It makes me so mad to have to depend on it sooooooooo much!
I haven't been blogging like I want to because of this supposedly advanced crap stuff!
What ticks me more is my inability to be able to understand all this techno doo doo!
We computerized in 1991 and there wasn't any program like "Windows" to help things go smoothly [?] like they [are supposed] to do now.
There was the evil little word like "dos" to contend with.
I couldn't learn "dos" either!
It was a great thing for the kids to learn because they now understand the workings of this evil machine better than the ones that are totally dependent on "Windows" [might be a different word that I don't know about but I'll go with this one...it's obviously the only one I know].
My Ex was the one who started my fear of this technology!
He used to love mucking around with "dos" and would crash the computer on a regular basis! Crash it so badly that we should have moved the computer guy to our place...that's how much he did it!
This was hard on my nerves because all of my drawings and business info was stored inside of this "wonder" machine! This fear got so bad that I wanted to scream every time he came near it! So I became fearful of pressing the wrong command button!
So that's one of the reasons I make a paper copy to file away! It will never replace the actual work done but if all is lost on the machine I'll at least have something to work with. But that is the old way!
We did manage to find ways to do "back-ups" but one has to remember to "do them"!
It's kind of like playing with fire if I don't!
But this fear of crashing the "wonder" machine has stuck with me!
I have a tendency to over think things! The English language can be interpreted so many ways!
Most of you out there are so creative with all of your fancy borders, headers...etc, that it ticks me off!
If I make any changes on here it's a miracle to me and sad to say one that sometimes cannot be repeated!
Like me being able to add my profile pic to those whom I follow, yet I cannot seem to figure out how to add same pic to my comments? Some comment titles are pretty witty...frig if I know how to change mine! Don't bother telling me about the "help" command...been there done that!
I'm a frustration to my kids! They have tried many, many, many, many times to teach me. I've even got them to write out the commands step by step! But do think this brain of mine would accept it..........NO! I over think their instructions!
The only thing I am proficient at is my drawing program! Only because I had no one to teach it to me, aside from the computer guru who initially showed me how to start it, it was all my knowledge! But I still don't advance any further in it's updates...too afraid to screw up what's been tried and true?
The sad part is...that was 19 years ago!
This is one old dog who is afraid or can't learn these new tricks....;(
I'd like to think I could still learn new stuff....so I am attempting to figure out another new "wonder" machine.
It is a machine that was made for the "scrap booking" enthusiasts?
Who would have thought scrap booking would become so popular that they would invent a machine to cut out all of those little do-dads that they use to embelish their memories? Its called a "Cricut Personal Electronic Cutter".
This machine is like our vinyl cutter only on a smaller scale. The difference being it can cut thicker material than our does. We got it to have it hopefully add more to what we can do. All I need is my imagination...which is endless.
Time will tell whether I can do this or not...
It does come with a video...
Seems I can remember better with what I've seen rather than what I read...
Guess I've got that same comprehension problem that my kid's teachers were always complaining about!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Naaaa...just some cool looking Hoar Frost on my LED light bush
Even the Alien Brothers got a light frosting...
Last evening we got "the awful white stuff" dumped on us big time! We went from near "no snow" to "let's shovel again" in a matter of hours....
I know it doesn't look like much out front but there was lots to shovel! My front area is fairly sheltered by the neighbors big pine tree so I was able to open the door with no problem, it was the open areas that were deep!
It was a good work out! Heart passed another stress test!
It was just disheartening to see the snow..
But then what did I expect....
Last night was also a night of power-glitching....off and on! This made TV viewing annoying! Couldn't use the computer....WAH, WAH, WAH...
So I fell asleep listening to the wind and the frosting stuff hit the house...
Morning brought the shoveling cause I needed to go out...
Needed to pick up the bare essential from the fast mart here, so venture out I did...
Loved my son's front wheeled drive normally but could have used the driving force behind me, as I tried to drive through the HUGE snow drifts! I tried 4 intersections before I could navigate up one street! I could have walk to the place but the wind chill that came with the snow took my breath away so walking was out of the question. 5 minute trip took 20 minutes!
By the time I got back I was drenched in sweat!
I didn't get stuck anywhere...pretty near though!
Was ready for a nap...
Is is Spring yet...
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The rest of the story!
I was completely worn out when I got home!
So much so, falling asleep was no problem?
I should have been too terrified to shut my eyes!
But I was just too exhausted to care!
The coughing/lack of air fit, did me in!
Also, my sugars had gone pretty low [ right after the choking event], even though I had enjoyed a big supper that included a dessert. I even had a glass of juice, so my sugar intake was very high. I had expected to not need to eat, so I didn't bring food [which I normally do], only candy [for just this reason].
The heat might have played a part in my exhaustion?
We did take lots of fresh air breaks, so over heating shouln't have been a big factor in the energy drain...
