31 of 365....HAPPINESS
1. House to myself for 5 days while son goes for safety courses [his company is still not back to work...:( ]
2. Designing work all caught up
3. Got all my laundry done
4. Got all dishes washed
5. Didn't need codeine today
Work doesn't pick up soon I will find it hard to find things to be happy about.....
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Last night was the first time that I have had a decent night's rest since whacking the hell out of my toe! Thanks to the doc putting me on Codeine!
I have been a real unhappy camper since the incident and finding 5 reasons to be happy each day was impossible!
I have to thank PoD for forcing me to be NOT TO BE SO STUBBORN and go to the emergency room Sunday to get something done about the pain that I was in [I must have whined too much]. Doc too busy [?] to see me told nurses to send me home with 2 pills.
They worked GREAT!
Monday saw me at his office and after poking & prodding gave me a prescription for 30 more. His findings...NO BROKEN TOE!
Seems I bent the toe backwards when I slammed it into the corner of that baseboard!
Most of the pain is from bruising the base area of the last 3 toes, they're a nice greeny/blue color right now. Wearing a shoe aggravated it and I guess by going shopping on Saturday didn't help it much either!
Work has been REALLY slow [damn recession] but what I have on my slate right now is keeping me on my foot, that and being diabetic will make the healing much slower...but one HAS to work in order to live! It's these times that I wished that I worked for someone else and could take a sick leave and still get PAID!
All I need now is PATIENCE!
Like my step-mother used to say:
Hopefully today sees a happier me.....
Last night was the first time that I have had a decent night's rest since whacking the hell out of my toe! Thanks to the doc putting me on Codeine!
I have been a real unhappy camper since the incident and finding 5 reasons to be happy each day was impossible!
I have to thank PoD for forcing me to be NOT TO BE SO STUBBORN and go to the emergency room Sunday to get something done about the pain that I was in [I must have whined too much]. Doc too busy [?] to see me told nurses to send me home with 2 pills.
They worked GREAT!
Monday saw me at his office and after poking & prodding gave me a prescription for 30 more. His findings...NO BROKEN TOE!
Seems I bent the toe backwards when I slammed it into the corner of that baseboard!
Most of the pain is from bruising the base area of the last 3 toes, they're a nice greeny/blue color right now. Wearing a shoe aggravated it and I guess by going shopping on Saturday didn't help it much either!
Work has been REALLY slow [damn recession] but what I have on my slate right now is keeping me on my foot, that and being diabetic will make the healing much slower...but one HAS to work in order to live! It's these times that I wished that I worked for someone else and could take a sick leave and still get PAID!
All I need now is PATIENCE!
Like my step-mother used to say:
Hopefully today sees a happier me.....
Thursday, April 23, 2009
My grandson, JD, just had to do me one better yesterday!
His dad, sister and him were out in the backyard playing dirt hockey with two little plastic hockey sticks [PoD's not too keen on the real ones either]. JD didn't have one but was compensating by diving for the ball and playing it that way. From all reports, he and his sister were tussling in the trees/bushes, to get this ball out, when her stick collided with his lip!
All PoD heard & saw, when the trio came into the house, was LOTS of blood and tears from the both involved in the crash! JD because of the collison results & AJ, because she had caused it. It was just an accident! Pandimonium reigned until a course of action was taken...trip to the emergency room!
Big slash inside the upper lip which will need stitches but Doc too busy to do right away...kid must wait until after [Doc's] supper [kid couldn't eat before being stitched]. I think the swelling will probably help the stitching area.
Both his front teeth also suffered. Happily they weren't knocked out but were both chipped off and their nerves exposed. JD said that the air on his teeth made them hurt, so a trip to the dentist is in his future. Hopefully they can get in quickly.
After the hospital trip PoD dropped by with JD to let me see his NEWEST addition to the list of accidents [recorded by hospital] already sustained by this "clutsy" kid. The upcoming stitches will make it his 3rd set of them! Adding to the list is: a cracked nose, "road rash" 2x [in same place a week apart], dropped heavy bed frame injuring his big toe and to remove a crayon that he had shoved up his nose...? Even his daycare had a big accident file while he was there. Happy none had been life threatening [not from lack of trying] and he still has his "nine lives"...:)
His lip was quite swollen and I'll take my sore foot over that one! Seeing his poor face brought back memories of MY own children's mishaps. It really does make one want to wrap one's children/grand children in bubble wrap to keep them safe! Maybe I should have asked Velvis to drop her large amount of bubble wrap off when she came home for Easter...:)
Too bad it always has to be an accident in order for one to learn to be careful!
A phone call after supper related news that it had taken 3 stitches! They had worried that it would take a few people to hold him still while they did it but he took it like a "trouper"! Which concidering the tender place and the fact that the needle is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! He did great!
It must be the fact that getting stitches wasn't new to him!
All I can say is: "DON'T GET INTO THE HABIT"....your MOM/GRANDMA can't take it!
If it is a contest....his owie wins!
P.S. I still haven't called to see whether toe is broken or not....maybe today [NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS?].....
Hope today is an eventless day....
My grandson, JD, just had to do me one better yesterday!
His dad, sister and him were out in the backyard playing dirt hockey with two little plastic hockey sticks [PoD's not too keen on the real ones either]. JD didn't have one but was compensating by diving for the ball and playing it that way. From all reports, he and his sister were tussling in the trees/bushes, to get this ball out, when her stick collided with his lip!
All PoD heard & saw, when the trio came into the house, was LOTS of blood and tears from the both involved in the crash! JD because of the collison results & AJ, because she had caused it. It was just an accident! Pandimonium reigned until a course of action was taken...trip to the emergency room!
