Sunday, January 24, 2010


Naaaa...just some cool looking Hoar Frost on my LED light bush

Even the Alien Brothers got a light frosting...

Last evening we got "the awful white stuff" dumped on us big time! We went from near "no snow" to "let's shovel again" in a matter of hours....

I know it doesn't look like much out front but there was lots to shovel! My front area is fairly sheltered by the neighbors big pine tree so I was able to open the door with no problem, it was the open areas that were deep!

It was a good work out! Heart passed another stress test!

It was just disheartening to see the snow..

But then what did I expect....


Last night was also a night of and on! This made TV viewing annoying! Couldn't use the computer....WAH, WAH, WAH...

So I fell asleep listening to the wind and the frosting stuff hit the house...

Morning brought the shoveling cause I needed to go out...

Needed to pick up the bare essential from the fast mart here, so venture out I did...

Loved my son's front wheeled drive normally but could have used the driving force behind me, as I tried to drive through the HUGE snow drifts! I tried 4 intersections before I could navigate up one street! I could have walk to the place but the wind chill that came with the snow took my breath away so walking was out of the question. 5 minute trip took 20 minutes!

By the time I got back I was drenched in sweat!

I didn't get stuck anywhere...pretty near though!

Was ready for a nap...

Is is Spring yet...

Where's that damn ground hog...?


Roan said...

I'm ready for that groundhog to show up on a cloudy day. Wouldn't want him to see his shadow. The frost makes for nice pics, though. ;)

Oh, and the black in the courthouse pic...that shot was taken with my broken camera, so I'm assuming it was due to the broken lens. I hope so anyway.

Roan said...

I've been reading about your hunting. Wow! The possession thing really give me the creeps. Very interesting, though. BJ