It was the end of the weekend and of course was raining AGAIN!
PoD called me on her cell phone and informed me that BillyRoo [my son/her brother] called her and told her that he was watching the weather channel and our area was reporting that there was a warning out for tornadoes!
Wouldn't you know it...me in my new place and already there was a threat that I might not be staying long if it hits me! I'm pretty sure there is a factor out there that's wondering how far it can push me?
Anyways Trebor decided not to drive back to where he works that night and chance going through a hail storm again. He and BillyRoo got surprised by one a couple of years ago and their vehicles had quite a bit of damage caused by baseball size hail.
PoD has a fear of tornadoes so she kept the kids downstairs with them during the night to sleep. As Pod & Trebor were listening for the storm and trying to sleep they were startled by a crashing sound near the house. They looked but couldn't see anything...but the next morning they found that the wild wind had broken a large branch off one of their trees and it just missed hitting the shed next to the house. It was so big that it will have to be cut up to be removed!
At my place things were also very exciting as I kept going from window to window to try and see if I could see anything, but the rain made visibility very poor! Inside you could hear the rain hitting the windows really hard and louder sounds that were small branches hitting them...luckily none broke!
Thumber finally made her appearance from under the couch and headed straight for the litter box...I guess she couldn't hold it any longer! Right after the bathroom break she immediately up-chucked....no hairball...just bile! Poor kitty...her nerves were really shot from the move and noises, probably made her stomach churn! So was still a little scared and ran around all spooked like! Finally she settled down and came to me for some reassurance. The only problem Suki has had is her annoyance at not being able to look outside. My other place had a lot of windows. I like to call their window watching a form of their TV!
Monday morning found us all well and no tornado hit the town. The terrific wind did it's damage on the trees and flowers. Branches, big and small, were everywhere! The abandoned hotel by my place had some of it's metal flashing partially rip from it's building and was bang in the cold breeze. You could see signs of rushing water places with the sand and silt piled in spots. The flowers that the "Communities in Bloom" had put in their planter looked like someone had taken a weed whacker to them...and the had been so pretty earlier!
Surprisingly the water level in my work place wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...I had figured they to be overflowing from all of the rain that had come down!
So I should get to work now that I have given you my weekend saga....
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