Big slash inside the upper lip which will need stitches but Doc too busy to do right away...kid must wait until after [Doc's] supper [kid couldn't eat before being stitched]. I think the swelling will probably help the stitching area.
Both his front teeth also suffered. Happily they weren't knocked out but were both chipped off and their nerves exposed. JD said that the air on his teeth made them hurt, so a trip to the dentist is in his future. Hopefully they can get in quickly.
After the hospital trip PoD dropped by with JD to let me see his NEWEST addition to the list of accidents [recorded by hospital] already sustained by this "clutsy" kid. The upcoming stitches will make it his 3rd set of them! Adding to the list is: a cracked nose, "road rash" 2x [in same place a week apart], dropped heavy bed frame injuring his big toe and to remove a crayon that he had shoved up his nose...? Even his daycare had a big accident file while he was there. Happy none had been life threatening [not from lack of trying] and he still has his "nine lives"...:)
His lip was quite swollen and I'll take my sore foot over that one! Seeing his poor face brought back memories of MY own children's mishaps. It really does make one want to wrap one's children/grand children in bubble wrap to keep them safe! Maybe I should have asked Velvis to drop her large amount of bubble wrap off when she came home for Easter...:)
Too bad it always has to be an accident in order for one to learn to be careful!
A phone call after supper related news that it had taken 3 stitches! They had worried that it would take a few people to hold him still while they did it but he took it like a "trouper"! Which concidering the tender place and the fact that the needle is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! He did great!
It must be the fact that getting stitches wasn't new to him!
All I can say is: "DON'T GET INTO THE HABIT"....your MOM/GRANDMA can't take it!
If it is a contest....his owie wins!
P.S. I still haven't called to see whether toe is broken or not....maybe today [NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS?].....
Hope today is an eventless day....
Family Stuff,
Sad Thoughts,
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Until now....?
Word is not quite in yet as yesterday's x-rays have yet to be examined by the Doc.
Yesterday morning [7:30], I decided to MASH the 4th toe [the little "piggie" that had "none"] into a corner base board in the kitchen. LOTS of foul language came forth from my lips as I did the "heel hop of agony"!
I've stubbed my toes before but not like that...it was excruciating!
Last week the "Oozing Sore" on my right foot had re-appeared and I've been soaking and applying the antibiotic as before. It's been causing the same amount of discomfort when wearing shoes/slippers so I've taken to going around the house without them [I actually HATE slippers but with my feet problems I need to] on. I compensated by wearing slipper socks [you know the ones with rubber stuff to make them non-skid...stuff that one can still feel with their sensitive diabetic feet] mainly for the warmth rather than the protection!
Happily I didn't actually get to see just what happened to the toe...only the feeling...:(
And NO I didn't look at it right after it happened. It would have hurt more removing the sock!
After all how many times does one stub a toe and look at it?
It wasn't until later, when I tried to put a shoe on that the agony really hit [it had been at a noticeable throb]. PoD & I had a look.
The toe was blue/black from the base to the first knuckle, leaving the tip a normal color [it looks odd]!
Up until looking at it, the toe had felt "like it had been stubbed", seeing it that color, psychologically made me go into shock...:O
PoD felt that it needed x-raying, so off to the hospital we went [2:30]...then was sent to the Doc's office to wait some and then back to the hospital for what we went for in the first place....
WALKING on my sore foot! I'm glad PoD has a car....
What can one do if the toe is broken?
Except if the toe is long [monkey toes] then they would tape them together to provide support for the broken one and not have it flopping around....ewwwww
Can you imagine the pain as they wrapped the tape around them....:Z
Happily my toes are short and stubby [small feet]...nothing flopping around here [well maybe some things...;( ].
As to the toe bring broken...?
Looks and feels like it SHOULD be!
If it is...it will be my FIRST BROKEN BONE!
Which I think is pretty good seeing as I'm 58 and have done many a dumb thing while growing up. The closest I've ever come is a hair-line fracture, while playing basketball [concusion...probably why I have zany/crazy ideas...] in 1967 and a cracked tail-bone, high-jumping, in '68. I was quite a Tom Boy! So it definetly wasn't from lack of trying!
Hopefully I haven't run out of my nine lives!
As to the pain in my toe....?
Don't forget about the "Oozing Sore"...?
Having diabetic feet helps to dull the pain but there is a dull ACHE that helps me to NOT SLEEP and the ACHE turns to a THROBING ACHE when I sit or stand...
Other than that, I now have to scrap any plans of going for walks & cleaning the crap [bags & such] from the yard/trees...:)
Will P.S. when I know the news....
Until now....?
Word is not quite in yet as yesterday's x-rays have yet to be examined by the Doc.
Yesterday morning [7:30], I decided to MASH the 4th toe [the little "piggie" that had "none"] into a corner base board in the kitchen. LOTS of foul language came forth from my lips as I did the "heel hop of agony"!
I've stubbed my toes before but not like that...it was excruciating!
Last week the "Oozing Sore" on my right foot had re-appeared and I've been soaking and applying the antibiotic as before. It's been causing the same amount of discomfort when wearing shoes/slippers so I've taken to going around the house without them [I actually HATE slippers but with my feet problems I need to] on. I compensated by wearing slipper socks [you know the ones with rubber stuff to make them non-skid...stuff that one can still feel with their sensitive diabetic feet] mainly for the warmth rather than the protection!
Happily I didn't actually get to see just what happened to the toe...only the feeling...:(
And NO I didn't look at it right after it happened. It would have hurt more removing the sock!
After all how many times does one stub a toe and look at it?
