Friday, November 26, 2010


Going shopping today [8:30 am]...gonna see whether buying new charger for camera [60.00] or get a NEW camera! Better be a good deal or the money don't leave the pocket...;)!

Gonna wear black too!

On another black note....

As per a REQUEST from a faithful follower, I am posting her DARKSIDE ZODIAC. Which is Gemini. I have relatives that are from that zodiac also, so it's an interesting read!

ALL must remember these are not MY words!

These are NOT my opinions either!

Nor do I take them to be a true read, for how would someone know all that about everyone? Everyone is brought up differently and I feel that makes a BIG  difference in your personality. Plus one also must come up with a good idea to sell books now days with the net and all!


You got a complaint, take it up with the authoress Stella Hyde.

There are some points in mine that really ticks me off and I'd like to slap her upside the head!

I do wonder how she comes by some of these thoughts and whether she has any friends left?

YOU ARE WARNED......I don't want to lose one of my friends and one of the few commentators to my blog! My family/friends knows who I am and how I feel...I would NEVER accept this at face valve!


"Gemini: May 22 - June 21

Gemini is a masculine mutable Air sign, ruled by the planet Mercury. It is the third sign on the zodiac wheel, directly across from Sagittarius, and is named for the Constellation, Gemini [the twins], which constantly ducks and dives behind the sun at this time of the year.
On the darkside this makes you an unreliable, roguish sociopath with a light finger and the attention span of a hyperactive mayfly."

See what I mean!

Want more....?

"Annoying Habits:

Punctuality: You're rarely late but never stay long since you are usually on your way to somewhere else that you think might be more interesting or stuffed with classier celebs.
Toothpaste: You have a shiny new electric toothbrush "borrowed" from somewhere, and toothpaste picked up from unguarded retail displays-you didn't pay for it, so why would you give a damn about how it is squeezed!
Temper Gauge: 0 to boiling point in five seconds, inventive invective, blistering bitchery, then back down again in two, mostly because your attention has wandered off. You prefer to get even, not mad.

Personality: feckless, reckless, two-faced. Brightside you is famous for your irresistible charm and sprightly wit. But you [and I] know that it's all a facade isn't it? It's all sparky patter to shift the eyes of the gullible away from what your really up to."

There is much more cause she goes on a lot.


Bitch Rating: A++. We bow to the zodiac's Bitch Queen. Your lightning rapier zigzags with such sparkling wit and style that many bitches don't know they have been slashed for at least three weeks; and your apologies are always so transparently heartfelt and sincere.

Favorite Deadly Sin: Oh, come on! Only one deadly sin? For you, the dilettante of depravity? I don't think so. You need at least four: two for each twin. What to choose? Pride, for sure, although you prefer to use its other name, Vanity [you know you look good so why not say so?]; Lust, because it is fun; Envy [why should the rich have all the nice, shiny things? Indeed, why should anybody have anything you want? And Greed. Greed is good. What's wrong with wanting it all?

Blame your planet Mercury! Mercury is a small dense busybody that scurries sycophantically around the sun in just 88 days, practically joined at the hip with our local star. It doesn't mind the heat just as long as it can be self-important in the kitchen."

A lot of her predictions have to be calculated with what time of day you were born...etc.

So Gemini....if you want more you got to leave a comment and I'll send you what else she has to say that you won't like...;{

Thursday, November 25, 2010


The Age of Innocence....

AJ...her first day of school...Kindergarten

A look of excitement...

Yet a bit apprehensive...but there's a sparkle in those eyes!

A hint of a smile...

She may have HAD a few weeks of happiness...
who knows for sure?

Her life at school has been one from hell since!

She is being bullied by one boy and shunned by most of the kids in her school!

As of today, she cries herself to sleep most nights...wondering what she has done wrong to deserve the hurts that she receives daily from her classmates, especially from one certain boy! It's hard enough being a bully's main focal point, but if you have no moral/physical support from your own sex in your grade [or others] sucks big time!

