Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Name Game - 2009

Nobody has tagged me to play this game [I'm used to that] so I will play by myself....

1. What is your name?

Since my name begins with D, all my answers to the below list must begin with the letter D.

2. Four letter word: Damn...I use it too much

3. Girl Name: Dawnita...sounds light

4. Boy Name: Dallas...macho man

5. Occupation: Designer...of just about anything

6. Color: Daffodil Yellow...not crazy about

7. Piece of clothing:
Dresses...wish I'd wear more of

8. Food: Duck Soup...yuk

9. Item in the bathroom: Dandruff Shampoo...don't use [son]

10. Place/City: Dodge...cause I live there

11. A reason for being late: Detained by yakky idiot...?

12. Something I’d yell: DAMN...or Darn...;)?

13. Movie: Dawn of the Dead...;)

14. Something you drink: "Dasani" bottled water...only if I'm really desperate! I don't drink otherwise

15. Band: Diana Ross & the Supremes....?

16. Animal: it an animal?

17. Street name:
Downing Street?

. Car: Dodge Dart...I thought they were cool in their day

19. Song: "Danny Boy"...makes me cry no matter who sings it! Prefer an Irish Tenor!

20. Activity that includes more than one participant: Dancing...I always said that I would settle with someone who LOVED to dance...sadly there are NONE of those available. I'd rather dance by myself anyways only waltzing is quite hard...:)

The End!

20 of 365....happiness

1. restfull day

2. showed my "FOR SALE" building [to someone who was just jerking my chain]

3. went for a walk [where dry pavement was available]

4. got stopped by a couple who had work for me to do

5. removed the rest of Xmas from the front of my shop/house

Hope I remember "Earth Hour" [8:30] tonight...


I didn't know that this event even existed and it's being the 3rd year of it running?

What is Earth Hour...?

Sat. Mar 28 from 8:30 to 9:30 pm they have a "Lights Out" in support action on climate change!

This includes doing a technology detox! No Cells, DS, Blackberry...etc.

I'm happy to add that I do my share now:

1. Don't own any of those gadgets especially a cell phone...I borrow one when needed

2. Only constant source of light in my place are low watt night lights & some led lights...I like the dark!

3. Turn off all computers when not in use.

4. No external sounds going like T.V. sitters, radio, cd...etc.

5. Room temp at near freezing...visitors [?] must wear sweaters

6. No dishwasher...dirty dishes some times runnith over but saves on hot water...:)

Must draw the line at NO TV, computers, digital cameras, scanners, printers & power tools!
These I can't live without!

So tonight at "EARTH HOUR" I PLEDGE to do away with all luxuries for 1 HOUR!

What am I going to do at that time?

Who knows?

Maybe paint some prop pillars by candle light?

Most probably take a nap so I can be up all night...


Friday, March 27, 2009

19 of 365...Happiness

1. quiet day

2. friday

3. mint tea

4. jewel quest 3 almost done

5. work day over........................:)

Hope you all have a safe weekend...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

18 of 365...Happiness

1. nice enough today to have doors open to air out the place...hope snow mold stays out!

2. listening to different sounding birds...hopefully spring birds?

3. watch cat play in the sunlight and see her joy in approaching spring. She's not an outdoor cat but loves open windows.

4. meals already prepared...just slip them into the oven

5. paid attention and nothing got burnt...:)

6. accomplished lots of work...did spring give me energy...?

I managed to have 6 happy things....amazing!

Hope your day was as profitable as mine was...

As previously mention on yesterday's blog, about "Animals With Blogs", I forgot to ask why some of them, who talk silly [like their animal would talk that way if it spoke], why would they?

Is it to give them an accent, ie: Siamese cat, Chihuahua..etc?

If they really thought about it [like I obviously have], their animal was probably born in their country. Unless you are a foreigner, why would your animal be?

Don't you call them your fur babies? It would only stand to reason that any of my off-spring would talk like me! I have native blood in me but don't speak the language, so why would of my Siamese cat speak like it's Chinese or Siamese?

I'm NOT being racial or anything, just wondering about the logistics of it?

I know...picky, picky, picky!

IS it really being creative?

I for one, avoid those ones who do talk that way...too hard to understand...?

And wouldn't you worry about someone who had a child who spoke that way?


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

17 of 365...happiness

1. 5 mule deer appeared in front of my place this morning [5:45]. Too bad I couldn't get a shot of them as they bolted as soon as they heard me turn the door knob.

2. all blogger friends/animals/me, all on the right side of the grass today...:)

3. vinyl supplies arrived...much needed. I love my suppliers one day service!

4. got most of my designing work done [7 hrs]...downside...I have a monster headache!

5. leftovers from lunch...:)

Animals With Blogs

Through a Blogger Buddy [Blue] I became aware of a new way to submit your story/ideas. People who talk through their pets?

