My first night in my new place was Saturday night. I was looking forward to cleaner air, no emptying of buckets and generally peace & quiet.
Well.....I got the clean air!
The rain showed me that my new place had two leaks! One in the kitchen and just off the kitchen, the doorway to my bedroom...more buckets to empty! The leaks weren't too bad so Trebor was able to fix them...while the rain was pouring down on him!
As for the peace and quiet...the neighbors [young adults...although I use that term loosely] decided that it was party night!
Probably to see how far they could push the "old lady' next door?
Well push they did!
They had "drum solos" outside...yeah...a friggin' band outdoors!!!! They even sang...again I use that term loosely! All in all...they sucked! And the rain didn't deter them in the least!!!
All during the night more and more kids showed up...they were inside the house, some sat up on the porch roof, others outside filling the yard and more crammed into the garage! They had a bonfire going that could probably be seen for miles!
My heart stopped a couple of times when I thought I heard sounds like gun shots...turned out to be fireworks!
Rain stopped nothing!
Where were the cops you ask?
What cops?
Kids in this town know that there is NO PATROL on the weekends!
Trying to be not so negative and figuring that I would give them that night I phoned in NO complaint!
The next morning, as the darlings slept, results of the party could be seen everywhere! Their yard was completely covered in glass liquor bottles [some broken], broken beer bottles, beer cans, furniture [from inside of the house], garbage bags broken open...strewn everywhere and there was no spot that wasn't covered in filth! All of this crap spilled into the streets. One of the party goer's vehicle was covered in grass cuttings from bags that were slated for the dump!
All over the street and into the empty lot next door were empty beer cases...broken glass littered the street and sidewalk.
Oh....and yes my place got hit also!
The chair that we used to prop the front door open was sitting on the roof, the side next to their place was littered with broken glass and beer cans!
That blew my lid!
These guys rent their place...so I notified their landlord of possibility of house/yard damage and my displeasure at the garbage on my side!
It didn't take too long before the glass was removed from my place and the debris from their yard!
I know kids will be kids but some also have to know when things go too far!
And as for the NO PATROL on weekends maybe there should be a letter of complaint to the town!!!!
REMEMBER....don't piss-off the old lady next door!!!
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