Odd thing is, both guys wore their coats most of the time...even in the courtroom?
It was a hungry cat and lack of sugar that awoke me at 9 the next morning, which was good in a way because they called 15 minutes later to say they were about to be on their way.
What a tired looking group!
They had moved all of their bedding down to the safe room after we had left...nobody wanted to sleep in those chambers any more!
The "Evil Newbie" had been cleansed and he was back to normal...even apologetic about his behavior. I must admit, I do not have good thoughts on the validity of this guy. He did pull a prank in the beginning [moved an overhead projection, in the safe room, across the room and plugged it in, then pretended to be surprised like everyone else] which a new person shouldn't do when you want to join someones group. Also, nobody let him go anywhere by himself after the "possession" thing.
The thing that I did notice was that the place still felt bad, even though it was in the daylight!
For them, they were happy to be on their way, as much as I was, that this episode, was over!
Now all I'm left with are my thoughts on what just happened to me in there!
The prediction "something will happen to QoH" can possibly be explained...she was here when I was affected by the "sorrow" episode last time, so it's quite probable that it might again to me? Which in my mind was a fear that I had expressed. But then who knows...that explanation was for us skeptics.
I don't like getting fortunes told as it only messes with your mind. One has to remember that it's all in the interpertation of the cards and the body language. I don't say she isn't real...it's just my analitic mind.
The heat is a big factor and it does bother me!
What's bothering me now is...
Why the sugar crash? My stress levels are pretty high while in there...could that be it? But my whole life is more stressful than those hours spent in there, so why aren't my sugar levels low all of the time?
This is the 2nd time I've been close to illness while in there...? This has driven me out both times! Why not all of the time?
Since then Diane has added more things to think of...
She, via Jan, sent me some interesting info on when a bat appears in your life, what it might mean...
Bat...means Transition, Rebirth
A Bat Totem appearing in your life is a call for the end of a way of life and the beginning of another. One must fact their greatest fears and get rid of the part of your life that no longer is needed. This transition is very frightening for many. But one will not grow spiritually until the old parts are gone. Face the darkness ahead and you will find the light in rebirth.
A bats visit can be a warning that changes will soon occur and not to be afraid. Sometimes it means facing ones fears. It can also indicate a time of an awakening because the bat awakes in the dark. It's presence can illuminated dark shadows. It can also be a sign of opportunity.
When a bat appears in your life it's message may be to examine your surroundings to discern what bounty is being offered to you, and then alter your patterns so you can receive it.
How you reacted to the bat...if you were frightened by it [no], you should avoid indiscreet discussion of your affairs; but if you were not afraid, you will be offered a new proposition which will be profitable. If the bat was hanging down [which it was] and in darkness [it wasn't dark] leads to stagnation of the spirit and a refusal to acknowledge your true destiny--which is always to use the talents you have to the fullest. Is there somewhere in your life that you have dammed up this creativity?
The was 8 pages on the subject so I won't bore you any further...
This just gives me even more crap to think of...
My up take on this has been...
My first episode that drove me out of the place was before my sister was killed...her death changed me a lot mentally! For the good, cause I got the strength to get the Ex out of my life, but bad cause it's been an up hill battle all of the way business wise.
The reason I mention this one is that, I was cutting out bat shapes for the Halloween thing in there at the time that I had to get out? They were both flying and hanging styles?
So does that mean, seeing this bat, might change my horrible luck into something better...
Will I have changes in my worst problem...my sister's death [or murder]?
I have made some steps forward this year...
I have been stagnated in the designing end, as of late, so I have been forcing myself to push forward...
I've already added advertising outside of my place...something I had always meant to do but was too busy to?
As for Calling Lakes Paranormal Investigations Inc. they have expressed a wish to do it again...maybe in the summer?
I swore that I wasn't going back...
But then I swore I wasn't going to do any wedding planning either and yet here I am booking an appointment with a worried mother for Saturday, who is wanting ideas for her daughter's up coming nuptials...
Who knows....maybe decorating IS my future?
As for the courthouse spirits........:(
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Part 2
Woke Saturday morn at 8:30, [bed at 3:00] feeling refreshed and raring to go, which was good because I needed to get the house in order/cleaned just in case someone wanted to see the place [if they were bored that is] plus had to figure out what to wear for the evening festivities. Plans were to spend a couple of hours with the group in the afternoon [see how the night went], go for the supper then quickly back to the courthouse.
Ended up adding work too...which was okay
Finally excitement time!
Picked up PoD around 4 ish and headed to the courthouse to see how their night went.
All was quiet when we walked in there except for a banging noise upstairs. We put our stuff in the safe room with the rest of the food/equipment and went to look for them.
It was still hot in there... yet not as scary feeling? Found the banging noise turned out to be the heat register in the men's can...sounding like it was going to explode?
