After the scary episode in the old dentist/RCMP room my nerves were a little jumpy and I had to calm myself down before I could attempt to journey out to investigate more. I had told myself that I wasn't going to let myself sense anything else and just ignore the hairs that like to stand up on ones arms/neck!
Easy to say...
Next hair raising event for me was the doorway to the Judge's chamber and the main entrance.
I was in the courtroom with Miles, the contest winner and her friend. Miles was busy explaining the technical stuff that they employ to do some of their investigations while I was just wandering around in the dark. Miles had set up a sensor in the middle of the doorway [between the Judge's bench & his private quarters] on the floor. This device is supposed to be able to sense any change in any energy levels around it.
I had been standing fairly close to it and it would make these strange clicking noises every once in awhile. I asked Miles why it was doing that and whether my standing next to it would be affect it? He said only make sounds when it sensed energy changes close to it and he showed me by passing his hand over it and around it to show that he was not changing anything. In other words...humans weren't setting it off!
Miles and the girls had decided to sit in the Judge's living room and try to sense...whatever, I stayed where I was next to the doorway on the courtroom side, infront of the window. There was NO draft coming from the window [which I would have enjoyed the coolness] to affect any monitors.
All of a sudden I got this uneasy feeling that I wasn't alone any more! The hairs on my neck was doing it's heeby-geeby dance! It was pretty dark in the courtroom yet I swore something was standing right in front of me!
The machine had stopped making any noises up til then, until I asked whether there was something close to me?
What noises came out of it scared the crap out of me! It wasn't a constant fluxuated up and down!
Then it would be quite!
I would wait for a bit then ask for something else...
There would be a long pause...then it would go off again!
This happened 4 or 5 times!
These machines creep me out!
I would happily accept the fact that it was me setting it off but Miles states that it wasn't me!
I also have to go with my sensors!
They were telling me that all wasn't well in that area!
Happily Miles and the girls decided to explore elsewhere and we left the courtroom to investigate the creepy hallway next to the witness room [which has been changed to a lawyer's office] and old library.
While they wandered around there, I hung back and stood in the main doorway to the courtroom. It's kind of a safe area for me as it isn't as dark as the rest of the place.
Well it lost it's safe feeling!
Again...I felt something hanging around me!
It wasn't a good feeling!
All I felt was this urge to get out...almost like something shouting it at me!
Miles and the girls were close enough for me to not be alone...yet I felt like I WAS!
The whole time I was rushing down the main stairs I felt like there was something trying to push me!
Earlier I was able to stand in that area taking pictures and even spent some alone time...not once feeling afraid and now I was fleeing the area?
I checked my sugars...all was well!
I wasn't feeling ill...
The heat wasn't that hot up in the courtroom so it wasn't that!
I could not shake my uneasy feeling about the place!
Other than telling PoD, I kept these feelings to myself!
Jen, PoD and I did make another trip to the basement. I had wanted to see how far the museum had got in their clean-up. Seems they had redone the Custodial Quarters. The walls had been freshly painted and set up with furniture and such. It looked quite good in the dimly lit atmosphere [our flashlights] but still held it's creepy feel...especially the back bedroom! Which was made into a nursery...very creepy nursery! Still don't like that room!
The heat down there made it impossible to stay for very long so we got out.
It was way after midnight when JoAnn called it quits for her...she also had an early morning trip to make it back home for another appointment. She's a very busy person. PoD and I did manage to talk to her and asked her opinion on the place and she happily agreed that this courthouse was definetly creepy!
Group pictures were taken...
Again I cursed my cameras!
The next group to leave was the other paranormal group. They had enough and even chose to drive back to the city [Saskatoon] instead of staying in the room they had rented.
Friday night they had all wanted to sleep in the courthouse and tried...
Miles had tried to sleep in the Judge's chambers but said that he felt something push his head into the pillow when he was lying down?
The heat made it harder?
They got rooms for the next night!
I'm not kidding when I say I won't sleep in there!
Anyways, all were pretty tired and the heat does take it's toll...
It was a bedraggled group that had met us and they looked worse by the time PoD and I left at 3:30 am!
Normally I would have stayed to help take down but we weren't needed for the set-up...
The courthouse didn't disappoint me...
Hopefully it wasn't a disappointment for the others...