When I first read them I though WTF?

Are they nutso?

Then I looked at them from a different perspective and found them to be quite inventive. Most were too way out there for me and now I only visit a select few.

One day I decided to try it for myself and blogged through my cat Suki. I must say I [she] had more followers through that blog than I do on this site? Her following became even larger when the word went out that she was ill.

Do people with pets care more for other pets than they do for the humans who own them?

Because your blogging as an animal, you care more?

The animal blogs that I follow come from Suki's blog "Doodie". These were the ones who showed the most interest:

Jackson [dog] - He was the first follower. He's an energetic Terrier [not a favorite of mine] and loves to destroy toys. He makes me smile! It was touch and go for him for awhile as he has health problems and I visit his every so often. I'm trying not to become attached?

Oscar [dog] - I had just started on his site when he suddenly passed away! It sucked me in long enough to feel heart broken? I enjoyed the way his owners took pride in his up bringing and their joy of being with him, he was their child. So when he died it bothered me that they were able to replace him so quickly? I know that I shouldn't judge others by the way that I feel but it bugs me when people say "it's ONLY an animal". Some of these animals are their children..."I wouldn't want to replace one of mine so quickly"! I don't visit there anymore.

Marvin [dog] - I like labrador dogs [not my neighbor's dog] and find their faces to be quite kind looking [except my neighbor's dog]. Generally a gentle dog [not my neighbor's dog]! I like his writer's style. She can be quite comical and even leaves a comment on my blog...what's not to like about that! My other blog friend BJ has a black lab also [Willie] and she adds pics/tales about him which I find adds to her blog line. I love both of theirs. I would still read their blogs after their animals pass [hopefully not soon].

Daisy & Harley [cats]- Guaranteed to make me smile! She's a clothing model! He's a new addition...a undercover dectective? Very, very inventive and entertaining. I've never seen a cat who doesn't mind being dressed-up like she does. I normaly don't like seeing animals being dressed up except for Daisy. Her "mom" doesn't make her go out into's more of a modeling gig, meant for show. She should be paid for wearing those outfits...:) Some of it is the other additions like, "Mr Shrill", Lizard, Snail...etc that carries the interest for me. I dread the day that Daisy passes!

Miss Peach [16 yr old cat]...she reminds me of Suki [not the same breed] and who is just about as fragile looking as she was. Her story teller is quite artistic and very inventive. I love the "fru-fruness" of her site. Sadly Miss Peach is not well! It's like going through losing Suki all over again! She makes me cry lately [not all of the time] and I like to leave hers til the end of the day. I dread the day that she passes!

I'm real sappy when it comes to emotional issues and it tends to bring me down a lot! So reading about their lives/antics daily, one finds themselves [me] becoming attached and when they pass I find that their pain is mine also. I can't help that!

So why do I follow them if it bothers me so much?

Will I ever talk through animal again?

Right now.....NO!

Maybe we should all take a look at life through our pets eyes and put ourselves in their place!

I got to know my cats better by doing that but in turn fell deeply attached to something that is guaranteed not to be around for very long! I feel too much sometimes!!

But later...who knows?

To ALL you AWB...keep up the entertaining blogging!

Count me as a fan!

Runny eyes and all...;)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

16 of 365...Happiness

1. managed to sleep in til 7:00 am...a biggie for me!

2. fart free syringe [insulin] filling...usually takes 3 or 4 tries!

3. PoD's Maxi [cat] lives to see another day...but needs to have teeth removed

4. sore on ankle all healed!!!

5. cooked a roast...but burned the gravy

Today almost ended all I can smell is burned gravy
I seem to have lost my knack for cooking...old age makes me forget than I HAVE TO WATCH what I'm doing....?

Saturday, March 21, 2009



Original ideas are blasting out of your brain so fast that it's hard to keep up with yourself. A few surprises are likely when your key planet Uranus is visited by quicksilver Mercury. You may not be able to finish what you initiate, yet you could begin enough projects now to keep you busy for a long time. Don't stress if you have a lot of loose ends by the end of the day. It will be easy enough next week to clean up what you started today.

Didn't I just say that work was just starting to pick up...?

Didn't I state awhile back that I was building stuff for wedding/grad decor...?


All I can say is "I better not start sleep walking"...!

Who knows what I'll paint, glue gun, cut...etc...