We found them all fast asleep in the judges chambers, that is, until I tripped the motion detector they had set up on the Judge's bench, off...;)
Seems their sleep hadn't been too great.
First it was too hot...opened the windows
Then it was too cold...cause the windows were open
Reports of lots of strange noises out in the courtroom...sounds of a Judge's gavel being banged on the Judge's bench a couple of times. One of the "newbies" reported waking up once to see, what she thought, was a tall dark shadow of a big man standing in the doorway to the courtroom. She said she didn't feel scared at all and felt that he was only curious, so she was able to go back to sleep? I wouldn't have!
All got up except for Brett [the computer techie] who said he was still tired and hadn't got much sleep because of all of the strange noises. I think it was that he was sleeping on the Judge's bed, that made him restless. Miles [from the ghost hunters group] had told of feeling his head being pushed into the pillow when he tried sleep on that same bed?
So we spent the next two hours chatting on their take of the courthouse and compared notes on our feelings. The two newbies are also sensitives and so we all exchanged stories on our experiences that lead us to be there.
The psychic [Diane] swore that the place had changed inside and it was no longer a good thing. She had gotten a bad vibe about this trip before they had even started out so it didn't help her to find that her thoughts were right. She does a reading on the place before we start any investigation. No one gets to see it except for Jan [our leader] and she seals it in an envelope to be opened after we complete the investigation.
They hadn't done much as yet other than set up the computer/monitor and one camera in the courtroom so had plans while we were gone to finish the set up. This is what their digs looked like...
PoD & I went for [wildlife] supper...
I was amazed to see all of the vehicles at the hall...the place was jammed packed! I have never seen so many people in that place! Our dinner theater nights never had that good of a turnout! I guess hunting is definitely a big thing here? Boy was I wrong in thinking that they were having a poor turnout and needed people to eat their meal, that's why the free tickets. The last thing they needed was two more people in there!
We thoroughly enjoyed the meal [I went strictly vegetarian ,except for the gravy] and would have liked to have stayed [the people watching would have been fun] but we were more concerned about missing something at the courthouse.
We got back to trouble!
Brett wasn't doing so well?
He had slept most of the time we were gone and upon waking he looked gray. This man normally has a reddish blush to his face and is quiet but does give input when asked. All said he'd been his usual joking self on the way here and had no sign of illness. The only one close to being sick was me with this annoying head cold.
But here he was, gray looking, dull eyed, and confused. He was bad enough to scare all of us! I even suggested the hospital...last thing I wanted was him having a heart attack! That wasn't his problem...no symptoms of that type of distress. He kind of looked how I felt when my blood sugars are real low...he's not diabetic.
Thinking that maybe the heat of the place had got to him we had him go sit out in the van where it was cooler. The psychic went with him [they are close friends] to make sure all would be well. Minutes later they had brought him back in...the cold had just made him worse?
Diane figured that a healing/cleansing circle might help, as the vibe she was getting from him, was that he was being drained of his energy from this place and might be possessed?
I can see all of you shaking your head right now and saying..."yeah, right" with deep sarcasm!
Well, so was I, until I saw him transform right before my own eyes!
We performed a "smudging ceremony" which is done by burning sweet grass [cleansing agent] while holding hands in a circle while Brett stood in the center. A religious [not crazy about] chant is repeated while urging the entity to get out of his body! Holding hands protects us from it.
I know this all sounds like doo-doo to you and I was just as skeptic until I saw Brett's face change. I have never seen a face go from dull gray to a healthy pink tinge! I kid you not! I saw his eyes go from being dull to looking alive again...he even stood taller!
The is no way I would ever accuse Brett of being a faker...I have never gotten any weird vibe from him. Others I have doubted and have had thought them as being fakes but not him. I could be wrong [but I don't think so].
I have left this place many a time feeling pretty drained of energy! We go through a lot of batteries...like they are being drained. Many feel the spirit world needs energy in order to manifest it's self?
All was okay again!
Except for me...I was uneasy again! Seeing that happen made me a bigger believer. I have my own mental ritual which helps give me strength...it's called being "strong willed"...something my ex says I have a lot of...;)
This was more cause for talking and it seemed like everyone was avoiding what we were there for...the investigation!
Group photo...
I'm exactly where I like being...behind the camera [even though I take lousy shots]!
We did finally get going...
Circle sitting in the courtroom...
The set up...
The only orb...
There are a few faint circles in the shot but I'd say they are dust motes. There should have been tons of dust due to rug and gallery traffic...I know they don't clean that often.
I'm not crazy about circle sitting! It's hard on the back, your legs fall asleep and I don't like using my senses that much. I am more into the paranormal by using equipment, instead of myself, to find out where there really is something to this. I have said that I do want to feel something and in the next breath I don't. I know sounds nuts! Oh Well...
So we sat.