It wasn't until later, when I tried to put a shoe on that the agony really hit [it had been at a noticeable throb]. PoD & I had a look.
The toe was blue/black from the base to the first knuckle, leaving the tip a normal color [it looks odd]!
Up until looking at it, the toe had felt "like it had been stubbed", seeing it that color, psychologically made me go into shock...:O
PoD felt that it needed x-raying, so off to the hospital we went [2:30]...then was sent to the Doc's office to wait some and then back to the hospital for what we went for in the first place....
WALKING on my sore foot! I'm glad PoD has a car....
What can one do if the toe is broken?
Except if the toe is long [monkey toes] then they would tape them together to provide support for the broken one and not have it flopping around....ewwwww
Can you imagine the pain as they wrapped the tape around them....:Z
Happily my toes are short and stubby [small feet]...nothing flopping around here [well maybe some things...;( ].
As to the toe bring broken...?
Looks and feels like it SHOULD be!
If it is...it will be my FIRST BROKEN BONE!
Which I think is pretty good seeing as I'm 58 and have done many a dumb thing while growing up. The closest I've ever come is a hair-line fracture, while playing basketball [concusion...probably why I have zany/crazy ideas...] in 1967 and a cracked tail-bone, high-jumping, in '68. I was quite a Tom Boy! So it definetly wasn't from lack of trying!
Hopefully I haven't run out of my nine lives!
As to the pain in my toe....?
Don't forget about the "Oozing Sore"...?
Having diabetic feet helps to dull the pain but there is a dull ACHE that helps me to NOT SLEEP and the ACHE turns to a THROBING ACHE when I sit or stand...
Other than that, I now have to scrap any plans of going for walks & cleaning the crap [bags & such] from the yard/trees...:)
Will P.S. when I know the news....
Monday, April 20, 2009
Both of my grand kids just love "being scared"! They have watched scary shows and have been around my Halloween fetish from an early age, so much so, that it takes a lot to scare them. I know it sounds terrible but they love the "apprehension/thrill" just as much as PoD and I do. So much that PoD really has to put up restrictions on what they get to watch and experience!
They weren't too happy that they couldn't get to go on a "ghost hunt" with us!
Both were told that they would have to wait until they are sixteen before they would even be considered to be able to attend and only if deemed they were mature enough to handle it.
Disgusted with the answer and not being able to go, my grand son said to his mom...
"But Grandma is OLD! She's going to die...! I'll never get to go....!"
I laughed my head off when I heard that!
It's was kind of like the time I was asked by my son "how my trip was in the covered wagon in the OLDEN DAYS", when he was 10...:)
p.s.- Both kids were still awake [but in bed] by the time PoD got home at 2:30 am and wanted to know all of the details...
"Chips off the OLD Block"....:)
Both of my grand kids just love "being scared"! They have watched scary shows and have been around my Halloween fetish from an early age, so much so, that it takes a lot to scare them. I know it sounds terrible but they love the "apprehension/thrill" just as much as PoD and I do. So much that PoD really has to put up restrictions on what they get to watch and experience!
They weren't too happy that they couldn't get to go on a "ghost hunt" with us!
Both were told that they would have to wait until they are sixteen before they would even be considered to be able to attend and only if deemed they were mature enough to handle it.
Disgusted with the answer and not being able to go, my grand son said to his mom...
"But Grandma is OLD! She's going to die...! I'll never get to go....!"
I laughed my head off when I heard that!
It's was kind of like the time I was asked by my son "how my trip was in the covered wagon in the OLDEN DAYS", when he was 10...:)
p.s.- Both kids were still awake [but in bed] by the time PoD got home at 2:30 am and wanted to know all of the details...
"Chips off the OLD Block"....:)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I don't know about other Bloggers but I'm having problems with posting and it won't let me include photos either?
It's probably the operator...
The whole time that I spent in the basement was not a great time for me and hardest of all was the Custodial Quarters! Crazy sounding or not, it felt like it was sapping the life out of me? I should have spoke up and said something to the 2 guys who felt that they couldn't go down there any more either [they said it felt too spooky]. I don't think that having the stuff from the museum in there helped me either. My museum episode years ago ended in a massive allergy attack and I had to leave? The weird part was, it was only in the basement that I felt the weakest? It could have been the stuff from the corroding walls but no one else complained? The last time that I did try to go on an investigation, I couldn't breathe so I too, quit going down!
I was okay elsewhere?
We gals were the first ones back from our venture from the "creepy" basement. Their set-up included a monitor screen where we could watch the activity being recorded on the 4 cameras. From the basement cam one could see the little green light up meaning that it was recording activity.
Once in awhile you could hear the motion detectors going off also!
Many goose bump moments...:o
The guys came back with their stories to tell...
The lead investigator, Miles, is a very energetic person and watching his excitement on each experience was enjoyable for me. I guess I have a sadistic side....;) He literally could not sit still! It might have wore him out to do another day...
One of his experiences involved meeting up with the dark shadowy figure that likes to hang around the outer hallway near the courtroom doors and stairwell! This figure has been seen by 4 or 5 other people who tell of it's elusive game of peeking around corners at them. One being me! This guy I would believe that he saw it! His main purpose that night was to "debunk" all of the ghost stories with reasonable explanations.
He couldn't explain away the "Shadow" and insists that he knows what he saw was real!
Again...where is the camera when you need it?
Jokingly, he reminded me of a Jack Russell Terrier with all of his energy and stubbornness just to get at the truth...:) [and NO he wasn't annoying like some of them can be]
The down side of ghost hunting is the WAITING for something to happen.
