Saturday, February 27, 2010

A BLACK SATURDAY...for me and my family

A Mystic Letter to Buttons...

Hey kiddo:
Another year [6] has gone by and the hole in my heart left by your loss, hasn't gotten any smaller...if anything it has grown! I'd like to find that person who said "time heals all wounds" and slap them upside the head! I still miss mom & dad and that's been 48 & 37! I want to smack those who say "they're in a better place now"...I'm still living in this world and it hasn't been that bad, so why the better place?

It's been a long 7 months since I last visited your grave during your son's wedding. Things are great with them, even after their wedding disaster and the best news is...they are expecting in May! I guess the wedding time was a good time after all...:)!

I hope it was your "Orb" that I captured during their signing. I loved their wonderful tribute to you...
Lots of tears on this one.....!

I've had some great news and more questions about the questionable happenings since your horrible death!

The great news is your "loving"[?] husband's, new girl friend, is now out of his life!

And it cost him a bundle to get rid of her...:)

Your son's wedding was a great time for his father to show everyone his true colors! I guess him and his only friend [the bottle], have been making quite an impression on the town and to his girlfriend. I heard the two of them really got "into it" when they both get plastered! Sadly, the biggest one had to happen on your kid's special day?

Even our brother Tank and SewLady tried going for coffee [cause they were invited the night before] that next morning of the wedding and met with a very FROSTY situation going down at your hubby's place. They didn't stick around to find out what. Even your daughter had enough of them and left early too!

To update you more on what puzzles me with their situation and makes for more questions on your death not being an accident...

-Last year, on the day of the 5th anniversary of your death, your husband suffered a heart attack...needed 2 stents put in. His high consumption of alcohol plus unhealthy eating habits, probably contributed to his having one...but on that day? He was cleared of all charges, it's been 5 yrs, he's moved on in his love life, he's semi retired? Why that day...if he has a clear conscious?

-He thought he was going to die so he gifted his girlfriend with 20, she'll be taken care of? Although when he got better, he wanted it back and she said no...:)

-She has made accusations against him about things that are unknown to me, yet have enough affect on him that he buys her [silence] expensive gifts?

-She accuses him of sleeping around on her...does she also think, "once a cheat always a cheat", like I do? If so, was she the one that I believe he was seeing while you and I had fun the last year we were together? He sure was trying to smooth talk me into him seeing someone right after your death... so he wouldn't be lonely? And yes, I have thought that she might just be the jealous type...but from what I have heard, she comes off as being too calculating to be just jealous! His being a "tight-wad" was well known to everyone who knew him...yet he forks out money to her left and right? Sure stinks of possible blackmail to me! If she did know something about your death [during one of his drunken stupors] then she could be an accessory after the fact? But still wouldn't make her crime as bad as his! Both still have to keep quiet!

What more motive could your husband want...

With the kids gone, you and him were planning to sell the farm and settle somewhere. I know you weren't to crazy about the town near you and you did mention something about moving near us? I got the impression from you that last time, when you wanted to attend that trade show [on my birthday], that you had something exciting on your mind. Was that why you were so disappointed when I couldn't afford to go?

You did mention once about splitting up because of his recent drinking to accesses?

As for Eener and me...we don't see eye to eye on your death. She told me that the new girlfriend cornered her at the wedding and told her a lot of bad things about you. She refused to tell me what,,,saying that it would only make me madder about her? Like NOT telling me doesn't! But knowing her, it might be a lie, she can't get out know like the ones she told while growing up. Until she tells me what...things will stay bad between us!

The other shocking news to me, was the splitting of half  "their" house! He told me it was HIS place and now half belonged to her?

During the wedding he cried the "drunk blues" about losing an investment [80,000.00], to anyone [BillyRoo] who would listen and was mad that he should've spent it on a cruise they were planning to go on instead. Like why would you tell anyone how stupid you were in losing that amount...if there wasn't a hidden purpose in letting all your guests know this for some reason? If it was a ploy for me to not charge much for the decor, why tell everyone else? The kids DID get a "deal" but not because of his whine! It was a gift from us to them!

Another puzzlement at the wedding was the lack of friends you two knew...the ones that your kids grew up with? Your neighbors? I knew a lot of them too...yet they weren't there? Except for your catering boss/friend and she said she only came out of retirement for your son and to honor you. I gave her a BIG HUG for doing that. I got the impression that she wasn't too happy about his details on why?

With all that I know/suspect and the gut feeling that I have, says that all is not right, somewhere! One just needs that physical proof!