Hope it's not going to be a long day....been up since 3:30 am...busy, busy, busy
Friday, March 20, 2009

15 of 365 ...Happiness

1. happy/sad, about Maxi's vet trip [news I didn't want to hear] being canceled because of foggy/icy conditions. both Pod & I are bad winter drivers [scairdy cats] so it was an easy choice. did NEED to go shopping...cupboards bare...:(

2. son wanted to go shopping so it became a family outing...:)

3. remembered all that I needed [left list on table back home] and even some deals...:)

4. the little baby chicks [decor] that sit on my computer [sticky tack keeps them from wandering]...I love my little toys...:)

5. being able to take a work day and make it a family day...:) [without feeling guilty]

6. writing these happy moments any time I want [hate being on the computer after work hours] because I follow NO RULES...:)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

14 of 365....Happiness

1. son letting me drive his new car

2. hearing geese doing a fly by

3. watching water running past my place

4. 50 miserable stickers almost done

5. work starting to pick-up again

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

13 of 365 ...Happiness

1. shamrocks have gone away...the only thing green I want to see now, is grass & trees!

2. bunny rabbits landed...eggs everywhere!

3. son got T.V. back [won't hold my breath on how long?]...I've been existing on movies & series

4. walking trail meeting didn't go too long...:)

5. saw how much work that has been done on the restoring of the courthouse rooms and it's FANTASTIC!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Just for PoD [cause she needs a hug right now...]

There's many ways to say how I feel about this day but words never can fully express...

What's in my heart...
Makes me smile [even though it's a bit religious for me]...:)

What I'd like to do [if only I drank]...

After all that celebrating don't do this...

I don't know if I'm Irish or not but...


HAVE A GREAT DAY! I see a bunny over there...?

Monday, March 16, 2009

12 of 365...Happiness

1. had energy....did some painting & hot glue repairs

2. had paint...not all of it was dried up

3. remembered how to paint

4. memory foam ALMOST dry [it's only been a week since flu incident!]

5. son bought supper

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Not only do the Amish make furniture...

They bring you the newest thing [at least it was to me]...

It actually tasted not too bad, just needed some spices.

All I did was cut the tip off...squeeze out what I wanted to nuke and clipped the bag shut for later usage. It lasted me about a week. I would suggest half the bag size for one person...great for two. Not supposed to be frozen.

Can't remember the price. It mustn't have been too bad as I found it affordable enough to try it!

Would I try it again....

11 of 365...Happiness

1. Built my first prototype "stone pillar" for visual aid for Grad 2009/Gothic Wedding decorating gigs. Just need to paint it...?

2. Challenges of making something look real when its only fake

3. More warm days

4. Son home again for awhile

5. New shows to watch...thanks son!

Sick and tired of blowing your nose constantly! The irritation of plugged sinus, head stuffed up and all is making you miserable!


Well, cheapo me refuses to buy boxes and boxes of Kleenex [that's what I have to go through] and so I use "Toilet Paper" instead!

Yah, I guess that makes me a "Redneck Jill"!

But I didn't say you couldn't be classy about it! They make the stuff soft enough for your butt so why not for your nose?

I like to remove the tissue from the center [like you would for string or yard] than unwinding from the outside. I found that I spent more time chasing the roll around because it like to jump off of the table and hide under something [but fun for the cat].

I needed to keep this pesky roll in something and so why not make it stylish?

I'm using my decorative tea pots [I collect by the way ;)] right now. But have change them up for special occasions like Xmas, Easter, etc.

The weight of these containers helps control wayward rolls and I have a handle to help carry them around. If company [?] were to suddenly drop by, I would put it's lid on...:)

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Seems my son & I, don't happen to have ANY Friday the 13th DVD in our collection [not that I'd really want any] and all I could come up with was...


Winner kills all.

Freddy Krueger is in Hell - literally. It's been nearly ten years since Krueger, one of the scariest horror movie characters of all time (from Nightmare on Elm Street series), invaded peoples' dreams to exact his deadly form of revenge and murder. But now, his memory has been systematically erased by a town determined to put an end to Freddy once and for all. Potential victims have been drugged to prevent them from dreaming, rendering impotent the master of nightmares. They've eliminated their fear of Freddy, absolute torture for an egomaniac psychopath who's a legend in his own mind. Like an inmate with a life sentence, Freddy's been reduced to plotting a fantastic revenge that will never happen.

Until, that is, Freddy resurrects Jason Voorhees, the equally iconic madman from the Friday the 13th film series. Jason is the perfect means for Freddy to once again instill fear on Elm Street, creating a window of opportunity for him to emerge from his purgatory. Recognizing how easily manipulated Jason is, Freddy tricks Voorhees into journeying to Springwood to start a new reign of terror.

But as the bodies begin to pile up on Elm Street and Freddy's fearsome reputation assumes new life, he discovers that Jason isn't willing to cease his murderous ways and step aside so easily. Now, with a terrified town in the middle, the two titans of terror enter into a horrifying showdown of epic proportions, alternating between the world of dreams and the harsh reality of the living world.

Who will win and who will lose in this battle to end all battles.....?

I've must of watched this show many times and I still shake my head at the end!

Why do I put myself through those nightmares....