Kind of like watching paint dry...:)
What I like about doing this the most, is watching the other people and seeing how they react in a potentially scary situation...told yah I was sadistic...;)
It was great seeing how another paranormal group works their investigations. The Calling Lakes Paranormal Researchers use high tech equipment [one has to in order to record the phenomenon] also but include the use of mediums/sensitives. I have a tenancy to lean more towards technology rather than other peoples feelings/intuitions. I don't say that they're wrong or anything...it's just MY way of thinking only. I still want to experience all that wants to take a turn at this place. The Calling Lakes Researchers have warned me about some other ones that came to their "Paranormal Symposium" last year and said that it's a group that deals with demonology.
I don't want to go into how much THAT would IRK me! I WON"T DO THAT ONE!
Hope the town uses some sense! Keep religion out!
By the time 2:30 am rolled around both PoD and & had enough. It had been a long day for me [up at 5:30am] already and the heat in the place wasn't helping. Everyone was being hit by the "yawning" bug, one even fell asleep [their driver, so they didn't mind] and even his snores could be heard through closed doors. They didn't let him sleep too long as his snores might have been contaminating the sound recording.
I was soooooooo happy to be home!
Trouble was....I couldn't go to sleep!
Took about an hour...
3 hours later I was up...
Creepy dreams of the Courthouse! Something had followed me home...
Spent the rest of the day acting like I had been on a BIG DRUNK!
IS IT MAY YET........:)
I don't know about other Bloggers but I'm having problems with posting and it won't let me include photos either?
It's probably the operator...
The whole time that I spent in the basement was not a great time for me and hardest of all was the Custodial Quarters! Crazy sounding or not, it felt like it was sapping the life out of me? I should have spoke up and said something to the 2 guys who felt that they couldn't go down there any more either [they said it felt too spooky]. I don't think that having the stuff from the museum in there helped me either. My museum episode years ago ended in a massive allergy attack and I had to leave? The weird part was, it was only in the basement that I felt the weakest? It could have been the stuff from the corroding walls but no one else complained? The last time that I did try to go on an investigation, I couldn't breathe so I too, quit going down!
I was okay elsewhere?
We gals were the first ones back from our venture from the "creepy" basement. Their set-up included a monitor screen where we could watch the activity being recorded on the 4 cameras. From the basement cam one could see the little green light up meaning that it was recording activity.
Once in awhile you could hear the motion detectors going off also!
Many goose bump moments...:o
The guys came back with their stories to tell...
The lead investigator, Miles, is a very energetic person and watching his excitement on each experience was enjoyable for me. I guess I have a sadistic side....;) He literally could not sit still! It might have wore him out to do another day...
One of his experiences involved meeting up with the dark shadowy figure that likes to hang around the outer hallway near the courtroom doors and stairwell! This figure has been seen by 4 or 5 other people who tell of it's elusive game of peeking around corners at them. One being me! This guy I would believe that he saw it! His main purpose that night was to "debunk" all of the ghost stories with reasonable explanations.
He couldn't explain away the "Shadow" and insists that he knows what he saw was real!
Again...where is the camera when you need it?
Jokingly, he reminded me of a Jack Russell Terrier with all of his energy and stubbornness just to get at the truth...:) [and NO he wasn't annoying like some of them can be]
The down side of ghost hunting is the WAITING for something to happen.
Kind of like watching paint dry...:)
What I like about doing this the most, is watching the other people and seeing how they react in a potentially scary situation...told yah I was sadistic...;)
It was great seeing how another paranormal group works their investigations. The Calling Lakes Paranormal Researchers use high tech equipment [one has to in order to record the phenomenon] also but include the use of mediums/sensitives. I have a tenancy to lean more towards technology rather than other peoples feelings/intuitions. I don't say that they're wrong or anything...it's just MY way of thinking only. I still want to experience all that wants to take a turn at this place. The Calling Lakes Researchers have warned me about some other ones that came to their "Paranormal Symposium" last year and said that it's a group that deals with demonology.
I don't want to go into how much THAT would IRK me! I WON"T DO THAT ONE!
Hope the town uses some sense! Keep religion out!
By the time 2:30 am rolled around both PoD and & had enough. It had been a long day for me [up at 5:30am] already and the heat in the place wasn't helping. Everyone was being hit by the "yawning" bug, one even fell asleep [their driver, so they didn't mind] and even his snores could be heard through closed doors. They didn't let him sleep too long as his snores might have been contaminating the sound recording.
I was soooooooo happy to be home!
Trouble was....I couldn't go to sleep!
Took about an hour...
3 hours later I was up...
Creepy dreams of the Courthouse! Something had followed me home...
Spent the rest of the day acting like I had been on a BIG DRUNK!
IS IT MAY YET........:)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
PoD and I spent another great HAUNTING night/morning at our most favorite spooky building...the Dodge Court House! Where we learned more about our passion..."The Paranormal"!
Our teachers last night were the "Saskatchewan Ghost-Hunters Society" out of Saskatoon [http://saskghost-hunterssociety.ca/].
A very sincere group of people that approached this touchy subject of "ghosts" with a very professional attitude. Both PoD & I have watch many shows about paranormal operations of other groups and these guys are just as good...if not better!
They made us feel like we were a part of their group and had NO ridicule for us about our "sensitive" feelings on the place and all of it's hot spots. If anything they showed signs of surprize when they experienced themselves the: humming [like someone was working], music [grammaphone style], singing and being watched. The problems is, on what someone experpience's in there, ALWAYS happens, when there is nothing about to help collaborate it!
This group got to "feel/hear" that a lot!