She says that she has a couple of friends that live out on farms but PoD sees no activity from these friends [?] outside of school and when your daughter says that she spends all of her time alone or in the library filing books during her spare times, things don't add up to any social life in school either!

All you lonely adults out there know what I am talking about...try being a teenage hormonal girl and all alone [family doesn't count]! Things can get serious if not seen to!

She's almost 6' tall and is dangerously overweight in a classroom of SCARY THIN girls! [Most are screaming right now..."quit using the "fat" as an excuse", but in this case it's TRUE!] Thinness rules in this town as I have found thru my own experiences, worse so in the girls in our school! One is even on the "Anorexic" watch list...that's how bad it is!

HER CRIME IN THE BEGINNING: [Kindergarten onward]
She was classified as being "slow witted" [?] by the boy who was tormenting her and the rest of his classmates [plus some town people]? Her problems were; Dyslexia, which makes learning things harder for her due to all the visual confusion of letters and words, she had some slight visual problems which were correctable by glasses, hearing impairment [which required tubes being put in] and the fact that she was taller/bigger than most her age. All of this led to her being very quiet and very shy. She was afraid to talk in case she made a fool out of herself. This helped to labeled her as "retarded" [?] by some?
From the beginning she needed special teaching help to cope with the Dyslexia and that helped to set her apart immediately from the rest of her class. Thing is...she will never be "cured" from the Dyslexia, she will always have it! Yet her grades are excellent and she has never had to be held back...ever! Why hasn't she been recognized for that fact? Maybe it's the fact that she still has to attend these special classes? Her sight and hearing aren't a problem anymore that's not a deterement?

But one could live with those if they were her only problem!

Her worst hell comes from one boy in her class!

Let's start with Kindergarten...

Our naive world of belief in small town niceness, came to a crash one day, when PoD noticed that AJ's body was covered in big bruises...21 of them! Mostly on the legs! That's when she found out about all the torment this boy had putting her through, the latest being throwing rocks at her! Hard enough to leave BIG bruises!

She had been taught not to be a "cry baby" and to fight her own battles. So she tried...

Her response to this boy's torment was just to say nothing and take it! Tattling at that age was not an option for any kid, even in Kindergarten? Sadly Happily bruises tell stories! PoD spoke to the teacher, all was seen to and never happen again...the throwing rocks that is!

Verbal abuse makes no visual marks!

This kid is an expert at meanness!
He has honed his art to a perfection!
A master at his craft and he's only 13 years old!

He did push her too far one day [gr. 2 or 3] and must have got right into her face [plus he was tormenting someone with her] because she retaliated by punching him in the nose [making it bleed]! She had been taught not to hit, but not to take any abuse nor abuse to others either.

He no longer gets that close to her anymore...:)! Sorry...I normally don't condone violence but enough was enough!

A happy time for her was in grade 5 when she was chosen to play "Mary" in an Xmas pageant being held for the seniors, in the senior's hall, only to have that destroyed by him!

All costumes consisted of bath robes and towels for head draping. She looked no different than the other girls, yet was chosen to be tormented by him on the way that she looked, during the bus ride to the place. She had bravely held her tears back until they got there, but could not go in because he had destroyed her confidence in her attire! A tear stained face didn't help either...all would know she had cried! Took lots of talking from PoD and bravery on her side to complete her part in the play with everyone wondering why she had been crying. I knew without being told what had happened and who the culprit was by the smirk on his face through out the whole play!

If looks could have killed...he would have been dead by my eyes alone!

Kids play you say....

Kids will be kids...

They will grow out of it...


For there are many of them!

AJ could probably write a book on "How To Be Tormented And HOPEFULLY  Be Able To Take It"! Sad to say!!!

Let's fast forward to present day torments...[not that I want to belittle all the other experiences she's had to endure...story is long enough] Let's just say they were MAAAAANY!

They are both 13 now...