How can you tell I don't have a life?

Because I went right out after that and rented 2 more killers along the same line.

Not that they were psycho murders...just had killer [boring] story lines!

1. DuD!...."Way of War" starring Cuba Gooding Jr.

...."Cuba, Cuba, Cuba...I try really hard to like you! I DO like you as an actor but maybe you should try reading the script yourself before signing the deal or if you are reading them...Quit it!"

I'm not sure how this movie even ended because it got my "SNORE" of approval...ZZZZZZ!

Note to writers..."Don't quit your day job!"

2. Boring..."River Queen" which featured Kiefer Sutherland.

..."I try really hard to like this guy as an actor, mainly because he's better than his father [who is a real SNORE] but also sad that he does crummy movies like, "Mirrors" was another SNORE [aside from one or two spine tinglers]."

This movie should be classified as "Sappy"! Not my cup-of-tea!

So that's how exciting my evening went and still NO appearance of BAD LUCK [knock on wood]...


Friday, March 13, 2009

10 of 365....Happiness!

1. Wrong number ending up as old friend [who has since moved back to town] and time to gossip like it was only yesterday.

2. Cat Hugs!

3. Completion of laundry!

4. Ideas for wedding decor in Aug. coming in [brain] fast and furious.

5. Finished the day up at work with NO mishaps!

Now time to go start my Friday 13 marathon.....


If you got that kind of phobia...I wish you the best of luck today!

Avoid BLACK CATS...which would be hard for PoD as she has one, who also happens to be full of the devil today!

Happily I don't have that problem! I usually have good luck [knock on wood]...?

For those with the you know that there is 3 - Friday the 13ths this year! Normally there is only 2 but it has something to do with last year being a "leap year"? We had one last month [Feb] and will again in Nov.

As for the movie buff in me...there's always the great classic "Friday 13th", which by the way has been remade [again] and was supposedly released Feb. 13, 2009. Will be renting that one for sure. It doesn't matter how crappy they make them...I still got to watch. I would classify this movie more gore than scary!

I wonder how many more lives Jason Voorhees has left?

Did you know there is a "Crystal Lake" in Sasakatchewan?

I looked for the cabin but I didn't find one........:O


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

9 of 365

1. Woke with no surprises [like yesterday], guess it was the 24 hour flu after all. Why is a person only sick for 24 hours? Not that I'm complaining!

2. PoD came and got my cutter computer working so now I got no excuse not to work

3. Watching Thumber when she gets these burst of energy...don't last long but long enough for a good chuckle.

4. NO annoying phone calls from automated callers

5. Got some laundry done

Monday, March 09, 2009


Woke this morning at 3:30 feeling real dizzy...lifted my head and promptly threw up all over my bed! It's been like that all day! I think it's a flu bug...hopefully the 24 hour kind!

Things kind of okay now as I'm able to sit up for awhile and the world isn't spinning as badly.

How does one clean "memory foam" [topper to my mattress] when all the darn thing wants to do is suck up the water?

Only 2 happy things I can post right now is...

TG it's Monday and I'm closed!!!!!

Only 1 annoying phone call!



Sunday, March 08, 2009

8 of 365

1. Waking up on the right side of the snow [ you thought I'd say grass...:)]

2. Designing plans for "Guitar Hero" stands coming along just fine [will blog about it when I can download photos off of my camera].

3. Phone call from little sister Eener than lasted over an hour [long distance]. News was our sister-in-law SewLady was going to find out today whether she won the "Devon International Woman of the Year Award" or not.

4. Phone call later from PoD telling me that she had read through facebook that SewLady had won.

5. CONGRATULATIONS SEWLADY!! If any deserves recognition it's YOU! We all should have someone SO dedicated to the growth of their town! WELL DONE!!!

What a nice way to end a day...:)
7 of 365...[pretend that it's Saturday night]

1. Joy at finding out that it was WARM outside when I went for a walk around the downtown block. Had to remove hat, scarf, gloves and undo jacket but kept smile on!

2. Remembering to bring home the toilet paper!!!

3. Getting the mail and finding NO bills :)

4. Son home for a 30 min. visit [had to drop tax info off to sister]

5. Confirmed news of nephew & niece's impending visit.

Friday, March 06, 2009

6 of 365...happy thoughts

1. No bad things happened

2. Good news from medical test results

3. House vacuumed

4. Being able to count on people to help one out

5. It's Friday!!!

Color me happy...

Thursday, March 05, 2009

5 of 365 reasons to be happy

1. power outage gave me time to clean messy junk drawer

2. found hidden treasures below junk in drawer

3. attending "Heritage Day" at grand kids school and see the joy at their accomplishments

4. leftovers from night before

5. cat hugs

SEE...I did find something after my bad start...