Being a newly formed group [2009], this group were looking for unusal places not yet/lightly visited/documented site/building. It seems the S.G.H.S.,found out about our "haunted" place, through the town's website. They phoned expecting having to be put on a waiting list [I told the town they should do more about pushing the haunted aspect...hopefully maybe now?] and were surprised to get in right away!
PoD and I both were on pins and needles all day waiting patiently [NOT] for nightfall. Napping was out of the question!!
Big surprise awaited us as we opened the backdoor of the building.
...my initial apprehension of being back there again
...the feelings of excitement
...a bit of dread
Then we saw....WIRES EVERYWHERE! Three floors of them!
Motion sensors were set up in various rooms & tripod cameras throughout ...one had to watch that one didn't trip anything!
Very hightech for a group just starting out!
We were very impressed by their professional approach to "ghost busting"! Serious investment in equipment showed how interested these people were about and what they hoped to recover. The town should be happy with whatever comes out of it. From this group's site is a link [http://prairiespecters.blogspot.com/] that gives them more advertising. I say the town is missing out...?
Nightfall finally came around 9:00 pm...time to go hunting!
Armed with nightvision movie cameras, "still" cameras, heat sensors, electrical sensors, voice recorders and flashlights, six of us split into groups and headed for different "creepy" areas. One guy staying to keep an eye on the 4 cameras that had been set earlier, he was our "base".
It was nice to hang with people who can be classified as "nutty" as some consider PoD & I...:)
Making up the group are 6 men and 2 women. Of the group last night 2 couldn't make it so we had 4 guys 3 gals. Us three gals decided to attack the BASEMENT!
PoD had decided earlier that she was going to show nothing but bravery to these guys and try really hard not to bolt.
Her job was to help handle all of the "high-tech" stuff [everyone knows how enept I am] and did most of the recording of any sounds or ghostly voices.
This is the only time one can stand in front of others and openly ask something, from something that you can't see, questions and not come off as nuts...;)!
We all did a lot of that!
Did we get any responses?
I would say we did in some instances!
On our trip to the basement we felt we were being played with while we tried to make contact. The motion sensors used had been placed on the floor in the Custodial Quarters. One in the livingroom, one at the kitchen doorway and one beside the bathroom entrance, all facing down the hallway to the back bedroom.
While we were filming in the main hallway, not too far from the quarter's door, the motion detector in the kitchen doorway to the livingroom went off!
Spooked the hell out of all of us!
Naturally we went to the noise...
How many movies would have made this the scary gory part....?
Happily that didn't happen!
Nothing happened while we were in there! We asked all sorts of questions...begged for a sign...joked...
Nothing more to do we decided to head back to see how the boys faired.
Detector in Quarter's went off again!
We rushed back in...
Three times it happened...always it seemed it was waiting for us to go and the wanted to see if we would come back.
It was like something was playing a game with us!
Frusturated we gave up and went to report our experiences....
Got to go
PoD and I spent another great HAUNTING night/morning at our most favorite spooky building...the Dodge Court House! Where we learned more about our passion..."The Paranormal"!
Our teachers last night were the "Saskatchewan Ghost-Hunters Society" out of Saskatoon [http://saskghost-hunterssociety.ca/].
A very sincere group of people that approached this touchy subject of "ghosts" with a very professional attitude. Both PoD & I have watch many shows about paranormal operations of other groups and these guys are just as good...if not better!
They made us feel like we were a part of their group and had NO ridicule for us about our "sensitive" feelings on the place and all of it's hot spots. If anything they showed signs of surprize when they experienced themselves the: humming [like someone was working], music [grammaphone style], singing and being watched. The problems is, on what someone experpience's in there, ALWAYS happens, when there is nothing about to help collaborate it!
This group got to "feel/hear" that a lot!
Being a newly formed group [2009], this group were looking for unusal places not yet/lightly visited/documented site/building. It seems the S.G.H.S.,found out about our "haunted" place, through the town's website. They phoned expecting having to be put on a waiting list [I told the town they should do more about pushing the haunted aspect...hopefully maybe now?] and were surprised to get in right away!
PoD and I both were on pins and needles all day waiting patiently [NOT] for nightfall. Napping was out of the question!!
Big surprise awaited us as we opened the backdoor of the building.
...my initial apprehension of being back there again
...the feelings of excitement
...a bit of dread
Then we saw....WIRES EVERYWHERE! Three floors of them!
Motion sensors were set up in various rooms & tripod cameras throughout ...one had to watch that one didn't trip anything!
Very hightech for a group just starting out!
We were very impressed by their professional approach to "ghost busting"! Serious investment in equipment showed how interested these people were about and what they hoped to recover. The town should be happy with whatever comes out of it. From this group's site is a link [http://prairiespecters.blogspot.com/] that gives them more advertising. I say the town is missing out...?
Nightfall finally came around 9:00 pm...time to go hunting!
Armed with nightvision movie cameras, "still" cameras, heat sensors, electrical sensors, voice recorders and flashlights, six of us split into groups and headed for different "creepy" areas. One guy staying to keep an eye on the 4 cameras that had been set earlier, he was our "base".
It was nice to hang with people who can be classified as "nutty" as some consider PoD & I...:)
Making up the group are 6 men and 2 women. Of the group last night 2 couldn't make it so we had 4 guys 3 gals. Us three gals decided to attack the BASEMENT!
PoD had decided earlier that she was going to show nothing but bravery to these guys and try really hard not to bolt.
Her job was to help handle all of the "high-tech" stuff [everyone knows how enept I am] and did most of the recording of any sounds or ghostly voices.
This is the only time one can stand in front of others and openly ask something, from something that you can't see, questions and not come off as nuts...;)!