I WANT to give this guy a break [for your kid's sake] and IF it was JUST an accident, I DO feel sorry for him, if he still feels somehow responsible anyways. THAT'S punishment enough for him! I'm not that heartless!

It's your kids that worry me the most as they have to deal with the way that he is right I'll stay quiet!


Things should STOP adding up elsewhere if he IS so innocent?

I wish I knew one way or the other!!!!

Wish you could let me know some way....

Missing You Buttons!


Your Big Sis........Bones

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Gothic Wedding...The Final Chapter...[I hope]

 The last photo of the couple's table...

Hope you can see the detail clearer...?

Wedding went okay...

Reception was different. MC had to wing it a lot due to no one preparing anything for him to say?

A lot might have been different on the Bride's end if she had only asked for help? Granted there wasn't anyone responsible around her to do so and we lived 2 hours apart. She doesn't drive and he worked oilfields.

In all the did pretty darn good for handling an event that takes a huge amount of planning.

Did have some fun! Danced. A. Lot! Showed my grand daughter that it was okay to "dance like no one was watching", even though people were! Did visit a bit when I wasn't busy shooing drunks of the floor with drinks. Saw my brother & sister-in-law for a seconds before they disappeared...

So final photo of the wedding party during the ceremony and taking photos out in the rain...

Happily married at last!

The last and worst part for me was the ending of the evening!

Being the coordinator, it was up to me to see to the ending...removal of drunks and with a possible clean-up.
I was supposed to take the hall keys to close up but asked to not have to...I was tired. The keys then went to the best man [very drunk] who thought we had to clean the hall and he wasn't coming back in the morning. Not wanting him to handle the decor himself [with drunk friends] with a possibility of ruining them, I asked that he leave them and give me the keys so I could come in the early hours while others slept [a norm for me]? All he had to do was make sure the doors were closed after they left.....Nooooooo

All hell broke loose...!

He starts mouthing off to me, accusing me of coming to do bad things in the hall when no one would be there? Nobody gets up at those hours for goods things? Who the hell was I to boss everyone around all day long and all evening? .....I was JUST the DECORATOR! He had lots more of bad things that can't be repeated but you get the idea of insults hurled at me....innocent me!

There was no way in hell he was giving me the keys!

The Bride and Groom forgot to inform everyone who I was and what my role was, besides being the decorator!

I had just spent the two days/evening herding cats people/kids around!
Nagged drunks to keep their drinks of the hardwood floor part.
Telling the DJ that they couldn't use their fog machine due to asthmatic in the crowd, nor their strobe light because of there being an epileptic too. Which did not endear me to the drunk DJ [best man's friend] either!
The ones near the balloons must have thought I was a nagging b--ch!

The last thing in my life is me wanting people to hate me!

I go out of my way to be nice!

My Ex accused me often of always trying to make people like me by doing these things for them!

Only to come off as a B--CH!

That's what hurt the most!

Needless to say I didn't get the keys and spent the rest of the evening trying to get some sleep.

I was NOT there early the next morning!

Sadly I had to upset the Bride and Groom even more by telling them how disappointed I was in their friends and what was said to me and asked why they let no one know what I was there for besides the decor?

Somehow saying "I'm sorry" does n't always smooth the hurt feelings.

For everyone got to see the real mad me then!

Happily the sun shone as we drove home!

Now you know why it took so long for me to relate this "well learned lesson"!

Hopefully all the crap that happened at that wedding means clear sailing for them from then!


P.S...They are now expecting in May...;)
The Gothic Wedding...part 4

Continuing on with my complaining....

The set-up was not only difficult...try throwing in family drama!

Summation of fight I did not want to get into... hysterical tears!
-Her future in-laws were both pissed [drunk ?] because they felt left out of wedding plans? Both were literally screaming nasty things at her? Both felt left out because everything had happened at the couples place instead of theirs?
-The young couple had only wanted help with the cost, not anything else and had asked to do their wedding their way...which wasn't wrong in my books. That's what was agreed upon by everyone earlier in the planning stages... so why then with the grief?
-Traditional planning got in the way! Some steps got forgotten? This really bothered them?
-Some mean things got said [not by me] and feelings got hurt...all thank you to questionable parents celebrating [?] too soon!

Thus Groom was driven to tears...because dad's good at doing that sort of thing!

And yes...I was ASKED to step in...which I did!

Things got said [tactfully] and peace was restored...for them

For affected my sugar levels and decorating got tougher!