Thank you to the wisdom from my daughter who happily let me know that I don't follow directions very well! It seems that I was trying to fast forward my "happy" counts? Now everyone knows that I don't comprehend very well! I missed that day in school [my excuse & I'm sticking with it] So now I've had to go and edited all of my previous counts on my happiness list...jeez, I hope I got it right this time [although my way was faster]!

Today has to start with how badly my day started:

1. Took me many, many, many, many tries to fill my needles [2]with the insulin that I have to take only to drop one and bust the needle off ruining what was inside.

2. Boiled the "Cream of Wheat" all over the inside of the microwave...sticky mess to clean up.

3. Opened the new carton of milk by the wrong side [which tears the s--t out of it] and preceded to pour into bowl and then watch it pour out of the torn part, all over the counter and onto the floor!

4. Started the cutter to cut stuff for work and the power goes out, over and over again. So had to give that up. [power is still glitching].

This was all before 10:00 am

Hopefully I'll find something happy for the rest of the day...?

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

4 of 365

1. a beautiful warm sun shiny day with lots of slushy road [I don't drive much so who cares]

2. customers actually came and picked up their stuff

3. some even paid for theirs

4. perogies, onions and bacon...yummy supper

5. keeping up with my dishes

You know, I can think of more reasons to be miserable than happy ones...?

Guess that comes from years of training!

Our haunted courthouse was the subject of Fort Qu'Appelle's Calling Lakes Paranormal Investigations in 2004 and in 2006. PoD and I participated in both of these and had been waiting for some results from the filming. They had gathered quite a bit of data and it takes time to go through all of it, but I now have one of their finished DVD's. Most of it was from their first trip here and they still have to go through all of the info from their second trip.

Most of the info on this DVD was of interviews taken from those who had experienced something while being in the place. Other parts were from photos taken by me on the orbs/hazy areas. But the part that sent chills up and down my spine was a quick shot taken of the entrance way to the men's jail cells.

It showed the doorway and then a small form steps into view! The shot isn't very long but long enough to notice that it has to be a child [there are other points that verify the height]. When I freeze frame the shot, it appears to be facing us. The scary thing was...I was leading! I know for a fact that I would remember if I saw anything and I know I didn't. They were also using night vision camera and none of us were child size.

I wish I was knowledgeable about film cutting as I would include the partial film clip if I knew how to. The group has been talking about returning to film more, as what they have so far, includes a member who isn't with them anymore [she found this line of work was too scary for her] and she doesn't want her picture in them. Hopefully the town gives their permission after they see what been gotten so far.

PoD & I are ready to be scared again...

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

3 of 365

1. got LOTS of blogging in

2. turning the open sign to closed at 5:30

3. not having to drive/walk home [except through my office doorway into my living room]

4. preparing suppers ahead of time so all I have to do is unthaw & nuke

5. creepy hollow dressed to celebrate St. Patrick's Day

Struggling hard to find happy reasons...when sad news today affect my family.
How Many Movies Have You Seen?

Just had to try this one...thanks Wilma

Mark the ones you've seen.And mark with 3 X's those you have seen more than 5 times each- gives others more insight as to who you are. There are 247 films on this list.

(xxx) Rocky Horror Picture Show
(xxx) Grease
(xxx) Pirates of the Caribbean
(xxx) Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest
() Boondock Saints
(x) Fight Club
(x) Starsky and Hutch
(xx) Neverending Story
(xxx) Blazing Saddles
(xxx) Airplane
Total: 9

(x) The Princess Bride
(x) Anchorman
(x) Napoleon Dynamite
(x) Labyrinth
(x) Saw
() Saw II
(x) White Noise
() White Oleander
(x) Anger Management
() 50 First Dates
(x) The Princess Diaries
(x) The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
Total so far: 18

(xxx) Scream
(xxx) Scream 2
(xxx) Scream 3
(x) Scary Movie
(x) Scary Movie 2
(x) Scary Movie 3
(x) Scary Movie 4
(x) American Pie
(x) American Pie 2
(x) American Wedding
(x) American Pie Band Camp
Total so far: 29

(xx) Harry Potter 1
(xx) Harry Potter 2
(xx) Harry Potter 3
(xx) Harry Potter 4
(xxx) Resident Evil 1
(xxx) Resident Evil 2
(x) The Wedding Singer
(x) Little Black Book
(x) The Village
(x) Lilo & Stitch
Total so far: 39

(x) Finding Nemo
() Finding Neverland
(x) Signs
() The Grinch
(x) Texas Chainsaw Massacre
(x) Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
(x) White Chicks
(x) Butterfly Effect
() 13 Going on 30
(x) I, Robot
(x) Robots
Total so far: 47