We all did a lot of that!
Did we get any responses?
I would say we did in some instances!
On our trip to the basement we felt we were being played with while we tried to make contact. The motion sensors used had been placed on the floor in the Custodial Quarters. One in the livingroom, one at the kitchen doorway and one beside the bathroom entrance, all facing down the hallway to the back bedroom.
While we were filming in the main hallway, not too far from the quarter's door, the motion detector in the kitchen doorway to the livingroom went off!
Spooked the hell out of all of us!
Naturally we went to the noise...
How many movies would have made this the scary gory part....?
Happily that didn't happen!
Nothing happened while we were in there! We asked all sorts of questions...begged for a sign...joked...
Nothing more to do we decided to head back to see how the boys faired.
Detector in Quarter's went off again!
We rushed back in...
Three times it happened...always it seemed it was waiting for us to go and the wanted to see if we would come back.
It was like something was playing a game with us!
Frusturated we gave up and went to report our experiences....
Got to go
Friday, April 17, 2009
29 of 365...Happiness
1. another early morning walk...I might just get back in shape...:)
2. another jolt of half & half to boost the walk...might have to kick that habit...:)
3. arranged paranormal happening at courthouse for 1st or 2nd week in May...can hardly wait...:)
4. while there was told of ANOTHER paranormal group coming to document TONIGHT...do I WANT TO BE THERE WITH THEM?....:)
5. PoD and I meet group at 3:00 pm [they came early to set up before dark] and we arrange to meet later AFTER DARKoooooooooooooo.......:)
Hope WE survive the night..............:O
1. another early morning walk...I might just get back in shape...:)
2. another jolt of half & half to boost the walk...might have to kick that habit...:)
3. arranged paranormal happening at courthouse for 1st or 2nd week in May...can hardly wait...:)
4. while there was told of ANOTHER paranormal group coming to document TONIGHT...do I WANT TO BE THERE WITH THEM?....:)
5. PoD and I meet group at 3:00 pm [they came early to set up before dark] and we arrange to meet later AFTER DARKoooooooooooooo.......:)
Hope WE survive the night..............:O
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
5 Years of HAPPINESS!
-The freedom of not having to PLEASE another!
-MY wishes come first!
-I no longer tiptoe around being quiet!
-I can be as messy as I want!
-I can look in the mirror and NOT hate my looks!
-The restoration of my self esteem!
-I can do what I want, when I want!
-I can have my OWN friends!
-I can spend money [if I had any] on ME!
-I've reduced MY DEBT considerably!
-I've learned that I can be nice when I HAVE TO...:)
Today it's been 5 years since declaring "It's Over"!!!
It's sad to think that I had 26 years of "our life together" memories that were wasted on an ungrateful person. I'd like to think that some of them were happy ones, but thoughts of "were they?" keep popping into my head instead!
It's the dealing with personal hurt that's been the hardest!
TRUST has always been a big thing with me!
When that trust deals with someones heart...?
Well, learning to "trust" someone else again with a very delicate thing like your heart is not so easy!
It's not something I'm going to do lightly anymore!
Do I miss the companionship?
But NOT enough to WANT to take any more steps in that direction!
I think I scare people?
I know I don't have a "smiley" face...
Come to think of it...people might think I've lost it if I did!
This was BIGGEST happy thought upon waking this morning....
Now...I think I'll go for an early morning stroll, get the mail & celebrate with a cup of half COFFEE & [remember I quit the stuff] half English Toffee...caffeine & sugar...should get me an extra block or so.....:)
Nobody better screw with this day....
-The freedom of not having to PLEASE another!
-MY wishes come first!
-I no longer tiptoe around being quiet!
-I can be as messy as I want!
-I can look in the mirror and NOT hate my looks!
-The restoration of my self esteem!
-I can do what I want, when I want!
-I can have my OWN friends!
-I can spend money [if I had any] on ME!
-I've reduced MY DEBT considerably!
-I've learned that I can be nice when I HAVE TO...:)
Today it's been 5 years since declaring "It's Over"!!!
It's sad to think that I had 26 years of "our life together" memories that were wasted on an ungrateful person. I'd like to think that some of them were happy ones, but thoughts of "were they?" keep popping into my head instead!
It's the dealing with personal hurt that's been the hardest!
TRUST has always been a big thing with me!
When that trust deals with someones heart...?
Well, learning to "trust" someone else again with a very delicate thing like your heart is not so easy!
It's not something I'm going to do lightly anymore!
Do I miss the companionship?
But NOT enough to WANT to take any more steps in that direction!
I think I scare people?
I know I don't have a "smiley" face...
Come to think of it...people might think I've lost it if I did!
This was BIGGEST happy thought upon waking this morning....
Now...I think I'll go for an early morning stroll, get the mail & celebrate with a cup of half COFFEE & [remember I quit the stuff] half English Toffee...caffeine & sugar...should get me an extra block or so.....:)
Nobody better screw with this day....
Family Stuff,
Happy Thoughts
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
28 of 365...Happiness
1. Paranormal Researchers with CTV Camera Man, want to come to our courthouse sometime in May...yippee...spooky time...:O
2. Looking through old courthouse photos
3. Going down "Spooky" Lane memories
4. Managed to get half of my designing work done [hard task with spooks running around in my brain] at least some customer's will be happier [or not] when they finally get their stuff!
5. Got supper started early
Today was a cooler day, overcast & dreary
Including now...
Perfect for huddling under the covers & watching something creepy..........