-Color Purple...a favorite of hers. Looks really good on her, suits her skin tone. Can't wear it anymore. He now calls her "Barney"...whether she wears it or not!
-September...had saved dried "spike pods" just to throw at her! These are hard suckers, some golf ball sized, with pointy spikes that stick to what ever thrown at...they love skin and eyes! Not to mention that can explode on contact, spraying their seeds everywhere! Toxic seeds that is! Picture screaming girl with mouth open and seeds going in...! /:[ His today's past time is reminding her that he has some FROZEN ones with her name on them waiting for her unguarded moment! Whether he really does or not is not the point...the threat is there! Today he adds "Spike Ball" to his name calling. This was due to PoD's talking to his mother [useless venture] and him about the incident. It's now the big joke to him! Can we say bang your head against the wall satisfaction..;(

-She dyed her hair black [which looks good on her] only now her calls her a witch! Sadly it was close to Halloween so that name has stuck too!

-This kid not only torments her but everyone else who gets in his are either in his group or you will get picked on! That is his way! AJ has no girlfriends because most don't want her problems with this kid.

-Can't ride her bike to school anymore because PoD's safety rule makes her wear a bicycle helmut and he loves to torment her more when she does! Let's add "Helmut Head" to the name calling list!

-His usual responses to her are to called her his hateful names to try bring her ego to the ground and they work so well that he has her believing that she is fat, stupid, stinks and is too ugly for anyone to want for a partner.

He has even thrown in the threat of him stabbing her someday!

With a smile in his voice!

If she tries to ignore him, he bugs her until she has to respond someway...hopefully by crying. This means throwing things at her too!

-He so brazen that he even tried to get her attention at a volleyball game, while sitting right in front of us with his buddies! The only one noticing was me [more daggers from my eyes]! He kept calling her name! Happy she never let on that she knew what he was trying to do or if she even knew it at all. The fact is...he did it right in front of us! That's how sure of himself he is that no one can touch him!

And sadly he's right!

He's been kicked out of this school maaaaaaany times!
Been driven to other towns that don't want him in their system either?
Talked with maaaaaaany counselors/teachers/priciples...nothing works with this kid!

Statement from mother of the monster sweet child goes like this...

"If you have any ideas on how to deal with him let me know. I'm out of ideas! I don't know what  I did to raise such a dink like him?" She called him that, not us!

She also said that she gets daily phone calls from the principle about him!

His brother had come home when PoD had called on them and the first statement out of his mouth was..."What has DickHead done now?" Seems dink and dickhead is the normal names for him at home?

What has come out of his mouth to PoD about his treatment of AJ...
"She's not the only one that I bug"
"I don't care what people with authority think about me or tell me to do!"
"I enjoy it!"

ALL SAID IN FRONT OF HIS MOTHER....with big smile on face [probably scary eyed too]!

This is AJ's most recent photo...
Does this look like a face of happiness?

This was the Halloween Dance night. A drastic costume change from the one wore to school. One she had carefully planned. A "Girl of the 70's". A sparkly dress, beads, gawdy tights, high heels and my full length [faux] fur coat. Sounds horrible right? He called her a Hooker! How many of us [guys included] have dressed in that same costume style and not been classified with such distain as she was treated to by him and her classmates because of her costume?

She changed to what you saw in the previous post about Halloween...a "Glamour Girl"

The damage was already done by the sad look on her face that evening...she did try to smile but you could tell it was a strained one!

Now you know what she has/is dealing with...

She has NO self esteem at all, about any part of herself!
She has tried to make friends but every time she tries standing next to some girls they move away from her! They don't even try to disguise it either...they just do it!
She fears for her safety because of the boy's knife threat!
She has nothing but bottled up emotions and says that all she feels is FEAR & ANGER!!!!

What has the school done to help her with the bullying and being a social outcast...

-A young teacher has taken her under her wing during school times and is trying to help build her self esteem back up...but she can't be there all of the time

-They make sure the evil kid sits nowhere near her and are trying to protect her in the hallways!

Other than that...what can they do?

PoD picks her up from school as much as possible...but where's the exercise in that?

The teachers give their usual speeches about "Bullying", what the causes and effects are...but are the kids really listening? Are they even getting it?

