It's been tense around the PoD household since Maxi [their #1 cat] became ill! They've been in living hell with thoughts of cancer being in his throat/tongue, rotting jaw/teeth...even having to put him down...:(. He's had special diets/foods and she's even pureed til they were drinkable!
He was suffering just to eat? He's was medicated to cure whatever...yet not getting well?
In all...everything done just to see that their fur baby had a chance to live a quality life!
Thursday he went in for dental surgery [very expensive] to remove what was rotten and see what else could be happening...
Good News!
Report is he's like a new boy! Perky, happy & looking like he wants to play...
Seems all of his problems stemmed from his being allergic to the plaque on his teeth!
Who would have thought it was "just rotten teeth" that was making him that ill?
Can this happen to humans? [Is that why some [me] who don't look after their teeth have poor health?]
Lessons learned:
-ALL animals in your household should have their teeth brushed regularly...especially cats [who don't chew bones like dogs do]
-expense that can be incurred while your animal is sick means...we should all carry health care services for our animals as well if we are to consider them our "furbabies"!
Maxi is MY hero [look for cat saves family blog]and I want him around ALWAYS to make sure that my daughter, son-in-law & grand kids stay safe...
Hope Thumber learns from this picture...
Because I can't see me holding onto a BIG bundle of fur/24 claws/full set of BIG TEETH.....trying to brush HER TEETH!!!
1 comment:
We bought special food for the DemonSpawn that cleans his teeth for him while he eats ~ Medical Dental Formula. The pieces are bigger so he can't just swallow them whole.
It's a little pricey, but we mix a bit with his regular food & it seems to do the trick. No more incidents with his teeth.
Good thing, too, cuz I'm not going near his mouth with a brush! I'm not suicidal!
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