Sitting in this dark courtroom is creepy for me. Since my last episode [deep sorrow wanting to cry] I have hardened my mind against that happening again! PoD and I both have stated that we'd like to see the shadow again...hoping to get it on camera too.
The others were all seeing shapes in the doorway behind me and I tried to see what they saw, but nothing that I could see.
I did have this weird feeling that something was sitting on the bench behind me just over my right shoulder. I kept looking over my shoulder but saw nothing. Turning back one time I felt this sharp jab in my right shoulder blade...like someone poked me with a bony finger. Hard enough to push my shoulder ahead a bit.
Talk about freak out!
I know it wasn't a muscle spasm!
Poke yourself hard in the shoulder [go on do it] that's what it felt like!
That was it for me...happily the others were done for the moment.
Refreshment break!
Nobody wanted to go the basement!
They did set a camera up in the hallway down there. While they set up we took a tour to see what was done for the museum part. I was amazed at the salt & pepper collection in the living room in the Custodial Quarters. The back bedroom was made into a nursery. The antique dolls were too creepy!
After our refreshing break we decided to try the sitting again in the courtroom.
Jan & Amy where doing something in the Judge's chamber and heard loud scratching noises in the curtains near where their bedding was. Upon checking they found a bat clinging to the curtain about 9 feet up it. Of course we all came to the screaming...;)
I ran downstairs [in the dark by myself] to get the "Bat Patrol" weapons, which are kept in the Council Chambers [safe room]. These are two tennis rackets! One to hit it down to the floor, once it's on the floor [only stunned] use both rackets as tweezers to pick it up and carry to release it outside [where it will fly back to it's home in the courthouse attic]. PoD was the lucky one to do the deed while the rest of us covered our hair...;) She was pretty good...got it on the first try!
Bat's are supposed to be hibernating right now but I figure the intense heat must be wrecking their sleep patterns. I'm just happy they weren't all busy flying around...what would they eat?
Well we all calmed down and started the circle again.
Right away I felt that thing at my back again [we all sat in the same places as the last time] only stronger. PoD wanting to experience whatever I did, traded places with me.
The new spot felt much better even if was only one seat away from the creepy spot. PoD too began to feel that something was there...you could feel it even if you couldn't see it!!
During these sessions in the courtroom my sinuses always became clearer and I could breathe better, which I found strange because they would become plugged again in the safe room.
I don't think we had been sitting too long before I suddenly couldn't breathe!
Gaspingly I tried to tell them I couldn't breathe but it was hard to talk!
The only thing I could think of was fresh air...outside!
Coughing and gasping I finally made it outside...there is no way anyone would have caught me, that's how fast I ran!
Sure enough...it worked!
I could breathe again!
Nothing covered my face, nothing touched me, yet I feel that something DID. NOT. WANT. ME. IN. THE. COURTROOM!
I guess all hell broke out after we left [PoD & me] because The "newbie" guy started talking funny? Not funny ha ha, funny as in strange!
This group uses a machine that is supposed to gather energy from what's around it and it talks. I'm suspicious of this machine, as I've heard they are programed with a vocabulary? So is it a kid's game or not?
Anyways...this guy started relating a story that had appeared in his mind [supposedly something that went on in this courtroom many many years ago] while he was sitting there. He would say a few statements and the machine would answer back. You can stand near this machine and try to get it to say something and it won't...it can be very creepy when it does say something! It says "Murder" a lot!
Also they said the atmosphere had changed when we left! From the heavy feeling that we had felt to something somewhat lighter? Did the bad thing leave the room with us? Because what I felt was BAD!
When they rest of the group came down you could tell something was wrong!
The newbie guy had changed!
He now looked EVIL! And he had become quite annoying...sort of on the belligerent side!
It's hard to explain how you get used to seeing a normal look on a stranger's face and then it looks evil. I swear his eyes were darker...more sunken looking and his face was flushed!
I don't know this guy from Adam so whether he was acting or not, I can't say, but when someone's face and their demeanor changes, in such a short time, makes you wonder. After what had happened to me...I'd believe anything right now! Sensibility says otherwise!
Hopefully they caught all of this on tape...for once we had a camera running!
During this guy's time during the courtroom sitting, this guy kept repeating this same name over and over again "Henry Harvey"? He also kept saying [while I was there] that something wanted him to go the "Jury Room"...it wanted to play cards with him?
Down in the safe room he kept saying these things over and over! No one could reason with him!
Jan also revealed what was in the envelope that Diane had predicted for this weekend ...
"Someone has tried to cleans this place [will find out if anyone else has been in here that we don't know about], something is very angry in here and something is going to happen to QoH"!
I don't know about the other stuff but mine sure came true!
I had, had enough with the courthouse!
So PoD and I packed it in around 3:00 am....
Stay tuned for part 3 [blogger doesn't like my long stories?]....yes it hasn't ended yet!