This isn't my first time around with this PROBLEM!

PoD's started in Grade 1 [in this town] and continued right up until grade 10! Her crime was being fat and had germs!? She got skinny [gr. 10] and developed an attitude, that was her way of dealing with her tormentors [3 horrible boys and snobby "skinny" girls]! Notice I said "got skinny"...her life changed because she was no longer in that "over weight class" which made her unwantable? As for the germ do grow up, only the damage was done!

Yah, her classmates have since apologized [you know how I feel about that] for their treatment of her then and feel good about themselves for making amends on their past. It didn't heal her left out feelings though...which is what they had trampled on in the first place!

Guess what...she's still being left out? Why did they apologize only to keep the ignoring on going still? These adults?

For AJ, as of a few days ago...
The troublesome boy's parents have finally received a diagnosis on why he is the way that he is. He has: ODD [Oppositional Defiant Disorder], ADHD [Attention/Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder], OCD [[Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder], Russell-Silver Syndrome [failure to grow syndrome] with a maturity level of a grade 3! [Look them will be amazed! I think most kids must be that way lately! ;( ]

What a smack in the head for those parents not to mention for that kid! NO WONDER HE IS THE WAY THAT HE IS!!!

8 YEARS that family has had to put up with this kid and those disorders!

8 YEARS... it's taken to get that diagnosis!


It hasn't only been AJ that has suffered from the abuse from this kid. He has made his home life hell and has destroyed his sister the same way as AJ? What took so long? The mother did say that they had to change Health systems here in order to get these results?

Some can be helped with medication and he is slated for a personal assistant now. Hopefully it will help AJ from here with the bullying by him but what of the rest of them who don't have those excuses?

Is ignoring a person or shunning them, classified as Bullying? It makes them outcasts!

It breaks my heart when I attend her volleyball games and have to watch her being totally ignored, not spoken to and generally not getting to play! She joins these things to fit it and it just doesn't work! I give her TONS of credit on keeping on trying!

It doesn't help that the coaches never include her much either! Both my daughter and her have made great bench warmers for they were too fat to be played? Sad to say they weren't the only ones not played much. Rule goes... only the "fit" [skinny] got to play and not that they were the most qualified! Being fat is only advantageous if you are a boy and play football!

I have to say that this post has taken a long time to write due to it's sensitive nature!

I have had to consider my grand daughter's feelings on letting the world know her problems but I am tired of her being a big secret!

I tried with my daughter, respecting her wishes not to make matters worse for her and stayed out of it. Let her fight her own battles. All that did was let her building her self esteem with anger! I don't want anger for my grand daughter!

I want her to know that there IS someone besides her family that actually cares about how she turns out!

PoD was asked by the school's Principal to keep it quiet about what is wrong with this boy so that everyone won't think this kid is as mentally disturbed as he is? Don't let anyone know what is REALLY wrong with this kid and why he is the way that he is? With this kids actions most don't like him now...won't knowing just what IS wrong better, than that of "he's just a horrible kid"! We all recognize the ones that display the obvious psyhical syndromes but not the ones with these problems! His are immense and I reconize that, but it doesn't change what he has done to my grand daughter!

I want the world to know about what happens with these kids with these problems!

What will he be like in the future when the smoking and alcohol starts?

WILL medication help him?

Against PoD's wishes, relayed from the Principal... I want the world to know! If that includes my lurkers in be it! It's not meant to destroy this kid [?] only to let others know why he is this way and to ask WHY DID IT TAKE SO FRIGGING LONG???

Who is paying for that silence...not my grand daughter nor will the rest of his victims!

He can be medicated and hopefully is! Yes, he has a long road with possiblity of no hope of being "cured"!


AJ's fight back to mental/psyhical freedom has started with her health style change...she is changing her eating habits and exercising! She has now joined up for basketball with her goal being to "do" all sports or at least try to. Hopefully she will get to do more than bench warm! Big people can be athletes too you know!

She also works out at the gym after school...when not doing school sports that is!