Sugar out of whack makes anger a big thing with Diabetics!

When I get upset, I can't food + lots of stress + strenuous activity = unreasonable thinking, which led to me causing another problem...

The Ceremonial Arch Placement!

I didn't want to have to move it around and hoped to keep the reception setup easier without moving much, besides the chairs [no guarantee on helpers]. So I suggested the stage, not aware of the exact size of the DJ's music/equipment and the space needed. In my mind, if it was like the ones I'd seen before, they required minimal space. I should have just waited for them to setup instead if stubbornly insisting on the arch placement! I was more interested in the ease of my job later is probably the main excuse...;( I did see the reason later, but my insisting had caused added grief to an already stressful time!

[I am still trying to fix that annoying trait of mine...;}]

Then I run into Head Table Placement!

That caused some more problems. When one hires a designer, it should be done the designer's way [that's why you hired them], with the wedding couple being the only ones who has a say in any changes. I can be very stubborn about this fact! It may not makes sense as I am going along, but the big picture is in my head and it's extremely hard to put to paper. I do have detailed drawings but some still can't see? So all I asked was to do it my way first and if the couple & I don't like it then we'd change it.

There is always a decorator in the group that has to want it their way? I know they are only trying to help but it's also a hindrance! Sadly I always give in for the sake of peace! Wasted a good half hour only to do it my way in the end....GRRRRR...

These two wonderful events happened together!!

Can you imagine where my stress levels were then?......Sugars?

Things did get finished...I got some food into me and calm was restored.

BillyRoo and I left them to do their rehearsals....but I should have stayed as I was also their wedding coordinator, but it had already been too much and I needed sleep!

Finally the big day!

I started mine out by visiting Button's grave around 6 am in the misting rain. Had a good chat, informed her of what was going on and hoped she could do something about a better day/no rain...;}?

Won't bore you with all of the other disasters that happened like a no show photographer, hair dresser that couldn't do hair, scrounging for flowers to put in hair, missing flower for ring bearer [think dog ate it] and a little girl who wanted nothing to do with this wedding...

Plus more rain!

My take on children in the wedding party.

Is it...

I can hear all the "awes..." out there. Even got one from me when I saw them.

That's it for cuteness!

The littlest one's changed when she got tired [couldn't blame her] and parents should have removed her but didn't! Her brother was the same way but was good, in helping his little sister get through the walk down the aisle. Thing was, he didn't like the other little girl [my niece] as both wanted to be the leader! These pics tell the story. I was happy on the Dragon staying in it's basket. I knew she would be the strong willed one from previous experiences. They had a heck of a time getting her to wear that dress and no way was anyone doing her hair! She too, got tired.

That said, they were great walking down the aisle. Both kids were told they were the leader separately by their parents [alone] and were convinced to hold hands. Trouble was none of them knew where to go! Seems at dress rehearsal the plans were that they would walk out first? Why would you expect that age to remember where to go?

I had to get my big butt into the ceremony by having to guide them...then untie the aisle ribbon, which should have been the first bridesmaid.

All did finally go well for the I won't bore you with those shots...;}

Except for the signing table...

In the upper photo I have the only orb on all of my shots. This photo also includes the candle that they lit before the ceremony in honor of his deceased mother, Buttons. I like to think she was there!

Finally on to the reception...

One big thing the Bride really wanted was make an entrance through a sea of balloons on their walk to the head table. This took 300 balloons [the bridal party blew them up te night before]. The kids had a ball. This was another problem for me...keeping the dam things on the dance floor area. Kids weren't only the problem it was the ceiling fans! Ever tried getting balloons from under a bale while people are sitting at them. I would have left them only it became hard to walk through the table aisles with the balloons there! Not to mention sitting with them...which just happened to be where we were sitting! It went from being funny to hating them! Word of advice on the balloons...put them out just before they start their entrance and keep the fans off!. We had to have the fans because of all of the humidty inside and out.

The head table turned out not too bad...I had wanted more ivy but had depleted all stores of their stock..;}

The head table had become cluttered looking. The large candle/holder was a girft from her maid of honor and she wanted in on the table. I thought it was too tall...see I do make concessions...;}

This is far as bloger will let me go....

And yes there is more drama.....

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


5 years ago, I was asked by my nephew and bride-to-be if I would be interested in helping with decorations at their future wedding, which would be a Gothic one...of course I was interested...;}

But this was also a gift to my sister Buttons. If she had lived we would have done this together...

