Saturday, March 28, 2009


I didn't know that this event even existed and it's being the 3rd year of it running?

What is Earth Hour...?

Sat. Mar 28 from 8:30 to 9:30 pm they have a "Lights Out" in support action on climate change!

This includes doing a technology detox! No Cells, DS, Blackberry...etc.

I'm happy to add that I do my share now:

1. Don't own any of those gadgets especially a cell phone...I borrow one when needed

2. Only constant source of light in my place are low watt night lights & some led lights...I like the dark!

3. Turn off all computers when not in use.

4. No external sounds going like T.V. sitters, radio, cd...etc.

5. Room temp at near freezing...visitors [?] must wear sweaters

6. No dishwasher...dirty dishes some times runnith over but saves on hot water...:)

Must draw the line at NO TV, computers, digital cameras, scanners, printers & power tools!
These I can't live without!

So tonight at "EARTH HOUR" I PLEDGE to do away with all luxuries for 1 HOUR!

What am I going to do at that time?

Who knows?

Maybe paint some prop pillars by candle light?

Most probably take a nap so I can be up all night...



Wilma said...

Ah crap! I forgot about Earth Hour.

In my defense, our lights were off & only the TV was on. Does that count?

Queen of Halloween said...

I say that counts 1/2 points...:)I'm actually amazed that you were in the DARK? You had to have had company...:)