(x) Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
(x) Universal Soldier
() Lemony Snicket: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
() Along Came Polly
(x) Deep Impact
(x) KingPin
(x) Never Been Kissed
(x) Meet The Parents
(x) Meet the Fockers
() Eight Crazy Nights
() Joe Dirt
(x) KING KONG (2005)
Total so far: 55

(x) A Cinderella Story
(x) The Terminal
() The Lizzie McGuire Movie
() Passport to Paris
(x) Dumb & Dumber
(x) Dumber & Dumberer
(xxx) Final Destination
(xxx) Final Destination 2
(xxx) Final Destination 3
(xxx) Halloween
(xxx) The Ring
(xxx) The Ring 2
(x) Surviving X-MAS
(x) Flubber
Total so far: 67

(x) Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle
(x) Practical Magic
() Chicago
(xxx) Ghost Ship
() From Hell
(x) Hellboy
(x) Secret Window
(x) I Am Sam
(xxx) The Whole Nine Yards
(xxx) The Whole Ten Yards
Total so far: 75

(xxx) The Day After Tomorrow
(xxx) Child's Play
(xxx) Seed of Chucky
(xxx) Bride of Chucky
() Ten Things I Hate About You
() Just Married
(x) Gothika
(xxx) Nightmare on Elm Street
(x) Sixteen Candles
() Remember the Titans
(x) Coach Carter
(xxx) The Grudge
(xxx) The Grudge 2
(x) The Mask
() Son Of The Mask
Total so far : 86

(x) Bad Boys
(x) Bad Boys 2
(x) Joy Ride
(x) Lucky Number Slevin
(xxx) Ocean's Eleven
(xxx) Ocean's Twelve
(x) Bourne Identity
(x) Bourne Supremacy
() Lone Star
(x) Bedazzled
(xxx) Predator I
(xxx) Predator II
(x) The Fog
(x) Ice Age
(x) Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
(x) Curious George
Total so far: 101

(xxx) Independence Day
(xxx) Cujo
() A Bronx Tale
(x) Darkness Falls
(xxx) Christine
(xxx) ET
(xxx) Children of the Corn
(x) My Bosses Daughter
(x) Maid in Manhattan
(x) War of the Worlds
(xxx) Rush Hour
(xxx) Rush Hour 2
Total so far: 112

() Best Bet
(x) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
(x) She's All That
() Calendar Girls
(x) Sideways
(x) Mars Attacks
() Event Horizon
() Ever After
(x) Wizard of Oz
(x) Forrest Gump
(xxx) Big Trouble in Little China
(xxx) The Terminator
(xxx) The Terminator 2
(xxx) The Terminator 3
Total so far:122

(x) X-Men
(x) X-2
(x) X-3
(xxx) Spider-Man
(xxx) Spider-Man 2
() Sky High
(xxx) Jeepers Creepers
(xxx) Jeepers Creepers 2
(x) Catch Me If You Can
(x) The Little Mermaid
(x) Freaky Friday
() Reign of Fire
(x) The Skulls
(x) Cruel Intentions
(x) Cruel Intentions 2
() The Hot Chick
(xxx) Shrek
(x) Shrek 2
Total so far: 137

(x) Swimfan
(x) Miracle on 34th street
() Old School
() The Notebook
() K-Pax
() Krippendorf's Tribe
() A Walk to Remember
(x) Ice Castles
(xxx) Boogeyman
(x) The 40-year-old Virgin
Total so far: 142

(xx) Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring
(xx) Lord of the Rings The Two Towers
(xx) Lord of the Rings Return Of the King
(xxx) Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
(xxx) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
(xxx) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Total so far: 148

() Baseketball
(x) Hostel
() Waiting for Guffman
(x) House of 1000 Corpses
() Devils Rejects
(x) Elf
(xxx) Highlander
(x) Mothman Prophecies
() American History X
() Three
Total so far: 153

() The Jacket
(x) Kung Fu Hustle
() Shaolin Soccer
() Night Watch
(xxx) Monsters Inc.
(x) Titanic
(x) Monty Python and the Holy Grail
(x) Shaun Of the Dead
(xxx) Willard
Total so far: 159

(x)Natural Born Killers
() High Tension
() Club Dread
(x) Hulk
(x) Dawn Of the Dead
(xx) Hook
(xx) Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
(x) 28 days later
() Orgazmo
() Phantasm
(xxx) Waterworld
Total so far: 166

(xx) Kill Bill vol 1
(xx) Kill Bill vol 2
(x) Mortal Kombat
(x) Wolf Creek
() Kingdom of Heaven
(xxx) The Hills Have Eyes
() I Spit on Your Grave aka the Day of the Woman
() The Last House on the Left
() Re-Animator
(x) Army of Darkness
Total so far: 172