Monday, January 18, 2010
A hunting we will go...
Part One...Friday Night
Got the happy news Friday morn, that it was okay for the Calling Lakes Paranormal Investigation Ltd. group from Fort QuApple to come and do their 4th investigation at the Courthouse.
This makes it our 8th in there!
It's been almost 3 months since we were last in there with the group from Saskabush, so PoD and I were happy to be doing our fav thing once again! Both of us keep hoping to experience something more, maybe to feel something touch us...
One should watch what one wishes for...
What a weekend...tickets to the Wildlife supper on Saturday and now a weekend investigation....
This one was a "spur-of-the-moment" sort of thing. The group had planned an investigation in Hudson Bay but got canceled. Thing was, they had two "newbies" from there, wanting to be included. It was their first. They were more than happy to travel to here instead of not doing one at all.
Plans were to meet them at the courthouse at 8:00, so wanting to get some stuff done in there first, for ourselves, we got there around 7:00ish.
From the moment I turned the key all felt, not good!
You all know by now PoD and I are what is called "senseatives". We are both very intune with our senses. If it don't feel good, we usually back away...not this time!
Wished I had!
First, the blast of heat that hit us, was INTENSE! It was like walking into an oven!
We both knew from previous experience that it gets mighty hot in there. The floors are stone/cement/marble and have to be heated from the basement.
I want to know if they turn the heat up full blast on the weekend, when it's not open, to do all the floor heating, so they can turn it down and be comfortable during week? And if so, they knew we were going to be in there this weekend, so why did they?
Maybe they're trying to bake the ghosts...;)
Anyways...the safe room was unbearable, so we opened all of the windows...instant relief!
One of the things we had planned to do was the ball experiment again. We set up our movie camera in the foyer and positioned the ball for filming. Finishing that, we both looked up the staircase, looked at each other and decided not to go any further!
Looking up that dark staircase had made chills run up and down my spine!
Big feeling of dread was next...
It was the same feeling I got when I looked down the stairs to the basement after opening that back door.
The heat wasn't the thing that kept us from investigating further cause you do get used to it after awhile. What was bad was the vibes we were both getting from the whole place!
I had picked up the key to place earlier and the place did creep me out then, but not as bad as it felt now!
So we sat and waited...and waited and waited and waited...
As we waited we babbled about this and that....
Creeped our selves out once, by talking about what we would do if the ball suddenly rolled down the hallway towards the room we were in....
The place was making its usual creepy noises.
Thought I heard music coming from the basement once?
By 10:30 we called it quits...this left us worrying about what might have happened to them?
I was just settling down to watch a movie when they called...they're here!
So I went back to let them in and help unload...PoD had decided to call it a night.
They all looked pretty tired and had decided not to set up until they had rested...which was okay with me.
I still had that bad feeling!
I didn't say anything about the bad vibe Pod and I got from the place. I wanted them to form their own opinion.
From the moment they entered they felt it too!
The psychic that travels with them wasn't happy about what she was feeling and even said that it felt like someone had tried to cleanse the place and it went wrong?
On their previous trips they set up in the safe room and slept there...not this time. Plans were to sleep in the Judges chamber... four women in the livingroom area and the two guys in the bedroom.
I thought they were nuts!
I went home and slept in my own SAFE bed!
Stay tuned for Saturday's adventure....and a glimpse into the real scary unknown...
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Got nothing to say...
One can always talk about the weather...
Or Decorating...;)
After what seemed like weeks or months [only felt like it] of bitchin' cold weather and happily little snow, the shop looked liked this...
Then we get this warmth...
Which is nice...except for the ice!
Got to watch for the dangerous puddles...
The urge to get out and go walking has been really strong lately...only the thought of wiping out keeps me yard bound!
Did sit out in the warm sunlight enjoying the fresh air, watching the traffic slush by...
Got lots of waves and smiles...
As they watched the changes being done to the new theme...
Sadly we all know winter ain't done with us yet...
Or we could talk about how well I feel right now...
Must report my first cold of the year..............SIGH....;(
Pretty sure it's a cold?
The sinus problem really never got better since having the swine flu!
Doctors won't prescribe antibiotics because it's viral and nothing can cure that? Too bad I don't drink...
Your safe...won't go into the running face problem.
Good and bad thing...can't smell anything!
Good, cause some smells caused intense sinus headaches...
Alzheimer's makes me forget I put food in the oven...can't eat crispy [burned beyond all recognition] critters
Everything tastes the same...the only difference is whether its sweet, sour or spicy!
You can now call me "Mouth Breather"!
When I talk it's all nasally...because the membranes are all swollen from all of the blowing
Have to say "what" [can you repeat that]....a lot
Blah, blah, blah...
Been up since 2:30 am...
It's now 5:30 ish...foggy outside [inside too]
Tired of watching the party people [yah it's Thurday...doesn't all drinking start then] going back and forth [no new drunks]...