1. Paranormal Researchers with CTV Camera Man, want to come to our courthouse sometime in May...yippee...spooky time...:O
2. Looking through old courthouse photos
3. Going down "Spooky" Lane memories
4. Managed to get half of my designing work done [hard task with spooks running around in my brain] at least some customer's will be happier [or not] when they finally get their stuff!
5. Got supper started early
Today was a cooler day, overcast & dreary
Including now...
Perfect for huddling under the covers & watching something creepy..........
Monday, April 13, 2009
27 of 365...Happiness
1. listening to the early morning chatter from the early birds
2. seeing my FIRST Robin
3. went for my second MORNING walk...it's just SOOOOOO nice out
4. removed Easter from my life [although kind of dull in here right now]
5. I made it a RELAXING day....no working on work related stuff [for a Monday]
Ready to start anew tomorrow....
1. listening to the early morning chatter from the early birds
2. seeing my FIRST Robin
3. went for my second MORNING walk...it's just SOOOOOO nice out
4. removed Easter from my life [although kind of dull in here right now]
5. I made it a RELAXING day....no working on work related stuff [for a Monday]
Ready to start anew tomorrow....
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
26 of 365...Happiness
1. Nephew "Nephewson" & Niece-in-Law "Dragonlady" made it here safely on Good Friday...so it REALLY was a GOOD FRIDAY...:)
2. Spent the morning shopping with the wedding couple & PoD & her crew...lots of fun
3. Having fun dreaming up Gothic wedding decor
5. Learning to use PoD's new electronic cutting machine...one that scrap bookers use
1. Nephew "Nephewson" & Niece-in-Law "Dragonlady" made it here safely on Good Friday...so it REALLY was a GOOD FRIDAY...:)
2. Spent the morning shopping with the wedding couple & PoD & her crew...lots of fun
3. Having fun dreaming up Gothic wedding decor
5. Learning to use PoD's new electronic cutting machine...one that scrap bookers use
It's been tense around the PoD household since Maxi [their #1 cat] became ill! They've been in living hell with thoughts of cancer being in his throat/tongue, rotting jaw/teeth...even having to put him down...:(. He's had special diets/foods and she's even pureed til they were drinkable!
He was suffering just to eat? He's was medicated to cure whatever...yet not getting well?
In all...everything done just to see that their fur baby had a chance to live a quality life!
Thursday he went in for dental surgery [very expensive] to remove what was rotten and see what else could be happening...
Good News!
Report is he's like a new boy! Perky, happy & looking like he wants to play...
Seems all of his problems stemmed from his being allergic to the plaque on his teeth!
Who would have thought it was "just rotten teeth" that was making him that ill?
Can this happen to humans? [Is that why some [me] who don't look after their teeth have poor health?]
Lessons learned:
-ALL animals in your household should have their teeth brushed regularly...especially cats [who don't chew bones like dogs do]
-expense that can be incurred while your animal is sick means...we should all carry health care services for our animals as well if we are to consider them our "furbabies"!
Maxi is MY hero [look for cat saves family blog]and I want him around ALWAYS to make sure that my daughter, son-in-law & grand kids stay safe...
Hope Thumber learns from this picture...
Because I can't see me holding onto a BIG bundle of fur/24 claws/full set of BIG TEETH.....trying to brush HER TEETH!!!
Cat Facts,
Cat Stuff,
Family Stuff,
Monday, April 06, 2009
Sunday, April 05, 2009
24 of 365...Happiness
1. 28 years ago today my son BillyRoo was born...a VERY HAPPY DAY for me!
2. remembering how it is to cook for a party [nothing got burnt]
3. potato salad not crunchy
4. family get together for son's birthday
5. No dishes to wash when we got home...:)
1. 28 years ago today my son BillyRoo was born...a VERY HAPPY DAY for me!
2. remembering how it is to cook for a party [nothing got burnt]
3. potato salad not crunchy
4. family get together for son's birthday
5. No dishes to wash when we got home...:)
365 Reasons,
Family Stuff,
Saturday, April 04, 2009
[I know, with a hammer]
[I know, with a hammer]
I'm sad, yet I feel extremely relieved and happy all rolled into one?
Looking back now that my "Theater Scrap Books" are gone [I do plan on finishing their compiling], I feel this sense of pride at MY accomplishments with this group! Everyone who did anything with the production of these plays, worked HARD and should be more [?] acknowledged for what they ALL did! But...
This was something that I did mostly for myself!
Yes, I do admit to using it to advance my business, but it was pure "enjoyment" that had kept me going despite all of the crap thrown in my way! I really LOVED that type of life!
One of my goals in life, when I decided to have children, was to leave my mark on this world by making some kind of history [this was BEFORE I knew about my ancestor's fame] that MY ancestors would be proud of when I'm gone [this stems from my loss at not knowing much about my Dad's history].
My history might not be ground breaking/headline making stuff! But one day, after I'm gone, my children/grand children will point anywhere in town and say "MY MOM/GRANDMA made that"!
That will be MY "Pat-on-the-back"!
And now there will be a place for it in the museum that will record this too...:) !
I asked my kids what they wanted to do with all of that stuff [after I died] and they heartily agreed with me to place it in the museum. After all it is the only "fully detailed" record of our theater's history.
One thing I have learned in life is:
"Take time to pat yourself on the back once in awhile
...because ten-to-one no one else will"!
...because ten-to-one no one else will"!
But that's okay with me too...I do have a COUPLE of fans...:)
Friday, April 03, 2009
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
LOST IN MEMORY LANE...? Happy times and not so happy times...
It's been a few days since blog land has seen me and it's due to being lost down the memory lane of Dinner Theater!
All it took was having to go look for some lost photos in my theater scrapbooks...
