Jill Tip - The Mover
My wonderful "moving tool" invention is the best helper in the world!
It's called "The Skateboard"!Being of limited strength, I found it very difficult to move any heavy objects around the shop [I redecorate fairly often] and asking someone [or waiting for] to help me, grates on my "Jill" abilities!
I solved my dilemma by using BillyRoo's abandoned skateboard.
All I had to do was lift up one end of the heavy object and push the skateboard under the center of it, then keep it balanced while I moved said object to where I wanted it. This works really well on all surfaces except for very heavy plush carpeting and loose dirt. If the object is small enough and the curved ends protrude you can pivot the item just like a skateboarder would pivot themselves. As for how much weight it can hold...just imagine a kid/adult leaping off of ramps onto the board and the amount of weight this item takes when they do that.
I have moved 4' x 8' sheets of aluminum & wood to areas where I need them, just by balancing the sheet and using my foot to pivot it. The only strength needed was lifting one end.
It also was a great help in moving my boxes while I was moving out and into my new place. We also used the board in conjunction with the moving dolly when we moved the fridge. We could go forward with the dolly and sideways with the skateboard, it worked great in tight hallways/doorways and we never had to removed the dolly to replace it.
Being a Halloween nut I have also used the skateboard for moving creatures for scare tactics. My big white spider was a hit in my last Haunted Courthouse adventure. I had painted my skateboard all black so it couldn't be seen.
I now have two skateboards! I picked up my other one at a garage sale. You have to keep in mind what kind of system it has for the wheels. My second one has wheels that enables the skater to lean sideways because of the joining of the wheels to the base. My preference is wheels that are rigid...it hold the item better without the side wobble. I still use the other when the object it wide and using two helps to balance it better.
So now you have many uses for that object when you confiscate it from your offending children!
Great ideal QOH!! (you should write a book on your Jillisms)
Where did you move to?
Thanks Velvis
Right now the book would probably be two pages thick...but yah never know?
I moved half a block east on downtown ave not a far walk from work.
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