(xx) Star Wars Ep. I The Phantom Menace
(xx) Star Wars Ep. II Attack of the Clones
(xx) Star Wars Ep. III Revenge of the Sith
(xx) Star Wars Ep. IV A New Hope
(xx) Star Wars Ep. V The Empire Strikes Back
(xx) Star Wars Ep. VI Return of the Jedi
() Ewoks Caravan Of Courage
() Ewoks The Battle For Endor
Total so far: 178

() Quills
() Dangerous Liasions
() Return to Paradise
(x) The Matrix
(x) The Matrix Reloaded
(x) The Matrix Revolutions
(x) Shindler's List
() Animatrix
(x) Evil Dead
(x) Evil Dead 2
(x) Team America: World Police
() Red Dragon
(xx) Silence of the Lambs
(x) Hannibal
(x) A Christmas Story
() Lady Jane
() Moll Flanders
Total : 188 seen not sure I want to watch those other 59

How can you tell I have NO life? Too bad they don't include a list on T.V. series...there isn't many of those that I haven't watched.

Truthfully I'd rather watch a movie than read a book...too much rapid eye movement.


Sleepwalking (also called somnambulism or noctambulism[1]) is a parasomnia or sleep disorder where the sufferer engages in activities that are normally associated with wakefulness while he or she is asleep or in a sleep-like state. Sleepwalking is usually defined by or involves the person affected apparently shifting from his or her prior sleeping position and moving around and performing normal actions as if awake (cleaning, walking and other activities). It is inexact to assume that somnambulists are unconscious during their nocturnal sleepwalking episodes. They are simply not conscious of their actions on a level where memory of the sleepwalking episode can be recalled[citation needed], and because of this, unless the sleepwalker is awakened or aroused by someone else, this sleep disorder can go unnoticed. Sleepwalking is more commonly experienced in people with high levels of stress, anxiety or psychological factors and in people with genetic factors (family history), or sometimes a combination of both.

A common misconception is that sleepwalking is acting out the physical movements within a dream, but in fact, sleepwalking occurs earlier on in the night when rapid eye movement (REM), or the "dream stage" of sleep, has not yet occurred.

Well, that's how Wikipedia explains it.

Yesterday morning I awoke to find that someone had done my dishes?

At first I thought my son had come back home but knew that washing up my dishes would have been the last thing he would have wanted to 27 what do you expect? Anyways it wasn't him he, hadn't come home?

A cold chill ran down my spine...I had slept-walked again!

This only seems to happen when I am upset over something or feel there isn't enough time in the day to get things done. I've had LOTS of free time to do things around here so I guess it has to be that I'm still upset? Strangely, I don't feel that way.

The earliest that I remember this affliction [sleep walking] affecting me, was when I was a child around 11 or 12 yrs of age. I love to go camping and I got the opportunity to attend a "Girl Guide" Jamboree. The only drawback was that we could afford the camp but not the uniform that was required. This consisted of blue shorts/pants and blue shirts. I had the pants/shorts but not the shirts! My stepmom came up with the idea that I could wear my older sister's army shirts [she was a cadet in training], sad thing was...she was eight years older than me and a lot bigger [I was a puny thing back then]. I wanted to go so badly that I thought that it wouldn't matter. I was wrong! Right from the start I was buggged by this mean girl in our tent about wearing clothes WAY too big for me and "what was I...poor?" This is probably why I still have a clothing issue when I have to go the point of having nightmares about it!


This girl made my life hell...she just wouldn't let up...rubbing my nose into how perfect her brand new shirts were and I was a "Baggedy Anne". We were nearing the end of our trip when one morning she awoke to find her last clean shirt was missing! This made me smile LOTS! But the odd thing was I had awaken that morning with my hands being dirty, like I had just played in the sandbox? That whole day was ruined because of that missing shirt...we all had our bags checked...especially mine, as she was sure that I had took it! I was an unhappy person when I went to bed that night and strangely feeling guilty?

The next morning I was awaken by screams of anger...the missing shirt had been found. The only thing was it was covered in dirt! Looking at my hands I found them to be clean but my fingernails were full of dirt? Later that day, a camp councilor pulled me asside and we had a talk.

She told me that last night, she was coming back from the outhouse when she spotted me walking into the forest. Alarmed, she said that she called out to me but I was unresponsive and acting strange? So she followed me and watched what I did. I dug up the missing shirt and was bringing it back to my tent. She then told me that she had confronted me with it but looked at her weirdly...then she realized that I was sleep walking. She said that she made me wash my hands and put the shirt back. Happily she didn't say anything to anyone except my parents when they picked me up. I didn't remember a thing.

I haven't done it alot through the years but do notice when I'm upset it tends to happen. I've been seen rearranging pictures on the wall, taking dresser drawers out of there places and stacking them on the floor and even awoke to find folded clothes piled on my bed! Hopefully I never wander outside.