Dodge's Community Dinner Theater's first production was in 1990 and I was in it from the first conception...I designed and helped build the first stage set [& decorated it].
Deciding from the beginning, that I would keep a personal record for my family, on what I did for this group was kind of a vain thing but if I had a mother she would have kept one for me [I know I did because PoD is included...:)]!
BUT it seems I quit "scrap booking" in 2000!
I kept all of the next year's mementos but never got them compiled?
Looking back, I think mental/physical exhaustion took place after hosting the "One Act Festival" in 2000!
Was it: designing of the program for the festival, drawing layout of hall for competitors, having to be the festival's Stage Manager and Stage Manager/Set Designer for our own entry...too much?
Plus all of that happening, not long after our production in the spring, which was a very large one! Again I was Set Designer/Co-Builder/Posters/Program/Table Centerpieces/Prop Builder/Stage Manager/Prompter/Special FX...
So over the years this pretty well became the norm with all of the productions...
NO wonder I was too tired to record it all in my scrapbooks later!
Getting to meet all of the different people/places that would have not normally been in my life was the BEST thing about doing Theater! Seeing their many faces and antics kept a smile going constantly! There was LOTS of HARD work but LOTS & LOTS of REWARDS after!!!
I can shake my head now and smile at all of the happy memories from the past, but along with the happy memories, also came some of the sad...;(
-Remembering the "fights" with my Ex over how much time/money I was "wasting" with "these nutty" people when I should be "devoting my every waking hour" to the business! He always thought I was NUTS so as far as I'm concerned I guess I fit right in! I did have an ulterior motive when starting up with theater and that was to showcase my talents to the town. How else were people going to find out where your talents lie? So as far as I'm concerned it should have all been classified as business advertising! He could never see it that way? Besides, what I did with my spare time, should have been my own! A lot of his anger also came from how exhausted I became over the years from the spring productions and then the fall ones...he said that it took away from the business? I never completely realized just how much it did do to me...until it was too late...
-Noticing an unusual tiredness after a challenging production in 1994 and the continuing fatigue, by late summer I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes! Thankfully we weren't into Festivals yet! Doing things got harder...took longer...
-Coming across the years that hold bad memories from personal losses during productions: My step-mother [old age -2003] and my younger sister [accident -2004] and not long after that a nephew [accident -2004]! Sadly the "show must go on"!
-Then the unpleasent reminder of a dislocated elbow while on an Easter break during a production in 1997...wished I'd had taken a picture!
-Realizing NOW that I knew a young man who was in one of our productions [2000] had died in a car accident recently...:(
So now I have to try and get all of that "compiled" material together before this year's production THIS weekend....?

Don't need the stress....
They can take what I've got for now......
PS: Thanks PoD for correcting me...
It's been a few days since blog land has seen me and it's due to being lost down the memory lane of Dinner Theater!
All it took was having to go look for some lost photos in my theater scrapbooks...
Dodge's Community Dinner Theater's first production was in 1990 and I was in it from the first conception...I designed and helped build the first stage set [& decorated it].
Deciding from the beginning, that I would keep a personal record for my family, on what I did for this group was kind of a vain thing but if I had a mother she would have kept one for me [I know I did because PoD is included...:)]!
BUT it seems I quit "scrap booking" in 2000!
I kept all of the next year's mementos but never got them compiled?
Looking back, I think mental/physical exhaustion took place after hosting the "One Act Festival" in 2000!
Was it: designing of the program for the festival, drawing layout of hall for competitors, having to be the festival's Stage Manager and Stage Manager/Set Designer for our own entry...too much?
Plus all of that happening, not long after our production in the spring, which was a very large one! Again I was Set Designer/Co-Builder/Posters/Program/Table Centerpieces/Prop Builder/Stage Manager/Prompter/Special FX...
So over the years this pretty well became the norm with all of the productions...
NO wonder I was too tired to record it all in my scrapbooks later!
Getting to meet all of the different people/places that would have not normally been in my life was the BEST thing about doing Theater! Seeing their many faces and antics kept a smile going constantly! There was LOTS of HARD work but LOTS & LOTS of REWARDS after!!!
I can shake my head now and smile at all of the happy memories from the past, but along with the happy memories, also came some of the sad...;(
-Remembering the "fights" with my Ex over how much time/money I was "wasting" with "these nutty" people when I should be "devoting my every waking hour" to the business! He always thought I was NUTS so as far as I'm concerned I guess I fit right in! I did have an ulterior motive when starting up with theater and that was to showcase my talents to the town. How else were people going to find out where your talents lie? So as far as I'm concerned it should have all been classified as business advertising! He could never see it that way? Besides, what I did with my spare time, should have been my own! A lot of his anger also came from how exhausted I became over the years from the spring productions and then the fall ones...he said that it took away from the business? I never completely realized just how much it did do to me...until it was too late...
-Noticing an unusual tiredness after a challenging production in 1994 and the continuing fatigue, by late summer I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes! Thankfully we weren't into Festivals yet! Doing things got harder...took longer...
-Coming across the years that hold bad memories from personal losses during productions: My step-mother [old age -2003] and my younger sister [accident -2004] and not long after that a nephew [accident -2004]! Sadly the "show must go on"!
-Then the unpleasent reminder of a dislocated elbow while on an Easter break during a production in 1997...wished I'd had taken a picture!
-Realizing NOW that I knew a young man who was in one of our productions [2000] had died in a car accident recently...:(
So now I have to try and get all of that "compiled" material together before this year's production THIS weekend....?
Don't need the stress....
They can take what I've got for now......
PS: Thanks PoD for correcting me...
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