is not good! High sugar makes me even more crabby! So poor PoD had to keep an eye out for her mom and contend with her own problems. Thankfully her daughter, AJ, is a wonderful helper and is used to our crabbiness...gotta love that girl...she's the greatest!
I have also learned why people who have garage sales are annoyed at the early birds who just have to be the first to shop...this is REALLY ANNOYING WHEN YOUR TRYING TO GET IT ALL DONE BEFORE THE ACTUAL START TIME! This was a very good lesson for me! I happen to be one of those people! But never again!!!!
If you ever want to test your patience in life...have a GARAGE SALE!
Finally we were as ready as we would ever be and the sale started...early-birds and all!
Sales were not too bad and the people coming and going were pretty steady for the first 4 hours and then it started to drag!
No I wasn't able to resist the garage sale urge, so the son-in-law, grand kids and I stole away to do some "Garage Sailing" of our own!
I did pretty good...I purchased a high-back wicker chair that matches my other high-back wicker chair [for my patio ...when I have one], rolling table [for my rock painting], a fancy ceramic canister set [my old ones were always plastic], and a small casserole dish [for the single person eating] from Hairgirl before the sale even started.
In our "Sailing" I got "son-in-law" a "never used" Chicken Rotisserie for his birthday present [which was on May 29] to use while he's away working...see nothing frivolous there.
The only frivolous thing bought was another cute 'cat" teapot for my tea pot collection which was 5.00.
I totally ignored that "demon on my shoulder" who was screaming loudly "you DEFINITELY MIGHT NEED THAT!!!!
I also ran into Wilma's/J-Rods/Tam & Fritz's sale and managed to avoid her "purse fetish" sale...sorry to say that I couldn't justify buying anything there!
Out of 26 sale places I only managed to see about half of them before the heat/too much sunlight/hunger got the best of me and I parted ways from the others and went back to ours!
I also have to mention that this was the worst managed town-wide sale ever! It was like a "last minute" effort! I had volunteered for last year's event and we ran it smoothly so I feel I have the right to complain about this one!
They always have a Bar-B-Q so there is food/drink for the "Sailers"...this was the "suckiest" part of the event! I don't mind paying a high price [4.00] for a hamburger if a person gets a great hamburger with all the trimmings! Lets say tiny pattie [over cooked/under cooked] slice of cheese [same price without cheese], tiny bun [I guess for tiny pattie], catsup & mustard and not to mention a tiny juice box [1.00] onions [raw or cooked] or relish.
All of this was managed by 2 people....cashier had a small table which had on it: cash box, napkins, cheese slices, buns, catsup & mustard. The other person was the cook who handed out the over cooked/burnt/under cooked hamburgers and hotdogs...which was okay if you only had 1 to manage...more meant you had to manage a balancing act! Luckily son-in-law and I managed!
The town rec director managed this event so the town got all of the profits from where were the other town members that should have been helping these two people...maybe they came later and I am griping for nothing?
Finally 4:00 pm came and we could pack up and go home!
What didn't sell was going to the more Garage Sales for us! Nothing was coming back to my place....I am now happy for my "Clean Sweep"....
My collectibles were cut down to Owls and Fancy Teapots.....and even those are going to be very selective!!!
I did make a little money [nowhere near to what I spent originally] and got a sunburn to boot!!!!
Friday, June 01, 2007
I must correct the statement that I hated dogs...its not the dogs that I dislike but their owners who do not correct them...thus making the dog to become not liked!
I know it's a dog's nature to jump up and that's their way to greet you but I have bad allergies [as do a lot of people] to animals including other peoples cats! These greetings do me in and I suffer greatly from their contact. Being forced to pet them makes it worse...dogs and cats sense this but do not understand...including their owners.
I love all animals that have been taught manners!
Dogs can learn not to jump up and well trained ones will wait to be greeted. Cats are a different story...they get close by jumping up and seeing how you react...then they know how to act. I usually signal a cat whether its wanted or not...untrained dogs don't get the hint and push their limits!
Some dogs also have other unwanted traits that irritate me...crotch sniffing and leg humping! These can be also taught not to do...lazy owners think these can be my books there not! I actually prefer the older dog to a younger dog...they either have learned manners or just don't care anymore.
I really think young dogs are like annoying children/teenagers...if not taught properly they do not belong in society until they are!
Before I was stricken with allergy problems I too was a dog owner and all of our dogs all learned their place in the human world so I know what I am talking about. I miss having a dog as a friend/companion but I know how much work is involved in keeping one and it wouldn't be fair to either of us if I did!
In my younger years [before allergies] we lived with dogs, cats, hamsters, salamanders and budgies. Out of all of these pets, I hated the birds the most...too messy & noisy! Birds belong free! We also lived near the stock yards and got to experience cows/steers and horses. I hate cows/steers but loved the horses and always wish to own one...but never did.
So all in all...I am an animal lover [mostly cats] and have learned to teach my animal family how to live in our world...hopefully so will others!
I must correct the statement that I hated dogs...its not the dogs that I dislike but their owners who do not correct them...thus making the dog to become not liked!
I know it's a dog's nature to jump up and that's their way to greet you but I have bad allergies [as do a lot of people] to animals including other peoples cats! These greetings do me in and I suffer greatly from their contact. Being forced to pet them makes it worse...dogs and cats sense this but do not understand...including their owners.
I love all animals that have been taught manners!
Dogs can learn not to jump up and well trained ones will wait to be greeted. Cats are a different story...they get close by jumping up and seeing how you react...then they know how to act. I usually signal a cat whether its wanted or not...untrained dogs don't get the hint and push their limits!
Some dogs also have other unwanted traits that irritate me...crotch sniffing and leg humping! These can be also taught not to do...lazy owners think these can be my books there not! I actually prefer the older dog to a younger dog...they either have learned manners or just don't care anymore.
I really think young dogs are like annoying children/teenagers...if not taught properly they do not belong in society until they are!
Before I was stricken with allergy problems I too was a dog owner and all of our dogs all learned their place in the human world so I know what I am talking about. I miss having a dog as a friend/companion but I know how much work is involved in keeping one and it wouldn't be fair to either of us if I did!
In my younger years [before allergies] we lived with dogs, cats, hamsters, salamanders and budgies. Out of all of these pets, I hated the birds the most...too messy & noisy! Birds belong free! We also lived near the stock yards and got to experience cows/steers and horses. I hate cows/steers but loved the horses and always wish to own one...but never did.
So all in all...I am an animal lover [mostly cats] and have learned to teach my animal family how to live in our world...hopefully so will others!
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