Monday, April 13, 2009

27 of 365...Happiness

1. listening to the early morning chatter from the early birds

2. seeing my FIRST Robin

3. went for my second MORNING's just SOOOOOO nice out

4. removed Easter from my life [although kind of dull in here right now]

5. I made it a RELAXING working on work related stuff [for a Monday]

Ready to start anew tomorrow....


Roan said...

I opened the door to let Willie out this morning and heard the birds chirping. It was a really great sound. I envy your Monday without "work related stuff", oh for a Monday off.

My move is winding down, but still have boxes to dig through. Maybe by this time next year! ;)

Queen of Halloween said...

I used to think money mattered but I've begun to realize that life is TOO short! I'm gonna make time...:)