Dodge is killing me with its By-Laws!
In the summer I got hit with one of these great laws!
Beware of the weeds and grasses that are over 3” high…the by-law says “cut or we will cut at YOUR expense”! This was the warning that I got!
Due to my heart problems and kids that were over taxed with my other work they had to do for me…it kept getting put off. The day the warning hit, PoD and I closed shop and spent the day making my place live able [town standards]. That cost me a day! Then to rub more salt in the wound I got to watch the weeds grow across the street from me! Where was their warning!
I didn’t even see anyone hired from the town doing it for them! They never did clean it up!
Next problem…
I WAS an avid recycle-your-garbage-kind-of-person but not anymore! I still recycle the massive amount of paper that I go through but anything else…I do it if I feel like it!
Why you ask?
I have to thank the imaginative town person who thought it would be fun to climb metal steps [slippery when wet] while holding a large bag of stuff [filled to over flowing…can’t waste a bag] and then try to maneuver the stuff into a “Mail Slot” [5”x 24”] without dropping the crap down the gaping hole right below the slippery steps [that your balancing on]! Then add some more fun with your grand kids helping and then you have to keep an eye on them too!
Now its winter!
Town By-Law states that I have to keep my sidewalks clear because it’s the downtown by-law! Also we are asked NOT to shovel the snow out onto the road way…guess it makes it too hard for the Grader! I have a driveway on one side and on the other side I have an alleyway. I can’t shove snow into either areas…but I still have to make it disappear!
I have heart problems!
I should not be shoveling snow but I like to for the work out…so I take care!
I started early this morning [
I even made it disappear without shoveling it out into the streets! I was quite proud of the effort and my heart felt good!
Then the Town Tractor came out [
That wasn’t my problem…mine was the removal of snow in front of my place!
Where is the By-Law that states that they can’t push the snow from the streets onto the sidewalk!
My NICE AND CLEAN sidewalk!
My customer’s [few that I have] had to climb over a snow mound to get to my step and then brought all that snow into my place! I waited to see it they would clear some of it but NO…I had to go out and shovel it off myself!
This made my heart pound!
This snow was packed by the tractor tires!
So much for the hour that I spent shoveling this morning!
I hope the Grader Guy can read lips!
Thankfully I have a real nice neighbor that owns a Bobcat…because he finished for me!
Hit me with another by-law and they will feel the "Wrath of QoH"!