My grandson has this problem also. It's really quite creepy to see someone walking around with their eyes open but not there mentally. He even tried to leave the house once to go to a party across their street because he knew his uncle BillyRoo was there, thankfully his auntie saw him and stopped him. This uaually happens to him after his day has been too exciting. I guess it runs in the family?


My only complaint is...why didn't I clean the house or finish my sign work while I was at it?

Monday, March 02, 2009

2 of 365

1. Blogging about something else besides why I'm supposed to be happy.

2. Going out for a walk and not fall on my ass [because it rained and I didn't know it until I was out there].

3. Bank balance still in the black.

4. No Telemarketers or any other fools called!

5. Dishes mysteriously done when I got up this morning [sad...because it means I slept-walked again...will blog later about this old problem]. Does this qualify has a happy thought or not...maybe half points? The other half is that I got clean dishes....

I have always wondered why I can do the things that I do without having learned them from books or being taught. One of my puzzlement is being able the read and chart survey notes. Some of my past job experiences had me working as a drafts person for engineering companies that needed someone to be able to decipher this info and put onto maps and charts.

A peak into my family history might shed some light on this question.

During my stay with my brother last year I read a book written by my cousin on our Great, Great, Grandfather [my dad's side]. As much as I hate giving out personal info this is just too interesting not to share. I had tried at one time to research my family tree but got nowhere. It seems that an error was made on the spelling of my last name.

As it turns out I am related to Philip Turnor born on a farm [1751...I was born in 1951] in Laleham, Middlesex, England. At the age of 27 he was hired by Hudson Bay Company on April 30, 1778 to be their "First Chief Surveyor". He was known in Britain as a practical astronomer and compiler of the Nautical Almanac issued by the Royal Greenwich Observatory.

I was able to Google him and came up with many hits on the man. Here's the blurb from the Wikipedia...
"Turnor was hired on for 3 yrs as an inland surveyor with the HBC and landed at York Factory [Manitoba] on Aug. 24, 1778. After mapping York itself, he set out to map the route to Cumberland House [Sask] and the newly established post of Upper Hudson House. He is credited with exploring & mapping many of the settlements & their connecting rivers & lakes for the company in the late 18th century."

Other searches on Turnor [], tell of him being the teacher of other great surveyors: Peter Fidler and David Thompson. Thompson is known as "Alberta's Legendary Exploratory Surveyor". From what I have learned his roll as Thompson's teacher gave Thompson the necessary means to explore and map the untamed wilderness of Alberta & Sask. Being unable to haul surveying equipment in their canoes, it was necessary to learn to chart by using mercury levels and using the stars. In my mind, Philip Turnor, should have been credited with more than just being a "teacher"! Some of his notes and drawings [maps] help make the "Arrowsmith Map" [being used in schools today]. Sadly he was afflicted with horrible rheumatism and his days as a surveyor were numbered. He later returned to Rotherhithe, England where he taught navigation. He was given the watch he had used on his trips as well as 100 pounds by the London committee "in consideration of his services in having surveyed the Company's several settlements & explored several New Tracts & laid down the same in a large and accurate map".

So is mapping/surveying in my DNA?

During his mapping of Lake Athabasca he discovered a new species of willow growing on the sand dunes. This tree/shrub was later named in his honour "Turnor's Willow" [salix turnorii raup] which by the way only grows there and is now on the endangered list.

I love trees especially Weeping Willows...?

He also has a lake named after him "Turnor Lake".

Turnor was not married when he came over here and my other family ties are from the "Stony Cree" Indians. The HBC frowned on its employees fraternizing with the natives so this side of my history became the dark secret. Loneliness and not knowning the land made it impossible to do it alone. These guys had to consort with the natives and the indians liked it better if there were family made it safer for both sides. Plus who would teach them about the plants and animals living there.

I love to camp. Is this in my blood? I have a great sense of direction and never get lost?

So is this why I'm able to do some of those things...?

Sunday, March 01, 2009


I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired! Negativity is ruling my life!

I said that I wanted to join the Happiness Revolution 2009 as my New Year's Resolution but life always has something else to throw in your path. These last two months has seen me bogged down with technology woes, illness and worries about my foot. Friday's emotional breakdown was the last straw and I'm well enough to want to stand up and shout...NO MORE! Besides "Buttons" wouldn't have wanted me to be that



1. I'm still on the RIGHT side of the grass! [No I won't be writing that everyday...or maybe I shouldn't promise that as that might be the only good thing that day]

2. Phone call from a caring daughter.

3. Son going back to work [tomorrow] after being off for 2 months. Don't get me wrong I was happy for the company but happier knowing his job is secure.

4. Clothes still not shrinking in the wash.

5. I'm back blogging and it WILL be daily!

and wasn't that hard

So count this as 1 out of 365

Only....364 to go.....