She can make herself skinny [and healthy :)] by doing these things...yet


How can one cure her shyness?

Cure her fear of making any kind of mistake? [Judged but who?]

Her Dyslexia will forever be there! Ask the famous people who have the same problem!

She will never be short as well as he will never be any taller!

Sadly she comes from a long line of a family history with hereditary "misfiring synapses" that can lead to serious consequences if not seen to! This is our dark secret [not my side of the family]!

Good start for what kind of future....

Seems the "Age of Innocence" is.......


Thursday, November 11, 2010


"Lest Ye Forget"...

I haven't!
My tribute to the's been lit since the 7th and will stay lit until tonight at midnight!

I remember the high pitched wails from the "War Sirens" that used to be in Edmonchuk [Alberta, where I was born]! There was one half a block from our house. When it went off one never knew whether it was real or just another practice run! Being that close to it made it really loud and quite impressive to a young child like I was. To this day, that sound, still sends the same chill down my spine and the old feelings of dread returns! Our town has a fire alarm siren that is about the same distance as the one from the olden days and it sounds the same!

That was the worst reminder that ones life/freedom could be taken away at any moment by unknown forces!

The other is the "Poppy"!

The RED Poppy!

Removing the War Sirens was a great thing for me and I hope they never have to return!

But removing the color out of the red poppy to promote peace sounds dumb to me!
All that does is make the red poppy insignificant!

Doesn't the red stand for the blood that was spilled for the sake of our freedom?

How does draining the blood that was spilled from that war symbol make it peaceful?

Removing the color from this symbol makes no sense!

The "red" poppy is the symbol for war reminding, isn't it?

Is this not the symbol for peace...
[I meant to show it as a white dove...oops]


I thought they could add it this way....

But I still don't like it on the poppy!

Other symbols like the health and disability Awareness Ribbons...

are represented by colors!
Removing the color did not change the reasoning for their awareness.
The white stands for something else!

 So today I am standing up for ALL of our Veterans who gave it their all for US! 


Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Halloween that is!

My haunt stuff arrived back from the town south on Sunday [7th], all loaded up in a 16' trailer! It was full!

Sadly only 2 had come to help the unloading? Their organizer thought my son would be home to help? He's only here 4 days out of a month?

45 minutes and tons of sweat later, all was done!

It was a happy person seeing them drive away...finally I could finish off the Halloween!

Alas, I had the full garage to contend with before work the next day...



Note all of the HUGE boxes!

I had packed everything into SMALL [managable by me] containers and had labeled what went in each box/container! The marked containers came back [not with the right stuff listed in it] but not the boxed ones that fit where I needed to put them!

Resorting took hours with the big goal to see that ALL of the big boxes were gone, before I was done! Except for the ones that held the mannequin parts. I was glad that I sorted them because they had included some of their stuff too! Plus I was missing a phony mechanical hand! Everything else seems to be there. I didn't go through the costumes or masks boxes as yet and it will be done a bit later.

All that was left was the transporting to their new hiding spots.

The next day, 2 vans [my outside storage units...our used vehicles] and half a room later hosted these treasures for another time. Thank you to the help of Pod!

My yard is a huge hill with a van on the top and one on the bottom! It's murder when cutting grass but a great leg work was the stairs to the storage room! Needless to say one didn't need to go to the gym later [as if I do anyways?]...;{ Can we say Jello Legs and arms!

So was it worth it?

To them YES.....700 victims were put through their haunt! They had to turn people away at Friday and Saturday night's performances. It was a roaring success! They charged 5.00 each so they made 3,500! There was no hall fee and their only big expense was the trade show curtain rentals and the advertising. I will guesstimate about 500 spent. So they might have cleared 3000! Not bad for 3 nights of performances! They said they had 30 people helping the last night and never needed our help.

To tell me!

Even though I/we didn't work or set up the haunt I/we did spend some time on THEIR project and has to be called volunteer work for them...

