Sunday Evening at "Dodge Falls"
As usual when it rains I have to dump pails...something I shouldn't be doing...but how can I not!
It was bad enough that Trebor, Pod and the kids had to spend their day with their dad/husband with me and had to help me move. Not much of a fun time for them! So I wasn't about to call them back to help dump the "Falls"...even though Trebor wasn't happy that I didn't.
I was sure glad I got there when I did because all pails and such were full to overflowing!
Dumping them took me 1 hour! In the photos the orange ring is a kiddy pool...it's to help catch all of the drips! The big pails are in the area that leaks the most so they can hold more without overflowing too bad...they have to be scooped out with an ice cream pail into manageable pails for emptying. This is in the doorway of my old bedroom and blocks the hallway to the bathroom!
Nice huh!
I'm only glad that nothing dripped down stairs! Thankfully PoD and I had covered the computers with plastic sheeting before leaving earlier that day!
The walk over to my work place was done in the torrential rain and I was glad to get back to a dry place as Trebor had come and fixed the 2 holes in the roof.
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