Welcome to their magical moment...

Somewhere in a Fairy Lit Forest in Coronation, Alberta...

 A very scared looking bride

Table/coat check...

The starkness of the white top on the table was later covered with a black lacy panel and the pillar got a burgundy ribbon white a red heart to finish the look. Somehow missed a close-up of the final look shown in the above photo. The birdcage and treasure box [held extra "Wishing Stones"] were from that year's garage sales...:)

I just loved the bride's dress!

The bodice was gorgeous with its fancy bead work but it was the back that amazed me...
Hard to believe this was a second hand dress

I loved the hint of a veil! Although I would have liked to seen it black...;}

Here's what our final results were in the forest land...

Doesn't this entrance way look huge! This was one big hall! Happily it's lighting was great in adding the atmosphere we were looking for...kind of on the dark side. Made for crappy photos though...;( Most of the shots have been lightened and are fuzzy. One thing I am is not a great photographer...I guess one can't be great at everything...;)

They wanted an archway for their entrance/exit and one for their nuptials. Not wanting it to be a traditional arched style or white, I had this brilliant idea of using PoD's old green gazebo. So we painted it black [exterior paint] added ivy and more mini lites. This was a lot more sturdier than those cheap white arches. One gazebo made two archways.

Along the sides of the hall, I had these 8' pillars that were wrapped with burgundy velvet ribbons, mini lites and ivy, topped with ivy bushes. There were 4 lining the front only their top was a lamp. I also had 4 pillar lamps for added sparkle. These were supposed to represent trees. The bride was supposed to have gathered bushes together but that never happened and I didn't have time. I had the lights for them just in case she had.

The stark whiteness of the aisle markers matched with the bright whiteness of the ceremonial arch which helped break up all the dark aspect of her Gothic. The red hearts helped.

You probably noticed the bare walls. Rules in this place were very hanging decor or fastening stuff on walls. That's why the poles...;)

I really wished I had gotten better close-up shots of the tables...they did look good.

I would have really like to seen the bushes but in all I think it looked fairy-ish...

The Wedding Aisle....a sacred path for the bride & groom

I did everything possible to ensure that only the wedding procession went down that aisle! I tied the entrance, I looped barriers between the rows, so there would be no crossing from side to side...only to be ignored? Don't know how many times I had to re-adjust things! I wonder if there had been a floor runner, would they still have walked on it? Guess that's my "old fashioned" sticking out...;}

A very slippery floor!

Just waiting for the ceremony

The extra lighting in the white area was made white by adding my "led" branch lites. They give off a blue/white glow which contrasted nicely with the soft yellowish glow from the mini lites. The curtain was closed for the ceremony...;}
This archway was quite moveable and was later repossioned at a photo op area.


Final set-up time 10 hours of horribleness!


What should have been an exciting time of joking around, maybe a bit of drinking, having fun decoration...turned out to be a disastrous nightmare!

The weather played a big factor in most of it!

It rained from the moment we got there til the moment we left!

Plans of tenting were washed away in the we had to get hotel rooms. Which were another nightmare situation I won't go into other than there being NO RESTAURANT [closed due to staff problems -drug busts] and no outside lighting in the parking lot with NO STREET LIGHTS! We did get a special rate?

It had rained quite a bit before we got there so the ground was soaked, puddles everywhere with decorations that shouldn't get wet, having to be unloaded. We had lots of helpers as tables had to be removed only to be replaced with the long ones which we couldn't find. Seems, lookers were "man looking" because I had to do it myself! That became the general theme. I had to be in many places showing untalented helped how-to-do EVERYTHING? I had to show one guy how to measure and cut the plastic for the tablecloths? I know I shouldn't is help no matter how unskilled...:) I WAS very thankful for people showing up...:)


So you'll have to wait until blog lets me continue...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Gothic Wedding...Part 2, burgundy/blood red with a hint of white

Theme..."Dragons - Magic in the forest"

So on with more stuff that had to be made...

I wasn't sure what size would fit or how many cards to expect, but knew for sure that we wanted a birdcage style. Hopefully something bulky enough that couldn't be snitched! Which can be a concern at small town weddings? The smaller one worked the best for card retrieval.
I ended up gifting the small one to them and I kept the big one for future rentals.  

The bride wasn't too keen on a lot of hall flowers but we needed something for the sign-in table and stage? 