Cat wants her treat...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
PoD and I were gifted with two free tickets to our town's Wildlife Federation's Annual Awards & Supper this Saturday.
Just a little thank you for all of the stuff that we do for them...:)
What a nice way to end an otherwise boring working day!
Too bad I don't like wild meat! Was promised normal food also...
All wild animals are safe from me! I neither want to kill them, have mounted on the wall, or stuff them or any other gross things.
Not sure what the awards are for...I've never attended one of these functions before.
I just like the thought of a free supper and entertainment!
That's what will get me there...
Unless there's a snow storm!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Well maybe not singing.
I think they are all still frozen in their homes...like I thought I was.
Today got to a melting point...water dripped down my neck as I quickly made my decor change outside. We have now changed from Xmas to Valentines/Mardi Gras theme.
Why Mardi Gras you ask...it falls on Feb 16th this year. 2 days before Valentines, so I got to sneak that in too.
Remember this is for my viewing pleasure...
I LOVE making Valentines Day a LARGE to-do, decorating wise. It gets noticed, so people in this town won't forget that it's here...until I change for St. Patrick's....;)
The fresh air was SOOOOO invirgorating! I got all done that I could, only need to check the lights at dark...
Mean while BillyRoo surprised me with the new Halloween 2 DVD by Rob Zombie...
Zombie writes this one his way. The story line is similar with his type of twist. It's a bit gory for my taste but not as bad as some. Most will call it "B" grade but what other category would murder/gore fall into?
The Dr. Sam Loomis in this movie series are two different character lines. Donald Pleasence [1st] is completely annoying in his whiny way. Whereas Malcolm McDowel plays the character better...slimy instead of whiny. Much better
Zombie's wife plays Michael's mother...so-so acting.
The movie kind of jumped around for me but then I was always comparing it to the orginal version. Those who haven't seen the first version ,wouldn't find it a problem. It's a cult classic sort of thingy.
The eerie part of the movie to me was the white horse.
Not because it's scary or anything...just that it's a horse that I've had dreams about lately? WTF!
For a couple a weeks now, I've been having these horse dreams off and on? Some are nightmares and some are soothing...
Will blog on that next...
It still puzzles me about the horse....?
I did not know about the Zombie sequel either so I did not know about the horse in it...?
Well maybe not singing.
I think they are all still frozen in their homes...like I thought I was.
Today got to a melting point...water dripped down my neck as I quickly made my decor change outside. We have now changed from Xmas to Valentines/Mardi Gras theme.
Why Mardi Gras you ask...it falls on Feb 16th this year. 2 days before Valentines, so I got to sneak that in too.
Remember this is for my viewing pleasure...
I LOVE making Valentines Day a LARGE to-do, decorating wise. It gets noticed, so people in this town won't forget that it's here...until I change for St. Patrick's....;)
The fresh air was SOOOOO invirgorating! I got all done that I could, only need to check the lights at dark...
Mean while BillyRoo surprised me with the new Halloween 2 DVD by Rob Zombie...
This was WAY better than the first movie made!
Zombie writes this one his way. The story line is similar with his type of twist. It's a bit gory for my taste but not as bad as some. Most will call it "B" grade but what other category would murder/gore fall into?
The Dr. Sam Loomis in this movie series are two different character lines. Donald Pleasence [1st] is completely annoying in his whiny way. Whereas Malcolm McDowel plays the character better...slimy instead of whiny. Much better
Zombie's wife plays Michael's mother...so-so acting.
The movie kind of jumped around for me but then I was always comparing it to the orginal version. Those who haven't seen the first version ,wouldn't find it a problem. It's a cult classic sort of thingy.
The eerie part of the movie to me was the white horse.
Not because it's scary or anything...just that it's a horse that I've had dreams about lately? WTF!
For a couple a weeks now, I've been having these horse dreams off and on? Some are nightmares and some are soothing...
Will blog on that next...
It still puzzles me about the horse....?
I did not know about the Zombie sequel either so I did not know about the horse in it...?
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Not ours...
The big town south of us, had their 55 yr old skating rink burn to the ground!
To another small town this is devastating news!
It hits home here that it could have been ours...
Small towns depend on their skating/curling rinks in the winter...
It's a place where parents/grand parents can sit in the cold [most of the wood structures aren't heated] for a couple of hours [frozen butt], bitch about the cold to others and still go home happy cause your team won!
It was a toss-up on what was better...visiting or the game?
I miss that time spent in the arena here and the one down south, while BillyRoo played minor hockey. PoD even did a stint as a figure skater in ours. I seldom missed a game [didn't go to all the away ones] or skating practice. Grumbled a lot but still liked the "getting out" part...:)
My grand kids don't do winter sports, so I rarely go to the rink now a days. I do support minor hockey by donations and getting a rink burger/fries...which by the way taste the best [I'm not a burger person].