Get haunt stuff ready for shipping....4 hrs
How-to Haunt Info sheets..............6 hrs
2 trips [x2] for meetings.................6 hrs
Put away.......................................8 hrs
Total time donated.......................24 hrs minimal plus the use of ALL of my stuff for free

What kind of a price would you put on it?

All was done with the kindness of my heart

or stupidity...?

Did get a sealed card that said "Thanks it was so nice of you!" with the inscription that read..."Thanks so much QoH for all your help and letting us borrow your stuff! signed K. Players"

And a 50.00 Gift Card to a department store...

They plan on doing the haunt next year... 


Friday, November 05, 2010


[ Look left]

New face lift!

On here...the bloggy!

Not the body...


Wednesday, November 03, 2010


 NO...not really.
Just our costumes for the Halloween's Family Dance on Friday night.
PoD is "Princess of Darkness", AJ a "Glamor Girl" and JD wanted to be a "Skeleton".

I came as "Mother Nature"...
Which totally blew away all the little kids!

I was amazed at all the little kids who couldn't stop touching the orange tulle cape that I wore. Some even followed me? Many came up to me and with awe in their voice told me how nice I looked...calling me "Mother Nature". I figure their parents must have explained who mother nature was and they took it as something special? It sure stroked the old ego!

It wasn't much of a dance, more like a milling around of dressed up kids and very few costumed parents? Happily there wasn't any judging of's too hurtful to children. All feel their costume is the winner and those who just throw something together are no match for the store bought ones. My preferrence is for the thrown together ones.

Would like to share more photos of this dance only the Exes camera confused both PoD and me, so you will have to take my word on it being very amusing seeing the variations.
PoD and I did get "Honorable Mention" on the best costumes, though. Screw the award, my reward was the look on the kid's faces!
Two hours of sugar frenzied kids was enough for us!

Next up...first my rant

The adult Halloween dance was held on Saturday and it was also a "Benefit Dance" for this poor little boy [2] who is bent over with a tumor that is growing on the side of his neck and spine. It is huge! The parents are extremely young and the financial burden is emmence! They needed this dance to help pay for the numerous treatments and surgeries that it is going to take to help this child...if he survives it that is!

What was very noticeable was the absence of the older citizens of this supposedly close-knit town! I was maybe the 4th oldest? I can't help but compare it to the fund raiser for the boy who lost his father due to a heart attack, the turn out for him was shameful compared to what this boy with the tumor got! That other boy will probably someday have a new dad to raise him whereas this boy with the tumor may not live to even enjoy a dad, period!

Most may not enjoy getting dressed up and hate Halloween but that gives no excuse for not showing up and giving your support to this young couple and HIM! Happily there were 2 that came with no costume just to support him! All I can say to those who didn't attend from this town [with no valid excuse like sick or dead] SHAME ON YOU! You better be sending a check to them or donating through some other means!

There was guys there that were only working in the area...they paid out the 20.00 entrance fee and didn't even know the kid!

As for what you missed...

PoD..."Princess of Darkness"
PoD forgot her staff...note she is wearing killer "slut" boots. With her crown she is about 6' tall!

And me as the "Queen of Halloween"...

and my killer shoes...[5.00]
No high heeled concotions for me! I prefer being close to the ground and have to problem with being 5'3"! Seems I was smarter that those who did wear those killer boots...most came off when the dancing started...;)

We, as usual stayed with our group...
This is our normal and the Orbs!

Its like we have this wall around us and everyone else is afraid to approach it?
Except for the 50/50 ticket sellers and the table cleaners.

Lived here for 28 yrs and still not approchable? Although I did get a few inquiring on sign work...guess that's the only topic they figure I/we know?

Did get compliments on our outfits but they weren't winners.

Best Male Costume..."The Mad Hatter"
This was our selection too!

Best Female..."Cruella Deville"

It was okay but not note worthy in my books.
Didn't get a pic from the front cause it wasn't that great.

Why they picked it was beyond me?

Best Couple...."Extension Cord and Outlet"
PoD had taken the photo before they won and it was our choice too!

