Sunday, January 03, 2010


Talking about organizing chores, it's that time of the year again...


I hate this time of the year!

I only have myself to blame...

I'm still old school and need to have a paper trail because I don't totally trust all my info to the computer systems. So I keep copies in filing cabinets.

This can cause space problems.

Things sometimes have to be moved...

Changing of files...put away last years [after updating that is] and make new folders to hold all of the work that should be starting up [in apr, may maybe june]...

Blah, blah, blah...

I know I have lots of time on my hands to do these chores, and if I was smart, I'd just get it over with...but the inner child in me likes to search for other distractions...

This year's work has started but it's not a happy job, it's a sad one...

I've 2 more banners to make [1 before Xmas] that I'm donating to the families [plus hockey club] of the young man [26yrs] my family grew up with. He passed away a few days before Xmas. A very big shock to us all. My heart goes out to all who were dear to him but mostly to his parents...

To bury ones child or grand child is my biggest nightmare!

These are 2 signs I'd rather not be doing!

I know it's Sunday and one shouldn't be working but to me it's just another day...

Working helps me stay out of the fridge!

I did manage to get 90% of my Halloween stuff put away properly and the cats happier that her litter box is more accessable...;)

I'm going to try to do card reading everyday for a month and see how well it follows my life...

Cat Comfort Cards...2 cards jumped out this morning

"Up on the Catwalk"..."You're the center of attention. Strutt your stuff"
"Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"...Life likes to test your surefootedness. Be nimble"

So does that mean I better watch my step as I strut my stuff? Hmmm

Tarot Card...I do only the major arcane cards

"The Stars"...which is my card [aquarius]is shows 7 or 8 stars, a kneeling woman, a pools of water & 2 urns.
"a clarity of vision, spiritual unsight, unexpected help will be coming with water to quench the thirst, with guiding light to the future"

Looks like today should be interesting...

Stay tuned...

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