Up again at another early hour [3:20am] with breathing problems and the sound of my waterfall [leaking roof saga] working overtime! The weather was doing it's thing again...raining! Time once again to empty the buckets!
My breathing problems lately is from the moldy roof/walls caused by the roof leaks. The roof has been leaking for so long that the water coming from it runs clean...this is an old building so it should be running dirty...but not anymore! Time to cut my losses on this place before I get much worse and hopefully haven't already created too much to correct...ie Bronchial damage!
I am even tired with my business and need to break from it!
Anyone out there that wants to buy a sign business?
We had planned to spend my gran daughter's 10th birthday in Edmonchuk this weekend [with family] but due to PoD's vehicle ["white elephant" jeep] not working [starter problems] and the weather being fore casted as cruddy all weekend put and end to that! What a disappointment to her and to us as we were all looking forward to going there! We will be scheduling a later date and hopefully families can still get together as we rarely ever see each other!
Oh well...sorry for bending your ear but that's what I use my blog for...better out than in!
Will wish you all to have a nice day as I am going to!
The farmers can keep their DAMN rain...CAUSE I'M SICK OF IT!
It's that time again and I better go and empty buckets....
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