{I forgot to mention earlier that her flower pick for her bouquet was 5 red [years together] 3 black [for the ones who couldn't be there...mostly Ben's mom, Buttons] and 2 white representing them.}

She wanted 2 red roses to represent both of them on the signing table with the rest being black roses. I added the red and gold wheat looking sheaves to represent Ben's family history of farming [also helped break the bleakness of the arrangement]...


What to do for Aisle Markers.....she didn't want flowers?
The ceremony and reception were both being held in this hall [which was huge] so we had to set up for both with easy removal of the ceremony arch. We'll talk more on that later but for now I had to think of how to make an aisle with reusable Aisle Markers. Couldn't use a floor runner to mark the bride's walk way...floor too slippery. With part of our theme being "magical", I came up with the idea of "Fairy Wands" which could stand in a vase behind the couple on the later be given to the little girls attending. Turned out she kept the wands because she liked them too much to give away all of the kids turned out to be too hyper. The wands were 2' tall with foam hearts painted red/black with little "Fairies" clinging to the heart. The red tulle aisle draping later went on the head table and the white tulle was fluffed at the base of the repositioned arch for photo shoot.

Third Problem....the Tables

Our theme was Gothic which has some medival feel to it which was good backdrop with Dragons. The hall had round ones preset out [had to be returned to after function] but they didn't suit so we used the long ones... This was the first design idea...

The center piece were those rose bowl types, turned upside down on a red plastic plate. Inside sat a "led" tea light. On top of the base of the bowl sat a small dragon figurine [which would be tack-up down]. This ended up diferently...

This is how it ended up looking which was just fine. In addition to the bowls were the Bride & Groom "led" tea light holders. The bride was a crystal wine decanter and the groom was his favorite beer bottle [these were those cheap outfits that fit on wine bottles]. I changed the white veil to a black one. Both bottles had a candelabra corked insert which held the lights.
Each table had polished stones [some with words on them] with black & white heart petals strewn about.

The head table had lots to it...


Fourth Problem...

The bride had gone out and bought some neat "Dragon Goblets" for the head table. 8 attendants and one for her and him. These would have been okay only they looked horrible [pic doesn't show just how bad]...


The end results were quite nice and all liked them.

The other was their goblets...


These had been planned...
Along with these goblets I had repainted my kid's dragon heads [they liked better] to match the theme [these were just borrowed] as they were to go on the head table...


The small dragons were to go on top of the flower bowls only we couldn't find and others to fill all the bowls so these ended up on the head table. These were later gifted to them too.

The Fifth Problem....
Which might not have been for some but is for the traditional type I am...

There WASN"T going to be a "Wedding Cake"!

I know more and more are do just that, not having a cake, but for me...a photo op is missing?

So as my shower gift I made them a.....


The quotation is from their wedding invite.

They loved it so much that they sat it on the Signing Table....:)

I hear she has it in her display cabinet.

Gotta go to work..........stay tuned for the finished results......

Sunday, February 21, 2010


It began with a proposal...

Ben's idea was to use this as his proposal but didn't know how to go about it. So I designed one for him to give her for her scrap book...

 We used this idea for the table favors but instead of "Peggy..." each place was filled with a question etc. These were small so we were able to fit 2 to a page. PoD [bridesmaid] did all of the folding.

The dragon design was used on their invitations and was the general theme of the wedding

The other table favor were the "Wishing Stones"...

 The heart stone had "I WISH" written on the back of the stone in reverse, so when held up to the light you could read it properly, make a wish and put under your pillow...wish is supposed to come true...;)

Being a Gothic wedding, the bride did not want the usual bouquet. She loved this weird fan shaped leaf and wondered how I could incorporate it into her flowers or hair piece...? It look like it might have come from a of it's scales? In keep with the theme the "Dragon Scale Fans" were born...;} The choice of fan was that August is usually hot and it might help cool them...that's why the sleeveless dresses.

 The First Problem:

The constant color change of the maid's dresses. They went from burgundy to black, then red, then a mixture of all, etc.
The base of the fan went from red feathers [couldn't use cause one was allergic to them] to finally settling on a white base.


The flower girl's baskets had their own problems too. Previous experiences had shown me, that the kids are too young to have responsibilities like throwing flower petals. What ever it is it had to be light weight and sturdy enough to withstand any abuse...swinging, hitting, etc. Wicker baskets are too heavy and can hurt others, so I used a hanging [garage sale] mesh fruit basket and wound ribbons through the wires, adding [wire ribbon] bows. Added small flowers & bunched up tulle circles. Replaced the chain with wire ribbon to form a hanging swing where a stuffed baby dragon sat. Dragon was removable to keep them happy while waiting...:)!