The last time I remember being there was to see the circus a few years ago.
I even saw the signs that I had done...still on the walls. In good shape for being over 10 years old...on wood
The rink that burned down on Friday was a death trap just waiting to happen, as far as I was concerned! Sure, it had lots of memories and all good ones for our family but as the years progressed I noticed the building's decline.
I love architecture and these old building are amazing with their arched ceilings! This one was built very good but wood doesn't last and fire was inevitable. I'm happy there wasn't anything going on at the time. Reports say it might be renovation accident...no one was hurt.
One of the things about the southern rink I hated, was it's dressing room location for the hockey players. They had to climb [a very vertical climb] a bunch of stairs to the dressing rooms. The scary part was watching the players come down those steep steps wearing full gear while wearing skates! BillyRoo tended goal! I always had to look away with fingers crossed!
Thin rounded blades on narrow steps...every parents nightmare!
It's the loss of the "ice" season that hurts the kids the most. Ice sports will still continue, only it has to be over longer distances on wintery roads! Many depend on this time to showcase their talents...so It's very important!
I've read that part of the structure was storage to a lot of equipment for the sports held there. I also remember the foyer as being a trophy/award showcase area. That's all gone...
It was sad to see it go but maybe for that town's 100th celebration this year, the new rink will make it a new and SAFER environment for all...
One thing about small towns I love...
it's ability to stand together through tough times!
Thursday, January 07, 2010
be happy that it's on snow... #@*?/#....
Not enough snow was the results!
Can we say puke skating rink....#@!&*%?
Salt doesn't work when it's this friggin' cold out!!!!!
Another present...
Guess I should be happy that the bottle wasn't broken...which would be the norm
Suppose I should be happy they aren't dealing drugs....
Oh hang on there....they might be???
Can't prove anything, but the young people traffic, in and out of that place, is mighty suspicious!
Pretty gutsy with a cop living across the way...
One consolation...been too bitchin' cold out to be up to any mischief...other than fouling my work/living place!
Creepy Hollow's happy they didn't get close to him! Even though it looked like they were heading in that direction when they let it all fly...three times!
I finally figured out why I get up at 3 or 4 in the morning...it's to catch the action!
Haven't been lucky enough to catch anything, especially the pukers...yet!
Have been entertained by the variety of drunks passing back & forth...
The latest surprise was the drunk that lives across the street...
He's got to be in his late 60's. A few mornings ago, I watched him staggering back and forth carrying a beer, even stopping to take a swig once in awhile...
Why I was surprised, I don't know...he's known for his being a drunk!
One day I will be able to afford to put up some game cameras!
Can you imagine the footage I could have...not too mention proof!
Other than that, exciting news...things have been dead, work wise!
Finally finished the sad signs...
With that young man's death, it's been hard not to nag my kids into getting heart check-ups! Both are over the age of 26 and heart problems run in the genes...
So in trying to change-up the mood I removed Xmas and started Valentine's Day decorating...
Done some work for my business...
Seems my window/yard/office displays, [that's what I call my decorating obsession] confuses most people? Hoping bigger signs will help them understand, just what it is, that I do and sell. I figure the sign I have right now must be too small...;)? Or they don't know what "sign manufacturing" means?
The decorating does it's work otherwise...it gets their attention and a lot come in...they get a business card.
Finally added something to the wall that I've been itching to do and will help with just what can be done with the stuff that I do,,,
Who else but the Queen of Halloween would have a 7 foot scary tree on the wall...goes good with the coffin
Silhouette trees look great on big bare walls...even a forest
The vinyl is heat removable, so the crows [that's what makes the tree creepy] are not attached to the tree when cut out.
My next project is to revamp these 3 mirrors and this fancy pewter picture frame, I bought this summer's garage sales. Each will get a good polishing and have words of wisdom installed on them. These will be visual examples so customers can be inspired...
I've given up on the card thing as a full time posting thing...I still do them, I just don't have time to post. I spend too much time all day long at the computer as it is. I don't think there's any padding left in my chair!
Sorry [no I'm not] for the gross photo in the beginning...
But that's how I felt when I open the door...
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Talking about organizing chores, it's that time of the year again...
I hate this time of the year!
I only have myself to blame...
I'm still old school and need to have a paper trail because I don't totally trust all my info to the computer systems. So I keep copies in filing cabinets.
This can cause space problems.
Things sometimes have to be moved...
Changing of files...put away last years [after updating that is] and make new folders to hold all of the work that should be starting up [in apr, may maybe june]...
Blah, blah, blah...
I know I have lots of time on my hands to do these chores, and if I was smart, I'd just get it over with...but the inner child in me likes to search for other distractions...
This year's work has started but it's not a happy job, it's a sad one...