Even better was the fact that this was the boy that my son grew up with and practically lived at our place, a second son, you can say. So happy for him and his girlfriend. Both him and my son very seldom see each other any more, as they have gone their separate ways...;(

The next choice wasn't my pick but it was PoD's!

They were dance costumes and won mostly because they looked and were called the "Skanky Ninja Turtles". The pic shows the 3 of them without their "Skank" boots on. The outfits must have been uncomfortably short as most spent their time trying to keep the skirt down. Don't know why they were wearing shorts underneath?

Guess it's jealousy...I used to be that skinny!

They were cute and well made outfits.

We did do some dancing and have pics to prove it...even though it only looks like we are just standing there...

Will be show more Orbs and some diffrent ones
Not sure if can be called a dust mote or Orb...can you see a face in it?

PoD lost her boots after the first song!
Something about "Jello Legs"?

Here's PoD dancing with a few more Orbs...

Do you see a face in the brightest one?
The larger one is probably a dust mote. See the difference?

Yup...even I dance

Doesn't it look like I'm talking to this Orb?

We did have fun without anyone else...even though the dance floor was full.
Here a selection of costumes for your own ideas...
They even held a mock fight...notice the Orb with the face on it?
No...I'm not just pointing to his crotch...;}
Note this has a very distinct face
I never noticed that the mouth looks like it shows teeth in the smile?

One of the final shots. 
We have such a large dance floor area, yet the crowd stayed shoulder to shoulder close near the stage? Granted the rest of the floor got pretty sticky from spilled drinks!

Why do people have to dance with their drink in their hand? It's not like one has to be worried about anyone slipping anything in your drink! This is a small town, everyone is watching your every move!

It got really hard to take near the end...all one wanted to do was go home. Feet tired and it's not entertaining, yet one has to stay because they bought 50/50 tickest and PoD bought a chance on the big TV they were raffling off.

Her ticket was half a playing card. A card that showed all sorts of promise for being lucky!
A Cat Card...a witch's familiar and the 7 [her lucky number] of diamonds

They pulled the 7 of hearts on the cat card!

Guess close only works in horseshoes...;{

And yes my Halloween has already disappeared from my house til next year!

Monday, November 01, 2010


or did we?

See previous post Oct. 22 "In the Dark Ages"...

Dear QoH,

Council reviewed your correspondence dated October 13, 2010 at their October
27, 2010 Regular Meeting.

Council has noted that access will be granted under the following terms:

1.    Shall be supervised at all times.
2.    Must work around all displays.  Nothing is to be moved within the
gallery or the museum which is located throughout the building.
3.    All museum artifacts must not be touched or used in any manner.
4.    The safety of all displays must be given your attention at all times.
5.    Approval of dates must be received from the Administration Office.
6.    The Administration Staff may require access, from time to time, to the
building during your investigation.

If the paranormal group is prepared to work within the above noted rules and
regulations, access will be granted.

If you require additional information, please feel free to contact me.

Town of Dodge Administrator

Sure wished I was at that meeting to hear exactly what was said!

If I read this letter correctly, note #1 & #4, this means PoD and I are responsible for the paranormal groups the we know and have/will, go through us. I'm okay with that! What about those that request access and are granted it that we don't know!

Besides, do we get a say in who gets to this paranormal researching? We do have standards!

What about the USE of our leisure time? How can they book this extra stuff without clearing it with OUR schedules?

I am okay with the ones that we know [baby sitting [town's words] for free] but if they are going to let all that request access and we have to babysit those others...something has to be clarified!

Is this going to be a paying job?

We do have a life, even if I complain that I don't...;}

I knew when the meeting was going to be held but wasn't notified that my letter was going to council or I would have requested to be there, to field any questions. I would have set them straight on that point right away! Yet I wonder at their audacity to think my passion would rule my brain?

Would you stay/sleep in the creepy courthouse with strangers, which can be 2 nights/days...constantly?

Doesn't any of them watch those horror shows...;} cue in creepy music right now.....

Maybe for once you lurkers out there can help with this decision whether we deserve to be paid for the over and above call of duty?

What say you.....