The other request was for hair decor for the maids & flower girls. She loved the sparkly flower and we go with this idea..."Maiden Wreaths" in punk hair-dos...

The Second Problem:

Which would have been okay if only her hair dresser hadn't bailed and the one that did do the hair couldn't figure out how to place them? The hairdos were supposted to be punkish but ended up being "Pebble Do's" [see the flower girl hair]. PoD was not impressed! She had gotten her streaked with red for the "punk" do. So in the end these head pieces did not get used...I had to scrounge up flowers for their hair decor instead...which didn't suit as far as I was concerned. But your talking about a couple hours before the hair time! They were just lucky that I carry emergency supplies for just that reason.

That's all that I am able to up load so will have to continue.....

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I would like to thank Poopsie for my Birthday cake...

Perfect for the Queen of Halloween...except where's the crown...;}

Not bad for an old witch who is now entering her 60th year.....:}

But for now, I will claim the 59 years of "being on the right side of the grass"!

On Poopsie's blog, she is the originator of "True Blue Colors" and usually has pictures of these fantastic cakes made in England. I would like to borrow some of her pics for my other birthday wishes...

My grand son, JD is celebrating his 11th and I would like to give him this one...


I know he'd rather it be this one...

But he'll have to wait til he's 18....sorry kiddo....;}

Happy Birthday J!

My two nieces from Coronation are coming on Saturday to drop off my wedding decor [from Aug wedding] and to we'll celebrate the cake/gifts then....;}

The other birthday wish is for my [Ex] brother-in-law in Edmonchuk. He's a world traveler, so I thought this  one would impress him like it did me...

Happy 71st Birthday REM!

Hope we all have a Happy Day!

My Tarot Card for today is...."the High Priestess"...producer of dreams, the driving force behind dreams!

My Cat Comfort Card is....."Catapult"...Launch yourself forward. Go for it!

Just for Poopsie....thanks for the great cake photos [ LYS ]

Wednesday, February 17, 2010



Didn't notice until this afternoon...their stump is empty? It was the big indent in the snow next to their stump, that alerted me to their plight! The indent looks like a butt plant?

Looking back on the photos...they went missing in the early morning hours!

Guess I have to blame the drunks...they were busy parading back and forth around 6 am ish.

Damn....I wish I could afford a game cam!

All I can hope for is that the alien brothers create havoc in their new place! [hocus I done spocus]!

Weather Report......this morning


All the Orbites?..................or reality.........

Creepy Hollow......

Creepier than ever!

He also needs a new coat...

So the general forecast looks....

Have enjoyed the daylight hours too...they've been very warm, kind of melt y like.

Yesterday I saw a fool kid walk to the fast mart and back with NO coat on!

So I went for a stroll downtown...

You have a happy day....;}

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Enter my crazy Mardi Gras world...

All Lurkers Welcome...

Some even comment...?

Others use their minds...thinking I can read them...;}?

Sadly this is probably the closest way I'll ever get to Mardi Gras....

Feb. 16 is this year's "Fat Tuesday" and seeing as that's how I feel lately I'd fit right in!

But I do dream of looking like this...

Or just wearing a fantasy mask...

While attending a ball or two or three...

Or just taking part in a parade...'s just a dream!


Maybe I'll find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow....

Did yah notice the shamrocks edging their way in.... 

P.S..... THIS ALSO MY 500th. POST!

Hard to image that since starting this blog Sept. 28, 2006 that I would relate 500 parts of my life's story...:}?

Sunday, February 14, 2010


From Me to YOU!


Brought to you this frosty morning...


with Creepy Hollow trying to doing his best...


Welcome to my Valentine/Mardi Gras world...


The village people in the morning glow offer up their hearts to welcome those who have been forgotten or are just alone to enter our [my] crazy world...


 The dungeon, which is cold and empty, waiting for work...

Most will probably want to leave [like my cat of dreams of but too afraid of the outside world]...

But curiosity won't let you....

Looking down as you painted rocks just love being kicked

Looking up offers up "thanks" to those who visit...please take a card


A garage sale find transformed by adding a favorite quote
"Dreams are Whispers from your Soul"...


Then a sea of hearts assault your eyes...





Thank You for dropping by to view all the sparkle...

Soon I will open all my gifts that rest near the Valentine Tree of Happiness
so I wish you Family, BF's and Lurkers a...

