PoD had to drag me to get my flu shot on Monday!
I wasn't feeling that great when I watched the kids...my throat/ears/sinus and cough was still lingering from my episode with the swine flu. By Monday things hadn't gotten any better but also not any worse.
Thinking this shot just might help get rid of these annoying hangeroners I went.
My grandson had gotten his shot earlier in the week and had complained of his arm being sore...PoD told him to suck in up ;)
Sorry JD
This is what the needle felt like...
The swine flu shot hurt like hell!
Then they talked me into getting the regular flu shot....
That one hurt worse!
Today is Wednesday and both of my arms are still throbbing like crazy...the soreness even extends to my wrists!
Pod had the same shots and arms feel the same way...except that her thumb joints ache?
As for my cold symptoms....no better
Still coughing my lungs out and my stomach hurts like I've done 100 sit-ups! Sinus range from stuffed to running excessively!
Happily NO fever!
Decided to keep working as much as I can...can't afford not to!
So all I can do now is wait for myself to get better...
hmmmm! I am due to get the Swine Flu jab next Saturday morning......
It seems you do not recommend it much?
I am torn between getting it done, or leaving it to chance.
Not sure what to do after reading your blog though!
Go for it! I'm just a whiner!
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