Thursday, January 21, 2010


The rest of the story!

I was completely worn out when I got home!

So much so, falling asleep was no problem?

I should have been too terrified to shut my eyes!

But I was just too exhausted to care!

The coughing/lack of air fit, did me in!

Also, my sugars had gone pretty low [ right after the choking event], even though I had enjoyed a big supper that included a dessert. I even had a glass of juice, so my sugar intake was very high. I had expected to not need to eat, so I didn't bring food [which I normally do], only candy [for just this reason].

The heat might have played a part in my exhaustion?
We did take lots of fresh air breaks, so over heating shouln't have been a big factor in the energy drain...

Odd thing is, both guys wore their coats most of the time...even in the courtroom?

It was a hungry cat and lack of sugar that awoke me at 9 the next morning, which was good in a way because they called 15 minutes later to say they were about to be on their way.

What a tired looking group!

They had moved all of their bedding down to the safe room after we had left...nobody wanted to sleep in those chambers any more!

The "Evil Newbie" had been cleansed and he was back to normal...even apologetic about his behavior. I must admit, I do not have good thoughts on the validity of this guy. He did pull a prank in the beginning [moved an overhead projection, in the safe room, across the room and plugged it in, then pretended to be surprised like everyone else] which a new person shouldn't do when you want to join someones group. Also, nobody let him go anywhere by himself after the "possession" thing.

The thing that I did notice was that the place still felt bad, even though it was in the daylight!

For them, they were happy to be on their way, as much as I was, that this episode, was over!

Now all I'm left with are my thoughts on what just happened to me in there!

The prediction "something will happen to QoH" can possibly be explained...she was here when I was affected by the "sorrow" episode last time, so it's quite probable that it might again to me? Which in my mind was a fear that I had expressed. But then who knows...that explanation was for us skeptics.

I don't like getting fortunes told as it only messes with your mind. One has to remember that it's all in the interpertation of the cards and the body language. I don't say she isn't's just my analitic mind.

The heat is a big factor and it does bother me!

What's bothering me now is...

Why the sugar crash? My stress levels are pretty high while in there...could that be it? But my whole life is more stressful than those hours spent in there, so why aren't my sugar levels low all of the time?

This is the 2nd time I've been close to illness while in there...? This has driven me out both times! Why not all of the time?

Since then Diane has added more things to think of...

She, via Jan, sent me some interesting info on when a bat appears in your life, what it might mean...

Bat...means Transition, Rebirth

A Bat Totem appearing in your life is a call for the end of a way of life and the beginning of another. One must fact their greatest fears and get rid of the part of your life that no longer is needed. This transition is very frightening for many. But one will not grow spiritually until the old parts are gone. Face the darkness ahead and you will find the light in rebirth.
A bats visit can be a warning that changes will soon occur and not to be afraid. Sometimes it means facing ones fears. It can also indicate a time of an awakening because the bat awakes in the dark. It's presence can illuminated dark shadows. It can also be a sign of opportunity.
When a bat appears in your life it's message may be to examine your surroundings to discern what bounty is being offered to you, and then alter your patterns so you can receive it.
How you reacted to the bat...if you were frightened by it [no], you should avoid indiscreet discussion of your affairs; but if you were not afraid, you will be offered a new proposition which will be profitable. If the bat was hanging down [which it was] and in darkness [it wasn't dark] leads to stagnation of the spirit and a refusal to acknowledge your true destiny--which is always to use the talents you have to the fullest. Is there somewhere in your life that you have dammed up this creativity?

The was 8 pages on the subject so I won't bore you any further...

This just gives me even more crap to think of...

My up take on this has been...

My first episode that drove me out of the place was before my sister was killed...her death changed me a lot mentally! For the good, cause I got the strength to get the Ex out of my life, but bad cause it's been an up hill battle all of the way business wise.

The reason I mention this one is that, I was cutting out bat shapes for the Halloween thing in there at the time that I had to get out? They were both flying and hanging styles?

So does that mean, seeing this bat, might change my horrible luck into something better...

Will I have changes in my worst sister's death [or murder]?

I have made some steps forward this year...

I have been stagnated in the designing end, as of late, so I have been forcing myself to push forward...

I've already added advertising outside of my place...something I had always meant to do but was too busy to?

As for Calling Lakes Paranormal Investigations Inc. they have expressed a wish to do it again...maybe in the summer?


I swore that I wasn't going back...

But then I swore I wasn't going to do any wedding planning either and yet here I am booking an appointment with a worried mother for Saturday, who is wanting ideas for her daughter's up coming nuptials...

Who knows....maybe decorating IS my future?

As for the courthouse spirits........:(

1 comment:

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

low blood sugar as I know only too well, messes with your mind, as you will probably know too.

well, it messes with everything to be honest.

Although I have noticed I "feel" things more when my blood sugar is very low.

Not sure about the bat stuff, will have to re read it all again.

I always wake up, or can't sleep properly, when my sugars fall, think it is your body protecting you.

I still have to read this again but need to make some coffee, kinda freaked by your tales!

love Jeannie x