I've 2 more banners to make [1 before Xmas] that I'm donating to the families [plus hockey club] of the young man [26yrs] my family grew up with. He passed away a few days before Xmas. A very big shock to us all. My heart goes out to all who were dear to him but mostly to his parents...
To bury ones child or grand child is my biggest nightmare!
These are 2 signs I'd rather not be doing!
I know it's Sunday and one shouldn't be working but to me it's just another day...
Working helps me stay out of the fridge!
I did manage to get 90% of my Halloween stuff put away properly and the cats happier that her litter box is more accessable...;)
I'm going to try to do card reading everyday for a month and see how well it follows my life...
"Up on the Catwalk"..."You're the center of attention. Strutt your stuff"
"Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"...Life likes to test your surefootedness. Be nimble"
So does that mean I better watch my step as I strut my stuff? Hmmm
Tarot Card...I do only the major arcane cards
"The Stars"...which is my card [aquarius]is shows 7 or 8 stars, a kneeling woman, a pools of water & 2 urns.
"a clarity of vision, spiritual unsight, unexpected help will be coming with water to quench the thirst, with guiding light to the future"
Looks like today should be interesting...
Stay tuned...
Saturday, January 02, 2010
Our "Present" sorters ready to spring into action...
Some of the animal entertainment...
This is now my sewing basket...who would have thought I'd be able to put my sewing machine in it
But one of the most cherished one [sorry PoD] was from my granddaughter...
When she heard about the name draw and why we were doing it, it upset her. She felt that she wanted to give us something extra to open too. Not having any money, herself, she went through her prized possessions and chose what she thought we would like to have and wrapped them. I have always loved her kitty purse. I always thought it would be perfect for the Queen of Halloween [even if it is pink...could be me as a child...;)] And she added two blue necklaces [sparkly] and then make one with black cord, gem bracelet and added a silver star charm... The others all got something special to her. What she couldn't think of to give she made them a card instead...
I wanted to cry at such sweet thoughts...she's no longer a child!
PoD...you done brought her up right!
Unwrapping all done...
BillyRoo and I went home to prepare for the next round...supper
Stupid me decided to change cameras [this one is supposed to be a better one?] and all of the shots ended up like we were traveling in high speed...all burry and yellow looking?
We played dominoes before super without the kids [they were busy play their new games] and continued it after were cleared the dishes away. Poor JD wasn't feeling too well and laid around on the couch. AJ had fun with us.
[phew...finally got this all posted and it's before Ukranian Xmas]
Didn't wait to take down the decor...Santa got boxed on Boxing Day and the other is slowly trickling away. I decorate for Valentines so the red stays. If the weather would get warmer I'd be changing it outside too. Planning on a lit valentine's display...
Friday, January 01, 2010
Still struggling with the old news...
Winter Wonderland...is on hold for the moment as pics are still a problem?
Reading around on other blogs the general census for 2009 is that it was a bad year for all?
This recession sucks for everybody...except you rich ones
For me it's one of the worst since '02.
Reading back on the beginning of the year, I stated that I was joining the happiness revolution...I lasted 32 days! Should have done a crabbing one instead...oh wait a minute...I did!
Spent most of the year complaining about one ailment or another...you'd think I was getting old
Did two decorating stints...grad & a gothic wedding. Both caused muscle spasms problems [stress] and caused lots of grief physically & mentally. Made me fall off the wacky wagon but I got back on it again.
A badly stubbed toe didn't help to make lifeany easier.
I caught the swine flu Oct 27 and it had fun with me for 10 days. It was bad! Finally got my first flu shots...swine and reg. Whined about sore arms for a few days.
The year was filled with lots of paranormal researching being done, which included a trip to Fort QueApple for a symposium on that subject. Memorable mother/daughter outing...lots of laughs! Both groups came to search for the unknown at the courthouse and one group, the library. This same group hosted a halloween special and we got to meet the author of sask ghost stories, Joanne Christensen. This same group made us honorable members of their society.
Was not happy about the bad feeling in one of the reseach sessions with the first group. Finding I'm liking the courthouse less and less.
Finally said goodbye to my theater mementos...ending that part of my life. Gave the records to the younger group. Still miss it! Hope they still include me sometime.
Grad decorating reminded me that it's been 40 years since mine happened! Where did the friggin time go?
Swore to never do grad or wedding decor ever again! Or be a wedding co-ordinator!
Spent the summer staying inside due to heat & bugs...emerging only to do the occasional garage sale.
My hero, Maxie [PoD's cat] developed mouth problems and sadly may be fighting his last battle.
Got freaked out by an annoying woodpecker...
Summing up this post it doesn't look like I've done much...
Maybe thats why it feel like it was only yesterday...
I'd like to say that I've got lots of plans for the future...
I don't...
Depends on what it has in store for me!
I'll settle for heath for me
and for those I love
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